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<h1 class="post-title"><span class=".zh">2018 – 年度总结</span><span class=".en" hidden>2018 – Retrospect and Prospect</span>
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<h2 class="post-toc-title">Contents</h2>
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<ol class="toc"><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#代码方面:"><span class="toc-text">代码方面:</span></a><ol class="toc-child"><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#上半年"><span class="toc-text">上半年</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#9,10月份"><span class="toc-text">9,10月份</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#11,12月份"><span class="toc-text">11,12月份</span></a></li></ol></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#学习方面:"><span class="toc-text">学习方面:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#研究方面:"><span class="toc-text">研究方面:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#生活方面"><span class="toc-text">生活方面</span></a><ol class="toc-child"><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#番剧"><span class="toc-text">番剧</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#调情易趣"><span class="toc-text">调情易趣</span></a></li></ol></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#经济方面"><span class="toc-text">经济方面</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#会展:"><span class="toc-text">会展:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#反思:"><span class="toc-text">反思:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#展望2019:"><span class="toc-text">展望2019:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Code:"><span class="toc-text">Code:</span></a><ol class="toc-child"><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#The-First-Half-of-The-Year"><span class="toc-text">The First Half of The Year</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#September-and-October"><span class="toc-text">September and October</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#November-and-December"><span class="toc-text">November and December</span></a></li></ol></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Learning-Aspect:"><span class="toc-text">Learning Aspect:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Research"><span class="toc-text">Research:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Life-aspect"><span class="toc-text">Life aspect</span></a><ol class="toc-child"><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#ACG"><span class="toc-text">ACG</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-3"><a class="toc-link" href="#Happiness"><span class="toc-text">Happiness</span></a></li></ol></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Economic-Aspect"><span class="toc-text">Economic Aspect</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Exhibition"><span class="toc-text">Exhibition:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Reflection"><span class="toc-text">Reflection:</span></a></li><li class="toc-item toc-level-2"><a class="toc-link" href="#Looking-forward-to-2019"><span class="toc-text">Looking forward to 2019:</span></a></li></ol>
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<p>In the blink of an eye, I bid farewell to 2018 and march towards 2019..<br>As the first year of a completely independent life, I lost my inhibitions and let myself go wild.Then, unexpectedly also accomplished many things unexpectedly..</p>
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<h2 id="代码方面:"><a href="#代码方面:" class="headerlink" title="代码方面:"></a>代码方面:</h2><ul>
<li>掌握了不少新语言,嗯数一数有C, C++, PHP, JavaScript, vbs, HTML, CSS, Python, shell, dos, Matlab (大致是按照熟练顺序吧)</li>
<li>经营着7台服务器,一台win2012在上海(第一台),三台cent在悉尼,亚特兰大和伦敦,国内两台Cent 在深圳和北京,再加上宿舍里的ubuntu树莓派,哈哈哈,,,</li>
<h3 id="上半年"><a href="#上半年" class="headerlink" title="上半年"></a>上半年</h3><ul>
<li>5,6月份尝试搞过一个Steel15高中同学平台,但因为企划模式不切实际等原因,进度一直搁置,最终也在8月份一起被黑掉了(从此养成勤备份好习惯( •̀ ω •́ )y)</li>
<h3 id="9,10月份"><a href="#9,10月份" class="headerlink" title="9,10月份"></a>9,10月份</h3><ul>
