You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1591 lines
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(function () {
'use strict';
var debug = require('debug')('simple-git');
var deferred = require('./util/deferred');
var exists = require('./util/exists');
var NOOP = function () {};
var responses = require('./responses');
* Git handling for node. All public functions can be chained and all `then` handlers are optional.
* @param {string} baseDir base directory for all processes to run
* @param {Object} ChildProcess The ChildProcess module
* @param {Function} Buffer The Buffer implementation to use
* @constructor
function Git (baseDir, ChildProcess, Buffer) {
this._baseDir = baseDir;
this._runCache = [];
this.ChildProcess = ChildProcess;
this.Buffer = Buffer;
* @type {string} The command to use to reference the git binary
Git.prototype._command = 'git';
* @type {[key: string]: string} An object of key=value pairs to be passed as environment variables to the
* spawned child process.
Git.prototype._env = null;
* @type {Function} An optional handler to use when a child process is created
Git.prototype._outputHandler = null;
* @type {boolean} Property showing whether logging will be silenced - defaults to true in a production environment
Git.prototype._silentLogging = /prod/.test(process.env.NODE_ENV);
* Sets the path to a custom git binary, should either be `git` when there is an installation of git available on
* the system path, or a fully qualified path to the executable.
* @param {string} command
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.customBinary = function (command) {
this._command = command;
return this;
* Sets an environment variable for the spawned child process, either supply both a name and value as strings or
* a single object to entirely replace the current environment variables.
* @param {string|Object} name
* @param {string} [value]
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.env = function (name, value) {
if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof name === 'object') {
this._env = name;
else {
(this._env = this._env || {})[name] = value;
return this;
* Sets the working directory of the subsequent commands.
* @param {string} workingDirectory
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.cwd = function (workingDirectory, then) {
var git = this;
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
return this.exec(function () {
git._baseDir = workingDirectory;
if (!exists(workingDirectory, exists.FOLDER)) {
Git.exception(git, 'Git.cwd: cannot change to non-directory "' + workingDirectory + '"', next);
else {
next && next(null, workingDirectory);
* Sets a handler function to be called whenever a new child process is created, the handler function will be called
* with the name of the command being run and the stdout & stderr streams used by the ChildProcess.
* @example
* require('simple-git')
* .outputHandler(function (command, stdout, stderr) {
* stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
* })
* .checkout('');
* @see
* @see
* @param {Function} outputHandler
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.outputHandler = function (outputHandler) {
this._outputHandler = outputHandler;
return this;
* Initialize a git repo
* @param {Boolean} [bare=false]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.init = function (bare, then) {
var commands = ['init'];
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (bare === true) {
return this._run(commands, function (err) {
next && next(err);
* Check the status of the local repo
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.status = function (then) {
return this._run(
['status', '--porcelain', '-b', '-u'],
Git._responseHandler(then, 'StatusSummary')
* List the stash(s) of the local repo
* @param {Object|Array} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.stashList = function (options, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var opt = (handler === then ? options : null) || {};
var splitter = opt.splitter || requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').SPLITTER;
var command = ["stash", "list", "--pretty=format:"
+ requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').START_BOUNDARY
+ "%H %ai %s%d %aN %ae".replace(/\s+/g, splitter)
+ requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').COMMIT_BOUNDARY
if (Array.isArray(opt)) {
command = command.concat(opt);
return this._run(command,
Git._responseHandler(handler, 'ListLogSummary', splitter)
* Stash the local repo
* @param {Object|Array} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.stash = function (options, then) {
var command = ['stash'];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
command.push.apply(command, Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
return this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments)));
* Clone a git repo
* @param {string} repoPath
* @param {string} localPath
* @param {String[]} [options] Optional array of options to pass through to the clone command
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.clone = function (repoPath, localPath, options, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['clone'].concat(Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
for (var i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] === 'string') {
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
next && next(err, data);
* Mirror a git repo
* @param {string} repoPath
* @param {string} localPath
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.mirror = function (repoPath, localPath, then) {
return this.clone(repoPath, localPath, ['--mirror'], then);
* Moves one or more files to a new destination.
* @see
* @param {string|string[]} from
* @param {string} to
* @param {Function} [then]
*/ = function (from, to, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = [].concat(from);
command.unshift('mv', '-v');
this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(handler, 'MoveSummary'))
* Internally uses pull and tags to get the list of tags then checks out the latest tag.
