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require __DIR__ . "/qcloudsms/src/index.php";
include '../functions.php';
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsSingleSender;
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsMultiSender;
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsVoiceVerifyCodeSender;
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsVoicePromptSender;
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsStatusPuller;
use Qcloud\Sms\SmsMobileStatusPuller;
use Qcloud\Sms\VoiceFileUploader;
use Qcloud\Sms\FileVoiceSender;
use Qcloud\Sms\TtsVoiceSender;
$to = $_REQUEST['to'];
$tpl = $_REQUEST['tpl'];
$msg1 = $_REQUEST['msg1'];
$msg2 = $_REQUEST['msg2'];
$msg = array();
array_push($msg, $msg1, $msg2);
yimian__sms($to, null, $msg);
function yimian__sms($to, $tpl, $msg){
// 短信应用SDK AppID
$appid = 1400146012; // 1400开头
// 短信应用SDK AppKey
$appkey = "9625017dc9604dda8514af6e80911ee6";
// 签名
$smsSign = "Yimian"; // NOTE: 这里的签名只是示例,请使用真实的已申请的签名,签名参数使用的是`签名内容`,而不是`签名ID`
$templateId = 300726; // NOTE: 这里的模板ID`7839`只是一个示例,真实的模板ID需要在短信控制台中申请
try {
$ssender = new SmsSingleSender($appid, $appkey);
$params = $msg;
$result = $ssender->sendWithParam("86", $to, $templateId,
$params, $smsSign, "", ""); // 签名参数未提供或者为空时,会使用默认签名发送短信
$rsp = json_decode($result);
echo $result;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
echo var_dump($e);