You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

455 lines
14 KiB

if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* Typecho缓存插件
* @package TpCache
* @author 老高
* @version 0.7
* @link
class TpCache_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface
public static $key = null;
public static $cache = null;
public static $html = null;
public static $path = null;
public static $sys_config = null;
public static $plugin_config = null;
public static $request = null;
public static function activate()
Typecho_Plugin::factory('index.php')->begin = array('TpCache_Plugin', 'C');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('index.php')->end = array('TpCache_Plugin', 'S');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Contents_Post_Edit')->finishPublish = array('TpCache_Plugin', 'post_update');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Contents_Page_Edit')->finishPublish = array('TpCache_Plugin', 'post_update');
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Feedback')->finishComment = array('TpCache_Plugin', 'comment_update');
return '插件安装成功,请设置需要缓存的页面';
* 禁用插件方法,如果禁用失败,直接抛出异常
* @static
* @access public
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function deactivate()
try {
$uninstall_sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%prefix%cache`';
$db = Typecho_Db::get();
$prefix = $db->getPrefix();
$sql = str_replace('%prefix%', $prefix, $uninstall_sql);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
* 获取插件配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板
* @return void
public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
$list = array(
'index' => '首页',
'archive' => '归档',
'post' => '文章',
'attachment' => '附件',
'category' => '分类',
'tag' => '标签',
'author' => '作者',
'search' => '搜索',
'feed' => 'feed',
'page' => '页面',
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('cache_page', $list, array('index', 'post', 'search', 'page', 'author', 'tag'), '需要缓存的页面');
$list = array('关闭', '开启');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('login', $list, 1, '是否对已登录用户失效', '已经录用户不会触发缓存策略');
$list = array('关闭', '开启');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('enable_ssl', $list, '0', '是否支持SSL');
$list = array(
'0' => '不使用缓存',
'memcached' => 'Memcached',
'memcache' => 'Memcache',
'redis' => 'Redis',
'mysql' => 'Mysql'
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('cache_driver', $list, '0', '缓存驱动');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('expire', null, '86400', '缓存过期时间', '86400 = 60s * 60m *24h,即一天的秒数');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('host', null, '', '主机地址', '主机地址,一般为127.0.0.1');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('port', null, '11211', '端口号', '端口号,memcache对应11211,Redis对应6379,其他类型随意填写');
$list = array('关闭', '开启');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('is_debug', $list, 0, '是否开启debug');
$list = array('关闭', '清除所有数据');
$element = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('is_clean', $list, 0, '清除所有数据');
* 手动保存配置句柄
* @param $config array 插件配置
* @param $is_init bool 是否初始化
public static function configHandle($config, $is_init)
if ($is_init != true && $config['cache_driver'] != '0') {
$driver_name = $config['cache_driver'];
$class_name = "typecho_$driver_name";
$file_path = "driver/$class_name.class.php";
require_once 'driver/cache.interface.php';
require_once $file_path;
self::$cache = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'getInstance'), self::$plugin_config);
try {
if ($config['is_clean'] == '1') self::$cache->flush();
} catch (Exception $e) {
print $e->getMessage();
// 删除缓存仅生效一次
$config['is_clean'] = '0';
Helper::configPlugin('TpCache', $config);
* 个人用户的配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form
* @return void
public static function personalConfig(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
* 缓存前置操作
public static function C()
$start = microtime(true);
// 插件初始化
if (self::init() == false) return false;
// 前置条件检查
if (self::pre_check() == false) return false;
$pathInfo = self::$request->getPathInfo();
if (!self::needCache($pathInfo)) return false;
try {
$data = self::get(self::$path);
if ($data != false) {
$data = unserialize($data);
if ($data['c_time'] + self::$plugin_config->expire <= time()) {
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo "Expired!\n";
$data['c_time'] = $data['c_time'] + 20;
self::set(self::$path, serialize($data));
} else {
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo "Hit!\n";
if ($data['html']) echo $data['html'];
$end = microtime(true);
$time = number_format(($end - $start), 6);
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo 'This page loaded in ', $time, ' seconds';
} else {
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo "Can't find cache!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
// 先进行一次刷新
* 前置检查
* @return bool
public static function pre_check()
if (self::check_login()) return false;
if (self::$request->isPost()) return false;
if (self::$plugin_config->enable_ssl == '0' && self::$request->isSecure() == true) return false;
return true;
* 判断用户是否登录
