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5 years ago
* Wraps base plugin logic/hooks and handles activation/deactivation/uninstall.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
class autoptimizeMain
* Version string.
* @var string
protected $version = null;
* Main plugin filepath.
* Used for activation/deactivation/uninstall hooks.
* @var string
protected $filepath = null;
* Constructor.
* @param string $version Version.
* @param string $filepath Filepath. Needed for activation/deactivation/uninstall hooks.
public function __construct( $version, $filepath )
$this->version = $version;
$this->filepath = $filepath;
public function run()
// Runs cache size checker.
$checker = new autoptimizeCacheChecker();
protected function add_hooks()
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK', 'plugins_loaded' );
add_action( AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK, array( $this, 'setup' ) );
add_action( AUTOPTIMIZE_SETUP_INITHOOK, array( $this, 'hook_page_cache_purge' ) );
add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'version_upgrades_check' ) );
add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'check_cache_and_run' ) );
add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_ao_extra' ) );
add_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done', array( $this, 'maybe_run_partners_tab' ) );
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( 'PAnD', 'init' ) );
register_activation_hook( $this->filepath, array( $this, 'on_activate' ) );
public function on_activate()
register_uninstall_hook( $this->filepath, 'autoptimizeMain::on_uninstall' );
public function load_textdomain()
load_plugin_textdomain( 'autoptimize' );
public function setup()
// Do we gzip in php when caching or is the webserver doing it?
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_NOGZIP', (bool) get_option( 'autoptimize_cache_nogzip' ) );
// These can be overridden by specifying them in wp-config.php or such.
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME', '/' . wp_basename( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) );
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR', '/cache/autoptimize/' );
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX', 'autoptimize_' );
// Note: trailing slash is not optional!
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR', autoptimizeCache::get_pathname() );
define( 'WP_ROOT_DIR', substr( WP_CONTENT_DIR, 0, strlen( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) - strlen( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME ) ) );
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL' ) ) {
if ( function_exists( 'domain_mapping_siteurl' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL', domain_mapping_siteurl( get_current_blog_id() ) );
} else {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL', site_url() );
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL' ) ) {
if ( function_exists( 'get_original_url' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL', str_replace( get_original_url( AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL ), AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_SITE_URL, content_url() ) );
} else {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_URL', content_url() );
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL' ) ) {
if ( is_multisite() && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_separate_blog_caches', true ) ) {
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
} else {
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_ROOT_URL' ) ) {
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HASH' ) ) {
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_SITE_DOMAIN' ) ) {
// Multibyte-capable string replacements are available with a filter.
// Also requires 'mbstring' extension.
$with_mbstring = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_use_mbstring', false );
if ( $with_mbstring ) {
autoptimizeUtils::mbstring_available( \extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) );
} else {
autoptimizeUtils::mbstring_available( false );
do_action( 'autoptimize_setup_done' );
* Checks if there's a need to upgrade/update options and whatnot,
* in which case we might need to do stuff and flush the cache
* to avoid old versions of aggregated files lingering around.
public function version_upgrades_check()
autoptimizeVersionUpdatesHandler::check_installed_and_update( $this->version );
public function check_cache_and_run()
if ( autoptimizeCache::cacheavail() ) {
$conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance();
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) || autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active() || autoptimizeImages::should_lazyload_wrapper() ) {
// Hook into WordPress frontend.
if ( defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_INIT_EARLIER' ) ) {
array( $this, 'start_buffering' ),
} else {
if ( ! defined( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HOOK_INTO' ) ) {
define( 'AUTOPTIMIZE_HOOK_INTO', 'template_redirect' );
array( $this, 'start_buffering' ),
// And disable Jetpack's site accelerator if JS or CSS opt. are active.
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_disable_jetpack_cdn', true ) && ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) || $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) ) ) {
add_filter( 'jetpack_force_disable_site_accelerator', '__return_true' );
} else {
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_cache_unavailable' );
public function maybe_run_ao_extra()
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_extra_activate', true ) ) {
$ao_imgopt = new autoptimizeImages();
$ao_extra = new autoptimizeExtra();
// And show the imgopt notice.
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'autoptimizeMain::notice_plug_imgopt' );
public function maybe_run_partners_tab()
// Loads partners tab code if in admin (and not in admin-ajax.php)!
if ( autoptimizeConfig::is_admin_and_not_ajax() ) {
new autoptimizePartners();
public function hook_page_cache_purge()
// hook into a collection of page cache purge actions if filter allows.
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_hookpagecachepurge', true ) ) {
$page_cache_purge_actions = array(
'after_rocket_clean_domain', // exists.
