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5 years ago
# Reading and deleting notifications as a Client v2
## New in APIv2
* :new: Support for icons was added with capability-entry `icons`
* :new: Support for [Rich Object Strings]( was added with capability-entry `rich-strings`
* :new: ETag/If-None-Match are now evaluated and respond with `304 Not Modified` and empty body when unchanged.
## Checking the capabilities of the server
In order to find out if notifications is installed/enabled on the server you can run a request against the capabilities endpoint: `/ocs/v2.php/cloud/capabilities`
"ocs": {
"data": {
"capabilities": {
"notifications": {
"ocs-endpoints": [
## Getting the notifications of a user
The user needs to be identified/logged in by the server. Then you can just run a simple GET request against `/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications` to grab a list of notifications:
"ocs": {
"meta": {
"status": "ok",
"statuscode": 200,
"message": null
"data": [
"notification_id": 61,
"app": "files_sharing",
"user": "admin",
"datetime": "2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00",
"object_type": "remote_share",
"object_id": "13",
"subject": "You received admin@localhost as a remote share from test",
"subjectRich": "You received {share} as a remote share from {user}",
"subjectRichParameters": {
"share": {
"type": "pending-federated-share",
"id": "1",
"name": "test"
"user": {
"type": "user",
"id": "test1",
"name": "User One",
"server": "http:\/\/nextcloud11.local"
"message": "",
"messageRich": "",
"messageRichParameters": [],
"link": "http://localhost/index.php/apps/files_sharing/pending",
"icon": "http://localhost/img/icon.svg",
"actions": [
"label": "Accept",
"link": "http:\/\/localhost\/ocs\/v1.php\/apps\/files_sharing\/api\/v1\/remote_shares\/13",
"type": "POST",
"primary": true
"label": "Decline",
"link": "http:\/\/localhost\/ocs\/v1.php\/apps\/files_sharing\/api\/v1\/remote_shares\/13",
"type": "DELETE",
"primary": false
### Response codes
Status | Explanation
`204 No Content` | please slow down the polling to once per hour, since there are no apps that can generate notifications
`304 Not Modified` | The provided `If-None-Match` matches the ETag, response body is empty
### Specification
Optional elements are still set in the array, the value is just empty:
Type | Empty value
---- | -----------
string | `""`
array | `[]`
#### Notification Element
Field name | Type | Since | Value description
---------- | ---- | ----- | -----------------
notification_id | int | v1 | Unique identifier of the notification, can be used to dismiss a notification
app | string | v1 | Name of the app that triggered the notification
user | string | v1 | User id of the user that receives the notification
datetime | string | v1 | ISO 8601 date and time when the notification was published
object_type | string | v1 | Type of the object the notification is about, that can be used in php to mark a notification as resolved
object_id | string | v1 | ID of the object the notification is about, that can be used in php to mark a notification as resolved
subject | string | v1 | Translated short subject that should be presented to the user
subjectRich | string | v2 :new: | (Optional) Translated subject string with placeholders (see [Rich Object String](
subjectRichParameters | array | v2 :new: | (Optional) Subject parameters for `subjectRich` (see [Rich Object String](
message | string | v1 | (Optional) Translated potentially longer message that should be presented to the user
messageRich | string | v2 :new: | (Optional) Translated message string with placeholders (see [Rich Object String](
messageRichParameters | array | v2 :new: | (Optional) Message parameters for `messageRich` (see [Rich Object String](
link | string | v1 | (Optional) A link that should be followed when the subject/message is clicked
icon | string | v2 :new: | (Optional) A link to an icon that should be shown next to the notification.
actions | array | v1 | (Optional) An array of action elements
#### Action Element
Field name | Type | Value description
---------- | ---- | -----------------
label | string | Translated short label of the action/button that should be presented to the user
link | string | A link that should be followed when the action is performed/clicked
type | string | HTTP method that should be used for the request against the link: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT or WEB. In case of WEB a redirect should happen instead.
primary | bool | If the action is the primary action for the notification or not
## Get a single notification for a user
In order to get a single notification, you can send a GET request against `/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications/{id}`
## Deleting a notification for a user
In order to delete a notification, you can send a DELETE request against `/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications/{id}`
## Deleting all notifications for a user
In order to delete all notifications, you can send a DELETE request against `/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications`
**Note:** This endpoint was added for Nextcloud 14, so check for the `delete-all` capability first.