* @return bool
* @throws Typecho_Widget_Exception
public static function check_login()
return (self::$plugin_config->login && Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_User')->hasLogin());
* 根据配置判断是否需要缓存
* @param string 路径信息
* @return bool
public static function needCache($path)
$pattern = '#^' . __TYPECHO_ADMIN_DIR__ . '#i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $path)) return false;
$pattern = '#^/action#i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $path)) return false;
$_routingTable = self::$sys_config->routingTable;
$exclude = array('_year', '_month', '_day', '_page');
foreach ($_routingTable[0] as $key => $route) {
if ($route['widget'] != 'Widget_Archive') continue;
if (preg_match($route['regx'], $path, $matches)) {
$key = str_replace($exclude, '', str_replace($exclude, '', $key));
if (in_array($key, self::$plugin_config->cache_page)) {
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo "This page needs to be cached!\n" . '
<a href="" target="_blank"> Bug Report </a>';
self::$path = $path;
return true;
return false;
* 缓存后置操作
public static function S()
if (self::check_login()) return;
if (is_null(self::$key)) return;
$html = ob_get_contents();
if (!empty($html)) {
$data = array();
$data['c_time'] = time();
$data['html'] = $html;
if (self::$plugin_config->is_debug) echo "Cache updated!\n";
self::set(self::$key, serialize($data));
* 编辑文章后更新缓存
* @param $contents
* @param $class
public static function post_update($contents, $class)
if ('publish' != $contents['visibility'] || $contents['created'] > time()) {
$options = Helper::options();
$type = $contents['type'];
$routeExists = (NULL != Typecho_Router::get($type));
if (!is_null($routeExists)) {
$db = Typecho_Db::get();
$contents['cid'] = $class->cid;
$contents['categories'] = $db->fetchAll($db->select()->from('table.metas')
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $contents['cid'])
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'category')
->order('table.metas.order', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC));
$contents['category'] = urlencode(current(Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($contents['categories'], 'slug')));
$contents['slug'] = urlencode($contents['slug']);
$contents['date'] = new Typecho_Date($contents['created']);
$contents['year'] = $contents['date']->year;
$contents['month'] = $contents['date']->month;
$contents['day'] = $contents['date']->day;
$path_info = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $contents) : '#';
if (self::needCache($path_info)) self::delete(self::$path);
* 评论更新
* @access public
* @param array $comment 评论结构
* @param Typecho_Widget $post 被评论的文章
* @param array $result 返回的结果上下文
* @param string $api api地址
* @return void
public static function comment_update($comment)
$req = new Typecho_Request();
self::delete(str_replace($req->getRequestRoot(), '', $req->getReferer()));
* 插件配置初始化
* @return bool
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function init()
if (is_null(self::$sys_config)) {
self::$sys_config = Helper::options();
if (is_null(self::$plugin_config)) {
self::$plugin_config = self::$sys_config->plugin('TpCache');
if (self::$plugin_config->cache_driver == '0') {
return false;
if (is_null(self::$cache)) {
$driver_name = self::$plugin_config->cache_driver;
$class_name = "typecho_$driver_name";
$file_path = "driver/$class_name.class.php";
require_once 'driver/cache.interface.php';
require_once $file_path;
self::$cache = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'getInstance'), self::$plugin_config);
if (is_null(self::$request)) {
self::$request = new Typecho_Request();
return true;
public static function set($path, $data)
if (!is_null(self::$key)) return self::$cache->set(self::$key, $data);
$prefix = self::$request->getUrlPrefix();
self::$key = md5($prefix . $path);
return self::$cache->set(self::$key, $data);
public static function add($path, $data)
public static function get($path)
if (!is_null(self::$key)) return self::$cache->get(self::$key);
$prefix = self::$request->getUrlPrefix();
self::$key = md5($prefix . $path);
return self::$cache->get(self::$key);
* 删除指定路径
* @param string $path 待删除路径
* @param null $del_home 是否删除首页缓存
public static function delete($path, $del_home = null)
$prefixs = array(
. '://' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] :
($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . (in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], array(80, 443))
? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))
. '://' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] :
($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . (in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], array(80, 443))
? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))
$keys = array();
if (!is_array($path)) {
$keys[] = $path;
} else {
$keys = $path;
foreach ($keys as $v) {
foreach ($prefixs as $prefix) {
echo $prefix . $v;
@self::$cache->delete(md5($prefix . $v));
if (is_null($del_home)) {
foreach ($prefixs as $prefix) {
echo $prefix . '/';
@self::$cache->delete(md5($prefix . '/'));