You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
9.2 KiB

if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* en.php
* Author : hewro
* Date : 2017/4/29
* Version : 1.0
* Description: English version
class Lang_en extends Lang {
* @return string 返回语言名称
public function name(){
return "English";
* @return array 返回包含翻译文本的数组
public function translated(){
return array(
'zh-cmn-Hans' => 'en',
/*首页 index.php*/
'早上好,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶' => 'Good morning,ever youthful,ever weeping',
'下午好,是时候打个盹了' => 'Good afternoon, it \'s time to take a nap',
'晚上好,注意早点休息' => 'Good evening, pay attention to early break',
'早上好,' => 'Good morning, ',
'下午好,' => 'Good afternoon, ',
'晚上好,' => 'Good evening, ',
'文章RSS' => 'Articles RSS',
'评论RSS' => 'Comment RSS',
'导航' => 'Navigation',
'首页' => 'Home',
'组成' => 'Components',
'分类' => 'Categories',
'页面' => 'Pages',
'友链' => 'Links',
'输入关键词搜索…' => 'Search projects...',
'闲言碎语' => 'New thing',
'登录' => 'Login',
'注册' => 'registered',
'后台管理' => 'Management',
'退出' => 'Drop out',
'用户名' => 'username',
'密码' => 'password',
'登录中' => 'logging in',
'热门文章' => 'Popular articles',
'最新评论' => 'Latest comments',
'随机文章' => 'Random articles',
'评论详情' => 'Comment details',
'详情' => 'details',
'随机文章' => 'Random articles',
'分类' => 'Categories',
'标签云' => 'Tag cloud',
'文章目录' => 'Article Directory',
'设置' => 'Setting',
'重置' => 'Reset',
'固定头部' => 'Fix head',
'固定导航' => 'Fix navigation',
'折叠导航' => 'Fold navigation',
'置顶导航' => 'Top navigation',
'盒子模型' => 'Box model',
'恢复默认值' => 'Restore Defaults',
/*评论 Comments*/
'暂无评论' => ' No comments',
'1 条评论' => ' One comment',
'%d 条评论' => ' %d comments',
'条评论' => ' comments',
'阅读: %d' => 'Read: %d',
'次浏览' => 'views',
'在这里输入你的评论...(Ctrl/Control + Enter 快捷提交)' => 'Enter your comments here ... (Ctrl / Control + Enter)',
'发表评论' => 'Leave a Comment',
'评论' => 'Comment',
'欢迎' => 'Welcome',
'归来' => 'to return',
'名称' => 'Name',
'邮箱' => 'Email',
'网址' => 'Website',
'姓名或昵称' => 'Name or nickname',
'网站或博客' => 'Website or blog',
'提交中' => 'submitting',
'此处评论已关闭' => 'Comment here is closed',
'说点什么吧……' => 'say something…',
'评论通知' => 'Commentary notice',
'登录通知' => 'Login notification',
/* 时光机页面 */
'我的动态' => 'Small talk',
'联系方式' => 'Contact information',
'外观设置——输入email地址' => 'Appearance settings - enter email address',
'外观设置——输入QQ号码' => 'Appearance settings - enter the QQ number',
'外观设置——输入微博ID' => 'Appearance settings - enter microblogging ID',
'外观设置——输入网易云音乐ID' => 'Appearance Settings - Enter NetEase Music ID',
'网易云音乐' => 'Netease cloud music',
'关于我' => 'About me',
'Y 年 m 月 d 日 h 时 i 分 A' => 'F jS, Y \a\t h:i a',
'Y 年 m 月 d 日 h : i A' => 'F jS, Y \a\t h:i a',
'发表新鲜事' => 'Published something new',
