You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
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<?php Content::outputCommentJS($this, $this->security); ?>
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<?php if (@in_array('showSettingsButton',$this->options->featuresetup)): ?>
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<# for ( var keys = _.keys( data.sections.settings ), i = 0, name; keys.length > i; ++i ) { #>
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{{ data.sections.settings[keys[i]] }}
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<span class="block bg-light clearfix pos-rlt">
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<b class="{{ color.navbarCollapse }} header"></b>
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if ( newColumnBefore && ( i + 1 ) < data.sections.colors.length )
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} );
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window['LocalConst'] = {
COMMENT_NAME_INFO: '<?php _me("必须填写昵称或姓名")?>',
COMMENT_EMAIL_INFO: '<?php _me("必须填写电子邮箱地址") ?>',
COMMENT_EMAIL_LEGAL_INFO: '<?php _me("邮箱地址不合法") ?>',
COMMENT_CONTENT_INFO: '<?php _me("必须填写评论内容") ?>',
COMMENT_SUBMIT_ERROR: '<?php _me("提交失败,请重试!") ?>',
COMMENT_CONTENT_LEGAL_INFO: '<?php _me("提交失败,您的输入内容不符合规则!") ?>',
LOGIN_USERNAME_INFO: '<?php _me("必须填写用户名") ?>',
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LOGIN_SUBMIT_ERROR: '<?php _me("登录失败,请重新登录") ?>',
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LOGOUT_ERROR: '<?php _me("退出失败,请重试") ?>',
LOGOUT_SUCCESS: '<?php _me("退出成功") ?>',
SUBMIT_PASSWORD_INFO: '<?php _me("密码错误,请重试") ?>',
COMMENT_TITLE: '<?php _me("评论通知") ?>',
LOGIN_TITLE: '<?php _me("登录通知") ?>',
ChANGYAN_APP_KEY: '<?php $this->options->ChangyanAppKey() ?>',
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EMOJI: '<?php _me('表情') ?>',
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ASIDE_FOLDED: '<?php _me("折叠导航") ?>',
ASIDE_DOCK: '<?php _me("置顶导航") ?>',
CONTAINER_BOX: '<?php _me("盒子模型") ?>',
OFF_SCROLL_HEIGHT: '<?php echo (!in_array('header-fix', $this->options->indexsetup)) ? 0 : (in_array('aside-dock', $this->options->indexsetup) ? 115 : 50) ; ?>',
COMMENT_REJECT_PLACEHOLDER: '<?php _me('居然什么也不说,哼'); ?>',
COMMENT_PLACEHOLDER: '<?php _me('说点什么吧……') ?>',
SHOW_SETTING_BUTTON: '<?php echo in_array('showSettingsButton', $this->options->featuresetup) ? true :
false; ?>',
THEME_VERSION: '<?php echo Handsome::$version . Handsome::$versionTag ?>',
OPERATION_NOTICE: '<?php _me("操作通知") ?>',
SCREENSHOT_BEGIN: '<?php _me("正在生成当前页面截图……") ?>',
SCREENSHOT_NOTICE: '<?php _me("点击顶部下载按钮保存当前卡片") ?>',
SCREENSHORT_ERROR: '<?php _me("由于图片跨域原因导致截图失败") ?>',
SCREENSHORT_SUCCESS: '<?php _me("截图成功") ?>',
MUSIC_NOTICE: '<?php _me("播放通知") ?>',
MUSIC_FAILE: '<?php _me("当前音乐地址无效,自动为您播放下一首") ?>',
MUSIC_FAILE_END: '<?php _me("当前音乐地址无效") ?>',
MUSIC_LIST_SUCCESS: '<?php _me("歌单歌曲加载成功") ?>',
CDN_NAME: '<?php if($this->options->cdn_add == "")echo ""; else echo trim(explode("|",
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/// 当点击浏览器的 后退和前进按钮 时才会被触发,
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effect: "fadeIn",
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<?php if($this->options->commentChoice =='0'): ?>
<!--component/comments.php 页面必需js(只有选择了原生评论的时候才会加载)-->
<script src="<?php echo STATIC_PATH ?>js/features/OwO.min.js?v=<?php echo Handsome::$version.Handsome::$versionTag
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<?php if(@in_array('musicplayer',$this->options->featuresetup)): ?>
<script src="<?php echo STATIC_PATH ?>js/music.min.js?v=<?php echo Handsome::$version.Handsome::$versionTag
$musicObject = new stdClass();
$array = Utils::parseMusicUrl($value);
$musicObject->type = 'cloud';
$musicObject->source = $array['id'];
$musicObject->media = $array['media'];
}elseif (RESOLVE_MUSIC_WAY == 1){
$musicObject->type = 'file';
$source = array();
$source = '['.$this->options->customMusicContent.']';
$source = json_decode($source);
$musicObject->source = $source;
$autoPlay = false;
if($this->options->playerSetting != "" && in_array('autoPlay',$this->options->playerSetting)){
$autoPlay = true;
$musicSetting = (object)array(
'autoplay' => $autoPlay,
'listshow' => false,
'mode' => 'listloop',
'music' => $musicObject
var player = new skPlayer(<?php echo json_encode($musicSetting); ?>);
<?php endif; ?>
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<script src="<?php echo STATIC_PATH ?>js/features/setting.min.js?v=<?php echo Handsome::$version
<?php endif; ?>
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