EEE.DOG 呓喵酱の博客 - IoTcat's Blog 2021-08-17T12:44:18.549Z IoTcat Hexo 精益方法论 2021-08-17T12:18:52.000Z 2021-08-17T12:44:18.549Z

持续学习; 持续思考; 持续实践; 让一切自然而然发生。

Keep learning; Keep thinking; Keep practice; Let it happens spontaneously.




  • 睡觉,自然醒
  • 重视三餐,吃自己喜欢的食物
  • 每天至少去大自然(公园,树林)带半小时
  • 10分钟以上的中度运动
  • 充实地生活



持续学习; 持续思考; 持续实践; 让一切自然而然发生。



Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, my life has been greatly affected. From the beginning of the study abroad life hastily ended, to later eye diseases, and then to the United States visa was subject to a long administrative review and had to postpone graduate school enrollment. After nearly two years of various hardships, I slowly grew up. From the beginning, I suffered from acute anxiety disorder and experienced the British NHS ambulance, until now I am out of school and unemployed. In this uncertain world, I seem to have gradually figured out a way to get along with it.

In order to get rid of my inner anxiety, I tried meditation at first. But due to various reasons, it seems that the effect is not good. Later, I accidentally discovered that watching a documentary on the history of paleontology seemed to have a certain effect on alleviating my psychological anxiety, but it was not significant. However, this opportunity allowed me to gradually understand the source of my anxiety. That is probably the trouble with the uncertainty of the future and the lack of confidence in my strategy to deal with the uncertainty.

After long-term exploration, I found that the following points can significantly improve my mental condition:
-Sleep, wake up naturally
-Pay attention to three meals and eat your favorite food
-Go to nature (parks, woods) for at least half an hour every day
-More than 10 minutes of moderate exercise
-Live to the fullest

In this article, I will focus on the specific content and implementation methods of the last article.


Keep learning; keep thinking; keep practicing; let everything happen naturally.

The meaning of this sentence is, don’t let yourself be idle. When you have nothing to do, look for the direction or thing you want to do most, such as English or programming, and then do the most inclined process in your heart, such as exploring and learning, thinking and organizing, or practicing. Let intuition guide the specific things that are best for doing right now. But in the general direction, such as whether the current work should focus on learning English or practicing algorithms, it is necessary to fully research and plan.

<span class=".zh"> <p>持续学习; 持续思考; 持续实践; 让一切自然而然发生。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Keep learning; Keep thinking; Keep practice; Let it happens spontaneously.</p> </span> 2021-05-23T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.520Z

顿悟 关于生活

Idea About life


It turns out that no one is born with nostalgia for the world. So, you can only do something that makes you really happy and happy!

<span class=".zh"> <p>顿悟 关于生活</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Idea About life</p> </span>
未来生活定位 2021-01-24T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.525Z


Abstract in english








<span class=".zh"> <p>经过一年多的迷茫,我逐渐探明我的迷茫原因所在,进而结合社会大环境发展前景,制定出未来数年我的生活发展定位。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Abstract in english</p> </span>我的私人视频网站 2021-01-23T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.508Z


This article will discuss the positioning, operating mode, and potential applications of the website.




从2018年三月,我第一次通过腾讯云Win Server 2012实现了对摇曳露营第3集的发布,从而使其能够在网页上访问。到2018年9月,基于video.js,我第一次搭建了一个视频网站,使用华为云对象存储以及mysql数据库进行集中管理,并将其发布在。2018年11月,配合树莓派3B以及一个红外摄像头,我通过推流实现了对宿舍的24小时监控。2019年2月,我购买了acg.watch这个域名,并将视频站转移至此。此后,我站视频被爬多次,由于华为云存储巨额的流量费用,我觉定暂时停止公开提供服务。2019年11月,在英国,我重构了视频站,不再使用华为云存储这个烧钱的服务,转而寻求onedrive存储方案。此外,新的视频站不再拥有后端,而是使用file-cache机制通过分析onedrive的视频目录自动生成数据集。2020年8月,随着ushio用户系统竣工,视频站开始支持为用户提供个性化服务,包括跨设备播放记录同步等。2021年1月,确定acg.watch的发展方向为多功能在线播放器,此外网站还将提供番剧搜寻功能。同时,考虑到版权问题,我之前私藏的所有视频全部转为私有,只有认证过的朋友们才有权限观看。




  • 番剧资源辅助搜索
  • 多功能视频播放器
  • IoTcat的私藏视频站




Since the first attempt to build a website in 18 years, the pursuit of streaming media playback services has always been my goal.


From March 2018, I realized the release of the third episode of Sway Camp through Tencent Cloud Win Server 2012 for the first time, so that it can be accessed on the web. By September 2018, based on video.js, I built a video website for the first time, used Huawei Cloud object storage and mysql database for centralized management, and published it on In November 2018, with the Raspberry Pi 3B and an infrared camera, I realized 24-hour monitoring of the dormitory through push streaming. In February 2019, I purchased the domain name and transferred the video site to it. Since then, my site’s video has been crawled many times. Due to the huge traffic cost of Huawei Cloud storage, I feel that I will temporarily stop publicly providing services. In November 2019, in the United Kingdom, I restructured the video site and stopped using Huawei Cloud Storage, a money-burning service, and turned to onedrive storage solutions. In addition, the new video station no longer has a backend, but uses the file-cache mechanism to automatically generate a data set by analyzing onedrive’s video catalog. In August 2020, with the completion of the ushio user system, the video station began to provide users with personalized services, including cross-device playback and recording synchronization. In January 2021, the development direction of is determined as a multifunctional online player, and the website will also provide a fan drama search function. At the same time, taking into account the copyright issue, all the videos that I have privately collected before are all turned into private ones, and only authenticated friends can watch them.

Website address


Acg.Watch video station has three development positions:

  • Assisted search for fan drama resources
  • Multifunctional video player
  • IoTcat’s private video station

Development status

The website will continue to be developed, and you are welcome to step on it often_(:з」∠)_

<span class=".zh"> <p>此文将讨论acg.watch网站的定位,运营模式,以及潜在应用等。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>This article will discuss the positioning, operating mode, and potential applications of the website.</p> </span>
Ushio-V2ray使用方法 2020-11-03T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.533Z

Ushio V2ray 使用方法。

Ushio V2ray Instruction..



  • 用户注册
  • v2ray软件安装





本文包含Win10安卓IOS/Ipad OS的软件安装方法,请根据相应流程进行安装。





  • 将下载的压缩文件解压到C盘根目录,如下图




  • 请打开C盘中刚才解压的文件夹,找到名为V2rayV2rayN.exe的程序,双击打开。如下图。

  • 找到右下角任务栏,找到下图中的图标,双击打开

  • 选中窗口上方的订阅,点击订阅设置如下图

  • 打开https://v2ray.yimian.xyz并登录,待出现二维码后点击Copy。如下图

  • 回到订阅设置的窗口,将刚才复制的内容粘贴到地址URL框中,勾选启用,点击确定。如下图

  • 点击主窗口上方的参数设置如下图


  • 选择V2rayN设置,勾选开机自动启动,点击下方确定。如下图


  • 回到主窗口,点击更新订阅如下图


  • 此时,主窗口中会多出一个或几个服务器,如下图


  • 关闭主窗口,右键右下角状态栏中的V2ray,选择服务器->Vmess-Los_Angeles(….。如下图

  • 右键右下角状态栏中的V2ray,选择Http代理->…(PAC模式)。如下图





  • 使用手机浏览器,打开,进行登录
  • 待页面显示出二维码,点击Copy
  • 打开安装的V2rayNG软件,点击左上角三条杠,展开左侧栏,点击订阅设置
  • 进入订阅设置页面后,点击右上角加号
  • 备注中填ushio, 地址url中填刚才复制的东西,点击右上角对勾。
  • 回到主页面,点击左上角三条杠,展开左侧栏,点击设置
  • 进入设置页面后,点击分应用代理
  • 勾选分应用代理模式,然后在列表中勾选需要访问外网的app,如twitter, youtube等
  • 回到主页面,点击右上角三个点,点击更新订阅
  • 点一下主页面列表中的Los_Angeles,使其左侧变绿
  • 点击主页面右下角的V图标,使其变绿


  • 点击主页面下方已连接,点击测试连接语句,检测连接是否成功


  • 在系统设置中更改苹果账户的地区到中国大陆以外的地方,比如英国、美国等。
  • 在app store购买并安装Shadowrocket软件
  • 使用浏览器打开,进行登录
  • 待页面显示出二维码,点击Copy
  • 打开Shadowrocket软件
  • 点击右上角加号
  • 类型选择Subscribe
  • URL中粘贴刚才复制的东西
  • 点击右上角完成
  • 点击首页中的,点击Los_Angeles
  • 在首页第一行,勾选Los_Angeles
  • 使用浏览器访问https://google.com试一下

Process overview

  • User registration
  • v2ray software installation

User registration

Before installing the software, please go to to register with your mobile phone number.

v2ray software installation

This article contains software installation methods for Win10, Android, IOS/Ipad OS, please install according to the corresponding process.



  • Use a browser to visit and download the name Windows_v2rayN-Core.zipThe compressed file.