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkoutLatestTag = function (then) {
var git = this;
return this.pull(function () {
git.tags(function (err, tags) {
git.checkout(tags.latest, then);
* Adds one or more files to source control
* @param {string|string[]} files
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.add = function (files, then) {
return this._run(['add'].concat(files), function (err, data) {
then && then(err);
* Commits changes in the current working directory - when specific file paths are supplied, only changes on those
* files will be committed.
* @param {string|string[]} message
* @param {string|string[]} [files]
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.commit = function (message, files, options, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['commit'];
[].concat(message).forEach(function (message) {
command.push('-m', message);
[].push.apply(command, [].concat(typeof files === "string" || Array.isArray(files) ? files : []));
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
return this._run(
Git._responseHandler(handler, 'CommitSummary')
* Gets a function to be used for logging.
* @param {string} level
* @param {string} [message]
* @returns {Function}
* @private
Git.prototype._getLog = function (level, message) {
var log = this._silentLogging ? NOOP : console[level].bind(console);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
return log;
* Pull the updated contents of the current repo
* @param {string} [remote] When supplied must also include the branch
* @param {string} [branch] When supplied must also include the remote
* @param {Object} [options] Optionally include set of options to merge into the command
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.pull = function (remote, branch, options, then) {
var command = ["pull"];
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (typeof remote === 'string' && typeof branch === 'string') {
command.push(remote, branch);
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
return this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(handler, 'PullSummary'));
* Fetch the updated contents of the current repo.
* @example
* .fetch('upstream', 'master') // fetches from master on remote named upstream
* .fetch(function () {}) // runs fetch against default remote and branch and calls function
* @param {string} [remote]
* @param {string} [branch]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.fetch = function (remote, branch, then) {
var command = ["fetch"];
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
if (typeof remote === 'string' && typeof branch === 'string') {
command.push(remote, branch);
if (Array.isArray(remote)) {
command = command.concat(remote);
return this._run(
Git._responseHandler(next, 'FetchSummary'),
concatStdErr: true
* Disables/enables the use of the console for printing warnings and errors, by default messages are not shown in
* a production environment.
* @param {boolean} silence
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.silent = function (silence) {
this._silentLogging = !!silence;
return this;
* List all tags. When using git 2.7.0 or above, include an options object with `"--sort": "property-name"` to
* sort the tags by that property instead of using the default semantic versioning sort.
* Note, supplying this option when it is not supported by your Git version will cause the operation to fail.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.tags = function (options, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['-l'];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
var hasCustomSort = command.some(function (option) {
return /^--sort=/.test(option);
return this.tag(
Git._responseHandler(next, 'TagList', [hasCustomSort])
* Rebases the current working copy. Options can be supplied either as an array of string parameters
* to be sent to the `git rebase` command, or a standard options object.
* @param {Object|String[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.rebase = function (options, then) {
var command = ['rebase'];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
command.push.apply(command, Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
return this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments)));
* Reset a repo
* @param {string|string[]} [mode=soft] Either an array of arguments supported by the 'git reset' command, or the
* string value 'soft' or 'hard' to set the reset mode.
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.reset = function (mode, then) {
var command = ['reset'];
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (next === mode || typeof mode === 'string' || !mode) {
var modeStr = ['mixed', 'soft', 'hard'].includes(mode) ? mode : 'soft';
command.push('--' + modeStr);
else if (Array.isArray(mode)) {
command.push.apply(command, mode);
return this._run(command, function (err) {
next && next(err || null);
* Revert one or more commits in the local working copy
* @param {string} commit The commit to revert. Can be any hash, offset (eg: `HEAD~2`) or range (eg: `master~5..master~2`)
* @param {Object} [options] Optional options object
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.revert = function (commit, options, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['revert'];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
if (typeof commit !== 'string') {
return this.exec(function () {
next && next(new TypeError("Commit must be a string"));
return this._run(command, function (err) {
next && next(err || null);
* Add a lightweight tag to the head of the current branch
* @param {string} name
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.addTag = function (name, then) {
if (typeof name !== "string") {
return this.exec(function () {
then && then(new TypeError("Git.addTag requires a tag name"));
return this.tag([name], then);
* Add an annotated tag to the head of the current branch
* @param {string} tagName
* @param {string} tagMessage
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.addAnnotatedTag = function (tagName, tagMessage, then) {
return this.tag(['-a', '-m', tagMessage, tagName], function (err) {
then && then(err);
* Check out a tag or revision, any number of additional arguments can be passed to the `git checkout` command
* by supplying either a string or array of strings as the `what` parameter.