<li>9月份的话,开始进军Linux, 通过Vultr搞了不少服务器做尝试,搭建了私人的ss服务器,自此科学上网</li>
<li>9月份,基于开源的NextCloud在伦敦docker搭建了第一个私人网盘,一直使用至今,只是国内访问速度,,( ̄▽ ̄)”,,希望去英国后能好一点</li>
<li>10月份,不爽于诸多被禁番剧,着手搭建第一代Yimian Video视频平台</li>
<li>10月份,多次尝试搞Linux Mail服务,均失败,至今沿用5月份的Windows Mail</li>
<h3 id="11,12月份"><a href="#11,12月份" class="headerlink" title="11,12月份"></a>11,12月份</h3><ul>
<li>11月,跟着北大一个网课,尝试搞Python TensorFlow的图像识别,然后成功半途而废掉了。。不过终于对AI有了实践性的了解,理解到目前的神经网络本质是用一坨多项式去fit一个复杂的自然函数</li>
<li>12月底,基于Dplayer,改良Yimian Video至第三代,支持hls,搭建了弹幕服务器,增添了弹幕功能,通过第三方API连接B站弹幕</li>
<li>12月底,接触pjax,YimianVideo, 视频列表试点应用,并开始着手全站动态化改造</li>
<h2 id="学习方面:"><a href="#学习方面:" class="headerlink" title="学习方面:"></a>学习方面:</h2><ul>
<h2 id="研究方面:"><a href="#研究方面:" class="headerlink" title="研究方面:"></a>研究方面:</h2><p>研究方面,主要搞了三个。上半年调查了Personality trait 对Second Language Acquisition 的影响,最终发现只有内倾型和Grammar优势有着significant 相关性。暑假在欧朗期间搞了关于物联网行业的一个调查,发现业内存在显著的客制化和去中心化发展趋势。下半年在暑期结论的基础上研究了一下Fog Computing, 基本上读遍了近两年IEEE上关于Fog 的文章,愈发坚信未来10年互联网云雾结合的趋势。一个感觉,中国会是这一场互联网架构变革中的关键</p>
<h2 id="生活方面"><a href="#生活方面" class="headerlink" title="生活方面"></a>生活方面</h2><h3 id="番剧"><a href="#番剧" class="headerlink" title="番剧"></a>番剧</h3><ul>
<p>《 刀剑乱舞-花丸 》<br>《 少年锦衣卫 》<br>《 四月是你的谎言 》<br>《 摇曳露营 》<br>《 月色真美 》<br>《 擅长捉弄的高木同学 》<br>《 CLANNAD 》<br>《 KANON 》<br>《 AIR 》<br>《 可塑性记忆 》<br>《 冰菓 》<br>《 Charlotte 》<br>《 龙与虎 》<br>《 星之梦 》<br>《 Angel Beats 》<br>《 斩 赤红之瞳 》<br>《 罪恶王冠 》<br>《 言叶之庭 》<br>《 樱花庄的宠物女孩 》<br>《 未闻花名 》<br>《 刀剑神域 》<br>《 凉宫春日的消失 》<br>《 某科学的超电磁炮 》<br>《 紫罗兰永恒花园 》<br>《 萤火之森 》<br>《 声之形 》<br>《 中二病也要谈恋爱 》<br>《 缘之空 》<br>《 东京喰种 》<br>《 实力主义至上教室 》<br>《 工作细胞 》<br>《 绯弹的亚里亚 》<br>《 从零开始的异世界生活 》<br>《 埃罗芒阿老师 》<br>《 我的妹妹不可能有这么可爱 》<br>《 我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题 》<br>《 白色相簿2 》<br>《 境界的彼方 》<br>《 游戏人生 》<br>《 citrus 》<br>《 命运石之门 》<br>《 未来时在做什么?有没有空?可以来拯救吗? 》<br>《 路人女主的养成方法 》<br>《 fate 》<br>《 进击的巨人 》<br>《 玉子市场 》<br>《 小林家的龙女仆 》<br>《 吹响吧,上低音号 》<br>《 夏目友人帐 》<br>《 妖精森林的小不点 》<br>《 银魂 》<br>《 干物妹小埋 》<br>《 魔法禁书目录 》<br>《 吹响吧,上低音号第二季 》<br>《 利兹与青鸟 》<br>《 轻音少女第一季 》 </p>
<li>观看电视剧:《lie to me》《硅谷》《谈判官》《翻译官》《非自然死亡》</li>
<h3 id="调情易趣"><a href="#调情易趣" class="headerlink" title="调情易趣"></a>调情易趣</h3><ul>
<li>Bilibili看视频425小时,大概刷便了Jack Ma的演讲,最痴迷up主竟然是环球时报。。</li>
<h2 id="经济方面"><a href="#经济方面" class="headerlink" title="经济方面"></a>经济方面</h2><ul>
<h2 id="会展:"><a href="#会展:" class="headerlink" title="会展:"></a>会展:</h2><ul>
<h2 id="反思:"><a href="#反思:" class="headerlink" title="反思:"></a>反思:</h2><ul>
<h2 id="展望2019:"><a href="#展望2019:" class="headerlink" title="展望2019:"></a>展望2019:</h2><ul>
<span class=".en">
<h2 id="Code:"><a href="#Code:" class="headerlink" title="Code:"></a>Code:</h2><ul>
<li>The most rewarding part was discovering and joining Github</li>
<li>Master a lot of new languages, including C, C++, PHP, JavaScript, VBS, HTML, CSS, Python, shell, DOS, Matlab (roughly in the order of proficiency)</li>
<li>Runs 7 servers, 1 Win2012 in Shanghai (the first), 3 Cent in Sydney, Atlanta, and London, 2 Cent in China in Shenzhen and Beijing, plus Ubuntu Raspberry Pie in my dorm room, hahaha,,,,</li>
<h3 id="The-First-Half-of-The-Year"><a href="#The-First-Half-of-The-Year" class="headerlink" title="The First Half of The Year"></a>The First Half of The Year</h3><ul>
<li>In the first half of the year, I helped my father to do 10,000 businesses, connected with the Server in Shanghai via FTP, and managed to make a company website. Unfortunately, in the summer vacation, I was lost by the hacker friends in Latvia (at least IP is), so I abandoned the pit of Windows<ul>
<li>5 or 6 months trying to make a platform Steel15 high school classmate, but because the planning mode is impractical, the schedule has been put on hold, and finally in August hacked together (from a good habit to pay close attention to regular backups (, ̀ omega, ́) y)</li>
<li>in July, when I was in the r&amp;d department of euron, I worked with my team members to make a student electronic ID card based on WeChat small program. I worked as a back-end engineer in the card, and finally I did a project defense in front of the school and enterprise bosses</li>
