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5 years ago
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* copyright: Copyright (c) 2018 浙江禾匠信息科技有限公司
* author: wxf
namespace app\models\common;
use app\models\Level;
use app\models\MchPlugin;
use app\models\MchSetting;
use app\models\Model;
use app\models\MsSetting;
use app\models\PtSetting;
use app\models\Setting;
use app\models\YySetting;
class CommonGoods
* 获取当前规格的相应信息
* @param array $goods 商品信息
* @param array $currentAttrIds 当前选择的规格数据 例:[42,43]
* @param array $otherData 特殊数据处理 阶梯团、秒杀
* @return array
public static function currentGoodsAttr(array $goods, array $currentAttrIds, array $otherData = [])
$attrs = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($goods['attr']);
$level = self::currentLevelDiscount();
foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
$attrIds = [];
foreach ($attr['attr_list'] as $item) {
$attrIds[] = $item['attr_id'];
// 找出当前规格信息
if (implode($attrIds) === implode($currentAttrIds)) {
// price 前端展示价格(该价格可以是 原价、会员价)
$data['price'] = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];
$data['num'] = $attr['num'];
$data['goods_price'] = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];//商品售价
$data['attr_list'] = $attr['attr_list'];
$data['pic'] = $attr['pic'];
$data['no'] = $attr['no'];
$data['share_commission_first'] = $attr['share_commission_first'];
$data['share_commission_second'] = $attr['share_commission_second'];
$data['share_commission_third'] = $attr['share_commission_third'];
$data['is_member_price'] = false;
$data['is_level'] = false;
$data['level_price'] = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];//会员折扣价
// 秒杀表价格字段
if ($otherData['type'] === 'MIAOSHA') {
$data['price'] = $attr['miaosha_price'] > 0 ? $attr['miaosha_price'] : $goods['price'];
$data['level_price'] = $attr['miaosha_price'] > 0 ? $attr['miaosha_price'] : $goods['price'];
$data['num'] = $attr['miaosha_num'] - $attr['sell_num'];
$data['miaosha_num'] = $attr['miaosha_num'] - $attr['sell_num'];
$data['sell_num'] = $attr['sell_num'];
$data['id'] = $otherData['id'];
$data['miaosha_num_count'] = $attr['miaosha_num'];
// 拼团有单买价
if ($otherData['type'] === 'PINTUAN') {
$data['single_price'] = sprintf('%.2f', $attr['single']) > 0 ? sprintf('%.2f', $attr['single']) : sprintf('%.2f', $otherData['single_price']);
$data['single'] = $data['single_price'];
// 用户等级 可以传入指定用户等级
$userLevel = $otherData['user_level'] ? $otherData['user_level'] : $level['userLevel'];
$keyName = 'member' . $userLevel;
// 为会员用户 会员价 > 0 并且商品开启了会员折扣 则显示会员价
if ($attr[$keyName] > 0 && $goods['is_level'] && $level['userLevel'] >= 0) {
$data['price'] = $attr[$keyName];
$data['is_member_price'] = true;
$data['is_level'] = true;
// 为会员用户 开启了规格会员价、但没设置或者规格价等于0 则使用全局会员折扣
if ($attr[$keyName] <= 0 && $goods['is_level'] && $level['userLevel'] >= 0) {
// 如果算出的会员折扣价 < 0.01 那会员价就是0.01
$data['price'] = (($data['price'] * $level['discount']) / 10) >= 0.01 ? (($data['price'] * $level['discount']) / 10) : 0.01;
$data['is_member_price'] = true;
$data['is_level'] = true;
// TODO 特殊 之前代码有用到该字段 用于秒杀插件
if ($otherData['type'] === 'MIAOSHA') {
$data['miaosha_price'] = $data['price'];
$data['goods_price'] = $attr['miaosha_price'] > 0 ? $attr['miaosha_price'] : $goods['price'];//商品售价
// 商城开启了会员折扣 且是会员用户
if ($level['userLevel'] >= 0 && $goods['is_level']) {
// 会员折扣价为 会员价
if ($data['is_member_price'] === true) {
