You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.3 KiB

5 years ago
include '../functions.php';
$conn = db__connect("log");
$report = "";
$report .= date("Y年m月d日 站点综合报告\n");
$report .= "\n---------------------------\n";
$report .= "\nAPI调用情况\n\n";
$res_api = db__getData($conn, "log_api");
$api_ip = array();
$api_moe = 0;
$api_pic = 0;
$api_words = 0;
$api_mail = 0;
$api_gugu = 0;
foreach($res_api as $row){
if(strtotime($row['timestamp']) > time() - 3600 * 24){
if(!in_array(long2ip($row['ip']), $api_ip)) array_push($api_ip, long2ip($row['ip']));
if($row['api'] == "moe") $api_moe++;
elseif($row['api'] == "pic") $api_pic++;
elseif($row['api'] == "words") $api_words++;
elseif($row['api'] == "mail") $api_mail++;
elseif($row['api'] == "gugu") $api_gugu++;
$report .= "访问人数:".count($api_ip)."\n";
$report .= "总访问次数:".($api_moe + $api_pic + $api_words + $api_mail + $api_gugu)."\n\n";
$report .= "访问者:";
foreach($api_ip as $ip){
$report .= $ip.", ";
$report .= "\n\n";
$report .= "moe访问次数: ".$api_moe."次\npic访问次数: ".$api_pic."次\nwords访问次数: ".$api_words."次\nmail访问次数: ".$api_mail."次\ngugu访问次数: ".$api_gugu."次\n\n";
$report .= "------------------------";
curl__post("", array("body" => $report));