
iotcat 3 years ago
parent 3780c29779
commit 71a1582fe8
  1. 105

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
title: 精益方法论
titleEN: Work Methodology
- tech
- work
- life
- methdology
date: 2021-08-17 20:18:52
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持续学习; 持续思考; 持续实践; 让一切自然而然发生。
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Keep learning; Keep thinking; Keep practice; Let it happens spontaneously.
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title: 'Caution',
position: 'topRight',
message: 'This page was translated by Machine!!',
buttons: [['<button>Show Original Page</button>', function (instance, toast) {
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title: 'Info',
position: 'topRight',
message: '这是我的一点小感悟啦,希望接下来我能够坚持践行这一理念,让我的事业更进一步!'
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## 序
- 睡觉,自然醒
- 重视三餐,吃自己喜欢的食物
- 每天至少去大自然(公园,树林)带半小时
- 10分钟以上的中度运动
- 充实地生活
## 详述
**持续学习; 持续思考; 持续实践; 让一切自然而然发生。**
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## Preface
Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, my life has been greatly affected. From the beginning of the study abroad life hastily ended, to later eye diseases, and then to the United States visa was subject to a long administrative review and had to postpone graduate school enrollment. After nearly two years of various hardships, I slowly grew up. From the beginning, I suffered from acute anxiety disorder and experienced the British NHS ambulance, until now I am out of school and unemployed. In this uncertain world, I seem to have gradually figured out a way to get along with it.
In order to get rid of my inner anxiety, I tried meditation at first. But due to various reasons, it seems that the effect is not good. Later, I accidentally discovered that watching a documentary on the history of paleontology seemed to have a certain effect on alleviating my psychological anxiety, but it was not significant. However, this opportunity allowed me to gradually understand the source of my anxiety. That is probably the trouble with the uncertainty of the future and the lack of confidence in my strategy to deal with the uncertainty.
After long-term exploration, I found that the following points can significantly improve my mental condition:
-Sleep, wake up naturally
-Pay attention to three meals and eat your favorite food
-Go to nature (parks, woods) for at least half an hour every day
-More than 10 minutes of moderate exercise
-Live to the fullest
In this article, I will focus on the specific content and implementation methods of the last article.
## Detailed
**Keep learning; keep thinking; keep practicing; let everything happen naturally.**
The meaning of this sentence is, don't let yourself be idle. When you have nothing to do, look for the direction or thing you want to do most, such as English or programming, and then do the most inclined process in your heart, such as exploring and learning, thinking and organizing, or practicing. Let intuition guide the specific things that are best for doing right now. But in the general direction, such as whether the current work should focus on learning English or practicing algorithms, it is necessary to fully research and plan.
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