You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

862 lines
23 KiB

#ifndef __PARK_H__
#define __PARK_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
#include "../lib/ovo.h"
#include "plot.h"
#include "car.h"
#include "feeTable.h"
const string g_ParkID = "EEE102AS4";
using namespace std;
class Park{
this->_threadFinished = true;
this->_threadPointer = false;
this->_d = db.getData(g_ParkID);
if(!this->isExist()) return ;
this->_threadFinished = false;
this->_t = new std::thread([&]{
this->_threadPointer = true;
this->_plotsList = db.getData(this->_d["plotsList"]);
this->_carsList = db.getData(this->_d["carsList"]);
this->_levels = atoi(this->_d["levels"].c_str());
this->_threadFinished = true;
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
db.pushData(g_ParkID, this->_d);
db.pushData(this->_d["plotsList"], this->_plotsList);
db.pushData(this->_d["carsList"], this->_carsList);
void join(){
delete this->_t;
this->_threadPointer = false;
this->_threadFinished = true;
delete this->_t;
this->_threadPointer = false;
bool isExist(){
if(this->_d["_isExist"] == "NO"){
return false;
return true;
inline int getMaxLevel(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
return this->_levels;
bool checkType(const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
if(find(this->_types.begin(), this->_types.end(), type) == this->_types.end()){
return false;
return true;
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<Plot> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
return v;
/* std::vector<string> getPlotsID(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
return v;
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(bool isOccupied){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
return this->_plots;
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Plot> v;
for(auto i : this->_plots){
if(i.getLevel() == level){
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Plot> v;
for(auto i : this->_plots){
if(i.getType() == type){
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(const int& level, const string& type){
return getPlots(type, level);
std::vector<Plot> getPlots(const string& type, const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Plot> v;
for(auto i : this->_plots){
if(i.getLevel() == level && i.getType() == type){
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
Plot getPlot(Car& car){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
if(car.getPlot() == "null") throw "Park::getPlots::Plot Not Exist!!!";
for(auto i : this->_plots){
if(i.getID() == car.getPlot()){
return i;
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return Plot("null", "null");
std::vector<Car> getCars(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
return this->_cars;
std::vector<Car> getCars(const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Car> v;
for(auto i : this->_plots){
if(i.getLevel() == level && i.getCar() != "null"){
for(auto ii : this->_cars){
if(ii.getID() == i.getCar()){
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
std::vector<Car> getCars(const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Car> v;
for(auto i : this->_cars){
if(i.getType() == type){
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
std::vector<Car> getCars(const int& level, const string& type){
return getCars(type, level);
std::vector<Car> getCars(const string& type, const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
int t = time(NULL);
std::vector<Car> v, v1, v2;
v1 = this->getCars(type);
v2 = this->getCars(level);
// 待实现
cout << endl << time(NULL) - t << endl;
return v;
Car getCar(Plot& p){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
return Car(p.getCar());
void checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
if(!this->checkType(type)) throw "Park::checkIn::Wrong Type!!";
Car c = Car(licenseNum, type);
this->_carsList[licenseNum] = time(NULL);
Car checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
if(!this->checkType(type)) throw "Park::checkIn::Wrong Type!!";
Car c = Car(licenseNum, type);
this->_carsList[licenseNum] = time(NULL);
return c;
void ini(std::vector<std::map<string, int>>& v){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
this->_levels = v.size();
this->_d["id"] = g_ParkID;
this->_d["carsList"] = m.randStr();
this->_d["plotsList"] = m.randStr();
this->_d["feeTable"] = m.randStr();
this->_d["log"] = m.randStr();
this->_d["levels"] = to_string(this->_levels);
this->_d["types"] = "";
for(string i : this->_types){
this->_d["types"] += i + "|||$$|||";
std::vector<string> vv;
db.createTable(this->_d["log"], vv);
void updateFeeTable(std::map<string, std::vector<int>>& m){
vector<string> getPlotsID(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const bool& isOccupied){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") != "null") v.push_back(first);
if(!isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") == "null") v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const int& level){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level)) v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const int& level, const bool& isOccupied){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") != "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level)) v.push_back(first);