* @param {string|string[]} what One or more commands to pass to `git checkout`
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkout = function (what, then) {
var command = ['checkout'];
command = command.concat(what);
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
then && then(err, !err && this._parseCheckout(data));
* Check out a remote branch
* @param {string} branchName name of branch
* @param {string} startPoint (e.g origin/development)
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkoutBranch = function (branchName, startPoint, then) {
return this.checkout(['-b', branchName, startPoint], then);
* Check out a local branch
* @param {string} branchName of branch
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkoutLocalBranch = function (branchName, then) {
return this.checkout(['-b', branchName], then);
* Delete a local branch
* @param {string} branchName name of branch
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.deleteLocalBranch = function (branchName, then) {
return this.branch(['-d', branchName], then);
* List all branches
* @param {Object | string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.branch = function (options, then) {
var isDelete, responseHandler;
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['branch'];
command.push.apply(command, Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
if (!arguments.length || next === options) {
isDelete = ['-d', '-D', '--delete'].reduce(function (isDelete, flag) {
return isDelete || command.indexOf(flag) > 0;
}, false);
if (command.indexOf('-v') < 0) {
command.splice(1, 0, '-v');
responseHandler = isDelete
? Git._responseHandler(next, 'BranchDeleteSummary', false)
: Git._responseHandler(next, 'BranchSummary');
return this._run(command, responseHandler);
* Return list of local branches
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.branchLocal = function (then) {
return this.branch(['-v'], then);
* Add config to local git instance
* @param {string} key configuration key (e.g
* @param {string} value for the given key (e.g your name)
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.addConfig = function (key, value, then) {
return this._run(['config', '--local', key, value], function (err, data) {
then && then(err, !err && data);
* Executes any command against the git binary.
* @param {string[]|Object} commands
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.raw = function (commands, then) {
var command = [];
if (Array.isArray(commands)) {
command = commands.slice(0);
else {
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (!command.length) {
return this.exec(function () {
next && next(new Error('Raw: must supply one or more command to execute'), null);
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
next && next(err, !err && data || null);
* Add a submodule
* @param {string} repo
* @param {string} path
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.submoduleAdd = function (repo, path, then) {
return this._run(['submodule', 'add', repo, path], function (err) {
then && then(err);
* Update submodules
* @param {string[]} [args]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.submoduleUpdate = function (args, then) {
if (typeof args === 'string') {
this._getLog('warn', 'Git#submoduleUpdate: args should be supplied as an array of individual arguments');
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = (args !== next) ? args : [];
return this.subModule(['update'].concat(command), function (err, args) {
next && next(err, args);
* Initialize submodules
* @param {string[]} [args]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.submoduleInit = function (args, then) {
if (typeof args === 'string') {
this._getLog('warn', 'Git#submoduleInit: args should be supplied as an array of individual arguments');
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = (args !== next) ? args : [];
return this.subModule(['init'].concat(command), function (err, args) {
next && next(err, args);
* Call any `git submodule` function with arguments passed as an array of strings.
* @param {string[]} options
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.subModule = function (options, then) {
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
return this.exec(function () {
then && then(new TypeError("Git.subModule requires an array of arguments"));
if (options[0] !== 'submodule') {
return this._run(options, function (err, data) {
then && then(err || null, err ? null : data);
* List remote
* @param {string[]} [args]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.listRemote = function (args, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var data = next === args || args === undefined ? [] : args;
if (typeof data === 'string') {
this._getLog('warn', 'Git#listRemote: args should be supplied as an array of individual arguments');
return this._run(['ls-remote'].concat(data), function (err, data) {
next && next(err, data);
* Adds a remote to the list of remotes.