$data['level_price'] = $data['price'];
// $data['is_level'] = false;
} else {
// 会员折扣价 根据会员折扣计算而来
$data['level_price'] = ($data['price'] * floatval($level['discount']) / 10) >= 0.01 ? ($data['price'] * floatval($level['discount']) / 10) : 0.01;
$data['is_level'] = true;
// TODO 特殊 拼团单买暂时不需要计算会员折扣
if ($otherData['order_type'] === 'ONLY_BUY') {
$data['is_level'] = false;
// TODO 以下两个字段会被覆盖,没什么作用
$data['goods_price'] = $attr['single'] > 0 ? $attr['single'] : $otherData['single_price'];
$data['level_price'] = $data['single_price'];
// 商城开启了会员折扣 且是普通用户
if ($level['userLevel'] === -1 && $goods['is_level']) {
// 会员折扣价为 会员价
if ($data['is_member_price'] === true) {
$data['level_price'] = $data['goods_price'];
$data['is_level'] = false;
} else {
// 会员折扣价 根据会员折扣计算而来
$data['level_price'] = $data['goods_price'];
$data['is_level'] = false;
if ($otherData['order_type'] === 'ONLY_BUY') {
$data['is_level'] = false;
$data['goods_price'] = $attr['single'] > 0 ? $attr['single'] : $otherData['single_price'];
$data['level_price'] = $data['single_price'];
// 是否为多商户商品 多商户商品没有会员价
if (isset($goods['mch_id']) && $goods['mch_id'] > 0) {
$data['level_price'] = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];
$data['price'] = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];
$data['is_member_price'] = false;
$data['is_level'] = false;
$data['price'] = sprintf("%.2f", $data['price']) > 0 ? sprintf("%.2f", $data['price']) : $goods['price'];
return $data;
* 获取当前商品的最高分销价、及最低会员价(根据用户等级)
* user_is_member 是否会员
* is_level 是否开启会员折扣
* is_share 是否开启分销
* min_member_price 最低会员价
* max_share_price 最高分销价
* @param $goods
* @return array
public static function getMMPrice(array $goods, $otherData = [])
$attrs = \Yii::$app->serializer->decode($goods['attr']);
$storeId = \Yii::$app->store->id;
$level = self::currentLevelDiscount();
// 商城全局分销设置
$shareSetting = Setting::findOne(['store_id' => $storeId]);
$maxSharePriceArr = [];
$minMemberPriceArr = [];
foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
$price = $attr['price'] > 0 ? $attr['price'] : $goods['price'];
// 秒杀插件规格价字段有所不同
if ($otherData['type'] === 'MIAOSHA') {
$price = $attr['miaosha_price'] > 0 ? $attr['miaosha_price'] : $goods['price'];
// 商品开启单独分销设置 (按一级分销佣金计算)
if ((int)$goods['individual_share'] === 1) {
// 普通设置 (单商品全局)
if ((int)$goods['attr_setting_type'] === 0 && $goods['share_commission_first'] > 0) {
// 分销普通设置 按百分比
if ((int)$goods['share_type'] === 0) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = ($goods['share_commission_first'] * $price) / 100;
// 分销普通设置 按固定金额
if ((int)$goods['share_type'] === 1) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = $goods['share_commission_first'];
// 详细设置 (多规格分销价)
if ((int)$goods['attr_setting_type'] === 1 && $attr['share_commission_first'] > 0) {
if ((int)$goods['share_type'] === 0) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = ($attr['share_commission_first'] * $price) / 100;
if ((int)$goods['share_type'] === 1) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = $attr['share_commission_first'];
// 如果开启规格的 普通设置 或 详细设置,但是未设置分销价(或者为0) 则使用全局分销佣金计算
if (((int)$goods['attr_setting_type'] === 0 && $goods['share_commission_first'] <= 0) ||
((int)$goods['attr_setting_type'] === 1 && $attr['share_commission_first'] <= 0)) {
if ((int)$shareSetting['price_type'] === 0) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = ($shareSetting['first'] * $price) / 100;
