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<h1 class="post-title"><span class=".zh">欧洲旅行支票兑换攻略</span><span class=".en" hidden>How to redeem traveler's checks</span>
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<p>Before I went to Europe for a tourist visa, I had to buy a traveler’s cheque as a proof of funds because I did not have a three-month bank flow. However, when I arrived in Europe, I found that traveler’s cheques were difficult to use. If I didn’t understand the market, I would be defrauded of 15%-20% handling fees. This blog records the pits and Tips we found in redeeming traveler’s checks!</p>
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<p>[scode type=”info”]<strong>经验一</strong>: 尽可能<strong>不使用</strong>旅行支票[/scode]<br>[scode type=”info”]<strong>经验二</strong>: 旅支兑换<strong>最低手续费</strong>在4%左右[/scode]</p>
<h2 id="我的经历"><a href="#我的经历" class="headerlink" title="我的经历"></a>我的经历</h2><p>圣诞假和室友一行四人一起DIY游欧洲,去了意大利和奥地利两个国家,共5个城市。由于英国的银行卡还没有使用到三个月,无法通过打印流水来办签证,我们选择了另一种方法—购买American Express的欧元的旅行支票。殊不知啊,兑换和使用旅行支票真真是一个大坑。</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Change"></p>
<p>可到了第一站罗马找到了红色的Change后(如图),却发现700欧元只能给我们590多欧元。这可真的亏的不是一丁半点儿。我对象现场查到了American Express的电话,打过去发现人家现在在意大利没有设点,不过对方建议去银行换,说是可以毫无亏损(注意这也是个坑,,,)。由于有两人已经换了,为了止损,我们决定先不换剩下两人的700欧旅行支票,留着去银行换。</p>
<p>到了第三天,我们去了梵蒂冈那块儿玩,顺便去了附近American Express工作人员推荐的银行,还给中国银行打电话,结果均被告知不接受旅支。这可咋整?</p>
<p>这时刚好发现梵蒂冈周围有一堆change,于是又去问了问报价。其中有一家本来只报590多的,听见我们说另一家给了610多的价,说他们能给我们一个student discount,然后还算了算,报了个640。这下可好,我们开始发现这里面的门道了:其实哪有什么折扣,不过想找个借口吸引你罢了。这些change都是盈利性质的,你把旅支给了他们,他们再通过自己的途径卖给别的地方的American Express,中间可能有一点税收,但只要他们以比扣掉税收低的价格从你这里买下,他就一定能赚(一般还赚不少),不过是多赚点少赚点的区别罢了。而且当地有好几家change,我们主要发现了红色change标识的一家和蓝色的一家。若这家嫌你要求高不接受,那钱就让别家赚了呗。</p>
<h2 id="Tips"><a href="#Tips" class="headerlink" title="Tips"></a>Tips</h2><ul>
<li>去意大利想兑换欧元旅支,只能在标有change牌子的地方换(当然有的change是不接受旅支的,但很少)。American Express的直接兑换点,至少在意大利应该是没有了,所以没法无损失地换。但意大利的change的确不少,梵蒂冈附近就尤其多;</li>
<h2 id="总结"><a href="#总结" class="headerlink" title="总结"></a>总结</h2><p>以上就是所有关于旅支兑换的一些个人经历和小tips啦,当然这只是结合我们的个人体会总结的一些东西,还是要结合具体情况分析了。出去游玩肯定主要还是想多走走看看感受下,所以在经济条件允许的状况下也不建议大家在这件事上浪费太多时间,只要你自己觉得差不多能接受就行了。最后,还是想说,去意大利玩能不用旅行支票就还是别用了,毕竟真的挺麻烦还处处是坑!</p>
<span class=".en">
<p>[scode type=”info”]<strong>Experience One</strong>: <strong>Do not use</strong> traveler’s checks if possible[/scode]<br>[scode type=”info”]<strong>Experience Two</strong>: The <strong>minimum handling fee</strong> for travel exchange is around 4%[/scode]</p>
<p>If you don’t want to see the experience, you can directly transfer to the Tips where you can redeem traveler’s cheques at the end of the article!</p>
<h2 id="My-experience"><a href="#My-experience" class="headerlink" title="My experience"></a>My experience</h2><p>During the Christmas holiday, I went to Europe with my roommates and a group of four on a DIY trip to 5 cities in Italy and Austria. Since the UK bank card has not been used for three months, it is not possible to apply for a visa by printing the record, so we chose another method-buying American Express’s Euro traveler’s cheque. As everyone knows, exchanging and using traveler’s checks is really a big pit.</p>
<p>According to the official website of traveler’s cheques, traveler’s cheques can be used directly in shops in many European cities. In this way, it’s definitely more cost-effective to spend it when traveling than to exchange it back in British pounds after returning to the UK. The British pound process requires a loss of 8%). Ran goose, we found through reading other people’s travel notes before departure that many stores in Europe cannot directly spend traveler’s checks (according to our actual travel situation later, we only saw the traveler’s check logo in several stores in Venice), so we When I decided to go, I changed all of them to Euros at the Red Marked Change at the airport.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Change"></p>
<p>But after I found the red Change at the first stop in Rome (pictured), I found that 700 euros could only give us more than 590 euros. This is really not the slightest loss. My subject checked the phone number of American Express on the spot. I called it and found that there is no location in Italy, but the other party suggested to change to the bank, saying that there is no loss (note that this is also a pit,,,). Since two people have already exchanged them, in order to stop the loss, we decided not to exchange the 700 Euro traveler’s cheques of the remaining two people, and kept them to the bank for exchange.</p>
