You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
10 KiB

5 years ago
* 一个简易的 Live2D 插件,建立在 <a href="">@Jad</a> 的项目上
* @package Pio
* @author Dreamer-Paul
* @version 2.2
* @link
class Pio_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface{
/* 激活插件方法 */
public static function activate(){
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Archive') -> header = array('Pio_Plugin', 'header');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Archive') -> footer = array('Pio_Plugin', 'footer');
/* 禁用插件方法 */
public static function deactivate(){}
/* 插件配置方法 */
public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form){
// 插件信息与更新检测
function paul_update($name, $version){
echo "<style>.paul-info{text-align:center; margin:1em 0;} .paul-info > *{margin:0 0 1rem} .buttons a{background:#467b96; color:#fff; border-radius:4px; padding:.5em .75em; display:inline-block}</style>";
echo "<div class='paul-info'>";
echo "<h2>Pio 看版娘插件 (".$version.")</h2>";
echo "<p>By: <a href=''>Dreamer-Paul</a></p>";
echo "<p class='buttons'><a href=''>项目介绍</a>
<a href=''>更新日志</a></p>";
$update = file_get_contents("".$name."&current=".$version."&site=".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$update = json_decode($update, true);
if(isset($update['text'])){echo "<p>".$update['text']."</p>"; };
if(isset($update['message'])){echo "<p>".$update['message']."</p>"; };
echo "</div>";
paul_update("Pio", "2.2");
// 读取模型文件夹
$models = array();
$load = glob("../usr/plugins/Pio/models/*");
foreach($load as $key => $value){
$single = substr($value, 26);
$models[$single] = ucfirst($single);
// 自定义模型选择
$choose_models = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('choose_models', $models, 'pio', _t('选择模型'), _t('选择插件 Models 目录下的模型,每个模型为一个文件夹,并确定配置文件名为 <a>model.json</a>'));
$form -> addInput($choose_models);
// 自定义定位
$position = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('position',
'left' => _t('靠左'),
'right' => _t('靠右'),
'left', _t('自定义位置'), _t('自定义看板娘所在的位置'));
$form -> addInput($position);
// 自定义宽高
$custom_width = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('custom_width', NULL, NULL, _t('自定义宽度'), _t('在这里填入自定义宽度,部分模型需要修改'));
$form -> addInput($custom_width);
$custom_height = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('custom_height', NULL, NULL, _t('自定义高度'), _t('在这里填入自定义高度,部分模型需要修改'));
$form -> addInput($custom_height);
// 自定义模型
$custom_model = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('custom_model', NULL, NULL, _t('自定义配置文件地址'), _t('在这里填入一个模型 JSON 配置文件地址,可供使用外链模型,不填则使用插件目录下的模型'));
$form -> addInput($custom_model);
// 夜间模式函数
$night = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('night', NULL, NULL, _t('夜间模式函数'), _t('如果你的主题支持夜间模式,请在这里填写主题对应的 JS 函数'));
$form -> addInput($night);
// 展现模式
$custom_mode = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('custom_mode',
'static' => _t('静态'),
'fixed' => _t('固定'),
'draggable' => _t('可移动'),
'static', _t('展现模式'), _t('自定义看板娘的展现模式。静态模式将不启用按钮交互功能'));
$form -> addInput($custom_mode);
// 隐藏看板娘
$hidden = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('hidden',
'0' => _t('关闭'),
'1' => _t('开启'),
'0', _t('隐藏看板娘'), _t('开启后将在移动设备上隐藏看板娘'));
$form -> addInput($hidden);
// 是否开启时间小贴士
$tips = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('tips',
'0' => _t('关闭'),
'1' => _t('开启'),
'0', _t('时间小贴士'), _t('开启后将在没有访问来源的情况下展示,覆盖入站提示'));
$form -> addInput($tips);
// 自定义文字配置
$dialog = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('dialog', NULL, NULL, _t('自定义提示内容'), _t('在这里填入你的自定义看板娘提示内容,如想保持默认,需要填写 "{}" 否则会导致插件无法运行'));
$form -> addInput($dialog);
// 自定义选择器配置
$selector = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('selector', NULL, NULL, _t('自定义内容选择器'), _t('在这里填入部分功能所用到的自定义选择器,如不想启用此类功能,需要填写 "{}" 否则会导致插件无法运行'));
$form -> addInput($selector);
/* 个人用户的配置方法 */
public static function personalConfig(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form){}
/* 插件实现方法 */
public static function header(){
echo("<link href='" . Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/static/pio.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>\n");
public static function footer(){
5 years ago
if(mt_rand(0,3) != 0) return ;
5 years ago
// 生成画布
function getCanvas(){
$height = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options') -> Plugin('Pio') -> custom_height;
$width = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options') -> Plugin('Pio') -> custom_width;
return '<canvas id="pio" width="' . (!$width ? 280 : $width) . '" height="' . (!$height ? 250: $height) . '"></canvas>';
// 生成配置
function getConfig(){
$plugin = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options') -> Plugin('Pio');
$mode = $plugin -> custom_mode;
$hidden = $plugin -> hidden == 1 ? true : false;
$tips = $plugin -> tips == 1 ? true : false;
$content = $plugin -> dialog ? json_decode($plugin -> dialog, true) : "{}";
$selector = $plugin -> selector ? json_decode($plugin -> selector, true) : "{}";
if($plugin -> custom_model){
$model = array($plugin -> custom_model);
else if($plugin -> choose_models){
$model = $plugin -> choose_models;
foreach($model as &$item){
$item = Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/" . $item . "/model.json";
$model = array(Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/" . $model . "/model.json");
$model = array(Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/pio/model.json");
if($plugin -> night){
$night = $plugin -> night;
$night = false;
return str_replace(
array("{mode}", "{hidden}", "{content}", "{selector}", "{model}", "{night}"),
array("mode:'" . $mode . "'", "hidden:" . $hidden, "content:" . $content, "selector:" . $selector, "model:" . $model, "night:" . $night),
// 生成载入器
function getLoader(){
5 years ago
5 years ago
$plugin = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options') -> Plugin('Pio');
$config = array(
"mode" => $plugin -> custom_mode,
"hidden" => $plugin -> hidden == 1 ? true : false,
"content" => $plugin -> dialog ? json_decode($plugin -> dialog, true) : "{}",
"selector" => $plugin -> selector ? json_decode($plugin -> selector, true) : "{}"
if($plugin -> custom_model){
$model = array($plugin -> custom_model);
else if($plugin -> choose_models){
$model = $plugin -> choose_models;
foreach($model as &$item){
$item = Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/" . $item . "/model.json";
$model = array(Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/" . $model . "/model.json");
$model = array(Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/models/pio/model.json");
if($plugin -> night){
$config["night"] = $plugin -> night;
if($plugin -> tips){
$config["tips"] = true;
$config["model"] = $model;
return '<script>var pio = new Paul_Pio(' . json_encode($config, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) . ');</script>';
$canvas = getCanvas();
$loader = getLoader();
$position = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options') -> Plugin('Pio') -> position == "left" ? " left" : " right";
echo str_replace(array("{position}", "{canvas}"), array($position, $canvas),
'<div class="pio-container{position}"><div class="pio-action"></div>{canvas}</div>'
echo "<script src='" . Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/static/l2d.js'></script>" . "\n";
echo "<script src='" . Helper::options() -> pluginUrl . "/Pio/static/pio.js'></script>" . "\n";
echo $loader;