<li>During the summer vacation, I conducted two projects with Wifiduino at home, such as solar energy automatic water addition and self-induction of corridor lights. During the designing and purchasing of materials, I got some knowledge of water pipes and electric wires.It is said that the board is still running well</li>
<h3 id="September-and-October"><a href="#September-and-October" class="headerlink" title="September and October"></a>September and October</h3><ul>
<li>In September, it started to move into Linux, experimenting with servers through Vultr, setting up a private SS server that has been scientifically connected ever since</li>
<li>In September, NextCloud based on open source set up the first private network disk in London Docker. It has been used until now, except for domestic access speed, ~ ~ ~ “, hoping to get better after going to Britain</li>
<li>In September, the dormitory IoT system was rebuilt and has been working well despite a few bugs so far</li>
<li>In October, frustrated by the number of banned Yimian dramas, the first Yimian Video platform was set up</li>
<li>In October, I tried to run Linux Mail service for several times, but failed. So far, I still use The Windows Mail in May<ul>
<li>In October and November, C language as made a small game of rock scissors with data network synchronization and background music</li>
<li>In October, developed an SMS verification code login system</li>
<li>In October, based on shell and a series of Linux software combined with Nginx, I built a port traffic management and statistics system for SS server, and then opened it to my classmates and friends to help them access the Internet scientifically (But my friends in Beijing didn’t respond well, maybe the wall in Beijing is relatively high, I hope this year we can solve this problem by adding confusion).</li>
<h3 id="November-and-December"><a href="#November-and-December" class="headerlink" title="November and December"></a>November and December</h3><ul>
<li>In November, following an online class at Peking University, I tried to engage in image recognition of Python TensorFlow, and then successfully abandoned it halfway. . But finally I have a practical understanding of AI, and understand that the essence of the current neural network is to use a tuft of polynomials to fit a complex natural function<ul>
<li>In November, I started my life’s first Raspberry Pi with an infrared camera. Currently, it can provide live streaming video services.</li>
<li>In December, I tried to develop a WeChat applet for automatic sign-in in class, but failed by ICE’s powerful restriction algorithm.</li>
<li>In December, built a blog platform based on Wordpress that loads slowly,</li>
<li>In December, I stumbled upon frp, successfully achieved service intranet penetration, and applied it to the Raspberry Pi and my PC</li>
<li>In December, I worked on a hotel management system with 5 people in the C language team, and my biggest contribution was to build a bottom-level database system from scratch. The processing speed was slow, even though the hash algorithm had been introduced. .</li>
<li>At the end of December, I entered the pit of Github and came into contact with the DIYgod god</li>
<li>At the end of December, based on Dplayer, improved Yimian Video to the third generation, supported hls, built a bullet screen server, added a bullet screen function, and connected to station B bullet screen through a third-party API</li>
<li>At the end of December, based on Aplayer, a web music player plug-in based on PHP control was developed, which can directly play NetEase Cloud designated playlists</li>
<li>At the end of December, improved the previous login page, added original anti-robot algorithm, and upgraded it to a fully dynamic page</li>
<li>At the end of December, contacted pjax, YimianVideo, and video list pilot applications, and started the dynamic transformation of the whole site</li>