<p>On the third day, we went to the Vatican to play. By the way, we went to the bank recommended by the staff of American Express nearby. We also called the Bank of China, but we were all told not to accept travel. How can this be neat?</p>
<p>At this time, I just found a bunch of changes around the Vatican, so I asked for a quote again. One of them originally only reported more than 590, but we heard that the other offered us a student discount of more than 610, and then it was a good deal and reported a 640. This is great, we are beginning to discover the doorway inside: there are actually no discounts, but I want to find an excuse to attract you. These changes are all profitable. You give them your travel, and they sell them to American Express elsewhere. There may be a little tax in the middle, but as long as they charge you at a lower price than the tax deducted If you buy it here, he will definitely make a profit (generally, he will make a lot of money), but it’s just the difference between earning more and less. And there are several changes in the local area. We mainly found the one with red change and the one with blue. If this family thinks that you are demanding and unacceptable, then the money will be made by others.</p>
<p>Therefore, at this time, if we want to get a higher offer, we have to pinpoint what is acceptable to others (it’s really too cruel to cut off people’s wealth, then it’s okay), and then let them have a sense of crisis. Increase the offer. You can ask a few companies first to see how much they generally give, and then tell him how much other companies give me a price. Next, this person may start to call the above to see what a higher price can be offered, and after a bunch of them, they will give you a slightly higher price. Haha, if you are not satisfied, you can ask another one. Ask (but be careful, if it is a different store in the same store, be careful, after all, there may be one person above them, maybe I will remember you). Generally speaking, if you say that the tax may be two or three percent, then you still have to earn a 20 or 30 pounds. (Of course, you can try to chop and chop again, but it may be more difficult. Big).</p>
<p>So our last two transactions were 640 Euros and 645 Euros respectively (645 Euros were replaced by a similar method).</p>
<h2 id="Tips-1"><a href="#Tips-1" class="headerlink" title="Tips"></a>Tips</h2><ul>
<li>There are not too many places in Italy for travel and consumption. Among the Rome, Florence, and Venice we go to, there are only a few in Venice;</li>
<li>If you want to exchange for Euro travel in Italy, you can only change it at the place marked with the change sign (Of course, some changes do not accept travel, but very few). There should be no direct exchange points for American Express, at least in Italy, so there is no way to exchange them without loss. But there are indeed many changes in Italy, especially near the Vatican;</li>
<li>Don’t meet a family, if he quotes a very low price, you will accept it, and don’t believe him too much. You must know that this is probably because you don’t know the inside story;</li>
<li>You can ask two families first to find out the situation. A rough estimate. If the tax may be two or three percent, then you still have to make people earn 20 or 30 pounds. First ask them for their quotation. You can say that the price is given to you by another family. Ask if they can give you a higher price. Of course, if you have a thin skin and are embarrassed to talk nonsense, you can just give them the price of this one when the price is lower than that of others.</li>
<h2 id="to-sum-up"><a href="#to-sum-up" class="headerlink" title="to sum up"></a>to sum up</h2><p>The above is all the personal experiences and small tips about the exchange of travel expenses. Of course, these are just some things summarized based on our personal experience, we still need to analyze the specific situation. If you want to go out and play, you still want to walk around more to see how you feel. Therefore, it is not recommended that you waste too much time on this matter when economic conditions permit, as long as you feel that it is almost acceptable. Finally, I still want to say that if you don’t need traveler’s checks to play in Italy, you should not use it. After all, it is really troublesome and there are pits everywhere!</p>
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