'欢迎你来到「时光机」栏目。在这里你可以记录你的日常和心情。而且,首页的“闲言碎语”栏目会显示最新的三条动态哦!这是默认的第一条说说,当你发布第一条说说的时候,该条动态会自动消失。' => 'Welcome to the "Time Machine" section. Here you can record your daily and mood. Moreover, the home page of the "gossip" column will show the latest three dynamic Oh! This is the first to talk about the default, when you release the first talk about the time, the dynamic will automatically disappear.',
'分享到' => 'Share to',
'QQ空间' => 'Qzone',
'微博' => 'Weibo',
'用户名或电子邮箱' => 'User name or e-mail address',
'地址' => 'Site',
'邮箱 (必填,将保密)' => 'E-mail (required)',
'表情' => 'Emoji',
// 日期格式化'
'%d 年前' => '%d Years Ago',
'%d 个月前' => '%d Mouths Ago',
'%d 星期前' => '%d Weeks Ago',
'%d 天前' => '%d Days Ago',
'%d 小时前' => '%d Hours Ago',
'%d 分钟前' => '%d Minutes Ago',
'%d 秒前' => '%d Seconds Ago',
'1 年前' => '1 Year Ago',
'1 个月前' => '1 Mouth Ago',
'1 星期前' => '1 Week Ago',
'1 天前' => '1 Day Ago',
'1 小时前' => '1 Hour Ago',
'1 分钟前' => '1 Minute Ago',
'1 秒前' => '1 Second Ago',
'昨天 %s' => 'Yesterday %s',
'刚刚' => 'Just now',
/*文章页面 post/page.php */
'如果觉得我的文章对你有用,请随意赞赏' => 'If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate',
'最后修改时间为' => 'The last modification time is',
'最后修改' => 'Last modification',
'著作权归作者所有' => 'The copyright belongs to the author',
'转载请联系作者获得授权,并注明转载地址' => 'Please contact the author to obtain authorization, and indicate the reprint address',
'赞赏作者' => 'Appreciate the author',
'赞赏' => 'Support',
'扫一扫支付' => 'Sweeping payments',
'上一篇' => 'Previous',
'下一篇' => 'Next',
'回复' => 'Reply',
'取消回复' => 'Cancel reply',
'支付宝支付' => 'Pay by AliPay',
'微信支付' => 'Pay by WeChat',
'评论审核中' => 'Review',
'空白占位符' => 'Placeholder',
'图片占位符' => 'Placeholder',
'分类 %s 下的文章' => 'Articles in the category of %s',
'包含关键字 %s 的文章' => 'Articles containing the keywords of %s',
'标签 %s 下的文章' => 'Articles under the label of %s',
'%s 发布的文章' =>'Articles published by %s',
'此处内容需要评论回复后方可阅读。' => 'The contents of this review need to be reviewed before reading.',
'作者' => 'Author',
'返回首页' => 'Return to Home',
'没有找到搜索结果,请尝试更换关键词。' => 'Can not find the search results, please try to replace the keyword.',
'正文' => "Text",
/*登录退出提交 */
'必须填写用户名' => 'Must fill in the user name',
'必须填写昵称或姓名' => 'Must fill in nickname or name',
'必须填写电子邮箱地址' => 'E-mail address must be filled in',
'邮箱地址不合法' => 'E-mail address is not legal',
'必须填写评论内容' => 'Must fill in the comments',
'提交失败,请重试!' => 'Submit failed, please try again!',
'提交失败,您的输入内容不符合规则!' => 'Submission failed, your input does not match the rules!',
'请填写密码' => 'Please fill in the password',
'登录失败,请重新登录' => 'Login failed, please log in again',
'用户名或者密码错误,请重试' => 'Username or password is wrong, please try again',
'登录成功' => 'Login successful',
'退出成功,正在刷新当前页面' => 'The exit is successful and the current page is being refreshed',
'退出失败,请重试' => 'Exit failed, please try again',
'退出成功' => 'Exit successful',
'密码错误,请重试' => 'Password is wrong, please try again',
'返回顶部' => 'Top',
'作者' => 'Author',
'用户' => 'User',
'好! 目前共计 %d 篇日志。 继续努力。' => 'Ok! At present,% d articles of diary. keep it up.'
* @return string 返回日期的格式化字符串
public function dateFormat(){
return "F j, Y";