You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

53 lines
1.8 KiB

5 years ago
* 追番列表
* @package custom
<?php if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit; ?>
<?php $this->need('component/header.php'); ?>
<!-- aside -->
<?php $this->need('component/aside.php'); ?>
<!-- / aside -->
<!-- <div id="content" class="app-content"> -->
<a class="off-screen-toggle hide"></a>
<main class="app-content-body <?php echo Content::returnPageAnimateClass($this); ?>">
<div class="hbox hbox-auto-xs hbox-auto-sm">
<div class="col center-part">
<?php echo Content::exportPostPageHeader($this,$this->user->hasLogin()); ?>
<div class="wrapper-md" id="post-panel">
<?php echo Content::BreadcrumbNavigation($this, $this->options->rootUrl); ?>
<!--博客文章样式 begin with .blog-post-->
<div id="postpage" class="blog-post">
<article class="panel">
<?php echo Content::exportHeaderImg($this); ?>
<div id="post-content" class="wrapper-lg">
<div class="entry-content l-h-2x">
<?php Content::postContent($this,$this->user->hasLogin()); ?>
<?php WikimoeBangumi_Plugin::output(); ?>
<?php Content::pageFooter($this->options) ?>
<?php $this->need('component/comments.php') ?>
<?php $this->need('component/sidebar.php'); ?>
<!-- footer -->
<?php $this->need('component/footer.php'); ?>
<!-- / footer -->