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<title>ELEC 372 AS1 Part 1</title>
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<div id="fanout"></div>
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// Golbal Constants with SI
VT = .9, lambda = 1.5e-6;
NI = 1.5e16, NDn = 1e15, NDp = 1e15, NSn = 1.39e9, NSp = 9.1e9;
CJn = 6.9e-5, CJp = 3.1e-4;
CJSWn = 3.43e-10, CJSWp = 3.67e-10;
ADn = 18e-12, ADp = 19e-12;
PDn = 18e-6, PDp = 18e-6;
LDn = .22e-6, LDp = .35e-6;
EO = 8.85e-12, EOX = 3.9;
TOXn = 40e-9, TOXp = 42e-9;
KPn = 52e-6, KPp = 19e-6;
// Global Assumption
VDD = 5, VH = .9*VDD, VL = .1*VDD;
Ln = 4*lambda, Lp = 4*lambda;
// Virables
var Wn, fanout;
// Input Dataset
// Create Wn Array from 0λ to 50λ, which is [0, λ, 2λ, ... , 50λ]
var WnArr = Array.from({length:50}, (v, k) => k).map(Wn => Wn*lambda);
// Create Fanout Array from 0 to 50, which is [0, 1, 2, ... , 50]
var fanoutArr = Array.from({length:50}, (v, k) => k);
// Expression and Function definations
/* Define expression for Co */
var Co = TOX => EO * EOX / TOX;
/* Define expression for CGDO and CGSO */
var CGDO = (LD, TOX) => EO * EOX * LD / TOX;
var CGSO = (LD, TOX) => EO * EOX * LD / TOX;
/* Define expression for Vbi */
var Vbi = (ND, NS) => .025 * Math.log(ND*NS/Math.pow(NI, 2));
/* Define expression for Keq */
var Keq = (ND, NS) => (Math.sqrt(Vbi(ND, NS)) / ((VH - VL)*.5)) * (Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Vbi(ND, NS) + VH)) - Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Vbi(ND, NS) + VL)));
/* Define expression for all capacitances */
var Cgdo = (W, CGDO) => 2 * CGDO * W;
var Cgso = (W, CGSO) => CGSO * W;
var Cdb = (Keq, AD, PD, CJ, CJSW) => (Keq * (AD * CJ + PD * CJSW)) || 0;
var Cg = (Co, W, L) => Co * W * L;
var Cw = () => 1e-15;
/* Define expression for Cl */
var Cl = (Wn, Wp) => /* Cgdon */Cgdo(Wn, CGDO(LDn, TOXn))
+ /* Cgdop */Cgdo(Wp, CGDO(LDp, TOXp))
+ /* Cgson */Cgso(Wn, CGSO(LDn, TOXn))
+ /* Cgsop */Cgso(Wp, CGSO(LDp, TOXp))
+ /* Cdb1 */Cdb(Keq(NDn, NSn), ADn, PDn, CJn, CJSWn)
+ /* Cdb2 */Cdb(Keq(NDp, NSp), ADp, PDp, CJp, CJSWp)
+ /* Cg3 */Cg(Co(TOXn), Wn, Ln)
+ /* Cg4 */Cg(Co(TOXp), Wp, Lp)
+ Cw();
/* Define expression for Cl with fanout */
var C = (Wn, Wp, fanout) => fanout * Cl(Wn, Wp);
/* Define expression for β */
var beta = (KP, W, L) => KP * W / L;
/* Define expression for PMOS width as a function of NMOS Width */
var wp = Wn => KPn * Wn * Lp / (KPp * Ln);
/* Define expression for fall time */
var fallTime = (Wn, fanout) => (C(Wn, wp(Wn), fanout) / (beta(KPn, Wn, Ln) * (VDD - VT))) * (2*(VT - .1*VDD) / (VDD - VT) + Math.log((2*(VDD - VT) - .1*VDD) / .1*VDD));
// Plot Fall Time figure by NMOS Width
Plotly.newPlot('width', [
x: WnArr,
y: => fallTime(Wn, 1))
], {
title: 'Fall Time by NMOS Width',
yaxis: {title: 'Fall Time (s)', showline: true, mirror: 'allticks', ticks: 'inside'},
xaxis: {title: 'NMOS Width (m)', showline: true, mirror: 'allticks', ticks: 'inside'}
// Plot Fall Time figure by fanout
Plotly.newPlot('fanout', [
{ name: 'Wn = 1λ',
x: fanoutArr,
y: => fallTime(lambda, fanout))
], {
title: 'Fall Time by Fanout',
yaxis: {title: 'Fall Time (s)', showline: true, mirror: 'allticks', ticks: 'inside'},
xaxis: {title: 'Fanout', showline: true, mirror: 'allticks', ticks: 'inside'}
// Capacitance parameters at Wn = 4λ
;((Wn, Wp) => {console.log(/* Cgdon */Cgdo(Wn, CGDO(LDn, TOXn))
, /* Cgdop */Cgdo(Wp, CGDO(LDp, TOXp))
, /* Cgson */Cgso(Wn, CGSO(LDn, TOXn))
, /* Cgsop */Cgso(Wp, CGSO(LDp, TOXp))
, /* Cdb1 */Cdb(Keq(NDn, NSn), ADn, PDn, CJn, CJSWn)
, /* Cdb2 */Cdb(Keq(NDp, NSp), ADp, PDp, CJp, CJSWp)
, /* Cg3 */Cg(Co(TOXn), Wn, Ln)
, /* Cg4 */Cg(Co(TOXp), Wp, Lp)
, Cw());
})(4*lambda, wp(4*lambda))