  • Decompress the downloaded compressed file to the root directory of drive C, as shown below

    If you are prompted to require administrative permissions, please select all yes

    Extracted file image


  • Please open the folder just unzipped in the C drive, find the program named V2ray or V2rayN.exe, and double-click to open it. As shown below.
    V2rayN picture

  • Find the taskbar in the lower right corner, find the icon in the figure below, double-click to open
    V2rayN icon

  • Select Subscription at the top of the window, and click Subscription Settings as shown below
    Subscription Settings

  • Open and log in. After the QR code appears, click Copy. As shown below
    Get subscription address

  • Go back to the subscription settings window, paste the content you just copied into the Address URL box, check Enable, and click OK. As shown below
    Set subscription address

  • Click Parameter Settings at the top of the main window as shown below

Parameter settings

  • Select V2rayN Settings, tick Autostart at boot, and click OK below. As shown below

Start on boot

  • Back to the main window, click Update Subscription as shown below

Update Subscription

  • At this time, there will be one or more servers in the main window, as shown below

    Server list

  • Close the main window, right-click V2ray in the status bar at the bottom right corner, and select Server->Vmess-Los_Angeles(….. As shown below
    Select Server

  • Right-click V2ray in the status bar at the bottom right corner, and select Http Proxy->…(PAC Mode). As shown below
    PAC Mode



Download and install software

  • Open the browser to download the V2ray Android installation package
  • Click to open the installation package to install


  • Use your mobile browser to open and log in
  • When the QR code is displayed on the page, click Copy
  • Open the installed V2rayNG software, click the three bars in the upper left corner, expand the left column, and click Subscription Settings
  • After entering the subscription settings page, click the plus sign in the upper right corner
  • Fill in ushio in the remarks, fill in the things you just copied in the address url, and click the tick in the upper right corner.
  • Back to the main page, click the three bars in the upper left corner, expand the left column, and click Settings
  • After entering the settings page, click Sub App Proxy
  • Check the Sub App Proxy mode, and then check the apps that need to access the Internet, such as twitter, youtube, etc.
  • Back to the main page, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and click Update Subscription
  • Tap Los_Angeles in the main page list to make the left side green
  • Click the V icon in the lower right corner of the main page to make it green


  • Click Connected at the bottom of the main page, click the test connection statement to check whether the connection is successful


  • Change the Apple account area in the system settings to a place outside of mainland China, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, etc.
  • Purchase and install Shadowrocket software in the app store
  • Use a browser to open and log in
  • When the QR code is displayed on the page, click Copy
  • Open the Shadowrocket software
  • Click the plus sign in the upper right corner
  • Type selection Subscribe
  • Paste what you just copied in the URL
  • Click on the upper right corner to finish
  • Click on the homepage, click Los_Angeles
  • On the first line of the homepage, check Los_Angeles
  • Use a browser to visit to try
<span class=".zh"> <p>Ushio V2ray 使用方法。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Ushio V2ray Instruction..</p> </span>
wIoT发展展望 2020-09-14T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.534Z


This article will discuss the next development goals and implementation methods of the Wiot project.











实现了对D1 MINI开发板对nodeJS的pin口映射,并支持诸如ota等一系列功能。















wiot Architecture

如上图所示,wiot架构主要包含三部分:Node节点,wiot Cloud Module云模块,wiot cli命令行程序。其中,Node节点为烧录好wiot固件的NodeMCU单片机,他们通过IEEE 802.11 WiFi进行分布式通信,并于某个节点接入路由器以连接wiot云模块。用户在自己的PC上使用NodeJS调用wiot依赖编写物联网程序。完成后,用户使用wiot cli对开发好的程序进行检查、测试和部署。被部署的物联网程序将运行在wiot云模块上,并可使用nodeJS的接口与其它云服务或数据库进行交互。




wiot节点有四种模式:master模式、slave模式、bridge模式和debug模式。此模式只能在烧录固件时配置。master模式和bridge模式下,nodeMCU将同时开启STA和AP模式。slave模式下则只开启STA模式。master需要有稳定且无限制的电源供电,其功率较大(包含RSA, 协议转换等),不适合低功耗场景。bridge与slave则可以灵活调整功率,可用于低功耗场景。



wiot节点支持低功耗(Low Power)状态。但此状态仅能在slave模式和bridge下开启。此状态可通过wiot api或者wiot-cli进行开启或关闭。低功耗状态由esp8266睡眠功能实现。此状态下可由干电池供电工作数年[1]












  1. 用户下载安装并配置好NodeJS环境。
  2. 用户通过命令行运行npm i -g wiot-cli指令安装wiot命令行工具
  3. 用户运行命令wiot init my-wiot-proj在当前目录新建并配置一个wiot项目文件夹,项目名称为my-wiot-proj。此时,会提示用户填写此项目的一些信息,比如项目描述,作者信息,路由器WiFi账户密码,wiot云模块地址,项目主脚本等。
  4. 用户进入到项目目录,将nodeMCU通过数据线连接到电脑,运行wiot node init my-first-node [--type=<master|slave|bridge|debug>]。这将自动配置并将wiot固件烧录到nodeMCU开发板,并将其命名为my-first-node。type为可选参数,可设置为masterslavebridgedebug,默认为master
  5. 依次按照此方法烧录好所有的开发板,将其部署在生产环境。
  6. 在项目文件夹运行指令wiot status查看是否所有节点均已在线。如果没有,使用指令wiot log配合grep工具查找日志定位问题。
  7. 从项目主脚本(默认是index.js)开始编写你的wiot程序。
  8. 使用指令wiot check检查你wiot程序的逻辑问题。
  9. 使用指令wiot test将挂起云模块中正在运行的程序,并运行当前项目文件夹中的程序。此时,所有控制台输出将显示在你的命令行窗口。使用Ctrl+C终止当前测试并恢复云模块先前的程序。
  10. 使用指令wiot push将本地的wiot程序部署到云端。




安装docker并运行指令docker run -d --name=wiot-cloud -p 3594:3594 -v /var/wiot/data/:/var/wiot/data/ iotcat/wiot


  • wiot help [command]查看帮助
  • wiot clone <host:user/project>将项目从云模块克隆到本地
  • wiot pull使用远程代码覆盖本地代码
  • wiot push将当前文件夹wiot程序部署到云模块
  • wiot node ls显示当前所有节点
  • wiot map [nodeID]显示某节点的连接路径
  • wiot log [nodeID] [--head=<number>|--tail=<number>]查看某节点的日志
  • wiot stop停止wiot服务
  • wiot start开启wiot服务
  • wiot restart重启wiot服务
  • wiot reload在不重置flash变量情况下重启wiot服务
  • wiot init <name>新建并初始化wiot项目文件夹
  • wiot node init <node-name> [--type=<master|slave|bridge|debug>]配置并烧录nodeMCU开发板
  • wiot check检查当前文件夹项目逻辑问题。
  • wiot test将挂起云模块中正在运行的程序,并运行当前项目文件夹中的程序。此时,所有控制台输出将显示在你的命令行窗口。使用Ctrl+C终止当前测试并恢复云模块先前的程序。
  • wiot status [nodeID]显示当前项目或节点状态信息
  • wiot debug start终止当前云端程序并进入debug模式
  • wiot debug set <nodeID> <pinID> <0-255>debug模式下设置某个节点pin的PWM输出值
  • wiot debug reset <nodeID>debug模式下重置某个节点的数据存储,并重连
  • wiot debug get <nodeID> <pinID>debug模式下获取某个节点pin的PWM值
  • wiot debug sleep <nodeID> <pinID> <HIGH|LOW>debug模式下设置某节点轻度休眠,直到被某pin的高或低电平唤醒
  • wiot debug dsleep <nodeID> <millisecond>debug模式下设置某节点深度休眠多少毫秒
  • wiot debug reconnect [nodeID]debug模式下重新组网或断开重连某个节点
  • wiot debug setphymode <nodeID> <b|g|n>debug模式下配置节点WiFi协议为802.11b|g|n
  • wiot module search [keyword]本地和联网搜索可用module类型
  • wiot module install <moduleName|path>安装并配置某个模块
  • wiot module remove <moduleId>卸载模块
  • wiot module ls显示所有已安装模块
  • wiot search [keyword]本地和联网搜索可用程序
  • wiot install <programName|path>安装并配置某个程序
  • wiot remove <programID>卸载某个程序
  • wiot ls显示所有程序


|---.wiot/ wiot系统目录
|---wiot.yaml wiot系统配置文件
|---nodes/ 节点配置文件
|---modules/ 模组配置文件
|---programs/ 程序配置文件
|---local/ 本地代码文件



  • 事件
  • cron定时任务


  • 错误(设备离线)处理


Wiot, a distributed IoT operating system based on NodeJS.

Project Description

The original intention of the project

This project aims to help web developers who are not familiar with firmware programming to implement their own IoT applications.

When developing traditional Internet of Things programs, we need to write, burn, and debug each development board again and again, and connect them in a certain way to provide a certain service. This method is very cumbersome, and the development cost and threshold are relatively high. In addition, the ancient C and C++ languages ​​lack mature dependency management tools, so that it is difficult for us to write development boards as easy and convenient as developing python or nodeJS programs.

This project is trying to provide a method to automate the process of burning and debugging the development board, and move the steps of logic writing to the NodeJS interface of the remote computer. In this way, we are able to centrally manage the functions of distributed IoT nodes. In addition, with NodeJS’s mature dependency manager npm, the development of IoT applications is more convenient and efficient.

So far, down to every IoT node, up to various types of databases and user terminals, all can be configured and operated on the same nodeJS interface. Developers will be able to focus on the development of IoT logic and realize more colorful IoT applications.

First round of development

The first round of development was completed in May 2019, please refer to this blog

Realize the pin port mapping of D1 MINI development board to nodeJS, and support a series of functions such as ota.

