You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
* Class AMP_Comment_Walker
* @deprecated 1.1.0 This functionality was moved to AMP_Comments_Sanitizer
* @package AMP
/* translators: 1: AMP_Comment_Walker. 2: AMP_Comments_Sanitizer. */
_deprecated_file( __FILE__, '1.1', null, sprintf( esc_html__( '%1$s functionality has been moved to %2$s.', 'amp' ), 'AMP_Comment_Walker', 'AMP_Comments_Sanitizer' ) );
* Class AMP_Comment_Walker
* Walker to wrap comments in mustache tags for amp-template.
* @deprecated 1.1.0 This functionality was moved to AMP_Comments_Sanitizer
class AMP_Comment_Walker extends Walker_Comment {
* The original comments arguments.
* @since 0.7
* @var array
public $args;
* Holds the timestamp of the most recent comment in a thread.
* @since 0.7
* @var array
private $comment_thread_age = [];
* Starts the element output.
* @since 0.7.0
* @see Walker::start_el()
* @see wp_list_comments()
* @global int $comment_depth
* @global WP_Comment $comment
* @param string $output Used to append additional content. Passed by reference.
* @param WP_Comment $comment Comment data object.
* @param int $depth Optional. Depth of the current comment in reference to parents. Default 0.
* @param array $args Optional. An array of arguments. Default empty array.
* @param int $id Optional. ID of the current comment. Default 0 (unused).
public function start_el( &$output, $comment, $depth = 0, $args = [], $id = 0 ) {
$new_out = '';
parent::start_el( $new_out, $comment, $depth, $args, $id );
if ( 'div' === $args['style'] ) {
$tag = '<div';
} else {
$tag = '<li';
$new_tag = $tag . ' data-sort-time="' . esc_attr( strtotime( $comment->comment_date ) ) . '"';
if ( ! empty( $this->comment_thread_age[ $comment->comment_ID ] ) ) {
$new_tag .= ' data-update-time="' . esc_attr( $this->comment_thread_age[ $comment->comment_ID ] ) . '"';
$output .= $new_tag . substr( ltrim( $new_out ), strlen( $tag ) );
* Output amp-list template code and place holder for comments.
* @since 0.7
* @see Walker::paged_walk()
* @param WP_Comment[] $elements List of comment Elements.
* @param int $max_depth The maximum hierarchical depth.
* @param int $page_num The specific page number, beginning with 1.
* @param int $per_page Per page counter.
* @return string XHTML of the specified page of elements.
public function paged_walk( $elements, $max_depth, $page_num, $per_page ) {
if ( empty( $elements ) || $max_depth < -1 ) {
return '';
$this->build_thread_latest_date( $elements );
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 4 );
return parent::paged_walk( $elements, $max_depth, $page_num, $per_page, $args[0] );
* Find the timestamp of the latest child comment of a thread to set the updated time.
* @since 0.7
* @param WP_Comment[] $elements The list of comments to get thread times for.
* @param int $time $the timestamp to check against.
* @param bool $is_child Flag used to set the the value or return the time.
* @return int Latest time.
protected function build_thread_latest_date( $elements, $time = 0, $is_child = false ) {
foreach ( $elements as $element ) {
$children = $element->get_children();
$this_time = strtotime( $element->comment_date );
if ( ! empty( $children ) ) {
$this_time = $this->build_thread_latest_date( $children, $this_time, true );
if ( $this_time > $time ) {
$time = $this_time;
if ( false === $is_child ) {
$this->comment_thread_age[ $element->comment_ID ] = $time;
return $time;