You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

603 lines
16 KiB

5 years ago
module.exports = st
st.Mount = Mount
var mime = require('mime')
var path = require('path')
var fs
try {
fs = require('graceful-fs')
} catch (e) {
fs = require('fs')
var url = require('url')
var zlib = require('zlib')
var Neg = require('negotiator')
var http = require('http')
var AC = require('async-cache')
var util = require('util')
var FD = require('fd')
var bl = require('bl')
// default caching options
var defaultCacheOptions = {
fd: {
max: 1000,
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60,
stat: {
max: 5000,
maxAge: 1000 * 60
content: {
max: 1024 * 1024 * 64,
length: function (n) {
return n.length
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 10
index: {
max: 1024 * 8,
length: function (n) {
return n.length
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 10
readdir: {
max: 1000,
length: function (n) {
return n.length
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 10
function st (opt) {
var p, u
if (typeof opt === 'string') {
p = opt
opt = arguments[1]
if (typeof opt === 'string') {
u = opt
opt = arguments[2]
if (!opt) opt = {}
else opt = util._extend({}, opt)
if (!p) p = opt.path
if (typeof p !== 'string') throw new Error('no path specified')
p = path.resolve(p)
if (!u) u = opt.url
if (!u) u = ''
if (u.charAt(0) !== '/') u = '/' + u
opt.url = u
opt.path = p
var m = new Mount(opt)
var fn = m.serve.bind(m)
fn._this = m
return fn
function Mount (opt) {
if (!opt) throw new Error('no options provided')
if (typeof opt !== 'object') throw new Error('invalid options')
if (!(this instanceof Mount)) return new Mount(opt)
this.opt = opt
this.url = opt.url
this.path = opt.path
this._index = opt.index === false ? false
: typeof opt.index === 'string' ? opt.index
: true
this.fdman = FD()
// cache basically everything
var c = this.getCacheOptions(opt)
this.cache = {
fd: AC(c.fd),
stat: AC(c.stat),
index: AC(c.index),
readdir: AC(c.readdir),
content: AC(c.content)
this._cacheControl =
c.content.maxAge === false
? undefined
: typeof c.content.cacheControl == 'string'
? c.content.cacheControl
: opt.cache === false
? 'no-cache'
: 'public, max-age=' + (c.content.maxAge / 1000)
// lru-cache doesn't like when max=0, so we just pretend
// everything is really big. kind of a kludge, but easiest way
// to get it done
var none = { max: 1, length: function() {
return Infinity
var noCaching = {
fd: none,
stat: none,
index: none,
readdir: none,
content: none
Mount.prototype.getCacheOptions = function (opt) {
var o = opt.cache
, set = function (key) {
return o[key] === false
? util._extend({}, none)
: util._extend(util._extend({}, d[key]), o[key])
if (o === false)
o = noCaching
else if (!o)
o = {}
var d = defaultCacheOptions
// should really only ever set max and maxAge here.
// load and fd disposal is important to control.
var c = {
fd: set('fd'),
stat: set('stat'),
index: set('index'),
readdir: set('readdir'),
content: set('content'),
c.fd.dispose = this.fdman.close.bind(this.fdman)
c.fd.load =
c.stat.load = this._loadStat.bind(this)
c.index.load = this._loadIndex.bind(this)
c.readdir.load = this._loadReaddir.bind(this)
c.content.load = this._loadContent.bind(this)
return c
// get the path component from a URI
Mount.prototype.getUriPath = function (u) {
var p = url.parse(u).pathname
// Encoded dots are dots
p = p.replace(/%2e/ig, '.')
// encoded slashes are /
p = p.replace(/%2f|%5c/ig, '/')
// back slashes are slashes
p = p.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '/')
// Make sure it starts with a slash
p = p.replace(/^\//, '/')
if ((/[\/\\]\.\.([\/\\]|$)/).test(p)) {
// traversal urls not ever even slightly allowed. clearly shenanigans
// send a 403 on that noise, do not pass go, do not collect $200
return 403
u = path.normalize(p).replace(/\\/g, '/')
if (u.indexOf(this.url) !== 0) return false
try {
u = decodeURIComponent(u)
catch (e) {
// if decodeURIComponent failed, we weren't given a valid URL to begin with.
return false
// /a/b/c mounted on /path/to/z/d/x
// /a/b/c/d --> /path/to/z/d/x/d
u = u.substr(this.url.length)
if (u.charAt(0) !== '/') u = '/' + u
return u
// get a path from a url
Mount.prototype.getPath = function (u) {
return path.join(this.path, u)
// get a url from a path
Mount.prototype.getUrl = function (p) {
p = path.resolve(p)
if (p.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return false
p = path.join('/', p.substr(this.path.length))
var u = path.join(this.url, p).replace(/\\/g, '/')
return u
Mount.prototype.serve = function (req, res, next) {
if (req.method !== 'HEAD' && req.method !== 'GET') {
if (typeof next === 'function') next()
return false
// querystrings are of no concern to us
if (!req.sturl)
req.sturl = this.getUriPath(req.url)
// don't allow dot-urls by default, unless explicitly allowed.