Second round of development

To be carried out, plan as FYP project

Supported development version


By providing standardized microcontroller firmware and automated burning tools, wiot abstracts, organizes, and maps the pin port functions of each development board into a callable NodeJS interface.

wiot Architecture

As shown in the figure above, the wiot architecture mainly consists of three parts: Node node, wiot Cloud Module, and wiot cli command line program. Among them, the Node node is the NodeMCU microcontroller with the wiot firmware burned. They use IEEE 802.11 WiFi for distributed communication, and connect to a router at a node to connect to the wiot cloud module. Users use NodeJS to call Wiot on their own PCs and rely on writing IoT programs. After completion, the user uses wiot cli to check, test and deploy the developed program. The deployed IoT program will run on the wiot cloud module, and can use the nodeJS interface to interact with other cloud services or databases.

Node node

Node node uses NodeMCU development board (expansion board based on ESP8266). After using wiot-cli to burn the wiot firmware, NodeMCU will become a wiot node.


Wiot nodes have four modes: master mode, slave mode, bridge mode and debug mode. This mode can only be configured when burning firmware. In master mode and bridge mode, nodeMCU will enable STA and AP mode at the same time. In slave mode, only STA mode is enabled. The master needs to have a stable and unlimited power supply, which has a large power and is not suitable for low power consumption scenarios. Bridge and slave can flexibly adjust power, which can be used in low power consumption scenarios.

In debug mode, the node works in STA and AP mode. Users can use mobile phones and other devices to connect to this node and open the root directory webpage. The web page will display various information about the current location of this node in real time, such as the signal strength received from other nodes, which is suitable for deployment scenarios.

Low power

Wiot nodes support Low Power state. But this state can only be opened in slave mode and bridge. This state can be turned on or off through wiot api or wiot-cli. The low power consumption state is realized by the sleep function of esp8266. In this state, it can be powered by dry batteries for several years [1].


Wiot nodes use distributed networking. Where the router signal is strong, the master node will access the router WiFi network and bridge it. Where the router signal is not strong, each node will find another upstream master or bridge node with the strongest signal and bridge it (except slave).

wiot node distributed networking

As shown in the figure above, the two master nodes close to the router are automatically connected to the router wifi. The other downstream nodes are respectively connected to the upstream node with the strongest signal.


Radio frequency fingerprint identification[2]

Wiot nodes support the use of RF Fingerprint Recognition[2] to achieve downstream communication authentication. This method uses the RSSI function of esp8266 and scan return parameters. When the downstream device attempts to access the network, the upstream device will collect fingerprint information and report to the server. The server compares the fingerprint with the previous version stored in the database and makes a decision whether to allow access to the network.

Cloud Module

The cloud module acts as the cloud part of Wiot and provides cloud functions. The cloud module can guard the wiot program running in the run-time state. In addition, the cloud module can also provide functions such as testing and deployment. The cloud module uses Docker for virtualization.

Command Line Program

That is wiot-cli. It is a set of operation tools provided by Wiot on the developer terminal. Through wiot-cli, developers can implement functions such as testing, deploying, and restoring wiot programs. In addition, wiot-cli also supports a series of common functions such as debug. See the wiot-cli command below for details.

User operation steps

  1. The user downloads, installs and configures the NodeJS environment.
  2. The user runs the command npm i -g wiot-cli through the command line to install the wiot command line tool
  3. The user runs the command wiot init my-wiot-proj to create and configure a wiot project folder in the current directory, the project name is my-wiot-proj. At this point, the user will be prompted to fill in some information about this project, such as project description, author information, WiFi account password, wiot cloud module address, project main script, etc.
  4. The user enters the project directory, connects the nodeMCU to the computer through the data cable, and runs wiot node init my-first-node [--type=<master|slave|bridge|debug>]. This will automatically configure and burn the Wiot firmware to the nodeMCU development board and name it my-first-node. type is an optional parameter, which can be set to master or slave or bridge or debug, and the default is master.
  5. Follow this method to burn all the development boards and deploy them in the production environment.
  6. Run the command wiot status in the project folder to see if all nodes are online. If not, use the command wiot log with the grep tool to find the log location problem.
  7. Start writing your wiot program from the main project script (default is index.js).
  8. Use the command wiot check to check the logic of your wiot program.
  9. Use the command wiot test to suspend the running program in the cloud module and run the program in the current project folder. At this point, all console output will be displayed in your command line window. Use Ctrl+C to terminate the current test and restore the previous program of the cloud module.
  10. Use the command wiot push to deploy the local wiot program to the cloud.

Other operations

Deploy your own wiot cloud module

Install docker and run the command docker run -d --name=wiot-cloud -p 3594:3594 -v /var/wiot/data/:/var/wiot/data/ iotcat/wiot.

wiot-cli command

  • wiot help [command] view help
  • wiot clone <host:user/project> to clone the project from the cloud module to the local
  • wiot pull uses remote code to overwrite local code
  • wiot push deploys the current folder wiot program to the cloud module
  • wiot ls shows all current nodes
  • wiot map [nodeID] shows the connection path of a node
  • wiot log [nodeID] [--head=<number>|--tail=<number>] view the log of a node
  • wiot stop stop wiot service
  • wiot start to start wiot service
  • wiot restart restart wiot service
  • wiot reload restarts the wiot service without resetting the flash variable
  • wiot init <name> creates and initializes the wiot project folder
  • wiot node init <node-name> [--type=<master|slave|bridge|debug>] configure and burn nodeMCU development board
  • wiot check checks the current folder project logic problem.
  • wiot test will suspend the running program in the cloud module and run the program in the current project folder. At this point, all console output will be displayed in your command line window. Use Ctrl+C to terminate the current test and restore the previous program of the cloud module.
  • wiot status [nodeID] displays current project or node status information
  • wiot debug start terminates the current cloud program and enters debug mode
  • wiot debug set <nodeID> <pinID> <0-255>Set the PWM output value of a node pin in debug mode
  • In wiot debug reset <nodeID>debug mode, reset the data storage of a node and reconnect
  • wiot debug get <nodeID> <pinID> get the PWM value of a node pin in debug mode
  • wiot debug sleep <nodeID> <pinID> <HIGH|LOW>debug mode to set a node to lightly sleep until it is awakened by a pin’s high or low level
  • wiot debug dsleep <nodeID> <millisecond> set how many milliseconds a node deeply sleeps in debug mode
  • In wiot debug reconnect [nodeID]debug mode, reconnect to the network or disconnect and reconnect to a node

Common API

To be designed, please refer to One-round development wiot document

<span class=".zh"> <p>本文将讨论wiot项目下一步的发展目标与实施方法。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>This article will discuss the next development goals and implementation methods of the Wiot project.</p> </span>
GRE备考核心矛盾分析 2020-08-20T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.519Z


My GRE preparation started from 8.21, and the first test was 8.28 (scores not submitted). It is expected to be completed by the end of September. The goal is 155+170W3.5. The total process lasts one and a half months. This article explains the contradictions and methodologies that were extracted during my GRE preparation process.


我备考GRE的主要目的是,借助GRE的备考过程,有效提升英语词汇量与论文阅读水平(速度)。于此同时,此次备考过程也将成为Tomato Proj的有效试验,为今后实现有序和谐的生活节奏提供经验参考。此外,申请一些美国学校则也需要提供GRE成绩。









  • 数学常用英语
  • 各种题型解题方法套路
  • 选择方法的方法













Test preparation positioning

My main purpose of preparing for the GRE is to effectively improve my English vocabulary and paper reading level (speed) with the help of the GRE preparation process. At the same time, this test preparation process will also become an effective test of Tomato Proj, providing an experience reference for the realization of an orderly and harmonious life rhythm in the future. In addition, GRE scores are also required to apply to some American schools.

Test preparation contradiction analysis

deficiency of time

Since I invested a lot of time during the summer vacation, preparing application materials, learning and accumulating professional knowledge, and preparing for FYP, I only left about 1 month to prepare for GRE. Therefore, the problem of insufficient time needs to be compensated by methodological refinement.

Mathematical contradiction analysis

Skip mechanism

The key to GRE mathematics is relatively easy for our managers who have passed the science college entrance examination to adjust their expectations to about 170 through a certain amount of exercise review. But this does not mean that GRE math can be taken lightly. When preparing for the GRE math test, in addition to raising expectations, it is more important to reduce variance. Considering that GRE mathematics is relatively tight in design time, only 35 minutes, and there may be some difficult or unintelligible questions, then you must skip it decisively and stop the loss in time. Therefore, in the preparation process of mathematics, it is necessary to form a judging mechanism for judging whether to skip, and the less time-consuming judgment, the better.

Question type analysis mechanism

In the preparation process of mathematics, in addition to reducing variance, we must also effectively raise expectations. Unlike the college entrance examination, the language of GRE math is English, and there are a series of logical traps. Therefore, in order to increase the expectation of GRE mathematics, the following three points need to be “programmed” to refine the corresponding methodology.

  • Common English for Mathematics
  • Various problem solving methods
  • Method of choosing method

Error checking mechanism

Although the time for the GRE math test is limited, it does not rule out the possibility that time will be left. Therefore, you can pay attention to exercise a set of mechanisms that are conducive to using the remaining time error. For example, rationally plan the use of cursive paper.

Reading contradiction analysis

Read it again

Through the training of the past few days, I have discovered a phenomenon, and if I did not understand the article at the beginning, then I basically rely on misunderstanding to do the questions later. Therefore, GRE reading must first understand the article. To achieve this, the s3 version of the sentence can be refined, and the content of the next sentence can be pre-judged through the intermediate relational connectives, so as to recurse.


Read the article in a limited time. .

Fill in the blank contradiction analysis


First brush 3000, and then brush the TOEFL vocabulary. . Then look again. When scanning words, be sure to batch (for example, 500 words as a group), changeable. Pass it several times a day, just flash, and it will be effective in a few days.

Formula processing

Abstract the topic into formula processing. .