if ((int)$shareSetting['price_type'] === 1) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = $shareSetting['first'];
// 商品未开启单独分销设置时 (按全局一级分销佣金计算)
if ((int)$goods['individual_share'] === 0) {
// 全局分销佣金 按百分比计算
if ((int)$shareSetting['price_type'] === 0 && $shareSetting['first'] > 0) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = ($shareSetting['first'] * $price) / 100;
// 全局分销佣金 按固定金额计算
if ((int)$shareSetting['price_type'] === 1) {
$maxSharePriceArr[] = $shareSetting['first'];
// 开启商品会员折扣
$data['user_is_member'] = false;
if ((int)$goods['is_level'] === 1) {
// 普通用户 (显示下一级会员价)
if ($level['userLevel'] === -1) {
$data['user_is_member'] = false;
$keyName = 'member' . $level['list'][0]['level'];
// 多规格会员价大于 > 0 则直接展示
if ($attr[$keyName] > 0) {
$minMemberPriceArr[] = $attr[$keyName];
// 如果开启了会员折扣,但i设置的多规格会员价为0,则使用下一级全局会员折扣
if ($attr[$keyName] <= 0) {
$minMemberPriceArr[] = ($price * $level['list'][0]['discount']) / 10;
// 会员用户 (显示当前会员价)
if ($level['userLevel'] >= 0) {
$data['user_is_member'] = true;
$keyName = 'member' . $level['userLevel'];
// 多规格会员价大于 > 0 则直接展示
if ($attr[$keyName] > 0) {
$minMemberPriceArr[] = $attr[$keyName];
// 如果开启了会员折扣,但设置的多规格会员价为0,则使用全局会员折扣
if ($attr[$keyName] <= 0) {
$minMemberPriceArr[] = ($price * $level['discount']) / 10;
// 多商户不计算会员价
$data['is_mch_goods'] = false;
if (isset($goods['mch_id']) && (int)$goods['mch_id'] > 0) {
$data['user_is_member'] = false;
$data['is_mch_goods'] = true;
$minMemberPriceArr[] = 0;
$data['max_share_price'] = !empty($maxSharePriceArr) ? max($maxSharePriceArr) : 0;
$data['min_member_price'] = !empty($minMemberPriceArr) ? min($minMemberPriceArr) : 0;
// 商品是否开启会员折扣
$data['is_level'] = false;
if ((int)$goods['is_level'] === 1) {
$data['is_level'] = true;
// 总商城分销 是否开启
$data['is_share'] = false;
if ($shareSetting['level'] > 0) {
$data['is_share'] = true;
// 插件全局分销是否开启
if (isset($otherData['type'])) {
if ($otherData['type'] === 'MIAOSHA') {
$query = MsSetting::find();
if ($otherData['type'] === 'PINTUAN') {
$query = PtSetting::find();
if ($otherData['type'] === 'BOOK') {
$query = YySetting::find();
$setting = $query->where(['store_id' => $storeId])->one();
$pluginIsShare = $setting->is_share;
// 插件全局分销关闭则分销价不显示
if ((int)$pluginIsShare === 0) {
$data['is_share'] = false;
// 如果会员价 <= 0 则不显示
if (sprintf('%.2f', $data['min_member_price']) <= 0) {
$data['is_level'] = false;
// 如果会员中心一个会员都没有,则不显示会员价
if (empty($level['list'])) {
$data['is_level'] = false;
// 是否为多商户商品
if (isset($goods['mch_id']) && $goods['mch_id'] > 0) {
$mchPlugin = MchPlugin::findOne(['mch_id' => $goods['mch_id']]);
$mchSetting = MchSetting::findOne(['mch_id' => $goods['mch_id']]);
// 是否授权多商户分销
if ((int)$mchPlugin['is_share'] === 0) {
$data['is_share'] = false;
// 多商户自身是否开启分销
if ((int)$mchSetting['is_share'] === 0) {
$data['is_share'] = false;
return $data;
* 获取当前会员折扣
private static function currentLevelDiscount()
$userLevel = \Yii::$app->user->identity->level;
$storeId = \Yii::$app->store->id;
$levelList = Level::find()->where(['store_id' => $storeId, 'is_delete' => Model::IS_DELETE_FALSE, 'status' => Level::STATUS_TRUE])
->select('id, level, name, discount')
$currentLevelDiscount = 10;
foreach ($levelList as $level) {
if ((int)$level['level'] === $userLevel) {
$currentLevelDiscount = $level['discount'];
return [
'discount' => $currentLevelDiscount,
'userLevel' => $userLevel,
'list' => $levelList