You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1067 lines
32 KiB

* ovo Main File
* @category ovo
* @package ovo.cpp
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 EEENeko (
* @license GNU General Public License 3.0
* @version 0.0.2
#ifndef _OVO_H
#define _OVO_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#ifdef _pthread
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16 //AES Block Size
/* Define of btye.*/
typedef unsigned char byte;
/* Define of byte. */
typedef unsigned int bit32;
using namespace std;
namespace ovo{
* Show info about ovo
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class info{
static string version;
inline void hi() const {cout << "Hello OvO~" << endl;};
void detail() const;
* Operate with files
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class file{
/*** Files ***/
class FileInfo {
string name; //File name
string path;
unsigned int size; //File size
time_t time_create; //File created time
time_t time_access; //File last accessed time
time_t time_write; //File last write time
unsigned int attrib; //File attribute*/
} FileInfo;
vector<class FileInfo> file;
/* Get files numbers */
inline int num(){return file.size();}
/* Get info of Files */
void get_files_info(const string path, const string format = "*", const int isSearchSubfolders = 0);
/*** Files ***/
void get_all_files_info(string path, const string format = "*");
void get_all_folders_name(string path, vector<string>& folders);
* string tools
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class String{
void split(const std::string& s, std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& c);
* Math operation
* @author yimian, Jiewei Wei(md5), Rene Nyffenegger(base64), Louis Nam(sha256)
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class math {
/* rand */
unsigned long randNum;
inline int rand(const int& a, const int& b){
return (time(NULL) + (randNum++) * std::rand()) % std::abs(b - a + 1) + a;
inline string randStr(const unsigned int length = 0){
return md5(to_string(time(NULL)) + to_string(this->randNum++));
return (sha256(to_string(time(NULL)) + to_string(this->randNum++))).substr(0, length);
/*** md5 ***/
inline string md5 (const string message) const {
MD5 m(message);
return m.toStr();
class MD5 {
/* Construct a md5 object with a string. */
MD5(const string& message);
/* Generate md5 digest. */
const byte* getDigest();
/* Convert digest to string value */
string toStr(const int length = 32);
/* Initialization the md5 object, processing another message block,
* and updating the context.*/
void init(const byte* input, size_t len);
/* md5 basic transformation. Transforms state based on block. */
void transform(const byte block[64]);
/* Encodes input (usigned long) into output (byte). */
void encode(const bit32* input, byte* output, size_t length);
/* Decodes input (byte) into output (usigned long). */
void decode(const byte* input, bit32* output, size_t length);
/* Flag for mark whether calculate finished. */
bool finished;
/* state (ABCD). */
bit32 state[4];
/* number of bits, low-order word first. */
bit32 count[2];
/* input buffer. */
byte buffer[64];
/* message digest. */
byte digest[16];
/* padding for calculate. */
static const byte PADDING[64];
/* Hex numbers. */
static const char HEX_NUMBERS[16];
/*** base64 ***/
string base64_encode(const string fromStr);
string base64_decode(string const& s);
static const string base64_chars;
static inline bool is_base64(unsigned char c) {
return (isalnum(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/'));
/*** SHA256 ***/
string sha256(string input);
class SHA256 {
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
const static uint32 sha256_k[];
static const unsigned int SHA224_256_BLOCK_SIZE = (512/8);
void init();
void update(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int len);
void final(unsigned char *digest);
static const unsigned int DIGEST_SIZE = ( 256 / 8);