* @param {string} remoteName Name of the repository - eg "upstream"
* @param {string} remoteRepo Fully qualified SSH or HTTP(S) path to the remote repo
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {*}
Git.prototype.addRemote = function (remoteName, remoteRepo, then) {
return this._run(['remote', 'add', remoteName, remoteRepo], function (err) {
then && then(err);
* Removes an entry from the list of remotes.
* @param {string} remoteName Name of the repository - eg "upstream"
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {*}
Git.prototype.removeRemote = function (remoteName, then) {
return this._run(['remote', 'remove', remoteName], function (err) {
then && then(err);
* Gets the currently available remotes, setting the optional verbose argument to true includes additional
* detail on the remotes themselves.
* @param {boolean} [verbose=false]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.getRemotes = function (verbose, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var args = verbose === true ? ['-v'] : [];
return this.remote(args, function (err, data) {
next && next(err, !err && function () {
return data.trim().split('\n').filter(Boolean).reduce(function (remotes, remote) {
var detail = remote.trim().split(/\s+/);
var name = detail.shift();
if (!remotes[name]) {
remotes[name] = remotes[remotes.length] = {
name: name,
refs: {}
if (detail.length) {
remotes[name].refs[detail.pop().replace(/[^a-z]/g, '')] = detail.pop();
return remotes;
}, []).slice(0);
* Call any `git remote` function with arguments passed as an array of strings.
* @param {string[]} options
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.remote = function (options, then) {
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
return this.exec(function () {
then && then(new TypeError("Git.remote requires an array of arguments"));
if (options[0] !== 'remote') {
return this._run(options, function (err, data) {
then && then(err || null, err ? null : data);
* Merges from one branch to another, equivalent to running `git merge ${from} $[to}`, the `options` argument can
* either be an array of additional parameters to pass to the command or null / omitted to be ignored.
* @param {string} from
* @param {string} to
* @param {string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.mergeFromTo = function (from, to, options, then) {
var commands = [
var callback = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (Array.isArray(options)) {
commands = commands.concat(options);
return this.merge(commands, callback);
* Runs a merge, `options` can be either an array of arguments
* supported by the [`git merge`](
* or an options object.
* Conflicts during the merge result in an error response,
* the response type whether it was an error or success will be a MergeSummary instance.
* When successful, the MergeSummary has all detail from a the PullSummary
* @param {Object | string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
* @returns {*}
* @see ./responses/MergeSummary.js
* @see ./responses/PullSummary.js
Git.prototype.merge = function (options, then) {
var self = this;
var userHandler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments) || NOOP;
var mergeHandler = function (err, mergeSummary) {
if (!err && mergeSummary.failed) {
return, mergeSummary, userHandler);
userHandler(err, mergeSummary);
var command = [];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
command.push.apply(command, Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
if (command[0] !== 'merge') {
if (command.length === 1) {
return this.exec(function () {
then && then(new TypeError("Git.merge requires at least one option"));
return this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(mergeHandler, 'MergeSummary'), {
concatStdErr: true
* Call any `git tag` function with arguments passed as an array of strings.
* @param {string[]} options
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.tag = function (options, then) {
var command = [];
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
command.push.apply(command, Git.trailingArrayArgument(arguments));
if (command[0] !== 'tag') {
return this._run(command, Git._responseHandler(Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments)));
* Updates repository server info
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.updateServerInfo = function (then) {
return this._run(["update-server-info"], function (err, data) {
then && then(err, !err && data);
* Pushes the current committed changes to a remote, optionally specify the names of the remote and branch to use
* when pushing. Supply multiple options as an array of strings in the first argument - see examples below.
* @param {string|string[]} [remote]
* @param {string} [branch]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.push = function (remote, branch, then) {
var command = [];
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (typeof remote === 'string' && typeof branch === 'string') {
command.push(remote, branch);
if (Array.isArray(remote)) {
command = command.concat(remote);
Git._appendOptions(command, Git.trailingOptionsArgument(arguments));
if (command[0] !== 'push') {
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
handler && handler(err, !err && data);
* Pushes the current tag changes to a remote which can be either a URL or named remote. When not specified uses the
* default configured remote spec.
* @param {string} [remote]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.pushTags = function (remote, then) {
var command = ['push'];
if (typeof remote === "string") {
then = typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === "function" ? arguments[arguments.length - 1] : null;
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
then && then(err, !err && data);
* Removes the named files from source control.