<span class=".zh"> <p>我的GRE备考从8.21正式开始,8.28首考(成绩未提交),预计于9月底完成,目标155+170W3.5,总过程历时一个月半。本文阐述了在我的GRE备考过程中,提炼出的矛盾与方法论的汇总。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>My GRE preparation started from 8.21, and the first test was 8.28 (scores not submitted). It is expected to be completed by the end of September. The goal is 155+170W3.5. The total process lasts one and a half months. This article explains the contradictions and methodologies that were extracted during my GRE preparation process.</p> </span>
CS, ECE硕士项目调研 2020-06-24T02:25:39.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.515Z


To prepare for my master’s application in 2021, I did some research on some of my favorite projects and summarized them here.

排名来源:QS2020, USNews2020, 上海交大2019,


英国 (选2-3所)


QS: 9
USNews: 20
上海交大: 23
csrank: 73



MSc Computing Science

  • 学费£33,250
  • 时长一年


  • 任何专业一等学位
  • 雅思6.5小分6/托福92小分20


  • 均分85, con 85 (校友利)
  • gre330 (优留)

MSc Applied Machine Learning

  • 学费£32,500
  • 时长一年


  • EEE专业一等学位
  • 雅思6.5小分6/托福92小分20


QS: 8
USNews: 21
上海交大: 15
csrank: 50



MSc Integrated Machine Learning Systems

  • 学费£28,530
  • 时长一年


  • EE/CS专业二等一学位
  • 雅思6.5小分6/托福92小分读写24-30听说20-30


  • 88均分 (校友利)
  • 85通信(优留)

MSc Computer Science

  • 学费£30,400
  • 时长一年


  • 非CS专业二等一学位
  • 雅思7.0小分6.5/托福100小分读写24-30听说20-30


QS: 20
USNews: 28
上海交大: 31
csrank: 33

MSc Computer Science

  • 学费-
  • 时长一年


  • 大部分工程理学专业二等一学位
  • 雅思6.5小分6.0/托福92小分20


  • 无录取案例,据说因为与军工有关不收亚裔

MSc Signal Processing and Communications

  • 学费-
  • 时长一年


  • EE与信号相关专业二等一学位
  • 雅思6.5小分6.0/托福92小分20

美国 (选1-2所)


QS: 14
USNews: 23
上海交大: 13
csrank: 7 (参考清华8)

M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ithaca)

  • 学费$56,550
  • 时长一年(大部分延期一年半)


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • 雅思7.0/托福小分说22读20听15写20
  • 两封推荐信


  • gre320,强科研

M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering (NewYork)

  • 学费$58,586
  • 时长一年


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • 雅思7.0/托福小分说22读20听15写20
  • 两封推荐信


QS: 48
USNews: 82
上海交大: 95
csrank: 1

Master of Science in Information Networking

  • 学费$50,100
  • 时长两年


  • GPA 3.9+
  • GRE 330+
  • 托福102
  • 三封推荐信


  • 宁诺85+gre326美国暑研(优留)


QS: 18
USNews: 7
上海交大: 8
csrank: 15

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


  • GPA 3.7+
  • GRE 320+
  • 托福102
  • 三封推荐信
  • 可能有面试

新加坡 (选1-2所)


QS: 11
USNews: 34
上海交大: 67
csrank: 16

  • 不同学院可申请多个专业

Master of Technology in Software Engineering

  • 学费S$5,350.00
  • 时长一年
  • 偏向有工作经验者


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • 雅思6.0/托福85
  • 面试

Msc. Electrical Engineering - CE方向

  • 偏向有工作经验者


  • GPA
  • 雅思6.0/托福90 (可免)

Msc. Computer Science

  • 偏向有工作经验者
  • 转专业可能有限制


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • 雅思6.0/托福90 (可免)


QS: 11
USNews: 43
上海交大: 73
csrank: 53

  • 不同学院可申请多个专业

Msc Artificial Intelligence

  • 学费S$58,000.00
  • 时长一年


  • GPA 3.8+
  • 雅思6.5/托福100 (可免)

MSc Computer Control & Automation

  • 学费S$3,350.00
  • 时长一年


  • GPA 3.6+
  • 雅思6.5/托福100

加拿大 (选0-1所)


QS: 29
USNews: 18
上海交大: 24
csrank: 18

MEng. Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • 时长12-24
  • 学费+生活费40万/年


  • GPA 3.6+
  • 雅思6.5小分6.0/托福100写作22
  • gre
  • 三封推荐信

瑞士 (选0-2所)


QS: 6
USNews: 25
上海交大: 19
csrank: 10

  • 转专业不友好
  • 本科学校很重要
  • 每个地区人数有配额

Master Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

  • 时长1.5年


  • GPA 3.8+ (top 5-10%)
  • 雅思7.0/托福100
  • gre 320+ (不强制)
  • 三封学术推荐信
  • 学费生活费一共20-30
  • 有奖学金


QS: 18
USNews: 45
上海交大: 78
csrank: 28

  • 只能申一个专业
  • 没有地区配额,全球申请者竞争

Electrical and electronic Engineering

  • 时长1.5年
  • 转专业不友好
  • 学费生活费一共20-30
  • 有奖学金


  • GPA 3.8+
  • 雅思7.0/托福100
  • 三封推荐信
  • gre 320+ (不强制)

Ranking Source:QS2020, USNews2020, ARWU2019,
The four rankings represent four perspectives (QS->UK,USNews->US,ARWU->China,csrank->cs Industry)

The following information section is taken from the Internet and may contain errors!!


Imperial College London

QS: 9
USNews: 20
ARWU: 23
csrank: 73

Application mode:

Two choices. You can see your second choice when you are admitted.Applications can only be submitted once a year.

MSc Computing Science

  • Fee£33,250
  • 1 year


  • A first class degree in any major
  • Ielts 6.5 score 6/ TOEFL 92 score 20


  • con 85 (校友利)
  • gre330 (优留)

MSc Applied Machine Learning

  • Fee£32,500
  • 1 year


  • EEE first class
  • Ielts 6.5 score 6/ TOEFL 92 score 20


QS: 8
USNews: 21
ARWU: 15
csrank: 50

Apply Method:

You can apply multiple times.The application is handled by the instructor and is not interchangeable between different departments.

MSc Integrated Machine Learning Systems

  • Fee£28,530
  • 1 year


  • First class degree in EE/CS
  • Ielts 6.5 score 6/ TOEFL 92 score reading and writing 24-30 listening and speaking 20-30


  • con 88 (校友利)
  • 85 Telecom(优留)

MSc Computer Science

  • Fee£30,400
  • 1 year


  • One second class degree in a non-CS major
  • Ielts 7.0 score 6.5/ TOEFL 100 score reading and writing 24-30 listening and speaking 20-30

University of Edinburgh

QS: 20
USNews: 28
ARWU: 31
csrank: 33

MSc Computer Science

  • Fee-
  • 1 year


  • First class degree in most engineering majors
  • Ielts 6.5 score 6.0/ TOEFL 92 score 20


  • No case of admission, it is said that because of military industry related not to accept Asians

MSc Signal Processing and Communications

  • Fee-
  • 1 year


  • EE and signal related major first class degree
  • Ielts 6.5 score 6.0/ TOEFL 92 score 20


Cornell University

QS: 14
USNews: 23
ARWU: 13
csrank: 7

M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ithaca)

  • Fee$56,550
  • Duration: one year (most extensions: one and a half years)


  • 3.8 GPA
  • the GRE 320 +
  • IELTS 7.0/ TOEFL small say 22 Read 20 listen 15 write 20
  • Two letters of recommendation


  • gre320,Strong scientific research

M.Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering (NewYork)

  • Fee$58,586
  • 1 year


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • IELTS 7.0/ TOEFL small say 22 Read 20 listen 15 write 20
  • Two letters of recommendation

Carnegie Mellon University

QS: 48
USNews: 82
ARWU: 95
csrank: 1

Master of Science in Information Networking

  • Fee$50,100
  • 2 Years


  • GPA 3.9+
  • GRE 330+
  • Toefl 102
  • Three letters of recommendation


  • 宁诺85+gre326(优留)

Columbia University

QS: 18
USNews: 7
csrank: 15

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


  • GPA 3.7+
  • GRE 320+
  • the toefl 102
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • There might be an interview


National University of Singapore

QS: 11
USNews: 34
ARWU: 67
csrank: 16

  • Different colleges can apply for multiple majors

Master of Technology in Software Engineering

  • FeeS$5,350.00
  • 1 year
  • Prefer people with work experience


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
  • IELTS 6.0/ TOEFL 85
  • the interview

Msc. Electrical Engineering - CE

  • Prefer people with work experience


  • GPA
  • Ielts 6.0/ TOEFL 90

Msc. Computer Science

  • Prefer those with work experience
  • There may be restrictions on changing majors


  • GPA 3.8+
  • GRE 320+
    • IELTS 6.0/ TOEFL 90 (optional)

Nanyang Technological University

QS: 11
USNews: 43
ARWU: 73
csrank: 53

  • Different colleges may apply for multiple majors

Msc Artificial Intelligence

  • FeeS$58,000.00
  • 1 year


  • GPA 3.8+
    • IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 100 (optional)

MSc Computer Control & Automation

  • FeeS$3,350.00
  • 1 year


  • GPA 3.6+
    • IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 100


University of Toronto

QS: 29
USNews: 18
ARWU: 24
csrank: 18

MEng. Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Length12-24months
  • All Fee400,000 RMB/year


  • GPA 3.6+
    • IELTS 6.5 score 6.0/ TOEFL 100 writing 22
  • gre
    • Three letters of recommendation


Eth Zurich

QS: 6
USNews: 25
ARWU: 19
csrank: 10

  • Switching majors is not friendly
  • Undergraduate school is important
  • There is a quota for each region

Master Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

  • 1.5 year


  • GPA 3.8+ (top 5-10%)
    • IELTS 7.0/ TOEFL 100
    • GRE 320+ (not mandatory)
    • Three academic letters of recommendation
    • Total tuition and living expenses are 200,000 to 300,000 YUAN
    • With a scholarship.

Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne

QS: 18
USNews: 45
ARWU: 78
csrank: 28

  • Only one major
  • No regional quotas, global competition for applicants

Electrical and electronic Engineering

  • 1.5 year
    • Switching majors is not friendly
    • Total tuition and living expenses are 200,000 to 300,000 YUAN
    • With a scholarship.


  • 3.8 GPA
  • IELTS 7.0/ TOEFL 100
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE 320+ (not mandatory)
<span class=".zh"> <p>为了准备2021硕士申请,我对一些喜欢的项目做了一些调查,并汇总在这里。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>To prepare for my master’s application in 2021, I did some research on some of my favorite projects and summarized them here.</p> </span>
Hello Hexo 2020-06-16T07:43:54.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.522Z


Migrated blog from Typecho to Hexo.

<span class=".zh"> <p>将blog从Typecho迁移到了Hexo。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Migrated blog from Typecho to Hexo.</p> </span>
认知派生论 2020-02-16T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.513Z


After reading Chairman Mao’s theory of practice and contradiction, it was the first time to systematically come into contact with the methodology of dialectical materialism, and I deeply felt its power and nature. Combining my own previous experience and understanding, I refined the view of cognitive derivation.






[1] 巴甫洛夫 - 维基百科
[2] 認知失調 - 维基百科
[3] 斯坦福监狱实验 - 维基百科


From Pavlov’s dog bell experiment[1] to Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory in the 1950s[2], to the Stanford prison experiment led by Professor Zimbardo in 1971[3], this A series of psychology students’ physical experiments that broke expectations reveals step by step that the role of people’s psychology does not seem to be what most people think. In fact, this seemingly important psychological discovery was actually put forward by Marx, Engels and others from a sociological point of view two centuries ago and perfected it into a theory. Later, Lenin, Stalin and others improved it through practice. After being introduced to China, it was collected by Mao Zedong, combined with the heritage of Chinese traditional culture, and developed into Mao Zedong’s thought of materialist dialectics. The formation of this theory stems from these people’s summary of the social phenomena they observe and the social movements they practice based on the theory. And this reasoning guided the founding of the Communist Party of China and solidly completed the miracle of domestic capital accumulation.

Dialectical materialism is a set of self-consistent methodology, which can effectively guide our life practice, conclude the theory from practice, and then apply the theory to the process of practice. The efficient operation of this cycle is precisely the ultimate meaning of human cognition.

in conclusion

Methodology is a very effective and important tool. It provides people with a set of paradigms (habits) to help people practice the model of “social practice -> knowledge -> theory -> social practice” more effectively.


[1] 巴甫洛夫 - 维基百科
[2] 認知失調 - 维基百科
[3] 斯坦福监狱实验 - 维基百科

<span class=".zh"> <p>拜读了毛主席的实践论和矛盾论,第一次系统地接触了辩证唯物论这一方法论,深感其强大与自然。综合我自己先前的所经所悟,提炼出认知派生这一观点。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>After reading Chairman Mao’s theory of practice and contradiction, it was the first time to systematically come into contact with the methodology of dialectical materialism, and I deeply felt its power and nature. Combining my own previous experience and understanding, I refined the view of cognitive derivation.</p> </span>
左宗棠鸡块 2020-02-16T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.535Z


Share the improved version of fried chicken nuggets~


  • 鸡胸肉
  • 一个鸡蛋
  • 葱末蒜末


  • 鸡肉切小块,加料酒,生抽,淀粉,鸡蛋清,搅匀腌10分钟
  • 鸡块在面粉中打滚


  • 热油炸鸡块至焦黄
  • 植物油蒜末炝锅
  • 加入一勺生抽,一勺多白醋,一把白糖,番茄酱翻一下
  • 加入鸡块,让鸡块上沾上酱汁
  • 撒上葱末


左宗棠鸡块 2020-02-17

Material preparation

  • Chicken breast
  • An egg
  • Chopped green onion and garlic

Preliminary steps

  • Cut chicken into small pieces, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, starch, egg white, stir well and marinate for 10 minutes
  • Chicken nuggets rolled in flour

Core steps

  • Hot fried chicken nuggets until browned
  • Vegetable oil minced garlic pot
  • Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of white vinegar, a handful of sugar and ketchup
  • Add chicken nuggets, so that the chicken nuggets are covered with sauce
  • Sprinkle with chopped green onions

Finished picture

Zuo Zongtang Chicken Nuggets 2020-02-17

<span class=".zh"> <p>分享一下改进版炸鸡块做法哦~</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Share the improved version of fried chicken nuggets~</p> </span>
欧洲旅行支票兑换攻略 2020-02-08T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.532Z


Before I went to Europe for a tourist visa, I had to buy a traveler’s cheque as a proof of funds because I did not have a three-month bank flow. However, when I arrived in Europe, I found that traveler’s cheques were difficult to use. If I didn’t understand the market, I would be defrauded of 15%-20% handling fees. This blog records the pits and Tips we found in redeeming traveler’s checks!

[scode type=”info”]经验一: 尽可能不使用旅行支票[/scode]
[scode type=”info”]经验二: 旅支兑换最低手续费在4%左右[/scode]



圣诞假和室友一行四人一起DIY游欧洲,去了意大利和奥地利两个国家,共5个城市。由于英国的银行卡还没有使用到三个月,无法通过打印流水来办签证,我们选择了另一种方法—购买American Express的欧元的旅行支票。殊不知啊,兑换和使用旅行支票真真是一个大坑。



可到了第一站罗马找到了红色的Change后(如图),却发现700欧元只能给我们590多欧元。这可真的亏的不是一丁半点儿。我对象现场查到了American Express的电话,打过去发现人家现在在意大利没有设点,不过对方建议去银行换,说是可以毫无亏损(注意这也是个坑,,,)。由于有两人已经换了,为了止损,我们决定先不换剩下两人的700欧旅行支票,留着去银行换。

到了第三天,我们去了梵蒂冈那块儿玩,顺便去了附近American Express工作人员推荐的银行,还给中国银行打电话,结果均被告知不接受旅支。这可咋整?

这时刚好发现梵蒂冈周围有一堆change,于是又去问了问报价。其中有一家本来只报590多的,听见我们说另一家给了610多的价,说他们能给我们一个student discount,然后还算了算,报了个640。这下可好,我们开始发现这里面的门道了:其实哪有什么折扣,不过想找个借口吸引你罢了。这些change都是盈利性质的,你把旅支给了他们,他们再通过自己的途径卖给别的地方的American Express,中间可能有一点税收,但只要他们以比扣掉税收低的价格从你这里买下,他就一定能赚(一般还赚不少),不过是多赚点少赚点的区别罢了。而且当地有好几家change,我们主要发现了红色change标识的一家和蓝色的一家。若这家嫌你要求高不接受,那钱就让别家赚了呗。




  • 现在意大利可用旅支消费的地方真不太多,我们去的罗马,佛罗伦萨,威尼斯中,只有威尼斯有几家;
  • 去意大利想兑换欧元旅支,只能在标有change牌子的地方换(当然有的change是不接受旅支的,但很少)。American Express的直接兑换点,至少在意大利应该是没有了,所以没法无损失地换。但意大利的change的确不少,梵蒂冈附近就尤其多;
  • 不要遇见一家,他报个很低的价你就接受了,也不要太信他的话,要知道这很可能是在坑你不清楚内情;
  • 可以先问个两家,了解一下情况。大致估估如果说税可能是百分之二或三,那你起码还是得让人赚个20或30磅,先问问他们的报价,你可以把这个价格说成别家给你的价,去问他们能不能给你高点的价格。当然如果你脸皮薄不好意思胡扯,也可以就只是在这家价格比别家低的情况下把别家价格拿出来激激他们。



[scode type=”info”]Experience One: Do not use traveler’s checks if possible[/scode]
[scode type=”info”]Experience Two: The minimum handling fee for travel exchange is around 4%[/scode]

If you don’t want to see the experience, you can directly transfer to the Tips where you can redeem traveler’s cheques at the end of the article!

My experience

During the Christmas holiday, I went to Europe with my roommates and a group of four on a DIY trip to 5 cities in Italy and Austria. Since the UK bank card has not been used for three months, it is not possible to apply for a visa by printing the record, so we chose another method-buying American Express’s Euro traveler’s cheque. As everyone knows, exchanging and using traveler’s checks is really a big pit.

According to the official website of traveler’s cheques, traveler’s cheques can be used directly in shops in many European cities. In this way, it’s definitely more cost-effective to spend it when traveling than to exchange it back in British pounds after returning to the UK. The British pound process requires a loss of 8%). Ran goose, we found through reading other people’s travel notes before departure that many stores in Europe cannot directly spend traveler’s checks (according to our actual travel situation later, we only saw the traveler’s check logo in several stores in Venice), so we When I decided to go, I changed all of them to Euros at the Red Marked Change at the airport.


But after I found the red Change at the first stop in Rome (pictured), I found that 700 euros could only give us more than 590 euros. This is really not the slightest loss. My subject checked the phone number of American Express on the spot. I called it and found that there is no location in Italy, but the other party suggested to change to the bank, saying that there is no loss (note that this is also a pit,,,). Since two people have already exchanged them, in order to stop the loss, we decided not to exchange the 700 Euro traveler’s cheques of the remaining two people, and kept them to the bank for exchange.

