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40 lines
676 B

[IBIS ver] 2.1
[File name] default.ibs
[File Rev] 03/22/02
[Date] 03/22/0
[Source] Microwind2
[Notes] This file describes the IBIS model
| to control the Microwind floorplan
[Copyright] Etienne SICARD
[Component] BENCH01
[Manufacturer] INSA
R_pkg 1
L_pkg 5nH
C_pkg 2pF
[Pin] signal_name model_name
1 A in1
2 B in1
3 C in1
4 VDD1 power
5 VSS1 gnd
6 Clk in1
7 D in1
8 nand2 out1
9 nor2 out1
10 VDD2 power
11 VSS2 gnd
12 carry out1
13 nor4 out1
14 or3 out1
15 Q out1
16 VDD3 power
17 VSS3 gnd
18 sum out1
19 carry out1
20 carryBuff out1
21 xorb out1
22 abuf out1