* @param {string|string[]} files
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.rm = function (files, then) {
return this._rm(files, '-f', then);
* Removes the named files from source control but keeps them on disk rather than deleting them entirely. To
* completely remove the files, use `rm`.
* @param {string|string[]} files
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.rmKeepLocal = function (files, then) {
return this._rm(files, '--cached', then);
* Returns a list of objects in a tree based on commit hash. Passing in an object hash returns the object's content,
* size, and type.
* Passing "-p" will instruct cat-file to determine the object type, and display its formatted contents.
* @param {string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.catFile = function (options, then) {
return this._catFile('utf-8', arguments);
* Equivalent to `catFile` but will return the native `Buffer` of content from the git command's stdout.
* @param {string[]} options
* @param then
Git.prototype.binaryCatFile = function (options, then) {
return this._catFile('buffer', arguments);
Git.prototype._catFile = function (format, args) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(args);
var command = ['cat-file'];
var options = args[0];
if (typeof options === 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Git#catFile: options must be supplied as an array of strings');
else if (Array.isArray(options)) {
command.push.apply(command, options);
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
handler && handler(err, data);
}, {
format: format
* Return repository changes.
* @param {string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.diff = function (options, then) {
var command = ['diff'];
if (typeof options === 'string') {
command[0] += ' ' + options;
'Git#diff: supplying options as a single string is now deprecated, switch to an array of strings');
else if (Array.isArray(options)) {
command.push.apply(command, options);
if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
then = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
then && then(err, data);
Git.prototype.diffSummary = function (options, then) {
var next = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ['--stat=4096'];
if (options && options !== next) {
command.push.apply(command, [].concat(options));
return this.diff(command, Git._responseHandler(next, 'DiffSummary'));
* Wraps `git rev-parse`. Primarily used to convert friendly commit references (ie branch names) to SHA1 hashes.
* Options should be an array of string options compatible with the `git rev-parse`
* @param {string|string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
* @see
Git.prototype.revparse = function (options, then) {
var command = ['rev-parse'];
if (typeof options === 'string') {
command = command + ' ' + options;
'Git#revparse: supplying options as a single string is now deprecated, switch to an array of strings');
else if (Array.isArray(options)) {
command.push.apply(command, options);
if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
then = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
then && then(err, err ? null : String(data).trim());
* Show various types of objects, for example the file at a certain commit
* @param {string[]} [options]
* @param {Function} [then]
*/ = function (options, then) {
var args = [], 0);
var handler = typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function" ? args.pop() : null;
var command = ['show'];
if (typeof options === 'string') {
command = command + ' ' + options;
'Git#show: supplying options as a single string is now deprecated, switch to an array of strings');
else if (Array.isArray(options)) {
command.push.apply(command, options);
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
handler && handler(err, !err && data);
* @param {string} mode Required parameter "n" or "f"
* @param {string[]} options
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.clean = function (mode, options, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
if (typeof mode !== 'string' || !/[nf]/.test(mode)) {
return this.exec(function () {
handler && handler(new TypeError('Git clean mode parameter ("n" or "f") is required'));
if (/[^dfinqxX]/.test(mode)) {
return this.exec(function () {
handler && handler(new TypeError('Git clean unknown option found in ' + JSON.stringify(mode)));
var command = ['clean', '-' + mode];
if (Array.isArray(options)) {
command = command.concat(options);
if (command.some(interactiveMode)) {
return this.exec(function () {
handler && handler(new TypeError('Git clean interactive mode is not supported'));
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
handler && handler(err, !err && data);
function interactiveMode (option) {
if (/^-[^\-]/.test(option)) {
return option.indexOf('i') > 0;
return option === '--interactive';
* Call a simple function at the next step in the chain.
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.exec = function (then) {
this._run([], function () {
typeof then === 'function' && then();
return this;
* Deprecated means of adding a regular function call at the next step in the chain. Use the replacement
* Git#exec, the Git#then method will be removed in version 2.x
* @see exec
* @deprecated
Git.prototype.then = function (then) {
'error', `
Git#then is deprecated after version 1.72 and will be removed in version 2.x
To use promises switch to importing 'simple-git/promise'.`);
return this.exec(then);
* Show commit logs from `HEAD` to the first commit.
