You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
7.1 KiB

5 years ago
var util = exports
// buffer compare
// = require('typewise-core/collation').bitwise
// buffer equality
util.equal = function (a, b) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b))
if (a === b)
return true
if (typeof a.equals === 'function')
return a.equals(b)
return, b) === 0
var assert = util.assert = function (test, message) {
if (!test)
throw new TypeError(message)
util.invertBytes = function (buffer) {
var bytes = []
for (var i = 0, end = buffer.length; i < end; ++i) {
return new Buffer(bytes)
util.encodeFloat = function (value) {
var buffer = new Buffer(FLOAT_LENGTH)
if (value < 0) {
// write negative numbers as negated positive values to invert bytes
buffer.writeDoubleBE(-value.valueOf(), 0)
return util.invertBytes(buffer)
// normalize -0 values to 0
buffer.writeDoubleBE(value.valueOf() || 0, 0)
return buffer
util.decodeFloat = function (buffer, base, negative) {
assert(buffer.length === FLOAT_LENGTH, 'Invalid float encoding length')
if (negative)
buffer = util.invertBytes(buffer)
var value = buffer.readDoubleBE(0)
return negative ? -value : value
// sigil for controlling the escapement functions (TODO: clean this up)
util.escapeFlat = function (buffer, options) {
// escape high and low bytes 0x00 and 0xff (and by necessity, 0x01 and 0xfe)
var b, bytes = []
for (var i = 0, end = buffer.length; i < end; ++i) {
b = buffer[i]
// escape low bytes with 0x01 and by adding 1
if (b === 0x01 || b === 0x00)
bytes.push(0x01, b + 1)
// escape high bytes with 0xfe and by subtracting 1
else if (options !== SKIP_HIGH_BYTES && (b === 0xfe || b === 0xff))
bytes.push(0xfe, b - 1)
// no escapement needed
return new Buffer(bytes)
util.unescapeFlat = function (buffer, options) {
var b, bytes = []
// don't escape last byte
for (var i = 0, end = buffer.length; i < end; ++i) {
b = buffer[i]
// if low-byte escape tag use the following byte minus 1
if (b === 0x01)
bytes.push(buffer[++i] - 1)
// if high-byte escape tag use the following byte plus 1
else if (options !== SKIP_HIGH_BYTES && b === 0xfe)
bytes.push(buffer[++i] + 1)
// no unescapement needed
return new Buffer(bytes)
util.escapeFlatLow = function (buffer) {
return util.escapeFlat(buffer, SKIP_HIGH_BYTES)
util.unescapeFlatLow = function (buffer) {
return util.unescapeFlat(buffer, SKIP_HIGH_BYTES)
util.encodeList = function (source, base) {
// TODO: cycle detection
var buffers = []
var undecodable
for (var i = 0, end = source.length; i < end; ++i) {
var buffer = base.encode(source[i], null)
// bypass assertions for undecodable types (i.e. range bounds)
undecodable || (undecodable = buffer.undecodable)
if (undecodable) {
var sort = base.getType(buffer[0])
assert(sort, 'List encoding failure: ' + buffer)
// escape sorts if it requires it and add closing byte for element
if (sort.codec && sort.codec.escape)
buffers.push(sort.codec.escape(buffer), new Buffer([ 0x00 ]))
// close the list with an end byte
buffers.push(new Buffer([ 0x00 ]))
buffer = Buffer.concat(buffers)
// propagate undecoable bit if set
undecodable && (buffer.undecodable = undecodable)
return buffer
util.decodeList = function (buffer, base) {
var result = util.parse(buffer, base)
assert(result[1] === buffer.length, 'Invalid encoding')
return result[0]
util.encodeHash = function (source, base) {
// packs hash into an array, e.g. `[ k1, v1, k2, v2, ... ]`
var list = []
Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) {
return util.encodeList(list, base)
util.decodeHash = function (buffer, base) {
var list = util.decodeList(buffer, base)
var hash = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0, end = list.length; i < end; ++i) {
hash[list[i]] = list[++i]
return hash
// base parser for nested/recursive sorts
util.parse = function (buffer, base, sort) {
// parses and returns the first sort on the buffer and total bytes consumed
var codec = sort && sort.codec
var index, end
// nullary
if (sort && !codec)
return [ base.decode(new Buffer([ sort.byte ]), null), 0 ]
// custom parse implementation provided by sort
if (codec && codec.parse)
return codec.parse(buffer, base, sort)
// fixed length sort, decode fixed bytes
var length = codec && codec.length
if (typeof length === 'number')
return [ codec.decode(buffer.slice(0, length)), length ]
// escaped sort, seek to end byte and unescape
if (codec && codec.unescape) {
for (index = 0, end = buffer.length; index < end; ++index) {
if (buffer[index] === 0x00)
assert(index < buffer.length, 'No closing byte found for sequence')
var unescaped = codec.unescape(buffer.slice(0, index))
// add 1 to index to account for closing tag byte
return [ codec.decode(unescaped), index + 1 ]
// recursive sort, resolve each item iteratively
index = 0
var list = []
var next
while ((next = buffer[index]) !== 0x00) {
sort = base.getType(next)
var result = util.parse(buffer.slice(index + 1), base, sort)
// offset current index by bytes consumed (plus a byte for the sort tag)
index += result[1] + 1
assert(index < buffer.length, 'No closing byte found for nested sequence')
// return parsed list and bytes consumed (plus a byte for the closing tag)
return [ list, index + 1 ]
// helpers for encoding boundary types
function encodeBound(data, base) {
var prefix = data.prefix
var buffer = prefix ? base.encode(prefix, null) : new Buffer([ data.byte ])
if (data.upper)
buffer = Buffer.concat([ buffer, new Buffer([ 0xff ]) ])
return util.encodedBound(data, buffer)
util.encodeBound = function (data, base) {
return util.encodedBound(data, encodeBound(data, base))
util.encodeBaseBound = function (data, base) {
return util.encodedBound(data, new Buffer([ data.upper ? 0xff : 0x00 ]))
util.encodeListBound = function (data, base) {
var buffer = encodeBound(data, base)
if (data.prefix) {
// trim off end byte if a prefix, and do some hackery if an upper bound
var endByte = buffer[buffer.length - 1]
buffer = buffer.slice(0, -1)
if (data.upper)
buffer[buffer.length - 1] = endByte
return util.encodedBound(data, buffer)
// add some metadata to generated buffer instance
util.encodedBound = function (data, buffer) {
buffer.undecodable = true
return buffer