

Build Nextcloud Server on Centos 7.5

Nextcloud is an open-source software project coded with PHP. It had provided a ideal private cloud-storage solution which was considered to be reliable and stable. This blog aims to present a Nextcloud Building instruction step by step for the purpose of helping freshman and future reviewing. Nextcloud is an open-source software project coded with PHP. It had provided a ideal private cloud-storage solution which was considered to be reliable and stable. This blog aims to present a Nextcloud Building instruction step by step for the purpose of helping freshman and future reviewing. Nextcloud is an open-source software project coded with PHP. It had provided a ideal private cloud-storage solution which was considered to be reliable and stable. This blog aims to present a Nextcloud Building instruction step by step for the purpose of helping freshman and future reviewing.

Economy, Environment & Sustainability

经济学是一门研究选择的学问。人们活在世上总是在进行着各种选择。发展落后的国家希望尽快工业化发展经济,来改善自己的生存环境。而工业化后的国家则希望发展同时兼顾环境。于是落后国家需要50年来发展工业,搞基建,破坏环境。之后的50年则拼命治理环境,发展生态。由于地球生态是一个整体,发达国家非常不爽落后的国家搞工业化污染环境,于是各种矛盾。不过在21世纪,有望利用信息数字科技打破50-50年法则,为新一批的国家崛起提供蹊径( ๑´•ω•) “

Fog Architecture and Internet of Things

In the past few decades, Internet has been rapidly expanding and it plays an increasingly important role in people’s life. After the involvement of nearly all humans on the earth [1], developers, inevitably, expected to make more things available for the internet, which then generated the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT). Regrettably, in the case that a considerable number of things connect to the internet, its current architecture seems not to be a so efficient solution for IoT. Bonomi et al. [2] from Cisco firstly noticed this issue and they then put forward a revolutionary concept of Fog to satisfy the access of a surging number and variety of devices in the coming IoT era. This essay will argue that the Fog concept can have considerable impact on promoting IoT construction.


全球气候变化与人类行为有着显著的相关性,人类行为又会改变气候的自然变化。通过研究Ice core等Archive,发现地球历史中温度与$CO_{2}$浓度有着显著正相关性。如今,人类行为使大气$CO_{2}$含量远超其正常水平,其可能引起全球变暖,冰川融化等,但仅为可能..

hello hexo



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var ee = 1;




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