You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

574 lines
22 KiB

5 years ago
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
class autoptimizeScripts extends autoptimizeBase
private $scripts = array();
private $move = array(
'first' => array(),
'last' => array()
private $dontmove = array(
private $domove = array(
private $domovelast = array(
public $cdn_url = '';
private $aggregate = true;
private $trycatch = false;
private $alreadyminified = false;
private $forcehead = true;
private $include_inline = false;
private $jscode = '';
private $url = '';
private $restofcontent = '';
private $md5hash = '';
private $whitelist = '';
private $jsremovables = array();
private $inject_min_late = '';
private $minify_excluded = true;
// Reads the page and collects script tags.
public function read($options)
$noptimizeJS = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_noptimize', false, $this->content );
if ( $noptimizeJS ) {
return false;
// only optimize known good JS?
$whitelistJS = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_whitelist', '', $this->content );
if ( ! empty( $whitelistJS ) ) {
$this->whitelist = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $whitelistJS ) ) );
// is there JS we should simply remove?
$removableJS = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_removables', '', $this->content );
if (!empty($removableJS)) {
$this->jsremovables = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $removableJS ) ) );
// only header?
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_justhead', $options['justhead'] ) ) {
$content = explode( '</head>', $this->content, 2 );
$this->content = $content[0] . '</head>';
$this->restofcontent = $content[1];
// Determine whether we're doing JS-files aggregation or not.
if ( ! $options['aggregate'] ) {
$this->aggregate = false;
// Returning true for "dontaggregate" turns off aggregation.
if ( $this->aggregate && apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_dontaggregate', false ) ) {
$this->aggregate = false;
// include inline?
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_include_inline', $options['include_inline'] ) ) {
$this->include_inline = true;
// filter to "late inject minified JS", default to true for now (it is faster).
$this->inject_min_late = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_inject_min_late', true );
// filters to override hardcoded do(nt)move(last) array contents (array in, array out!).
$this->dontmove = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_dontmove', $this->dontmove );
$this->domovelast = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_movelast', $this->domovelast );
$this->domove = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_domove', $this->domove );
// Determine whether excluded files should be minified if not yet so.
if ( ! $options['minify_excluded'] && $options['aggregate'] ) {
$this->minify_excluded = false;
// get extra exclusions settings or filter.
$excludeJS = $options['js_exclude'];
$excludeJS = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_exclude', $excludeJS, $this->content );
if ( '' !== $excludeJS ) {
if ( is_array( $excludeJS ) ) {
if ( ( $removeKeys = array_keys( $excludeJS, 'remove' ) ) !== false ) {
foreach ( $removeKeys as $removeKey ) {
unset( $excludeJS[$removeKey] );
$this->jsremovables[] = $removeKey;
$exclJSArr = array_keys( $excludeJS );
} else {
$exclJSArr = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $excludeJS ) ) );
$this->dontmove = array_merge( $exclJSArr, $this->dontmove );
// Should we add try-catch?
if ( $options['trycatch'] ) {
$this->trycatch = true;
// force js in head?
if ( $options['forcehead'] ) {
$this->forcehead = true;
} else {
$this->forcehead = false;
$this->forcehead = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_forcehead', $this->forcehead );
// get cdn url.
$this->cdn_url = $options['cdn_url'];
// noptimize me.
$this->content = $this->hide_noptimize($this->content);
// Save IE hacks.
$this->content = $this->hide_iehacks($this->content);
// comments.
$this->content = $this->hide_comments($this->content);
// Get script files.
if ( preg_match_all( '#<script.*</script>#Usmi', $this->content, $matches ) ) {
foreach( $matches[0] as $tag ) {
// only consider script aggregation for types whitelisted in should_aggregate-function.
