You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
mqtt-packet   [![Build Status](](
Encode and Decode MQTT 3.1.1 packets the node way.
* <a href="#install">Install</a>
* <a href="#examples">Examples</a>
* <a href="#packets">Packets</a>
* <a href="#api">API</a>
* <a href="#contributing">Contributing</a>
* <a href="#license">Licence &amp; copyright</a>
This library works with node v4.x, v0.12.x, v0.10.x and node v0.8.x and all iojs releases, but it requires at
least NPM 1.4. To upgrade NPM on node v0.8, run `npm install
npm@1.4.28 -g`.
npm install mqtt-packet --save
### Generating
var mqtt = require('mqtt-packet')
, object = {
cmd: 'publish'
, retain: false
, qos: 0
, dup: false
, length: 10
, topic: 'test'
, payload: 'test' // can also be a Buffer
// prints
// <Buffer 30 0a 00 04 74 65 73 74 74 65 73 74>
// the same as
// new Buffer([
// 48, 10, // Header
// 0, 4, // Topic length
// 116, 101, 115, 116, // Topic (test)
// 116, 101, 115, 116 // Payload (test)
// ])
### Parsing
var mqtt = require('mqtt-packet')
, parser = mqtt.parser()
// synchronously emits all the parsed packets
parser.on('packet', function(packet) {
// prints:
// {
// cmd: 'publish'
// , retain: false
// , qos: 0
// , dup: false
// , length: 10
// , topic: 'test'
// , payload: <Buffer 74 65 73 74>
// }
parser.parse(new Buffer([
48, 10, // Header
0, 4, // Topic length
116, 101, 115, 116, // Topic (test)
116, 101, 115, 116 // Payload (test)
// returns the number of bytes left in the parser
* <a href="#generate"><code>mqtt#<b>generate()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#parser"><code>mqtt#<b>parser()</b></code></a>
<a name="generate">
### mqtt.generate(object)
Generates a `Buffer` containing an MQTT packet.
The object must be one of the ones specified by the [packets](#packets)
section. Throws an `Error` if a packet cannot be generated.
<a name="parser">
### mqtt.parser()
Returns a new `Parser` object. `Parser` inherits from `EventEmitter` and
will emit:
* `packet`, when a new packet is parsed, according to
* `error`, if an error happens
<a name="parse">
#### Parser.parse(buffer)
Parse a given `Buffer` and emits synchronously all the MQTT packets that
are included. Returns the number of bytes left to parse.
If an error happens, an `error` event will be emitted, but no `packet` events
will be emitted after that. Calling `parse()` again clears the error and
previous buffer as if you created a new `Parser`.
This section describes the format of all packets emitted by the `Parser`
and that you can input to `generate`.
### Connect
cmd: 'connect'
, protocolId: 'MQTT' // or 'MQIsdp' in MQTT 3.1.1
, protocolVersion: 4 // or 3 in MQTT 3.1
, clean: true // or false
, clientId: 'my-device'
, keepalive: 0 // seconds, 0 is the default, can be any positive number
, username: 'matteo'
, password: new Buffer('collina') // passwords are buffers
, will: {
topic: 'mydevice/status'
, payload: new Buffer('dead') // payloads are buffers
If `protocolVersion` is 3, `clientId` is mandatory and `generate` will throw if
If `password` or `will.payload` are passed as strings, they will
automatically be converted into a `Buffer`.
### Connack
cmd: 'connack'
, returnCode: 0 // or whatever else you see fit
, sessionPresent: false // or true.
The only mandatory argument is `returnCode`, as `generate` will throw if
### Subscribe
cmd: 'subscribe'
, messageId: 42
, subscriptions: [{
topic: 'test'
, qos: 0
All properties are mandatory.
### Suback
cmd: 'suback'
, messageId: 42
, granted: [0, 1, 2, 128]
All the granted qos __must__ be < 256, as they are encoded as UInt8.
All properties are mandatory.
### Unsubscribe
cmd: 'unsubscribe'
, messageId: 42
, unsubscriptions: [
, 'a/topic'
All properties are mandatory.
### Unsuback
cmd: 'unsuback'
, messageId: 42
All properties are mandatory.
### Publish
cmd: 'publish'
, messageId: 42
, qos: 2
, dup: false
, topic: 'test'
, payload: new Buffer('test')
, retain: false
Only the `topic` and properties are mandatory
Both `topic` and `payload` can be `Buffer` objects instead of strings.
`messageId` is mandatory for `qos > 0`.
If `payload` is passed to `generate(packet)` as a string, it will be
automatically converted into a `Buffer`.
### Puback
cmd: 'puback'
, messageId: 42
The only mandatory argument is `messageId`, as `generate` will throw if
### Pubrec
cmd: 'pubcomp'
, messageId: 42
The only mandatory argument is `messageId`, as `generate` will throw if
### Pubrel
cmd: 'pubrel'
, messageId: 42
The only mandatory argument is `messageId`, as `generate` will throw if
### Pubcomp
cmd: 'pubcomp'
, messageId: 42
The only mandatory argument is `messageId`, as `generate` will throw if
### Pingreq
cmd: 'pingreq'
### Pingresp
cmd: 'pingresp'
### Disconnect
cmd: 'pingresp'
<a name="contributing"></a>
mqtt-packet is an **OPEN Open Source Project**. This means that:
> Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.
See the []( file for more details.
### Contributors
mqtt-packet is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors:
<tr><th align="left">Matteo Collina</th><td><a href="">GitHub/mcollina</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@matteocollina</a></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">Adam Rudd</th><td><a href="">GitHub/adamvr</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@adam_vr</a></td></tr>