if(!isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") == "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level)) v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const string& type, const bool& isOccupied){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") != "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
if(!isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") == "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const int& level, const string& type){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level) && this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
return v;
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const string& type, const int& level){
return this->getPlotsID(level, type);
std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const int& level, const string& type, const bool& isOccupied){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_plotsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
if(isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") != "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level) && this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
if(!isOccupied && this->_simpleGet(second, "car") == "null" && this->_simpleGet(second, "level") == to_string(level) && this->_simpleGet(second, "type") == type) v.push_back(first);
return v;
inline std::vector<string> getPlotsID(const string& type, const int& level, const bool& isOccupied){
return this->getPlotsID(level, type, isOccupied);
Plot getPlot(const string& id){
if(this->_plotsList[id] == "undefined"){
return Plot();
return Plot(this->_plotsList[id]);
Plot getPlotByCar(const string& licenseNum){
if(this->_carsList[licenseNum] == "undefined"){
return Plot();
return Plot(this->_plotsList[this->_simpleGet(this->_carsList[licenseNum], "plot")]);
Plot getPlotByCar(Car& car){
if(this->_carsList[car.getID()] == "undefined"){
return Plot();
return Plot(this->_plotsList[this->_simpleGet(this->_carsList[car.getID()], "plot")]);
bool newCar(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const string& plotID){
string s;
return this->newCar(licenseNum, type, plotID, s);
bool newCar(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const string& plotID, string& msg){
if(licenseNum.length() < 1){
msg += "Car " + licenseNum + " LicenseNum Illegal!!!";
return false;
msg += "Car " + licenseNum + " Already in the Park!!";
return false;
msg += "Car " + licenseNum + " Wrong Type!!!";
return false;
if(this->_plotsList[plotID] == "undefined"){
msg += "Car " + licenseNum + " Assigned Plot Not Exist!!!";
return false;
Car c(licenseNum, type, plotID);
this->_carsList[licenseNum] = c.getDataStr();
this->_plotsList[plotID] = this->_simpleUpdate(this->_plotsList[plotID], "car", licenseNum);
return true;
bool delCar(const string& licenseNum){
string s;
return this->delCar(licenseNum, s);
bool delCar(const string& licenseNum, string& msg){
msg += "Car " + licenseNum + " Not In Plot!!!";
return false;
Car c(this->_carsList[licenseNum]);
this->_plotsList[c.getPlot()] = this->_simpleUpdate(this->_plotsList[c.getPlot()], "car", "null");
return true;
std::vector<string> getCarsID(){
if(!this->_threadFinished) this->_t->join();
std::vector<string> v;
this->_carsList.forEach([&](string first, string second){
return v;
std::vector<string> getCarsID(const int& level){
std::vector<string> v;
v = this->getPlotsID(level, true);
for(string& i : v){
i = this->_simpleGet(this->_plotsList[i], "car");
return v;
std::vector<string> getCarsID(const string& type){
std::vector<string> v;
v = this->getPlotsID(type, true);
for(string& i : v){
i = this->_simpleGet(this->_plotsList[i], "car");
return v;
std::vector<string> getCarsID(const int& level, const string& type){
std::vector<string> v;
v = this->getPlotsID(level, type, true);
for(string& i : v){
i = this->_simpleGet(this->_plotsList[i], "car");
return v;
Car getCar(const string& licenseNum){
if(this->_carsList[licenseNum] == "undefined"){
return Car();
return Car(this->_carsList[licenseNum]);
Car getCarByPlot(string& id){
if(this->_carsList[id] == "undefined"){
return Car();
Plot p = this->getPlot(id);
return Car(this->_carsList[p.getCar()]);
inline Car getCarByPlot(Plot& p){
if(this->_carsList[p.getCar()] == "undefined"){
return Car();
return Car(this->_carsList[p.getCar()]);
bool updatePlot(Plot& plot, const int& level){
if(level < 0 || level > this->_levels){
return false;
this->_plotsList[plot.getID()] = this->_simpleUpdate(this->_plotsList[plot.getID()],
"level", to_string(level));
return true;
bool updatePlot(Plot& plot, const string& type){
return false;
this->_plotsList[plot.getID()] = this->_simpleUpdate(this->_plotsList[plot.getID()],
"type", type);
return true;
bool checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type){
string msg;
return checkIn(licenseNum, type, msg);
bool checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, string& msg){