$should_aggregate = $this->should_aggregate($tag);
if ( ! $should_aggregate ) {
$tag = '';
if ( preg_match( '#<script[^>]*src=("|\')([^>]*)("|\')#Usmi', $tag, $source ) ) {
// non-inline script.
if ( $this->isremovable($tag, $this->jsremovables) ) {
$this->content = str_replace( $tag, '', $this->content );
$origTag = null;
$url = current( explode( '?', $source[2], 2 ) );
$path = $this->getpath($url);
if ( false !== $path && preg_match( '#\.js$#', $path ) && $this->ismergeable($tag) ) {
// ok to optimize, add to array.
$this->scripts[] = $path;
} else {
$origTag = $tag;
$newTag = $tag;
// non-mergeable script (excluded or dynamic or external).
if ( is_array( $excludeJS ) ) {
// should we add flags?
foreach ( $excludeJS as $exclTag => $exclFlags) {
if ( false !== strpos( $origTag, $exclTag ) && in_array( $exclFlags, array( 'async', 'defer' ) ) ) {
$newTag = str_replace( '<script ', '<script ' . $exclFlags . ' ', $newTag );
// Should we minify the non-aggregated script?
// -> if aggregate is on and exclude minify is on
// -> if aggregate is off and the file is not in dontmove.
if ( $path && ( $this->minify_excluded || apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_minify_excluded', false, $url ) ) ) {
$consider_minified_array = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_consider_minified', false );
if ( ( false === $this->aggregate && str_replace( $this->dontmove, '', $path ) === $path ) || ( true === $this->aggregate && ( false === $consider_minified_array || str_replace( $consider_minified_array, '', $path ) === $path ) ) ) {
$minified_url = $this->minify_single( $path );
// replace orig URL with minified URL from cache if so.
if ( ! empty( $minified_url ) ) {
$newTag = str_replace( $url, $minified_url, $newTag );
if ( $this->ismovable($newTag) ) {
// can be moved, flags and all.
if ( $this->movetolast($newTag) ) {
$this->move['last'][] = $newTag;
} else {
$this->move['first'][] = $newTag;
} else {
// cannot be moved, so if flag was added re-inject altered tag immediately.
if ( $origTag !== $newTag ) {
$this->content = str_replace( $origTag, $newTag, $this->content );
$origTag = '';
// and forget about the $tag (not to be touched any more).
$tag = '';
} else {
// Inline script.
if ( $this->isremovable($tag, $this->jsremovables) ) {
$this->content = str_replace( $tag, '', $this->content );
// unhide comments, as javascript may be wrapped in comment-tags for old times' sake.
$tag = $this->restore_comments($tag);
if ( $this->ismergeable($tag) && $this->include_inline ) {
preg_match( '#<script.*>(.*)</script>#Usmi', $tag , $code );
$code = preg_replace('#.*<!\[CDATA\[(?:\s*\*/)?(.*)(?://|/\*)\s*?\]\]>.*#sm', '$1', $code[1] );
$code = preg_replace('/(?:^\\s*<!--\\s*|\\s*(?:\\/\\/)?\\s*-->\\s*$)/', '', $code );
$this->scripts[] = 'INLINE;' . $code;
} else {
// Can we move this?
$autoptimize_js_moveable = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_moveable', '', $tag );
if ( $this->ismovable($tag) || '' !== $autoptimize_js_moveable ) {
if ( $this->movetolast($tag) || 'last' === $autoptimize_js_moveable ) {
$this->move['last'][] = $tag;
} else {
$this->move['first'][] = $tag;
} else {
// We shouldn't touch this.
$tag = '';
// Re-hide comments to be able to do the removal based on tag from $this->content.
$tag = $this->hide_comments($tag);
//Remove the original script tag.
$this->content = str_replace( $tag, '', $this->content );
return true;
// No script files, great ;-)
return false;
* Determines wheter a certain `<script>` $tag should be aggregated or not.
* We consider these as "aggregation-safe" currently:
* - script tags without a `type` attribute
* - script tags with these `type` attribute values: `text/javascript`, `text/ecmascript`, `application/javascript`,
* and `application/ecmascript`
* Everything else should return false.