// If we got a 403, then it's explicitly forbidden.
if (req.sturl === 403 || (! && (/(^|\/)\./).test(req.sturl))) {
res.statusCode = 403
return true
// Falsey here means we got some kind of invalid path.
// Probably urlencoding we couldn't understand, or some
// other "not compatible with st, but maybe ok" thing.
if (typeof req.sturl !== 'string' || req.sturl == '') {
if (typeof next === 'function') next()
return false
var p = this.getPath(req.sturl)
// now we have a path. check for the fd.
this.cache.fd.get(p, function (er, fd) {
// inability to open is some kind of error, probably 404
// if we're in passthrough, AND got a next function, we can
// fall through to that. otherwise, we already returned true,
// send an error.
if (er) {
if (this.opt.passthrough === true && er.code === 'ENOENT' && next)
return next()
return this.error(er, res)
// we may be about to use this, so don't let it be closed by cache purge
this.fdman.checkout(p, fd)
// a safe end() function that can be called multiple times but
// only perform a single checkin
var end = this.fdman.checkinfn(p, fd)
this.cache.stat.get(fd+':'+p, function (er, stat) {
if (er) {
if (next && this.opt.passthrough === true && this._index === false) {
return next()
return this.error(er, res)
var isDirectory = stat.isDirectory()
if (isDirectory) {
end() // we won't need this fd for a directory in any case
if (next && this.opt.passthrough === true && this._index === false) {
// this is done before if-modified-since and if-non-match checks so
// cached modified and etag values won't return 304's if we've since
// switched to !index. See Issue #51.
return next()
var ims = req.headers['if-modified-since']
if (ims) ims = new Date(ims).getTime()
if (ims && ims >= stat.mtime.getTime()) {
res.statusCode = 304
return end()
var etag = getEtag(stat)
if (req.headers['if-none-match'] === etag) {
res.statusCode = 304
return end()
// only set headers once we're sure we'll be serving this request
if (!res.getHeader('cache-control') && this._cacheControl)
res.setHeader('cache-control', this._cacheControl)
res.setHeader('last-modified', stat.mtime.toUTCString())
res.setHeader('etag', etag)
if (this.opt.cors) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Range')
return isDirectory
? this.index(p, req, res)
: this.file(p, fd, stat, etag, req, res, end)
return true
Mount.prototype.error = function (er, res) {
res.statusCode = typeof er === 'number' ? er
: er.code === 'ENOENT' || er.code === 'EISDIR' ? 404
: er.code === 'EPERM' || er.code === 'EACCES' ? 403
: 500
if (typeof res.error === 'function') {
// pattern of express and ErrorPage
return res.error(res.statusCode, er)
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
res.end(http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode] + '\n')
Mount.prototype.index = function (p, req, res) {
if (this._index === true) {
return this.autoindex(p, req, res)
if (typeof this._index === 'string') {
if (!/\/$/.test(req.sturl)) req.sturl += '/'
req.sturl += this._index
return this.serve(req, res)
return this.error(404, res)
Mount.prototype.autoindex = function (p, req, res) {
if (!/\/$/.exec(req.sturl)) {
res.statusCode = 301
res.setHeader('location', req.sturl + '/')
res.end('Moved: ' + req.sturl + '/')
this.cache.index.get(p, function (er, html) {
if (er) return this.error(er, res)
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html')
res.setHeader('content-length', html.length)
Mount.prototype.file = function (p, fd, stat, etag, req, res, end) {
var key = stat.size + ':' + etag
var mt = mime.lookup(path.extname(p))
if (mt !== 'application/octet-stream') {
res.setHeader('content-type', mt)
// only use the content cache if it will actually fit there.
if (this.cache.content.has(key)) {
this.cachedFile(p, stat, etag, req, res)
} else {
this.streamFile(p, fd, stat, etag, req, res, end)
Mount.prototype.cachedFile = function (p, stat, etag, req, res) {
var key = stat.size + ':' + etag
var gz = this.opt.gzip !== false && getGz(p, req)
this.cache.content.get(key, function (er, content) {
if (er) return this.error(er, res)
res.statusCode = 200
if (this.opt.cachedHeader)
res.setHeader('x-from-cache', 'true')
if (gz && content.gz) {
res.setHeader('content-encoding', 'gzip')
res.setHeader('content-length', content.gz.length)
} else {
res.setHeader('content-length', content.length)
Mount.prototype.streamFile = function (p, fd, stat, etag, req, res, end) {
var streamOpt = { fd: fd, start: 0, end: stat.size }
var stream = fs.createReadStream(p, streamOpt)
stream.destroy = function () {}
// gzip only if not explicitly turned off or client doesn't accept it
var gzOpt = this.opt.gzip !== false
var gz = gzOpt && getGz(p, req)
var cachable = this.cache.content._cache.max > stat.size
var gzstr
// need a gzipped version for the cache, so do it regardless of what the client wants
if (gz || (gzOpt && cachable)) gzstr = zlib.Gzip()
// too late to effectively handle any errors.
