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<?php if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit; ?>
<?php $this->need('header.php'); ?>
<?php if($this->hidden): ?>
<article class="post" itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 class="post-title" itemprop="name headline"><?php $this->title() ?></h1>
<div class="post-content password" itemprop="articleBody">
<?php $this->text(); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if($this->fields->postType == 1): ?>
<article class="post" itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 class="post-title" itemprop="name headline"><?php $this->title() ?></h1>
<div class="post-content" itemprop="articleBody" id="masonry">
<?php $this->content(); ?>
<?php $this->need(''); ?>
<?php $this->need('comments.php'); ?>
<?php else: ?>
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$imgs = getPostImg($this, $this->options->wholeSrc);
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$differentPic = array();
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$titleflag = 1;
foreach($imgs as $img) {
$_colXs = 6; $_colSm = 4; $_colMd = 3; $_colLg = 2;
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$_colXs = $differentPic[1];
$_colSm = $differentPic[2];
$_colMd = $differentPic[3];
$_colLg = $differentPic[4];
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$_colMd = $this->options->colMd ? $this->options->colMd : $_colMd;
$_colLg = $this->options->colLg ? $this->options->colLg : $_colLg;
if($this->fields->hiddenMorePic == 1 && $this->fields->hiddenMorePics == $titleflag && !$this->user->hasLogin()):
<div class="post-item col-xs-<?php echo $_colXs ?> col-sm-<?php echo $_colSm ?> col-md-<?php echo $_colMd ?> col-lg-<?php echo $_colLg ?>"><a class="hidden-more" href="<?php $this->options->adminUrl('login.php?referer='.urlencode($this->permalink)); ?>">登陆后显示更多</a></div>
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<div id="post-comments">
<?php $this->need('comments.php'); ?>
<?php endif; //显示模式判定 ?>
<?php endif; //隐藏文章判定 ?>
<!--a itemprop="url" href="<?php $this->permalink() ?>"><?php $this->title() ?></a-->
<!-- end #main-->
<?php $this->need('sidebar.php'); ?>
<?php $this->need('footer.php'); ?>