void transform(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int block_nb);
unsigned int m_tot_len;
unsigned int m_len;
unsigned char m_block[2*SHA224_256_BLOCK_SIZE];
uint32 m_h[8];
/*** AES ***/
void aes_ini(std::string key, std::string iv = ""){
key = (this->md5(key)).substr(0, 16);
_aes_key = key;
if(iv == "") this->_aes_iv = this->_aes_key;
else _aes_iv = (this->sha256(iv)).substr(0, 16);
std::string aes_decode(const string& strSrc);
std::string aes_encode(string strSrc);
std::string _aes_key;
std::string _aes_iv;
class AES {
ECB = 0, CBC = 1, CFB = 2
virtual ~AES();
//Key Initialization Flag
bool m_bKeyInit;
//Encryption (m_Ke) round key
int m_Ke[MAX_ROUNDS + 1][MAX_BC];
//Decryption (m_Kd) round key
int m_Kd[MAX_ROUNDS + 1][MAX_BC];
//Key Length
int m_keylength;
//Block Size
int m_blockSize;
//Number of Rounds
int m_iROUNDS;
//Chain Block
char m_chain0[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
char m_chain[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
//Auxiliary private use buffers
int tk[MAX_KC];
int a[MAX_BC];
int t[MAX_BC];
void Xor(char* buff, char const* chain);
void DefEncryptBlock(char const* in, char* result);
void DefDecryptBlock(char const* in, char* result);
void EncryptBlock(char const* in, char* result);
void DecryptBlock(char const* in, char* result);
void MakeKey(char const* key, char const* chain, int keylength = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, int blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
void Encrypt(char const* in, char* result, size_t n, int iMode = ECB);
void Decrypt(char const* in, char* result, size_t n, int iMode = ECB);
#ifdef _pthread
class Timer {
bool clear = false;
void setTimeout(auto function, int delay);
void setInterval(auto function, int interval);
void stop();
* Data Storage
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class data{
friend class db;
data(const data& d){
this->_data = d._data;
/* insert data */
template <typename T, typename Y>
inline void insert(const T& key, const Y& val){
this->_data[this->toStr(key)] = this->toStr(val);
/* attach data */
template <typename T>
inline void attachData(const T& key, ovo::data data){
this->_data[this->toStr(key)] = this->dataToStr(data);
/* attach data */
template <typename T>
inline void attachData(const T& key, string s){
this->_data[this->toStr(key)] = s;
/* overload [] */
template <typename T>
string& operator[](const T& i){
return this->_data[this->toStr(i)];
/* overload [] */
template <typename T>
const string& operator[](const T& i) const{
return this->_data[this->toStr(i)];
/* find begin */
inline map<string, string>::iterator begin(){
return _data.begin();
/* find end */
inline map<string, string>::iterator end(){
return _data.end();
/* find elements's address */
template <typename T>
inline map<string, string>::iterator find(const T& i){
return _data.find(this->toStr(i));
/* clear all elements */
inline void clear(){
/* clear elements */
template <typename T>
inline void clear(const T& key){
map<string, string>::iterator t_iter = this->find(this->toStr(key));
/* clear elements */
template <typename T>
inline void erase(const T& key){
map<string, string>::iterator t_iter = this->find(key);
/* iterator */
map<string, string>::iterator iter;
/* if key is exist */
template <typename T>
inline bool isExist(T& key){
if(this->_data.count(this->toStr(key)) && this->_data[this->toStr(key)] != "undefined"){
return true;
this->_data[this->toStr(key)] = "undefined";
return false;
/* classify elements */
void classify(){
map<string, string>::iterator t_iter = this->_data.begin();
while(t_iter != this->_data.end()){
if(t_iter->second == "undefined"){
/* data to string */
string dataToStr(ovo::data& d){
string s = "__OVO_DATA__";
d.forEach([&](string first, string second){
s += first + "$$||$$" + second + "$$||$$";
return s;
/* string to data */
ovo::data strToData(string s){