<li>At the end of December, started the Cuckoo machine, using its API to automatically print today’s site visit statistics every night</li>
<h2 id="Learning-Aspect:"><a href="#Learning-Aspect:" class="headerlink" title="Learning Aspect:"></a>Learning Aspect:</h2><ul>
<li>After completing the English EAP course, IELTS exchange is about 6.5 points. After all, it has been taught in English for a year and a half.<ul>
<li>In the liberal arts, I am very happy in history and law. Well, I don’t comment.</li>
<li>I supplemented basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, psychological counseling, and psychometrics at the beginning of the year. I planned to take the counselor exam, but I was very sorry because I was under the age requirement. I’m so happy to learn so many things I like</li>
<li>Circuits, at least basic DC and AC analysis can be done</li>
<li>Daily physical modeling in November, and finally the daily construction can not be solved…</li>
<li>I took the course of urban planning, although I can’t bear to look directly at the impact on the equalization, but now I feel more and more feeling about the city.</li>
<li>The club joined Infoco and got into the management based on the relationship, and then it was always the occasional meeting to come up with ideas, etc.</li>
<h2 id="Research"><a href="#Research" class="headerlink" title="Research:"></a>Research:</h2><p>In terms of research, there are mainly three. In the first half of the year, we investigated the impact of the Personality trait on Second Language Acquisition, and finally found that only the introverted type and the Grammar advantage have a significant correlation. During the summer vacation in Oulang, I conducted a survey on the Internet of Things industry and found that there is a significant trend of customization and decentralization in the industry. In the second half of the year, I studied Fog Computing on the basis of the conclusion of the summer vacation. I basically read the IEEE articles on Fog in the past two years, and I became more and more convinced of the trend of Internet cloud and fog combination in the next 10 years. There is a feeling that China will be the key to this Internet architecture change</p>
<h2 id="Life-aspect"><a href="#Life-aspect" class="headerlink" title="Life aspect"></a>Life aspect</h2><h3 id="ACG"><a href="#ACG" class="headerlink" title="ACG"></a>ACG</h3><ul>
<li>Chasing Fan 56, which are<blockquote>
<p>“Touken Ranbu-Hanamaru”<br>“Juvenile Jinyiwei”<br>“April is your lie”<br>“Swaying Camping”<br>“The Moonlight Is Really Beautiful”<br>“Takagi-san who is good at teasing”<br>《 CLANNAD》<br>《 KANON》<br>《 AIR》<br>《Plastic Memory》<br>“Bingguo”<br>“Charlotte”<br>“Dragon and Tiger”<br>“Star Dream”<br>《Angel Beats》<br>“Slash the Crimson Eye”<br>“Guilty Crown”<br>“The Garden of Words”<br>“Sakura Village’s Pet Girl”<br>“Unheard Flower Names”<br>“Sword Art Online”<br>“The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya”<br>“A certain scientific super-electromagnetic gun”<br>“Violet Evergarden”<br>“Firefly Forest”<br>“The Shape of Sound”<br>“Dating in the Second Disease”<br>“Fate of Space”<br>“Tokyo Ghoul”<br>“Strength Doctrine Classroom”<br>“Working Cells”<br>“Aria the Scarlet Ammo”<br>“Zero-Starting Life in Another World”<br>“Teacher Eromanga”<br>“My sister can’t be so cute”<br>“My youth romance story really has a problem”<br>《White Album 2》<br>“Beyond the Realm”<br>“Game of Life”<br>《 citrus》<br>“The Gate of Destiny Stones”<br>“What are you doing in the future? Is there any time? Can you come to save? 》<br>“How to raise a passerby heroine”<br>《 fate》<br>“Attack on Titan”<br>“Jade Market”<br>“The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family”<br>“Blow, Euphonium”<br>“Natsume’s Book of Friends”<br>“The Little Things of the Fairy Forest”<br>“Gintama”<br>“Small Buried Qianwumei”<br>“A Certain Magical Index”<br>“Blow, Euphonium Season 2”<br>“Leeds and the Bluebird”<br>“Qingyin Girl Season 1”</p>
<li>Watch TV series: “lie to me”, “Silicon Valley”, “negotiator”, “translator”, “unnatural death”</li>
