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5 years ago
var base = require('typewise-core/base')
var codecs = require('./codecs')
var util = require('./util')
// extend core sorts defined by typewise with bytewise-specific functionality
// byte represents byte tag prefix in encoded form, enforcing binary total order
// type tag is 1 byte, which gives us plenty of room to grow
// boundary types
base.bound.encode = util.encodeBaseBound
// value types
var sorts = base.sorts
sorts.void.byte = 0xf0
sorts.null.byte = 0x10
var BOOLEAN = sorts.boolean
BOOLEAN.sorts.false.byte = 0x20
BOOLEAN.sorts.true.byte = 0x21
BOOLEAN.bound.encode = util.encodeBound
var NUMBER = sorts.number
NUMBER.sorts.min.byte = 0x40
NUMBER.sorts.negative.byte = 0x41
NUMBER.sorts.positive.byte = 0x42
NUMBER.sorts.max.byte = 0x43
NUMBER.sorts.negative.codec = codecs.NEGATIVE_FLOAT
NUMBER.sorts.positive.codec = codecs.POSITIVE_FLOAT
NUMBER.bound.encode = util.encodeBound
var DATE =
DATE.sorts.negative.byte = 0x51
DATE.sorts.positive.byte = 0x52
DATE.sorts.negative.codec = codecs.PRE_EPOCH_DATE
DATE.sorts.positive.codec = codecs.POST_EPOCH_DATE
DATE.bound.encode = util.encodeBound
var BINARY = sorts.binary
BINARY.byte = 0x60
BINARY.codec = codecs.UINT8
BINARY.bound.encode = util.encodeBound
var STRING = sorts.string
STRING.byte = 0x70
STRING.codec = codecs.UTF8
STRING.bound.encode = util.encodeBound
var ARRAY = sorts.array
ARRAY.byte = 0xa0
ARRAY.codec = codecs.LIST
ARRAY.bound.encode = util.encodeListBound
// var OBJECT = sorts.object
// OBJECT.byte = 0xb0
// OBJECT.codec = codecs.HASH
// OBJECT.bound.encode = util.encodeListBound
module.exports = base