ovo::data d;
if(s.length() <= 12 || s.substr(0, 12) != "__OVO_DATA__") return d;
s = s.substr(12);
std::vector<string> v;
S.split(s, v, "$$||$$");
for(int i = 0; i < v.size() - 1; i += 2){
d[v[i]] = v[i + 1];
return d;
/* for each */
void forEach(const std::function<void(string, string)>& f){
map<string, string>::iterator t_iter = this->_data.begin();
while(t_iter != this->_data.end()){
f(t_iter->first, t_iter->second);
/* display all elements */
string showAll(){
string s = "{";
map<string, string>::iterator t_iter = this->_data.begin();
while(t_iter != this->_data.end()){
s += "\n \"" + t_iter->first + "\": \"" + t_iter->second + "\",";
s += "\n}";
return s;
/* get size of data */
inline int size() const{
return _data.size();
map<string, string> _data;
ovo::String S;
/* string to string */
inline string toStr(const string& from) const{
return from;
/* from T to string */
template <typename T>
string toStr(const T& from) const{
stringstream ss;
ss << setprecision(15) << from;
string s;
ss >> s;
return s;
* Index Storage
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class index{
friend class db;
index(const index& i){
this->_val = i._val;
this->_index = i._index;
void push_back(const string& val, const string& index){
std::vector<string> getIndex(const string& val){
std::vector<string> v;
std::vector<unsigned int> pos = this->_getPosition(this->_val, val);
for(unsigned int i : pos){
return v;
string getVal(const string& index){
std::vector<unsigned int> pos = this->_getPosition(this->_index, index);
if(pos.size()) return this->_val[pos[0]];
return string();
void delByIndex(const string& index){
std::vector<unsigned int> pos = this->_getPosition(this->_index, index);
sort(pos.begin(), pos.end(), [&](const unsigned int& a, const unsigned int& b)->bool{
return (a > b);
for(unsigned int i : pos){
this->_index.erase(this->_index.begin() + i);
this->_val.erase(this->_val.begin() + i);
void delByVal(const string& val){
std::vector<unsigned int> pos = this->_getPosition(this->_val, val);
sort(pos.begin(), pos.end(), [&](const unsigned int& a, const unsigned int& b)->bool{
return (a > b);
for(unsigned int i : pos){
this->_index.erase(this->_index.begin() + i);
this->_val.erase(this->_val.begin() + i);
int size(){
return this->_index.size();
std::vector<string> _val, _index;
std::vector<unsigned int> _getPosition(std::vector<string>& v, const string& s){
std::vector<unsigned int> o;
vector <string>::iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), s);
while(it != v.end()){
o.push_back(distance(v.begin(), it));
it = find(++it, v.end(), s);
return o;
* Database operation
* @author yimian
* @category ovo
* @package ovo
class db{
this->_path = "data\\";
this->_AES = false;
/* construct with path and method */
db(const string& s, const string method = ""){
this->_path = s + "\\";
if(method == "AES") this->_AES = true;
else this->_AES = false;
/* no-sql */
/* push data to database */
void pushData(const string& key, data& data);
inline void pushData(data& data, const string& key){
pushData(key, data);
/* add data to database */
void addData(const string& key, data& data);
inline void addData(data& data, const string& key){
pushData(key, data);
/* get data from database */
data getData(const string& key);
/* get data from database */
void getData(const string& key, std::vector<string>& v1, std::vector<string>& v2);
/* classify data in db */
inline void classify(const string& key){
std::vector<string> v;
this->classify(key, v);
/* classify data in db */
void classify(const string& key, std::vector<string> v);
/* del data */
void del(const string& key);
/* sql */
void createTable(const string& tableName, std::vector<string> v){
std::vector<string> index;
this->createTable(tableName, v, index);
void createTable(const string& tableName, std::vector<string> v, std::vector<string> index){
ovo::data d;
string keysName = "";
string indexNames = "";
