# LoRa-socket ![size](https://badge-size.herokuapp.com/iotcat/LoRa-socket/master/lora-socket.h) [简体中文](./zh.md) ## Usage - with Callback Functions ```C++ #define LORA_SOCKET_IP "" //need to be unique #include "lora-socket.h" LoRaSocket socket; void setup(){ socket.ini(); //initalization socket.onReceived(doIfRec); //Register a callback function, which is triggered when a new message is received } void doIfRec(String message, String fromIP, String toIP, String msgType){ //Execute the this function when a new message is received socket.udp("Hi"); //Broadcast using udp socket.udp("Hi xx", ""); //Use udp to send messages to socket.tcp("Hi xxx", ""); //Use tcp to send messages reliably to } void loop(){ //No delay() could be used in loop() socket.core(); //Socket service core } ``` ## Usage - with If in loop() ```C++ #define LORA_SOCKET_IP "" //need to be unique #include "lora-socket.h" LoRaSocket socket; void setup(){ socket.ini(); //initalization } void loop(){ //No delay() could be used in loop() if(socket.isNewMsg()){ //Determine whether there is new message Serial.println(socket.getNewMsg()); //Print out new messages directly [Method 1] String message, fromIP, toIP, msgType; socket.getNewMsg(message, fromIP, toIP, msgType); //Get content and information by reference [Method 2] } socket.core(); //Socket service core } ```