'hyper_cache_purged', // Stefano confirmed this will be added.
'w3tc_flush_posts', // exits.
'w3tc_flush_all', // exists.
'ce_action_cache_cleared', // Sven confirmed this will be added.
'comet_cache_wipe_cache', // still to be confirmed by Raam.
'wp_cache_cleared', // cfr.
'wpfc_delete_cache', // Emre confirmed this will be added this.
'swift_performance_after_clear_all_cache', // swift perf. yeah!
$page_cache_purge_actions = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_pagecachepurgeactions', $page_cache_purge_actions );
foreach ( $page_cache_purge_actions as $purge_action ) {
add_action( $purge_action, 'autoptimizeCache::clearall_actionless' );
* Setup output buffering if needed.
* @return void
public function start_buffering()
if ( $this->should_buffer() ) {
// Load speedupper conditionally (true by default).
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_speedupper', true ) ) {
$ao_speedupper = new autoptimizeSpeedupper();
$conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance();
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) {
if ( ! defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) ) {
define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );
if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS' ) ) {
define( 'COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false );
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) ) {
if ( ! defined( 'COMPRESS_CSS' ) ) {
define( 'COMPRESS_CSS', false );
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_obkiller', false ) ) {
while ( ob_get_level() > 0 ) {
// Now, start the real thing!
ob_start( array( $this, 'end_buffering' ) );
* Returns true if all the conditions to start output buffering are satisfied.
* @param bool $doing_tests Allows overriding the optimization of only
* deciding once per request (for use in tests).
* @return bool
public function should_buffer( $doing_tests = false )
static $do_buffering = null;
// Only check once in case we're called multiple times by others but
// still allows multiple calls when doing tests.
if ( null === $do_buffering || $doing_tests ) {
$ao_noptimize = false;
// Checking for DONOTMINIFY constant as used by e.g. WooCommerce POS.
if ( defined( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) && ( constant( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) === true || constant( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) === 'true' ) ) {
$ao_noptimize = true;
// Skip checking query strings if they're disabled.
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_honor_qs_noptimize', true ) ) {
// Check for `ao_noptimize` (and other) keys in the query string
// to get non-optimized page for debugging.
$keys = array(
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $key, $_GET ) && '1' === $_GET[ $key ] ) {
$ao_noptimize = true;
// If setting says not to optimize logged in user and user is logged in...
if ( 'on' !== get_option( 'autoptimize_optimize_logged', 'on' ) && is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) {
$ao_noptimize = true;
// If setting says not to optimize cart/checkout.
if ( 'on' !== get_option( 'autoptimize_optimize_checkout', 'on' ) ) {
// Checking for woocommerce, easy digital downloads and wp ecommerce...
foreach ( array( 'is_checkout', 'is_cart', 'edd_is_checkout', 'wpsc_is_cart', 'wpsc_is_checkout' ) as $func ) {
if ( function_exists( $func ) && $func() ) {
$ao_noptimize = true;
// Allows blocking of autoptimization on your own terms regardless of above decisions.
$ao_noptimize = (bool) apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_noptimize', $ao_noptimize );
// Check for site being previewed in the Customizer (available since WP 4.0).
$is_customize_preview = false;
if ( function_exists( 'is_customize_preview' ) && is_customize_preview() ) {
$is_customize_preview = is_customize_preview();
* We only buffer the frontend requests (and then only if not a feed
* and not turned off explicitly and not when being previewed in Customizer)!
* NOTE: Tests throw a notice here due to is_feed() being called
* while the main query hasn't been ran yet. Thats why we use
$do_buffering = ( ! is_admin() && ! is_feed() && ! $ao_noptimize && ! $is_customize_preview );
return $do_buffering;
* Returns true if given markup is considered valid/processable/optimizable.
* @param string $content Markup.
* @return bool
public function is_valid_buffer( $content )
// Defaults to true.
$valid = true;
$has_no_html_tag = ( false === stripos( $content, '<html' ) );
$has_xsl_stylesheet = ( false !== stripos( $content, '<xsl:stylesheet' ) );
$has_html5_doctype = ( preg_match( '/^<!DOCTYPE.+html>/i', ltrim( $content ) ) > 0 );
if ( $has_no_html_tag ) {
// Can't be valid amp markup without an html tag preceding it.
$is_amp_markup = false;
} else {
$is_amp_markup = self::is_amp_markup( $content );
// If it's not html, or if it's amp or contains xsl stylesheets we don't touch it.
if ( $has_no_html_tag && ! $has_html5_doctype || $is_amp_markup || $has_xsl_stylesheet ) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
* Returns true if given $content is considered to be AMP markup.