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i ++){
d[v[i]] = this->generateIndex(v[i]);
keysName += v[i] + "||$$||";
for(int i = 0; i < index.size(); i ++){
d[this->getIndexName(index[i])] = this->generateIndex(this->getIndexName(index[i]));
indexNames += this->getIndexName(index[i]) + "||$$||";
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i ++){
d[this->getIndexName(v[i])] = this->generateIndex(this->getIndexName(v[i]));
indexNames += this->getIndexName(v[i]) + "||$$||";
d["__OVO_KEYS__"] = keysName;
d["__OVO_INDEX__"] = indexNames;
d["__OVO_LIST__"] = generateIndex();
d["__OVO_DEL_LIST__"] = generateIndex();
this->pushData(generateTableName(tableName), d);
void insertSQL(const string& tableName, ovo::data d){
ovo::data temp;
temp = this->_getTableKeys(tableName, true);
temp.forEach([&](string first, string second){
temp[first] = d[first];
string id = this->generateIndex();
this->pushData(id, temp);
temp[id] = to_string(time(NULL));
this->addData(this->_getTableList(tableName), temp);
ovo::data index = this->_getTableIndex(tableName);
for(auto i : index._data){
if(d[i.first.substr(15)] != "undefined")
temp[d[i.first.substr(15)]] = id;
this->addData(i.second, temp);
std::vector<ovo::data> getSQL(const string& tableName, const string& index, const string& val){
ovo::data indexList;
std::vector<string> v;
std::vector<ovo::data> o;
indexList = this->_getTableIndex(tableName);
if(indexList["_isExist"] == "NO"){
return o;
if(indexList["__TABLE_INDEX__" + index] == "undefined"){
return o;
v = this->_getItemAddress(indexList, index, val);
for(string i : v){
return o;
std::vector<ovo::data> getSQL(const string& tableName, ovo::data& d){
ovo::data indexList;
std::vector<std::vector<string>> v;
std::vector<ovo::data> o;
if(!d.size()) return this->getSQL(tableName);
indexList = this->_getTableIndex(tableName);
if(indexList["_isExist"] == "NO"){
return o;
d.forEach([&](string index, string val){
v.push_back(this->_getItemAddress(indexList, index, val));
for(string i : this->_getInterSection(v)){
return o;
std::vector<ovo::data> getSQL(const string& tableName){
ovo::data indexList;
std::vector<ovo::data> o;
indexList = this->getData(this->_getTableList(tableName));
if(indexList["_isExist"] == "NO"){
return o;
for(auto i : indexList){
return o;
unsigned int getNumSQL(const string& tableName, const string& index, const string& val){
ovo::data indexList;
std::vector<string> v;
indexList = this->_getTableIndex(tableName);
if(indexList["_isExist"] == "NO"){
return 0;
if(indexList["__TABLE_INDEX__" + index] == "undefined"){
return 0;
v = this->_getItemAddress(indexList, index, val);
return v.size();
unsigned int getNumSQL(const string& tableName, ovo::data& d){
ovo::data indexList;
std::vector<std::vector<string>> v;
indexList = this->_getTableIndex(tableName);
d.forEach([&](string index, string val){
v.push_back(this->_getItemAddress(indexList, index, val));
return this->_getInterSection(v).size();
unsigned int getNumSQL(const string& tableName){
ovo::data indexList;
indexList = this->getData(this->_getTableList(tableName));
return indexList.size();
std::vector<string> _getInterSection(std::vector<std::vector<string>> v){
std::vector<string> vv;
if(v.size() == 1){
return v[0];
for(int i = 0; i < v[0].size(); i ++){
int cnt = 0;
for(int ii = 0; ii < v.size(); ii ++){
if(find(v[ii].begin(), v[ii].end(), v[0][i]) != v[ii].end()){
cnt ++;
if(cnt == v.size()){
return vv;
std::vector<string> _getItemAddress(ovo::data& indexList, const string& index, const string& val){
std::vector<string> v1, v2, v3;
if(indexList["__TABLE_INDEX__" + index] == "undefined"){
return v3;
this->getData(indexList["__TABLE_INDEX__" + index], v1, v2);
for(int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i ++){
if(v1[i] == val){
return v3;
void _getAll(ovo::data& indexList, std::vector<string>& v2){
std::vector<string> v1;
if(indexList["__TABLE_INDEX__"] == "undefined"){
return ;