// just kill the connection if that happens.
stream.on('error', function(e) {
console.error('Error serving %s fd=%d\n%s', p, fd, e.stack || e.message)
if (res.filter) stream = stream.pipe(res.filter)
res.statusCode = 200
if (gz) {
// we don't know how long it'll be, since it will be compressed.
res.setHeader('content-encoding', 'gzip')
} else {
if (!res.filter) res.setHeader('content-length', stat.size)
if (gzstr)
stream.pipe(gzstr) // for cache
stream.on('end', function () {
if (cachable) {
// collect it, and put it in the cache
var calls = 0
// called by bl() for both the raw stream and gzipped stream if we're
// caching gzipped data
var collectEnd = function () {
if (++calls == (gzOpt ? 2 : 1)) {
var content = bufs.slice()
content.gz = gzbufs && gzbufs.slice()
this.cache.content.set(key, content)
var key = stat.size + ':' + etag
var bufs = bl(collectEnd)
var gzbufs
if (gzstr) {
gzbufs = bl(collectEnd)
// cache-fillers
Mount.prototype._loadIndex = function (p, cb) {
// truncate off the first bits
var url = p.substr(this.path.length).replace(/\\/g, '/')
var t = url
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
var str =
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
'<head><title>Index of ' + t + '</title></head>' +
'<body>' +
'<h1>Index of ' + t + '</h1>' +
'<hr><pre><a href="../">../</a>\n'
this.cache.readdir.get(p, function (er, data) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var nameLen = 0
var sizeLen = 0
Object.keys(data).map(function (f) {
var d = data[f]
var name = f
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
if (d.size === '-') name += '/'
var showName = name.replace(/^(.{40}).{3,}$/, '$1..>')
var linkName = encodeURIComponent(name)
.replace(/%2e/ig, '.') // Encoded dots are dots
.replace(/%2f|%5c/ig, '/') // encoded slashes are /
.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '/') // back slashes are slashes
nameLen = Math.max(nameLen, showName.length)
sizeLen = Math.max(sizeLen, ('' + d.size).length)
return [ '<a href="' + linkName + '">' + showName + '</a>',
d.mtime, d.size, showName ]
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return a[2] === '-' && b[2] !== '-' ? -1 // dirs first
: a[2] !== '-' && b[2] === '-' ? 1
: a[0].toLowerCase() < b[0].toLowerCase() ? -1 // then alpha
: a[0].toLowerCase() > b[0].toLowerCase() ? 1
: 0
}).forEach(function (line) {
var namePad = new Array(8 + nameLen - line[3].length).join(' ')
var sizePad = new Array(8 + sizeLen - ('' + line[2]).length).join(' ')
str += line[0] + namePad +
line[1].toISOString() +
sizePad + line[2] + '\n'
str += '</pre><hr></body></html>'
cb(null, new Buffer(str))
Mount.prototype._loadReaddir = function (p, cb) {
var len
var data
fs.readdir(p, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er)
files = files.filter(function (f) {
if (! return !/^\./.test(f)
else return f !== '.' && f !== '..'
len = files.length
data = {}
files.forEach(function (file) {
var pf = path.join(p, file)
this.cache.stat.get(pf, function (er, stat) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (stat.isDirectory()) stat.size = '-'
data[file] = stat
function next () {
if (--len === 0) cb(null, data)
Mount.prototype._loadStat = function (key, cb) {
// key is either fd:path or just a path
var fdp = key.match(/^(\d+):(.*)/)
if (fdp) {
var fd = +fdp[1]
var p = fdp[2]
fs.fstat(fd, function (er, stat) {
if (er) return cb(er)
this.cache.stat.set(p, stat)
cb(null, stat)
} else {
fs.stat(key, cb)
Mount.prototype._loadContent = function () {
// this function should never be called.
// we check if the thing is in the cache, and if not, stream it in
// manually. this.cache.content.get() should not ever happen.
throw new Error('This should not ever happen')
function getEtag (s) {
return '"' + + '-' + s.ino + '-' + s.mtime.getTime() + '"'
function getGz (p,req) {
var gz = false
if (!/\.t?gz$/.exec(p)) {
var neg = req.negotiator || new Neg(req)
gz = neg.preferredEncoding(['gzip', 'identity']) === 'gzip'
return gz