* This is far from actual validation against AMP spec, but it'll do for now.
* @param string $content Markup to check.
* @return bool
public static function is_amp_markup( $content )
// Short-circuit when a function is available to determine whether the response is (or will be) an AMP page.
if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) ) {
return is_amp_endpoint();
$is_amp_markup = preg_match( '/<html[^>]*(?:amp|⚡)/i', $content );
return (bool) $is_amp_markup;
* Processes/optimizes the output-buffered content and returns it.
* If the content is not processable, it is returned unmodified.
* @param string $content Buffered content.
* @return string
public function end_buffering( $content )
// Bail early without modifying anything if we can't handle the content.
if ( ! $this->is_valid_buffer( $content ) ) {
return $content;
$conf = autoptimizeConfig::instance();
// Determine what needs to be ran.
$classes = array();
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js' ) ) {
$classes[] = 'autoptimizeScripts';
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css' ) ) {
$classes[] = 'autoptimizeStyles';
if ( $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html' ) ) {
$classes[] = 'autoptimizeHTML';
$classoptions = array(
'autoptimizeScripts' => array(
'aggregate' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_aggregate' ),
'justhead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_justhead' ),
'forcehead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_forcehead' ),
'trycatch' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_trycatch' ),
'js_exclude' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_exclude' ),
'cdn_url' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_cdn_url' ),
'include_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_js_include_inline' ),
'minify_excluded' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_minify_excluded' ),
'autoptimizeStyles' => array(
'aggregate' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_aggregate' ),
'justhead' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_justhead' ),
'datauris' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_datauris' ),
'defer' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_defer' ),
'defer_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_defer_inline' ),
'inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_inline' ),
'css_exclude' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_exclude' ),
'cdn_url' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_cdn_url' ),
'include_inline' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_include_inline' ),
'nogooglefont' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_css_nogooglefont' ),
'minify_excluded' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_minify_excluded' ),
'autoptimizeHTML' => array(
'keepcomments' => $conf->get( 'autoptimize_html_keepcomments' ),
$content = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_html_before_minify', $content );
// Run the classes!
foreach ( $classes as $name ) {
$instance = new $name( $content );
if ( $instance->read( $classoptions[ $name ] ) ) {
$content = $instance->getcontent();
unset( $instance );
$content = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_html_after_minify', $content );
return $content;
public static function on_uninstall()
$delete_options = array(
if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
foreach ( $delete_options as $del_opt ) {
delete_option( $del_opt );
} else {
global $wpdb;
$blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" );
$original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
foreach ( $blog_ids as $blog_id ) {
switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
foreach ( $delete_options as $del_opt ) {
delete_option( $del_opt );
switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id );
if ( wp_get_schedule( 'ao_cachechecker' ) ) {
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'ao_cachechecker' );
public static function notice_cache_unavailable()
echo '<div class="error"><p>';
// Translators: %s is the cache directory location.
printf( __( 'Autoptimize cannot write to the cache directory (%s), please fix to enable CSS/ JS optimization!', 'autoptimize' ), AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_DIR );
echo '</p></div>';
public static function notice_installed()
echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
_e( 'Thank you for installing and activating Autoptimize. Please configure it under "Settings" -> "Autoptimize" to start improving your site\'s performance.', 'autoptimize' );
echo '</p></div>';
public static function notice_updated()
echo '<div class="updated"><p>';
_e( 'Autoptimize has just been updated. Please <strong>test your site now</strong> and adapt Autoptimize config if needed.', 'autoptimize' );
echo '</p></div>';
public static function notice_plug_imgopt()
// Translators: the URL added points to the Autopmize Extra settings.
$_ao_imgopt_plug_notice = sprintf( __( 'Did you know Autoptimize includes on-the-fly image optimization (with support for WebP) and CDN via ShortPixel? Check out the %1$sAutoptimize Image settings%2$s to activate this option.', 'autoptimize' ), '<a href="options-general.php?page=autoptimize_imgopt">', '</a>' );
$_ao_imgopt_plug_notice = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_main_imgopt_plug_notice', $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice );
$_ao_imgopt_launch_ok = autoptimizeImages::launch_ok_wrapper();
$_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible = 'ao-img-opt-plug-123';
$_ao_imgopt_active = autoptimizeImages::imgopt_active();
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && '' !== $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice && ! $_ao_imgopt_active && $_ao_imgopt_launch_ok && PAnD::is_admin_notice_active( $_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible ) ) {
echo '<div class="notice notice-info is-dismissible" data-dismissible="' . $_ao_imgopt_plug_dismissible . '"><p>';
echo $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice;
echo '</p></div>';