this->getData(indexList["__OVO_LIST__"], v1, v2);
return ;
ovo::data _getTableKeys(const string& tableName, const bool isNULL = false){
ovo::data d, o;
d = this->getData(generateTableName(tableName));
std::vector<string> v;
S.split(d["__OVO_KEYS__"], v, "||$$||");
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i ++){
o[v[i]] = d[v[i]];
return o;
ovo::data _getTableIndex(const string& tableName){
ovo::data d, o;
d = this->getData(generateTableName(tableName));
if(d["_isExist"] == "NO") return d;
std::vector<string> v;
S.split(d["__OVO_INDEX__"], v, "||$$||");
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i ++){
o[v[i]] = d[v[i]];
return o;
string _getTableList(const string& tableName){
ovo::data d;
d = this->getData(generateTableName(tableName));
return d["__OVO_LIST__"];
void _delTable(const string& tableName){
ovo::math m;
ovo::String S;
string _path;
bool _AES;
/* generate file name */
inline string getFName(const string& key){
return this->_path + m.md5(key + "_ovo_db") + ".ovo_db";
/* check folder */
inline void checkFolder(){
string cmd = "if not exist " + _path + " md " + _path;
inline string generateTableName(const string& tableName){
return "__OVO_DB_TABLE__" + tableName;
inline string getIndexName(const string& index){
return "__TABLE_INDEX__" + index;
inline string generateIndex(const string& salt = ""){
return m.sha256(m.randStr() + salt);
/* Parameters of md5. */
#define s11 7
#define s12 12
#define s13 17
#define s14 22
#define s21 5
#define s22 9
#define s23 14
#define s24 20
#define s31 4
#define s32 11
#define s33 16
#define s34 23
#define s41 6
#define s42 10
#define s43 15
#define s44 21
* @Basic ovo::math::md5 functions.
* @param there bit32.
* @return one bit32.
#define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((~x) & (z)))
#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~z)))
#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | (~z)))
* @Rotate Left.
* @param {num} the raw number.
* @param {n} rotate left n.
* @return the number after rotated left.
#define ROTATELEFT(num, n) (((num) << (n)) | ((num) >> (32-(n))))
* @Transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
#define FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
(a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + ac; \
(a) = ROTATELEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
(a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + ac; \
(a) = ROTATELEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
(a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + ac; \
(a) = ROTATELEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
(a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + ac; \
(a) = ROTATELEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
/*** sha256 define ***/
#define SHA2_SHFR(x, n) (x >> n)
#define SHA2_ROTR(x, n) ((x >> n) | (x << ((sizeof(x) << 3) - n)))
#define SHA2_ROTL(x, n) ((x << n) | (x >> ((sizeof(x) << 3) - n)))
#define SHA2_CH(x, y, z) ((x & y) ^ (~x & z))
#define SHA2_MAJ(x, y, z) ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))
#define SHA256_F1(x) (SHA2_ROTR(x, 2) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 13) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 22))
#define SHA256_F2(x) (SHA2_ROTR(x, 6) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 11) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 25))
#define SHA256_F3(x) (SHA2_ROTR(x, 7) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 18) ^ SHA2_SHFR(x, 3))
#define SHA256_F4(x) (SHA2_ROTR(x, 17) ^ SHA2_ROTR(x, 19) ^ SHA2_SHFR(x, 10))
#define SHA2_UNPACK32(x, str) \
{ \
*((str) + 3) = (uint8) ((x) ); \
*((str) + 2) = (uint8) ((x) >> 8); \
*((str) + 1) = (uint8) ((x) >> 16); \
*((str) + 0) = (uint8) ((x) >> 24); \
#define SHA2_PACK32(str, x) \
{ \
*(x) = ((uint32) *((str) + 3) ) \
| ((uint32) *((str) + 2) << 8) \
| ((uint32) *((str) + 1) << 16) \
| ((uint32) *((str) + 0) << 24); \