On the third day, we went to the Vatican to play. By the way, we went to the bank recommended by the staff of American Express nearby. We also called the Bank of China, but we were all told not to accept travel. How can this be neat?

At this time, I just found a bunch of changes around the Vatican, so I asked for a quote again. One of them originally only reported more than 590, but we heard that the other offered us a student discount of more than 610, and then it was a good deal and reported a 640. This is great, we are beginning to discover the doorway inside: there are actually no discounts, but I want to find an excuse to attract you. These changes are all profitable. You give them your travel, and they sell them to American Express elsewhere. There may be a little tax in the middle, but as long as they charge you at a lower price than the tax deducted If you buy it here, he will definitely make a profit (generally, he will make a lot of money), but it’s just the difference between earning more and less. And there are several changes in the local area. We mainly found the one with red change and the one with blue. If this family thinks that you are demanding and unacceptable, then the money will be made by others.

Therefore, at this time, if we want to get a higher offer, we have to pinpoint what is acceptable to others (it’s really too cruel to cut off people’s wealth, then it’s okay), and then let them have a sense of crisis. Increase the offer. You can ask a few companies first to see how much they generally give, and then tell him how much other companies give me a price. Next, this person may start to call the above to see what a higher price can be offered, and after a bunch of them, they will give you a slightly higher price. Haha, if you are not satisfied, you can ask another one. Ask (but be careful, if it is a different store in the same store, be careful, after all, there may be one person above them, maybe I will remember you). Generally speaking, if you say that the tax may be two or three percent, then you still have to earn a 20 or 30 pounds. (Of course, you can try to chop and chop again, but it may be more difficult. Big).

So our last two transactions were 640 Euros and 645 Euros respectively (645 Euros were replaced by a similar method).


  • There are not too many places in Italy for travel and consumption. Among the Rome, Florence, and Venice we go to, there are only a few in Venice;
  • If you want to exchange for Euro travel in Italy, you can only change it at the place marked with the change sign (Of course, some changes do not accept travel, but very few). There should be no direct exchange points for American Express, at least in Italy, so there is no way to exchange them without loss. But there are indeed many changes in Italy, especially near the Vatican;
  • Don’t meet a family, if he quotes a very low price, you will accept it, and don’t believe him too much. You must know that this is probably because you don’t know the inside story;
  • You can ask two families first to find out the situation. A rough estimate. If the tax may be two or three percent, then you still have to make people earn 20 or 30 pounds. First ask them for their quotation. You can say that the price is given to you by another family. Ask if they can give you a higher price. Of course, if you have a thin skin and are embarrassed to talk nonsense, you can just give them the price of this one when the price is lower than that of others.

to sum up

The above is all the personal experiences and small tips about the exchange of travel expenses. Of course, these are just some things summarized based on our personal experience, we still need to analyze the specific situation. If you want to go out and play, you still want to walk around more to see how you feel. Therefore, it is not recommended that you waste too much time on this matter when economic conditions permit, as long as you feel that it is almost acceptable. Finally, I still want to say that if you don’t need traveler’s checks to play in Italy, you should not use it. After all, it is really troublesome and there are pits everywhere!

<!--![](> <span class=".zh"> <p>之前去欧洲旅游办签证,由于没有三个月的银行流水,不得已购买了旅行支票作为资金证明。可是到了欧洲才发现旅行支票很难使用,如果不了解行情会被骗收15%-20%的手续费。这篇Blog记录了我们发现的兑换旅行支票的坑和Tips!</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Before I went to Europe for a tourist visa, I had to buy a traveler’s cheque as a proof of funds because I did not have a three-month bank flow. However, when I arrived in Europe, I found that traveler’s cheques were difficult to use. If I didn’t understand the market, I would be defrauded of 15%-20% handling fees. This blog records the pits and Tips we found in redeeming traveler’s checks!</p> </span>
一键激活win10 2020-02-06T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.525Z

一键激活win10家庭版,专业版,企业版,教育版 φ( ̄∇ ̄o)

Activate win10 Home Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition, Education Edition with one click φ( ̄∇ ̄o)


  • 使用此方法请先关闭所有杀毒软件
  • 使用此方法请先关闭所有杀毒软件
  • 使用此方法请先关闭所有杀毒软件

p.s. 如果不放心,请使用 方法二-源码安装

  • 运行刚下载的程序。(请不要修改解压路径)
  • 运行刚下载的程序。(请不要修改解压路径)

  • 点击 更多信息->仍然运行

  • 输入数字进行选择。(可输入数字4获取汉语翻译!!)

  • 耐心等待激活完成~ ::aru:proud::



  • 点击这里下载压缩文件。

  • 解压压缩文件(请务必解压,否则无法运行)
  • 解压压缩文件(请务必解压,否则无法运行)
  • 解压压缩文件(请务必解压,否则无法运行)

  • 双击运行文件夹中的kmskms.bat


  • 点击 更多信息->仍然运行

  • 输入数字进行选择。(可输入数字4获取汉语翻译!!)

  • 耐心等待激活完成~ ::aru:proud::





  • 激活日志 %temp%\kms.log
  • 在本机尝试过的激活码 %temp%\kms.tried_keys
  • kms服务器配置 %temp%\kms.skms
  • ato输出信息 %temp%\kms.ato


  • 进入kms.bat选择3
  • 等待完成卸载!!!


Method one (automatic installation)

  • To use this method, please close all antivirus software
  • To use this method, please close all antivirus software
  • To use this method, please close all antivirus software

p.s. If you are not assured, please use Method Two-Source Installation

  • Click here to download the exe program

  • Run the program you just downloaded. (Please do not modify the decompression path)
  • Run the program you just downloaded. (Please do not modify the decompression path)

  • Click More info -> still running

  • Enter numbers to select. (You can enter the number 4 to get a Chinese translation!!)

  • Wait patiently for the activation to complete~ ::aru:proud::

The script has been sent to the desktop kms.bat, you can delete it if you don’t need it~

Method two (source installation)

  • Click here to download the compressed file.

  • Unzip the compressed file (please unzip, otherwise it will not run)
  • Unzip the compressed file (please unzip, otherwise it will not run)
  • Unzip the compressed file (please unzip, otherwise it will not run)

  • Double-click kms or kms.bat in the run folder.

Compressed file example

  • Click More info -> still running

  • Enter numbers to select. (You can enter the number 4 to get a Chinese translation!!)

  • Wait patiently for the activation to complete~ ::aru:proud::


Activation code

Your activation code will be saved in C:\Windows\kms.key

Run log

  • Activation log %temp%\kms.log
  • Tried activation code %temp%\kms.tried_keys on this machine
  • kms server configuration %temp%\kms.skms
  • ato output information %temp%\kms.ato

Restore inactive state

  • Enter kms.bat and select 3
  • Wait for the uninstallation to complete! ! !

Source code

<span class=".zh"> <p>一键激活win10家庭版,专业版,企业版,教育版 φ( ̄∇ ̄o)</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Activate win10 Home Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition, Education Edition with one click φ( ̄∇ ̄o)</p> </span>
部署新型冠状病毒API 2020-02-03T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.513Z

一分钟快速部署你自己的新型冠状病毒API ୧(๑•̀⌄•́๑)૭

Deploy your own new coronavirus API in one minute ୧(๑•̀⌄•́๑)૭


新型冠状病毒 实时数据 api
项目Git地址: iotcat/coro-api
项目npm地址: iotcat/coro-api








  • nodeJS支持express任意版本
  • git任意版本


$ git clone & cd coro-api


$ npm install


$ node index.js











$ npm i -g pm2
$ pm2 start index.js --name coro-api -o /var/log/coro/api.out -e /var/log/coro/api.err --watch



location / {

如果你不是从根目录映射,记得去index.js中第11行app.get('/', f)修改成你的路径。


爬虫使用coro-py, 请参考其文档。




Novel coronavirus real-time data api
Project Git address: iotcat/coro-api
Project npm address: iotcat/coro-api

API example

Get all

According to province

According to the city泰安

Quick deployment

Environmental requirements

  • nodeJS supports any version of express
  • Any version of git

download file

$ git clone & cd coro-api

Installation dependencies

$ npm install

start up

$ node index.js




GET parameters

provinceProvince (Country)Shandong
city ​​cityTai’an

Modify port

Modify the default port from line 9 of index.js.

Cross-domain prohibited

Comment out line 13 of index.js.

Use pm2 daemon

$ npm i -g pm2
$ pm2 start index.js --name coro-api -o /var/log/coro/api.out -e /var/log/coro/api.err --watch

Nginx configuration

Add the following content to server{}

location / {

If you are not mapping from the root directory, remember to go to the 11th line of index.js and change app.get('/', f) to your path.

Crawler configuration

The crawler uses coro-py, please refer to its documentation.