std::vector<string> v = this->getPlotsID(type, false);
msg += type + " has no more Plots!!";
return false;
if(!newCar(licenseNum, type, v[0], msg)) return false;
return true;
bool checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const int& level){
string msg;
return checkIn(licenseNum, type, level, msg);
bool checkIn(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const int& level, string& msg){
std::vector<string> v = this->getPlotsID(level, type, false);
msg += type + " on Level " + to_string(level) + " has no more Plots!!";
return false;
if(!newCar(licenseNum, type, v[0], msg)) return false;
return true;
bool checkInByPlotID(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const string& plotID){
string msg;
return checkInByPlotID(licenseNum, type, plotID, msg);
bool checkInByPlotID(const string& licenseNum, const string& type, const string& plotID, string& msg){
if(!newCar(licenseNum, type, plotID, msg)) return false;
return true;
int checkOut(const string& licenseNum){
if(!this->_carsList.isExist(licenseNum)) return -1;
this->_carsList[licenseNum] = this->_simpleUpdate(this->_carsList[licenseNum], "LastOutTime", to_string(time(NULL)));
Car c(this->_carsList[licenseNum]);
int fee = this->_feeTable.getFee(c.getType(), c.getLastInTime(), c.getLastOutTime());
//this->_threadFinished = false;
//this->_t = new std::thread([&]{
//this->_threadPointer = true;
ovo::data d;
d["uid"] = m.randStr();
d["licenseNum"] = licenseNum;
d["type"] = c.getType();
d["plot"] = c.getPlot();
d["level"] = this->_simpleGet(this->_plotsList[c.getPlot()], "level");
d["LastInTime"] = c.getLastInTime();
d["LastOutTime"] = c.getLastOutTime();
d["fee"] = to_string(fee);
d["date"] = this->_getDate();
db.insertSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
//this->_threadFinished = true;
return fee;
std::vector<ovo::data> getLog(ovo::data FilterData){
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], FilterData);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLog(){
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"]);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByCarID(const string& licenseNum){
ovo::data d;
d["licenseNum"] = licenseNum;
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByType(const string& type){
ovo::data d;
d["type"] = type;
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByLevel(const int& level){
ovo::data d;
d["level"] = to_string(level);
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByFee(const int& fee){
ovo::data d;
d["fee"] = to_string(fee);
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByPlotID(const string& plot){
ovo::data d;
d["plot"] = plot;
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
std::vector<ovo::data> getLogByDate(const string& date){ //2019-05-24
ovo::data d;
d["date"] = date;
return db.getSQL(this->_d["log"], d);
ovo::data _d, _carsList, _plotsList;
ovo::index _isOccupiedIndex, _typeIndex, _levelIndex;
std::vector<string> _types;
unsigned int _levels;
ovo::math m;
ovo::String S;
ovo::db db;
std::thread *_t;
bool _threadFinished, _threadPointer;
FeeTable _feeTable;
void _getTypes(std::vector<std::map<string, int>>& v){
this->_types.clear(); //清空vec
for(auto i : v){
for(auto ii : i){
if(find(this->_types.begin(), this->_types.end(), ii.first) == this->_types.end()){
void _setupPlots(std::vector<std::map<string, int>>& v){
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i ++){
for(auto ii : v[i]){
for(int iii = 0; iii < ii.second; iii ++){
string s = m.randStr();
this->_plotsList[s] = this->_simplePlot(s, i, ii.first);
//cout << _simpleGet(_plotsList[s], "type") << endl;
string _simplePlot(const string& id, const int& level, const string& type){
return "__OVO_DATA__id$$||$$" + id + "$$||$$level$$||$$" + to_string(level) + "$$||$$type$$||$$"
+ type + "$$||$$car$$||$$null$$||$$LastOperateTime$$||$$" + to_string(time(NULL)) + "$$||$$CreatedTime$$||$$" + to_string(time(NULL)) + "$$||$$";
string _simpleGet(const string& s, const string& what){
std::vector<string> v;
S.split(s, v, "$$||$$");
vector <string>::iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), what);
if(it != v.end()) return v[distance(v.begin(), it) + 1];
return string();
string _simpleUpdate(const string& s, const string& what, const string& to){
std::vector<string> v;
S.split(s, v, "$$||$$");
vector <string>::iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), what);
if(it == v.end()) return s;
v[distance(v.begin(), it) + 1] = to;
it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), "LastOperateTime");
if(it != v.end()) v[distance(v.begin(), it) + 1] = to_string(time(NULL));
string ss = "";
for(string i : v){
ss += i + "$$||$$";
return ss;
void _updateIndex(){
void _recoverTypes(){
S.split(this->_d["types"], this->_types, "|||$$|||");
bool isGoodType(const string& type){
return (bool)(find(this->_types.begin(), this->_types.end(), type) == this->_types.end());
string _getDate(){
char now[64];
time_t tt;
struct tm *ttime;
//tt = atol(argv[1]);
//tt = 1212132599; //uint
ttime = localtime(&tt);
string s = now;
return s;
#endif //__PARK_H__