<h3 id="Happiness"><a href="#Happiness" class="headerlink" title="Happiness"></a>Happiness</h3><ul>
<li>Bilibili watched the video for 425 hours, and probably finished Jack Ma’s speech. The most obsessed up host turned out to be the Global Times. .</li>
<li>1017 hours of listening to songs in Yuncun</li>
<li>Listened to a symphony concert</li>
<li>Five trips in Qufu, Taihu Lake, Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden, Jinan and Nanjing</li>
<li>Go to the bar once</li>
<li>Three karaoke</li>
<li>Visit grandma, grandpa, and cousin and nephew</li>
<li>Learn to drive, subject one, subject two, driving from Fangte to Yamaguchi without a license</li>
<li>I watched a lot of movies, so I won’t count them</li>
<li>Pay more attention to life and hair in the later period, and average 2 boxes of milk a day, and gradually keep up with it early</li>
<h2 id="Economic-Aspect"><a href="#Economic-Aspect" class="headerlink" title="Economic Aspect"></a>Economic Aspect</h2><ul>
<li>Project expenses are getting longer, spending 1000+ in 18 years, but still manageable</li>
<li>Scholarship subsidy</li>
<li>Relatively stable investment strategy, average 7-day annualization can reach 4+, the highest time is 7</li>
<li>Cash flow control is okay, there is no cash shortage in one year</li>
<li>Then I found that if I just want to spend more money, I really need to work hard</li>
<h2 id="Exhibition"><a href="#Exhibition" class="headerlink" title="Exhibition:"></a>Exhibition:</h2><ul>
<li>Participate in the China Developers Conference, open source</li>
<li>Go to Shanghai to participate in the World Mobile Conference and get a glimpse of the future of China’s Internet</li>
<h2 id="Reflection"><a href="#Reflection" class="headerlink" title="Reflection:"></a>Reflection:</h2><ul>
<li>Staying up late is a bit too small, visually check the average of going to bed at 1:30 in the second half of the semester</li>
<li>The number of overnight stays is slightly higher, about 15 times, of which 3 times are more than 30 hours overnight</li>
<li>Less exercise, only one swim, not much running</li>
<li>I can’t get up often so I skip breakfast</li>
<li>The rhythm of life is chaotic when I start the process, and I am too eager to pursue functional perfection and perfection</li>
<li>Rhythm is unstable in the second half of the second semester of high school, and mathematics is basically not learned in the half semester</li>
<li>Too much attributed to the school curriculum, which is very problematic in itself</li>
<h2 id="Looking-forward-to-2019"><a href="#Looking-forward-to-2019" class="headerlink" title="Looking forward to 2019:"></a>Looking forward to 2019:</h2><ul>
<li>A more comfortable life</li>
<li>More pleasant rhythm</li>
<li>More sincere interpersonal</li>
<li>Top 100 Github China in 2020</li>
<li>Stylistic two blossoms</li>
<p>This article is over (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ)</p>
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var progress = document.querySelector(".loading-bar .progress");
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// Pjax 开始时执行的函数
var loadingbarStart = function () {
// 进度条默认已经加载 20%
var loadingBarWidth = 20;
// 进度条的最大增加宽度
// 显示进度条
// 初始化进度条的宽度 = loadingBarWidth + "%";
timer = setInterval(function () {
// 进度条的增加速度(可以改为一个随机值,显得更加真实)
loadingBarWidth += 3;
// 当进度条到达 95% 后停止增加
if (loadingBarWidth > MAX_LOADING_WIDTH) {
loadingBarWidth = MAX_LOADING_WIDTH;
} = loadingBarWidth + "%";
}, 500);
// Pjax 完成之后执行的函数
var loadingbarStop = function () {
clearInterval(timer); = "100%";
setTimeout(function () { = 0;
}, 400);
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document.addEventListener("pjax:send", function () {loadingbarStart();
/* Pjax 完成后,重新加载的函数 */
document.addEventListener("pjax:complete", function () {
/* 重载带data-pjax的script,或者.pjax-reload属性内容的script */
$("script[data-pjax], .pjax-reload script").each(function () {
/* Pjax 出错,执行的函数 */
document.addEventListener("pjax:error", function () {