Open Source Agreement

This project uses the MIT protocol, allowing non-signed commercial and non-commercial use. Go Wuhan! Go China! ! ❤

<span class=".zh"> <p>一分钟快速部署你自己的新型冠状病毒API ୧(๑•̀⌄•́๑)૭</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Deploy your own new coronavirus API in one minute ୧(๑•̀⌄•́๑)૭</p> </span>
香辣牛肉面 2020-01-18T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.510Z


Self-developed spicy beef noodle practice~


  • 面条
  • 两个鸡蛋
  • 两根英国大葱切末
  • 两片姜切末
  • 适量牛肉切丁
  • 准备小碗放一个八角,桂皮,白扣,少许白胡椒粒


  • 热锅植物油香油煎鸡蛋
  • 热水焯一下牛肉


  • 热锅植物油香油,放入葱白部分炝锅
  • 加入开水和牛肉粒,加入碗中的调料,焖3分钟
  • 加入一勺生抽,半勺老抽,一勺蚝油
  • 加入适量鸡精和盐调鲜
  • 加适量红油藤椒油调辣
  • 放入面条,煮到熟


  • 面条添至碗中,盖上鸡蛋
  • 加剩下的葱绿末



Material preparation (for two persons)

  • Noodles
  • Two eggs
  • Two British scallions, minced
  • Two slices of ginger minced
  • Dice beef
  • Prepare a small bowl with anise, cinnamon, white button, and a little white pepper

Preliminary steps

  • Hot pot vegetable oil fragrant fried eggs
  • Blanch the beef in hot water

Core steps

  • Hot pot vegetable oil sesame oil, put the scallion part into the pot
  • Add boiling water and beef cubes, add the seasoning in the bowl, and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, and a spoonful of oyster sauce
  • Add appropriate amount of chicken essence and salt to adjust fresh
  • Add appropriate amount of red vine pepper oil to adjust spicy
  • Add the noodles and cook until cooked

Follow up

  • Add the noodles to the bowl and cover with eggs
  • Add the remaining green onion

With pictures

Spicy Beef Noodle-2020-01-19

<span class=".zh"> <p>自研香辣牛肉面做法~</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Self-developed spicy beef noodle practice~</p> </span>
英国意大利申根签攻略 2019-10-29T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.524Z


I studied in the UK, traveled to Europe on Christmas, and DIYed an Italian Schengen visa. Now come back from the tour, summarize a Schengen sign strategy.




  • Visa申请表
  • 身份证明
  • 居住证明
  • 照片


  • 工作证明
  • 财产证明
  • 旅行证明
  • 住宿证明
  • 保险证明


  • visa申请表原件(在线生成后打印)
  • 护照原件+复印件(黑白)
  • BRP原件+复印件(黑白)
  • 一张证件照-与英国签证一致(要求)
  • student letter
  • 旅行支票原件+复印件或三个月银行流水
  • 往返机票(姓名,日期,to&from)
  • 火车票(姓名,日期,to&from)
  • 住宿证明(姓名,日期,地址)
  • 同行者名单
  • 旅行保险证明(姓名,地理范围,保额)
  • 面签预约证明复印件

  • 旅行行程单(方便跟签证官解释)
  • joint travel confirmation letter(如果某个车票或住宿证明上没有你的名字)
  • 买票者的护照签名页复印件(如果某个车票或住宿证明上没有你的名字)



  • 在线填写完第一页记得点SAVE, 记下页面右上角的Reference Number ::aru:shy::
  • 填写参考这篇攻略
  • 单面黑白A4打印
  • 打印好不要填写,不要签字,不要贴照片,到现场签证官会告诉你怎么办
  • 不要装订,建议用环形针

Student Letter

  • 去学校FB开
  • 需要有人签名,电子打印的签名不行
  • 抬头需要写Italy Consulate


  • 需要提供付过款的机票和跨城市的火车票
  • 票的底部需要有网站链接
  • 所有票上需要有你的名字
  • 如果某张票没有你的名字,需要票上有名字的人提供签过字的joint travel confirmation letter护照复印件
  • 可参考我们的joint travel confirmation letter
    joint letter


  • Booking Confirmation上需要有paid字样
  • 底部需要有网站链接
  • 所有材料上需要有你的名字
  • 如果没有你的名字,需要有名字的人提供签过字的joint travel confirmation letter护照复印件
  • 建议从Booking等知名网站订购


  • 一定要覆盖旅程
  • 保期越长,签证时间越长。。
  • 我们选择的太平保险申根应急签证,供参考


  • 到楼下前台拿着预约信挂号
  • 之后预约信就没用了


最后展示一下我拿到的签证 ::aru:cheer::

General process

Material category

Regular visa materials

  • Visa application form
  • personal I.D
  • Proof of residence
  • Photos

Additional visa materials

  • Proof of employment
  • Proof of property
  • Travel certificate
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Insurance certificate

Material CheckList

  • Original visa application form (print after online generation)
  • Original passport + photocopy (black and white)
  • BRP original + copy (black and white)
  • A passport photo-consistent with the UK visa (Requirements)
  • student letter
  • Original traveler’s check + copy or three-month bank account
  • Round-trip air ticket (name, date, to&from)
  • Train ticket (name, date, to&from)
  • Proof of accommodation (name, date, address)
  • Companion list
  • Travel insurance certificate (name, geographic area, insurance amount)
  • Copy of appointment certificate

  • Travel itinerary (for easy explanation with visa officer)
  • joint travel confirmation letter (if your name is not on a certain ticket or accommodation certificate)
  • Copy of the passport signature page of the ticket purchaser (if your name is not on the ticket or accommodation certificate)

Material Description

visa application form

  • After filling out the first page online, remember to click SAVE, and write down the Reference Number ::aru:shy::
  • Click RETRIEVE INCOMPLETE FILLED VAF above to continue to fill in after logging in next time
  • Fill in the reference this guide
  • Single-sided black and white A4 printing
  • After printing, do not fill in, do not sign, do not post photos, the visa officer will tell you what to do
  • Do not staple, it is recommended to use a loop pin

Student Letter

  • Go to school FB to open
  • A signature is required, and an electronically printed signature will not work
  • Head up to write Italy Consulate

Travel Proof

  • Need to provide paid air tickets and inter-city train tickets
    • A website link is required at the bottom of the ticket
  • All tickets need to have your name
  • If a ticket does not have your name, the person named on the ticket is required to provide a signed joint travel confirmation letter and a copy of passport
  • Please refer to our joint travel confirmation letter
    joint letter

Proof of Accommodation

  • paid is required on Booking Confirmation
  • A website link is required at the bottom
  • All materials need to have your name
  • If you do not have your name, the person who has the name needs to provide a signed joint travel confirmation letter and a copy of passport
  • It is recommended to order from well-known websites such as Booking

Insurance Certificate

  • Be sure to cover the journey
  • The longer the guarantee period, the longer the visa period. .
  • We chose Taiping Insurance Schengen emergency visa for reference

Appointment Proof

  • Go to the front desk downstairs to register with the appointment letter
  • After that, the appointment letter is useless


Finally, let me show the visa I got~

<span class=".zh"> <p>在英国留学,圣诞去欧洲旅游,DIY了意大利申根签证。现在游完归来,总结一份申根签攻略。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>I studied in the UK, traveled to Europe on Christmas, and DIYed an Italian Schengen visa. Now come back from the tour, summarize a Schengen sign strategy.</p> </span>
今天很开心,在这里留个空 2019-10-18T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.521Z


Leave a blank here first, then fill it in slowly~

φ( ̄∇ ̄o)

φ( ̄∇ ̄o)

<span class=".zh"> <p>先在这里留个空,以后慢慢填~</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Leave a blank here first, then fill it in slowly~</p> </span>
Liverpool 学生公寓条件调研 2019-10-09T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.526Z


In order to more clearly and intuitively choose the apartment to live in next year, this article summarizes the evaluation information of each apartment on the Internet for decision-making reference.

[scode type=”green”]大家积极在评论区补充哦,评论推荐使用qq邮箱[/scode]
[scode type=”yellow”]持续更新中…[/scode]
[scode type=”blue”]望大家能够补充更多房源,以便调查[/scode]


Dover Court (我们的最终选择)

  • 步行距离: 8 min (西北)
  • google地图: Dover Court
  • Official Guide: Dover Court
  • 优点: 距Lidl近,安静,管理好,安全,定期有人清洁,social place好,楼下自习室很安静
  • 缺点: 房间隔音一般,部分房间小,有的地方天花板低
  • 价格: £155.54 pw (Last Year)

Horizon Heights

St Luke’s View

Apollo Court

  • 步行距离: 11 min (西北)
  • 同学反映: 不安静(老雷)

Capital Gate

  • 步行距离: 7 min (西北)

Grand Central

  • 步行距离: 12 min (西)

Philharmonic Court

  • 步行距离: 12 min (南)

The Railyard

  • 步行距离: 9 min (东)

Myrtle Court

  • 步行距离: 9 min (东)

Larch House

  • 步行距离: 7 min (西)


  • 步行距离: 9 min (西北)
  • 人脉: 老叶,灯泡

The Arch

  • 步行距离: 18 min (西南)

Albert Court

  • 步行距离: 10 min (北)

St Andrews Place

  • 步行距离: 10 min (西南)

The Ascent

  • 步行距离: 13 min (西)

Lee Court

  • 步行距离: 10 min (北)

X1 Liverpool One

  • 步行距离: 18 min (西)

X1 The Edge

  • 步行距离: 12 min (西北)
  • 其它: 快递可以寄到Cambridge Court (梁斌)

Cambridge Court

  • 步行距离: 8 min (南)
  • google地图: Cambridge Court
  • 缺点: 隔音不好,地毯潮湿,条件差

Vita Student Liverpool

  • 步行距离: 21 min (西)

Liberty Park

  • 缺点: 一楼二楼隔音不好
  • 优点: 回字形楼中间有一个小花园(娇娇,欣怡)

[scode type=”green”] Everyone is actively adding in the comment area, comments recommend using qq mailbox[/scode]
[scode type=”yellow”]Continuously updating…[/scode]
[scode type=”blue”]I hope you can add more listings for investigation[/scode]

All walking distances are centered on Guild! !

