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if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* Copyright for Typecho
* @package Copyright
* @author Yves X
* @version 1.0.3
* @link
class Copyright_Plugin implements Typecho_Plugin_Interface {
* 激活插件方法,如果激活失败,直接抛出异常
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function activate() {
Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->contentEx = array('Copyright_Plugin', 'Copyright');
* 禁用插件方法,如果禁用失败,直接抛出异常
* @static
* @access public
* @return void
* @throws Typecho_Plugin_Exception
public static function deactivate() {
* 获取插件配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板
* @return void
public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form) {
echo '<p>欢迎使用 Typecho 版权插件。</p>';
echo '<p>此插件帮助你设置文章与独立页面的版权声明,它会附在内容末尾。你也可以对特定某篇内容设置版权信息。</p>';
echo '<p>版权信息借助插件与 Typecho 的自定义字段功能实现,只与插件或特定内容关联,而不会修改其内容本身,也不会在数据库中与文本混同。</p>';
echo '<hr />';
echo '<p>此处为<b>全局设置</b></p>';
echo '<p>如需对特定某篇内容设置版权信息,请参阅<b><a href="">详细说明</a></b>';
echo '<p>特定设置的优先级始终高于全局设置,所以如果你给某篇文章单独设置了版权信息,你所设置的部分将会覆盖全局设置</p>';
echo '<hr />';
echo '作者曾有很长一段时间没有维护此插件,这期间它随 Typecho 1.1 更新而失效。感谢该网友修复了此插件,使得它可以在 Typecho 1.1 下继续工作:<a href="" target="_blank">神代綺凜</a>';
echo '<hr />';
$author = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('author', NULL, _t('作者名称'), _t('作者'));
$notice = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('notice', NULL, _t('转载时须注明出处及本声明'), _t('声明'));
$showURL = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('showURL', array(1 => _t('显示原(本)文链接')), NULL, NULL, NULL);
$showOnPost = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('showOnPost', array(1 => _t('在文章显示')), NULL, NULL, NULL);
$showOnPage = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('showOnPage', array(1 => _t('在独立页面显示')), NULL, NULL, NULL);
* 个人用户的配置面板
* @access public
* @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form
* @return void
public static function personalConfig(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form) {
* 插件实现方法
* @access public
* @return void
public static function Copyright($content, $widget, $lastResult) {
$content = empty($lastResult) ? $content : $lastResult;
$cr = self::apply($widget);
$cr_html = self::render($cr);
$content = $content . $cr_html;
return $content;
private static function globalCopyright($widget) {
$cr = array('show_on_post' => '', 'show_on_page' => '', 'show_url' => '', 'author' => '', 'url' => '', 'notice' => '');
$cr['show_on_post'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->showOnPost;
$cr['show_on_page'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->showOnPage;
$cr['show_url'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->showURL[0];
$cr['author'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->author;
$cr['url'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->url;
$cr['notice'] = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('Copyright')->notice;
return $cr;
private static function localCopyright($widget) {
$cr = array('switch_on' => '', 'author' => '', 'url' => '', 'notice' => '');
if ($widget->fields->switch) {
$cr['switch_on'] = 1;
$cr['author'] = $widget->fields->author;
$cr['url'] = $widget->fields->url;
$cr['notice'] = $widget->fields->notice;
return $cr;
private static function apply($widget) {
$gcr = self::globalCopyright($widget);
$lcr = self::localCopyright($widget);
$cr = array('is_enable' => '', 'is_original' => '', 'author' => '', 'url' => '', 'notice' => '');
if ($widget->is('single')) {
$cr['is_enable'] = 1;
if ($widget->parameter->type == 'post' && $gcr['show_on_post'] == 0) {
$cr['is_enable'] = 0;
if ($widget->parameter->type == 'page' && $gcr['show_on_page'] == 0) {
$cr['is_enable'] = 0;
if ($lcr['switch_on'] != '') {
$cr['is_enable'] = $lcr['switch_on'];
if ($gcr['show_url'] == 0) {
$cr['url'] = 0;
$cr['url'] = $lcr['url'] != '' ? $lcr['url'] : $gcr['url'];
if ($gcr['show_url'] == 1 && $lcr['url'] == '') {
$cr['is_original'] = 1;
$cr['url'] = $widget->permalink;
$cr['author'] = $lcr['author'] != '' ? $lcr['author'] : $gcr['author'];
$cr['notice'] = $lcr['notice'] != '' ? $lcr['notice'] : $gcr['notice'];
return $cr;
private static function render($cr) {
$copyright_html = '';
$t_author = '';
$t_notice = '';
$t_url = '';
if ($cr['is_enable']) {
if ($cr['author']) {
$t_author = '<p class="content-copyright">版权属于:' . $cr['author'] . '</p>';
if ($cr['url']) {
if ($cr['is_original']) {
$t_url = '<p class="content-copyright">本文链接:<a class="content-copyright" href="' . $cr['url'] . '">' . $cr['url'] . '</a></p>';
} else {
$t_url = '<p class="content-copyright">原文链接:<a class="content-copyright" target="_blank" href="' . $cr['url'] . '">' . $cr['url'] . '</a></p>';
if ($cr['notice']) {
$t_notice = '<p class="content-copyright">' . $cr['notice'] . '</p>';
$copyright_html = '<hr class="content-copyright" style="margin-top:50px" /><blockquote class="content-copyright-quote" style="margin-top:50px;padding:16px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.7);border-left:5px solid rgba(114,102,186,0.7);">' . $t_author . $t_url . $t_notice . '</blockquote>';
return $copyright_html;