You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
6.0 KiB

* “后来我终于知道,它并不是我的花,我只是恰好途径了它的盛放。”
* @package handsome
* @author 友人C
* @version 5.0.0
* @link
if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
<!-- aside -->
<?php $this->need('component/aside.php'); ?>
<!-- / aside -->
<!-- <div id="content" class="app-content"> -->
<a class="off-screen-toggle hide"></a>
<main class="app-content-body <?php Content::returnPageAnimateClass($this); ?>">
<div class="hbox hbox-auto-xs hbox-auto-sm">
<div class="col center-part">
<?php if($this->options->blogNotice): ?>
<div class="alert alert-warning alert-block" style="
margin-bottom: 0px;">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button><p><i class="fontello fontello-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;
<?php $this->options->blogNotice(); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<header class="bg-light lter b-b wrapper-md">
<h1 class="m-n font-thin h3 text-black l-h"><?php $this->options->title(); ?></h1>
<small class="text-muted letterspacing indexWords"><?php
if (@!in_array('hitokoto',$this->options->featuresetup)) {
echo '加载中……';
echo '<script>
type: \'Get\',
url: \'\',
success: function(data) {
var hitokoto = data.hitokoto;
<div class="wrapper-md" id="post-panel">
$this->row = [];
$this->stack = [];
$this->length = 0;
$order = '';
$sticky_cids = [];
$restPostSelect = $this->select()->where('table.contents.type = ? and table.contents.status = ? and table.contents.created < ?',
$db = Typecho_Db::get();
$sticky = $this->options->sticky; //置顶的文章cid,按照排序输入, 请以半角逗号或空格分隔
if(trim($sticky) && $this->is('index') || $this->is('front')){
$sticky_cids = explode(',', strtr($sticky, ' ', ','));//分割文本
$sticky_html = '<span class="label text-base bg-danger pull-left m-t-xs m-r-xs" style="margin-top: 2px;">'._mt("置顶").'</span>';
$pageSize = $this->options->pageSize;
$stickySelect = $this->select()->where('table.contents.type = ?', 'post');
foreach($sticky_cids as $i => $cid) {
if($i == 0) $stickySelect->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $cid);
else $stickySelect->orWhere('table.contents.cid = ?', $cid);
$order .= " when $cid then $i";
$restPostSelect->where('table.contents.cid != ?', $cid); //避免重复
if ($order) $stickySelect->order(null,"(case cid$order end)"); //置顶文章的顺序 按 $sticky 中 文章ID顺序
if ($this->_currentPage == 1) foreach($db->fetchAll($stickySelect) as $sticky_post){ //首页第一页才显示
$sticky_post['sticky'] = $sticky_html;
$this->push($sticky_post); //压入列队
$restPostSelect->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.cid = table.contents.cid',Typecho_Db::LEFT_JOIN)
->join('table.metas','table.metas.mid = table.relationships.mid',Typecho_Db::LEFT_JOIN)
->where('table.metas.slug != ? or table.metas.slug is NULL', 'image');
$uid = $this->user->uid; //登录时,显示用户各自的私密文章
if($uid) {
$restPostSelect->orWhere('authorId = ? and table.metas.slug!=? or
table.metas.slug is NULL', $uid,'image')
->where('table.contents.type = ? and table.contents.status = ? and table.contents.created < ?',
$endSelect = $restPostSelect->order('table.contents.created', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC);
$rest_posts = $db->fetchAll($restPostSelect->order('table.contents.created', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC)->page($this->_currentPage, $this->parameter->pageSize));
$count = IMAGE_POST_NUM;
foreach($rest_posts as $rest_post) {
} //压入列队
$this->setTotal($this->getTotal()-count($sticky_cids)-$count); //置顶文章和相册文章不计算在所有文章内
<?php Content::echoPostList($this) ?>
<nav class="text-center m-t-lg m-b-lg" role="navigation">
<?php $this->pageNav('<i class="fontello fontello-chevron-left"></i>', '<i class="fontello fontello-chevron-right"></i>'); ?>
.page-navigator>li>a, .page-navigator>li>span{
line-height: 1.42857143;
padding: 6px 12px;
<?php $this->need('component/sidebar.php') ?>
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<?php $this->need('component/footer.php'); ?>
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