* If provided between `options.from` and `` tags or branch.
* Additionally you can provide options.file, which is the path to a file in your repository. Then only this file will be considered.
* To use a custom splitter in the log format, set `options.splitter` to be the string the log should be split on.
* Options can also be supplied as a standard options object for adding custom properties supported by the git log command.
* For any other set of options, supply options as an array of strings to be appended to the git log command.
* @param {Object|string[]} [options]
* @param {string} [options.from] The first commit to include
* @param {string} [] The most recent commit to include
* @param {string} [options.file] A single file to include in the result
* @param {boolean} [options.multiLine] Optionally include multi-line commit messages
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.log = function (options, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var opt = (handler === then ? options : null) || {};
var splitter = opt.splitter || requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').SPLITTER;
var format = opt.format || {
hash: '%H',
date: '%ai',
message: '%s',
refs: '%D',
body: opt.multiLine ? '%B' : '%b',
author_name: '%aN',
author_email: '%ae'
var rangeOperator = (opt.symmetric !== false) ? '...' : '..';
var fields = Object.keys(format);
var formatstr = (k) {
return format[k];
var suffix = [];
var command = ["log", "--pretty=format:"
+ requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').START_BOUNDARY
+ formatstr
+ requireResponseHandler('ListLogSummary').COMMIT_BOUNDARY
if (Array.isArray(opt)) {
command = command.concat(opt);
opt = {};
else if (typeof arguments[0] === "string" || typeof arguments[1] === "string") {
'Git#log: supplying to or from as strings is now deprecated, switch to an options configuration object');
opt = {
from: arguments[0],
to: arguments[1]
if (opt.n || opt['max-count']) {
command.push("--max-count=" + (opt.n || opt['max-count']));
if (opt.from && {
command.push(opt.from + rangeOperator +;
if (opt.file) {
suffix.push("--follow", options.file);
'splitter n max-count file from to --pretty format symmetric multiLine'.split(' ').forEach(function (key) {
delete opt[key];
Git._appendOptions(command, opt);
return this._run(
Git._responseHandler(handler, 'ListLogSummary', [splitter, fields])
* Clears the queue of pending commands and returns the wrapper instance for chaining.
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype.clearQueue = function () {
this._runCache.length = 0;
return this;
* Check if a pathname or pathnames are excluded by .gitignore
* @param {string|string[]} pathnames
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkIgnore = function (pathnames, then) {
var handler = Git.trailingFunctionArgument(arguments);
var command = ["check-ignore"];
if (handler !== pathnames) {
command = command.concat(pathnames);
return this._run(command, function (err, data) {
handler && handler(err, !err && this._parseCheckIgnore(data));
* Validates that the current repo is a Git repo.
* @param {Function} [then]
Git.prototype.checkIsRepo = function (then) {
function onError (exitCode, stdErr, done, fail) {
if (exitCode === 128 && /(Not a git repository|Kein Git-Repository)/i.test(stdErr)) {
return done(false);
function handler (err, isRepo) {
then && then(err, String(isRepo).trim() === 'true');
return this._run(['rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'], handler, {onError: onError});
Git.prototype._rm = function (_files, options, then) {
var files = [].concat(_files);
var args = ['rm', options];
args.push.apply(args, files);
return this._run(args, function (err) {
then && then(err);
Git.prototype._parseCheckout = function (checkout) {
* Parser for the `check-ignore` command - returns each
* @param {string} [files]
* @returns {string[]}
Git.prototype._parseCheckIgnore = function (files) {
return files.split(/\n/g).filter(Boolean).map(function (file) {
return file.trim()
* Schedules the supplied command to be run, the command should not include the name of the git binary and should
* be an array of strings passed as the arguments to the git binary.
