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5 years ago
# pug-filters
Code for processing filters in pug templates
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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## Installation
npm install pug-filters
## Usage
var filters = require('pug-filters');
### `filters.handleFilters(ast, filters)`
Renders all `Filter` nodes in a Pug AST (`ast`), using user-specified filters (`filters`) or a JSTransformer.
### `filters.runFilter(name, str[, options[, currentDirectory]])`
Invokes filter through `jstransformer`.
This is internally used in `filters.handleFilters`, and is a lower-level interface exclusively for invoking JSTransformer-based filters.
`name` represents the name of the JSTransformer.
`str` represents the string to render.
`currentDirectory` is used when attempting to `require` the transformer module.
`options` may contain the following properties:
- `minify` (boolean): whether or not to attempt minifying the result from the transformer. If minification fails, the original result is returned.
## License