Dover Court (Our final choice)

  • walking distance: 8 min (Northwest)
  • google map: Dover Court
  • Official Guide: Dover Court
  • Pros: Close to Lidl, quiet, well managed, safe, cleaned regularly, good social place, quiet study room downstairs
  • Disadvantages: Room soundproofing is average, some rooms are small, and some places have low ceilings
  • Price: £155.54 pw (Last Year)

Horizon Heights

St Luke’s View

Apollo Court

  • Walking distance: 11 min (Northwest)
  • Classmates' reflections: Not quiet (Lao Lei)

Capital Gate

  • walking distance: 7 min (Northwest)

Grand Central

  • walking distance: 12 min (West)

Philharmonic Court

  • Walking distance: 12 min (South)

The Railyard

  • walking distance: 9 min (East)

Myrtle Court

  • walking distance: 9 min (East)

Larch House

  • walking distance: 7 min (West)


  • walking distance: 9 min (Northwest)
  • Connection: Lao Ye, Bulb

The Arch

  • walking distance: 18 min (southwest)

Albert Court

  • walking distance: 10 min (north)

St Andrews Place

  • Walking distance: 10 min (Southwest)

The Ascent

  • walking distance: 13 min (West)

Lee Court

  • walking distance: 10 min (north)

X1 Liverpool One

  • walking distance: 18 min (West)

X1 The Edge

  • Walking distance: 12 min (Northwest)
  • Others: Express can be sent to Cambridge Court (Liang Bin)

Cambridge Court

  • walking distance: 8 min (south)
  • google map: Cambridge Court
  • Disadvantages: Poor sound insulation, damp carpets, poor conditions

Vita Student Liverpool

  • walking distance: 21 min (West)

Liberty Park

  • Disadvantages: Sound insulation is not good on the first and second floors
  • Advantages: There is a small garden in the middle of Huizi Building (Jiaojiao, Xinyi)
<span class=".zh"> <p>为了更清晰更直观的选择出明年居住的公寓,本文汇总了网络上对各公寓的评价信息,供决策参考。</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>In order to more clearly and intuitively choose the apartment to live in next year, this article summarizes the evaluation information of each apartment on the Internet for decision-making reference.</p> </span>
公共开支结算系统 2019-09-21T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.514Z


I studied in the UK and shared with 4 roommates. In order to better control and monitor public expenditures and maintain the balance of public expenditures between each other, I designed and developed this ERP public expenditure planning system during the welcome Wednesday. I hope that this system will make life easier for the next year, reduce conflicts between everyone, and promote the sustainability of public expenditure projects full of happiness OωO


  • 统计日均周均流水,让公共支出可视化
  • 用户申报一次公共支出,并提交发票照片留证
  • 监视各成员间支出不均衡程度,计算方差,并可视化显示
  • 对比本周与上周的开支,给出增减比例
  • 当存在一人支出超出均值阈值,并且存在至少一人支出少于均值阈值,则会邮件这两个人产生一次内部交易
  • 邮件通知内部交易的双方
  • 当上例中收款人收到款项后,需要到平台确认收到
  • 平台所有历史公共开支及发票可查


2.1 前端


2.2 后端


mail系统使用Yimian Mail API快速构建。

2.3 数据库


2.4 图片上传


2.5 用户系统


3. 外观




2020-03-22 更新




  1. 分析客户真需求的经验
  2. 快速搭建生产环境网站工具的能力
  3. 室友对我能力的认可


  1. 基于一系列自己过去的项目,3天时间快速立项并投入使用
  2. 仔细研究需求,判断哪些是真需求,哪些是伪需求。


  1. 快速开发,因为大家在抵达英国后已经开始大量花钱买公共用品,因此,急需使用这个系统
  2. 算法一定要稳定可靠,因为是牵扯到大家钱的东西
  3. 本系统的目的是为了更加方便,把会计的工作交给系统来自动化处理。以此一定要在保证公平的前提下,使得大家之间的内部交易的次数尽可能少,且指示明确。
  4. 如何让大家对系统产生信任。


  1. 基于大量自己先前的项目。用1天开发成型,1天测试debug,1天优化前端,加入方差,百分比等功能。
  2. 参考记账表,使用了表格模式。每次有新的上传,就会实时计算出新的状态。多次测试,充分验证后才投入使用。
  3. 使用“平衡”的构想,关注差异,当差异过大时使支出最多者和支出最少者产生内部交易。且内部交易值为整数。比如我们生产场景应用的是20磅。
  4. 在系统算法稳定的情况下,参考支付宝的设计。内部交易有两个步骤。首选支出者和收入者都收到邮件,告知给谁(从谁收),多少钱。然后在支出者把钱给收入者后,收入者需要登录网页或从邮件链接进行确认。截至此时,系统才认为一笔内部交易完成。

2020-9-8 更新



  • 实现了Ushio用户系统的接入
  • 用户能够随时注册并新建公共账单
  • 同一个用户能够同时在多个账单
  • 用户能够随时加入公共账单
  • 用户能够随时结算并退出某个公共账单
  • 更加智能的结算算法
  • 使用LocalStorage优化了二次访问的速度



1. Function introduction

  • Calculate the daily average weekly flow rate to visualize public expenditure
  • The user declares a public expenditure and submits the invoice photo certificate
  • Monitor the disequilibrium of expenditure among members, calculate the variance, and display it visually
  • Compare spending this week and last week, and give the percentage increase or decrease
  • When there is one person whose expenditure exceeds the average threshold, and there is at least one person whose expenditure is less than the average threshold, the two people will be emailed to generate an internal transaction
  • When the recipient receives the money in the above example, he needs to go to the platform to confirm receipt
  • All historical public expenditures and invoices on the platform can be checked

2. System Architecture

2.1 Frontend

The front end is based on a Bitcoin website platform template found on the Internet, and a deep transformation is realized. It is worth mentioning that the front end uses Ushio-js project as a security and logging plug-in, and got Ushio The system does behind the scenes.

2.2 Backend

The backend is written in php language. Provides 5 interfaces, which respectively provide the functions of obtaining account events, obtaining internal circulation information, obtaining public expenditure information, obtaining weekly statements, and operating.

The mail system is quickly constructed using Yimian Mail API.

2.3 Database

The database uses yimian-db/mysql. Three tables are constructed, which are used to store flow, public expenditure details, and internal circulation.

2.4 Image upload

Directly quote the code of 呓喵酱の图床 with a small amount of rewriting.

2.5 User System

At present, it is simple to implement with additional web pages, waiting for the ushio-auth project to complete the unified integration.

3. Appearance




2020-03-22 update

Due to the epidemic, considering that everyone has withdrawn to China. To save server costs, stop providing services.

Combining the operation status of the past six months, I have made some analysis and summary:

Main gains

  1. Experience in analyzing the real needs of customers
  2. Ability to quickly build production environment website tools
  3. My roommate’s recognition of my ability

Development Methodology

  1. Based on a series of past projects, quickly set up and put into use in 3 days
  2. Carefully study the requirements and determine which are true and which are false.

Challenges encountered

  1. Rapid development, because everyone has started to spend a lot of money on public goods after arriving in the UK, so there is an urgent need to use this system
  2. The algorithm must be stable and reliable, because it involves everyone’s money
  3. The purpose of this system is to make it more convenient to delegate the accounting work to the system for automated processing. In this way, the number of internal transactions between everyone must be as few as possible and the instructions must be clear under the premise of ensuring fairness.
  4. How to make everyone trust the system.


  1. Based on a large number of own previous projects. It takes 1 day to develop and form, 1 day to test debug, 1 day to optimize the front-end, add variance, percentage and other functions.
  2. Refer to the accounting table and use the table mode. Every time there is a new upload, the new status will be calculated in real time. Tested many times and put into use after full verification.
  3. Use the concept of “balance” and pay attention to differences. When the differences are too large, make internal transactions between those who spend the most and those who spend the least. And the internal transaction value is an integer. For example, our production scenario uses 20 pounds.
  4. When the system algorithm is stable, refer to the design of Alipay. There are two steps to internal transactions. Both the first-choice payer and the earner receive emails telling to whom (from whom) and how much money. Then after the payer gives the money to the earner, the earner needs to log in to the web page or confirm it from the email link. As of this time, the system considers that an internal transaction is complete.

2020-9-8 update

Based on the Ushio user system, combined with the operation of the past six months and the changes in everyone’s needs, I reconstructed and developed a new version of the public expenditure system.

New features

  • Achieved access to Ushio user system
  • Users can register and create new public bills at any time
  • The same user can be in multiple bills at the same time
  • Users can join the public bill at any time
  • Users can settle and exit a public bill at any time
  • Smarter settlement algorithm
  • Use LocalStorage to optimize the speed of secondary access


cp-acc is now open to the public, you can go to its website to experience it. But before the experience, you need to log in with your email address through the ushio user system in order to receive bill messages.

<span class=".zh"> <p>在英国留学与4个室友合租,为了更好的控制和监管公共支出,以及维持彼此之间的公共支出平衡,我利用迎新周三天时间设计并开发除了此ERP公共开支计划系统。希望此系统能够便捷接下来一年的生活,减少大家之间的矛盾,促使充满幸福感的公共支出项目持久化OωO</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>I studied in the UK and shared with 4 roommates. In order to better control and monitor public expenditures and maintain the balance of public expenditures between each other, I designed and developed this ERP public expenditure planning system during the welcome Wednesday. I hope that this system will make life easier for the next year, reduce conflicts between everyone, and promote the sustainability of public expenditure projects full of happiness OωO</p> </span>
呓喵酱的一言API 2019-07-29T16:00:00.000Z 2021-08-17T11:00:56.535Z


Hi~ This is the API of IoTcat’s Motto..


  • lang: (可选)语言 e.g. lang=en(英语)/zh(中文)








  • lang: (optional) Language setting. e.g. lang=en(English)/zh(Chinese)

Request address



//Get a random Chinese quotation
//Get a random English quotation

Return value (plaintext)

Random sentence..
<span class=".zh"> <p>这里是呓喵酱的语录API哦~</p> </span> <span class=".en"> <p>Hi~ This is the API of IoTcat’s Motto..</p> </span>