* @param {string[]} command
* @param {Function} then
* @param {Object} [opt]
* @param {boolean} [opt.concatStdErr=false] Optionally concatenate stderr output into the stdout
* @param {boolean} [opt.format="utf-8"] The format to use when reading the content of stdout
* @param {Function} [opt.onError] Optional error handler for this command - can be used to allow non-clean exits
* without killing the remaining stack of commands
* @param {number} [opt.onError.exitCode]
* @param {string} [opt.onError.stdErr]
* @returns {Git}
Git.prototype._run = function (command, then, opt) {
if (typeof command === "string") {
command = command.split(" ");
this._runCache.push([command, then, opt || {}]);
return this;
Git.prototype._schedule = function () {
if (!this._childProcess && this._runCache.length) {
var git = this;
var Buffer = git.Buffer;
var task = git._runCache.shift();
var command = task[0];
var then = task[1];
var options = task[2];
var result = deferred();
var attempted = false;
var attemptClose = function attemptClose (e) {
// closing when there is content, terminate immediately
if (attempted || stdErr.length || stdOut.length) {
attempted = true;
// first attempt at closing but no content yet, wait briefly for the close/exit that may follow
if (!attempted) {
attempted = true;
setTimeout(attemptClose.bind(this, e), 50);
var stdOut = [];
var stdErr = [];
var spawned = git.ChildProcess.spawn(git._command, command.slice(0), {
cwd: git._baseDir,
env: git._env,
windowsHide: true
spawned.stdout.on('data', function (buffer) {
spawned.stderr.on('data', function (buffer) {
spawned.on('error', function (err) {
stdErr.push(Buffer.from(err.stack, 'ascii'));
spawned.on('close', attemptClose);
spawned.on('exit', attemptClose);
result.promise.then(function (exitCode) {
function done (output) {, null, output);
function fail (error) {, error, then);
delete git._childProcess;
if (exitCode && stdErr.length && options.onError) {
options.onError(exitCode, Buffer.concat(stdErr).toString('utf-8'), done, fail);
else if (exitCode && stdErr.length) {
else {
if (options.concatStdErr) {
[].push.apply(stdOut, stdErr);
var stdOutput = Buffer.concat(stdOut);
if (options.format !== 'buffer') {
stdOutput = stdOutput.toString(options.format || 'utf-8');
git._childProcess = spawned;
if (git._outputHandler) {
git._outputHandler(command[0], git._childProcess.stdout, git._childProcess.stderr);
* Handles an exception in the processing of a command.
*/ = function (git, error, handler) {
git._getLog('error', error);
git._runCache.length = 0;
if (typeof handler === 'function') {, error, null);
* Given any number of arguments, returns the last argument if it is a function, otherwise returns null.
* @returns {Function|null}
Git.trailingFunctionArgument = function (args) {
var trailing = args[args.length - 1];
return (typeof trailing === "function") ? trailing : null;
* Given any number of arguments, returns the trailing options argument, ignoring a trailing function argument
* if there is one. When not found, the return value is null.
* @returns {Object|null}
Git.trailingOptionsArgument = function (args) {
var options = args[(args.length - (Git.trailingFunctionArgument(args) ? 2 : 1))];
return === '[object Object]' ? options : null;
* Given any number of arguments, returns the trailing options array argument, ignoring a trailing function argument
* if there is one. When not found, the return value is an empty array.
* @returns {Array}
Git.trailingArrayArgument = function (args) {
var options = args[(args.length - (Git.trailingFunctionArgument(args) ? 2 : 1))];
return === '[object Array]' ? options : [];
* Mutates the supplied command array by merging in properties in the options object. When the
* value of the item in the options object is a string it will be concatenated to the key as
* a single `name=value` item, otherwise just the name will be used.
* @param {string[]} command
* @param {Object} options
* @private
Git._appendOptions = function (command, options) {
if (options === null) {
Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
var value = options[key];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
command.push(key + '=' + value);
else {
* Given the type of response and the callback to receive the parsed response,
* uses the correct parser and calls back the callback.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {string} [type]
* @param {Object[]} [args]
* @private
Git._responseHandler = function (callback, type, args) {
return function (error, data) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
if (error) {
return callback(error, null);
if (!type) {
return callback(null, data);
var handler = requireResponseHandler(type);
var result = handler.parse.apply(handler, [data].concat(args === undefined ? [] : args));
callback(null, result);
* Marks the git instance as having had a fatal exception by clearing the pending queue of tasks and
* logging to the console.
* @param git
* @param error
* @param callback
Git.exception = function (git, error, callback) {
git._runCache.length = 0;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(error));
git._getLog('error', error);
module.exports = Git;
* Requires and returns a response handler based on its named type
* @param {string} type
function requireResponseHandler (type) {
return responses[type];