* @link
* @param string $tag
* @return bool
public function should_aggregate($tag)
// We're only interested in the type attribute of the <script> tag itself, not any possible
// inline code that might just contain the 'type=' string...
$tag_parts = array();
preg_match( '#<(script[^>]*)>#i', $tag, $tag_parts);
$tag_without_contents = null;
if ( ! empty( $tag_parts[1] ) ) {
$tag_without_contents = $tag_parts[1];
$has_type = ( strpos( $tag_without_contents, 'type' ) !== false );
$type_valid = false;
if ( $has_type ) {
$type_valid = (bool) preg_match( '/type\s*=\s*[\'"]?(?:text|application)\/(?:javascript|ecmascript)[\'"]?/i', $tag_without_contents );
$should_aggregate = false;
if ( ! $has_type || $type_valid ) {
$should_aggregate = true;
return $should_aggregate;
//Joins and optimizes JS
public function minify()
foreach ( $this->scripts as $script ) {
// TODO/FIXME: some duplicate code here, can be reduced/simplified
if ( preg_match( '#^INLINE;#', $script ) ) {
// Inline script
$script = preg_replace( '#^INLINE;#', '', $script );
$script = rtrim( $script, ";\n\t\r" ) . ';';
// Add try-catch?
if ( $this->trycatch ) {
$script = 'try{' . $script . '}catch(e){}';
$tmpscript = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_individual_script', $script, '' );
if ( has_filter( 'autoptimize_js_individual_script' ) && ! empty( $tmpscript ) ) {
$script = $tmpscript;
$this->alreadyminified = true;
$this->jscode .= "\n" . $script;
} else {
// External script
if ( false !== $script && file_exists( $script ) && is_readable( $script ) ) {
$scriptsrc = file_get_contents( $script );
$scriptsrc = preg_replace( '/\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/', '', $scriptsrc );
$scriptsrc = rtrim( $scriptsrc, ";\n\t\r" ) . ';';
// Add try-catch?
if ( $this->trycatch ) {
$scriptsrc = 'try{' . $scriptsrc . '}catch(e){}';
$tmpscriptsrc = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_individual_script', $scriptsrc, $script );
if ( has_filter( 'autoptimize_js_individual_script' ) && ! empty( $tmpscriptsrc ) ) {
$scriptsrc = $tmpscriptsrc;
$this->alreadyminified = true;
} else if ( $this->can_inject_late($script) ) {
$scriptsrc = self::build_injectlater_marker($script, md5($scriptsrc));
$this->jscode .= "\n" . $scriptsrc;
//Couldn't read JS. Maybe getpath isn't working?
// Check for already-minified code
$this->md5hash = md5( $this->jscode );
$ccheck = new autoptimizeCache($this->md5hash, 'js');
if ( $ccheck->check() ) {
$this->jscode = $ccheck->retrieve();
return true;
unset( $ccheck );
// $this->jscode has all the uncompressed code now.
if ( true !== $this->alreadyminified ) {
if ( apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_do_minify', true ) ) {
$tmp_jscode = trim( JSMin::minify( $this->jscode ) );
if ( ! empty( $tmp_jscode ) ) {
$this->jscode = $tmp_jscode;
unset( $tmp_jscode );
$this->jscode = $this->inject_minified( $this->jscode );
$this->jscode = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_after_minify', $this->jscode );
return true;
} else {
$this->jscode = $this->inject_minified( $this->jscode );
return false;
$this->jscode = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_js_after_minify', $this->jscode );
return true;
// Caches the JS in uncompressed, deflated and gzipped form.
