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5 years ago
# fastseries
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Zero-overhead series function call for node.js.
Also supports `each` and `map`!
Benchmark for doing 3 calls `setImmediate` 1 million times:
* non-reusable `setImmediate`: 3887ms
* `async.series`: 5981ms
* `async.eachSeries`: 5087ms
* `async.mapSeries`: 5540ms
* `neoAsync.series`: 4338ms
* `neoAsync.eachSeries`: 4195ms
* `neoAsync.mapSeries`: 4237ms
* `tiny-each-async`: 4575ms
* `fastseries` with results: 4096ms
* `fastseries` without results: 4063ms
* `fastseries` map: 4032ms
* `fastseries` each: 4168ms
These benchmarks where taken via `bench.js` on node 4.2.2, on a MacBook
Pro Retina 2014.
If you need zero-overhead parallel function call, check out
## Example for series call
var series = require('fastseries')({
// this is a function that will be called
// when a series completes
released: completed,
// if you want the results, then here you are
results: true
{}, // what will be this in the functions
[something, something, something], // functions to call
42, // the first argument of the functions
done // the function to be called when the series ends
function late (arg, cb) {
console.log('finishing', arg)
cb(null, 'myresult-' + arg)
function something (arg, cb) {
setTimeout(late, 1000, arg, cb)
function done (err, results) {
console.log('series completed, results:', results)
function completed () {
console.log('series completed!')
## Example for each and map calls
var series = require('fastseries')({
// this is a function that will be called
// when a series completes
released: completed,
// if you want the results, then here you are
// passing false disables map
results: true
{}, // what will be this in the functions
something, // functions to call
[1, 2, 3], // the first argument of the functions
done // the function to be called when the series ends
function late (arg, cb) {
console.log('finishing', arg)
cb(null, 'myresult-' + arg)
function something (arg, cb) {
setTimeout(late, 1000, arg, cb)
function done (err, results) {
console.log('series completed, results:', results)
function completed () {
console.log('series completed!')
## Caveats
The `done` function will be called only once, even if more than one error happen.
This library works by caching the latest used function, so that running a new series
does not cause **any memory allocations**.
## License