public function cache()
$cache = new autoptimizeCache($this->md5hash, 'js');
if ( ! $cache->check() ) {
// Cache our code
$cache->cache($this->jscode, 'text/javascript');
$this->url = AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_URL . $cache->getname();
$this->url = $this->url_replace_cdn($this->url);
// Returns the content
public function getcontent()
// Restore the full content
if ( ! empty( $this->restofcontent ) ) {
$this->content .= $this->restofcontent;
$this->restofcontent = '';
// Add the scripts taking forcehead/ deferred (default) into account
if ( $this->forcehead ) {
$replaceTag = array( '</head>', 'before' );
$defer = '';
} else {
$replaceTag = array( '</body>', 'before' );
$defer = 'defer ';
$defer = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_defer', $defer );
$bodyreplacementpayload = '<script type="text/javascript" ' . $defer . 'src="' . $this->url . '"></script>';
$bodyreplacementpayload = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_bodyreplacementpayload', $bodyreplacementpayload );
$bodyreplacement = implode( '', $this->move['first'] );
$bodyreplacement .= $bodyreplacementpayload;
$bodyreplacement .= implode( '', $this->move['last'] );
$replaceTag = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_replacetag', $replaceTag );
if ( strlen( $this->jscode ) > 0 ) {
$this->inject_in_html( $bodyreplacement, $replaceTag );
// Restore comments.
$this->content = $this->restore_comments( $this->content );
// Restore IE hacks.
$this->content = $this->restore_iehacks( $this->content );
// Restore noptimize.
$this->content = $this->restore_noptimize( $this->content );
// Return the modified HTML.
return $this->content;
// Checks against the white- and blacklists
private function ismergeable($tag)
if ( ! $this->aggregate ) {
return false;
if ( ! empty( $this->whitelist ) ) {
foreach ( $this->whitelist as $match ) {
if (false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
return true;
// no match with whitelist
return false;
} else {
foreach($this->domove as $match) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
// Matched something
return false;
if ( $this->movetolast($tag) ) {
return false;
foreach( $this->dontmove as $match ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
// Matched something
return false;
// If we're here it's safe to merge
return true;
// Checks agains the blacklist
private function ismovable($tag)
if ( true !== $this->include_inline || apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_unmovable', true ) ) {
return false;
foreach ( $this->domove as $match ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
// Matched something
return true;
if ( $this->movetolast($tag) ) {
return true;
foreach ( $this->dontmove as $match ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
// Matched something
return false;
// If we're here it's safe to move
return true;
private function movetolast($tag)
foreach ( $this->domovelast as $match ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, $match ) ) {
// Matched, return true
return true;
// Should be in 'first'
return false;
* Determines wheter a <script> $tag can be excluded from minification (as already minified) based on:
* - inject_min_late being active
* - filename ending in `min.js`
* - filename matching `js/jquery/jquery.js` (wordpress core jquery, is minified)
* - filename matching one passed in the consider minified filter
* @param string $jsPath
* @return bool
private function can_inject_late($jsPath) {
$consider_minified_array = apply_filters( 'autoptimize_filter_js_consider_minified', false );
if ( true !== $this->inject_min_late ) {
// late-inject turned off
return false;
} else if ( ( false === strpos( $jsPath, 'min.js' ) ) && ( false === strpos( $jsPath, 'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js' ) ) && ( str_replace( $consider_minified_array, '', $jsPath ) === $jsPath ) ) {
// file not minified based on filename & filter
return false;
} else {
// phew, all is safe, we can late-inject
return true;
* Returns whether we're doing aggregation or not.
* @return bool
public function aggregating()
return $this->aggregate;
* Minifies a single local js file and returns its (cached) url.
* @param string $filepath Filepath.
* @param bool $cache_miss Optional. Force a cache miss. Default false.
* @return bool|string Url pointing to the minified js file or false.
public function minify_single( $filepath, $cache_miss = false )
$contents = $this->prepare_minify_single( $filepath );
if ( empty( $contents ) ) {
return false;
// Check cache.
$hash = 'single_' . md5( $contents );
$cache = new autoptimizeCache( $hash, 'js' );
// If not in cache already, minify...
if ( ! $cache->check() || $cache_miss ) {
$contents = trim( JSMin::minify( $contents ) );
// Store in cache.
$cache->cache( $contents, 'text/javascript' );
$url = $this->build_minify_single_url( $cache );
return $url;