You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Admin
* Class WPSEO_HelpScout
class WPSEO_HelpScout implements WPSEO_WordPress_Integration {
* The id for the beacon.
* @var string
protected $beacon_id;
* The pages where the beacon is loaded.
* @var array
protected $pages;
* The products the beacon is loaded for.
* @var array
protected $products;
* Whether to asks the user's consent before loading in HelpScout.
* @var bool
protected $ask_consent;
* WPSEO_HelpScout constructor.
* @param string $beacon_id The beacon id.
* @param array $pages The pages where the beacon is loaded.
* @param array $products The products the beacon is loaded for.
* @param bool $ask_consent Optional. Whether to ask for consent before loading in HelpScout.
public function __construct( $beacon_id, array $pages, array $products, $ask_consent = false ) {
$this->beacon_id = $beacon_id;
$this->pages = $pages;
$this->products = $products;
$this->ask_consent = $ask_consent;
* @inheritDoc
public function register_hooks() {
if ( ! $this->is_beacon_page() ) {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_help_scout_script' ) );
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'output_beacon_js' ) );
* Enqueues the HelpScout script.
public function enqueue_help_scout_script() {
$asset_manager = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager();
$asset_manager->enqueue_script( 'help-scout-beacon' );
* Outputs a small piece of javascript for the beacon.
public function output_beacon_js() {
'<script type="text/javascript">window.%1$s(\'%2$s\', %3$s)</script>',
( $this->ask_consent ) ? 'wpseoHelpScoutBeaconConsent' : 'wpseoHelpScoutBeacon',
esc_html( $this->beacon_id ),
wp_json_encode( $this->get_session_data() )
* Checks if the current page is a page containing the beacon.
private function is_beacon_page() {
return in_array( $this->get_current_page(), $this->pages, true );
* Retrieves the value of the current page.
* @return string The current page.
private function get_current_page() {
$page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' );
if ( isset( $page ) && $page !== false ) {
return $page;
return '';
* Retrieves the identifying data.
* @return string The data to pass as identifying data.
protected function get_session_data() {
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
// Do not make these strings translatable! They are for our support agents, the user won't see them!
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$data = array(
'name' => trim( $current_user->user_firstname . ' ' . $current_user->user_lastname ),
'email' => $current_user->user_email,
'WordPress Version' => $this->get_wordpress_version(),
'Server' => $this->get_server_info(),
'<a href="' . admin_url( 'themes.php' ) . '">Theme</a>' => $this->get_theme_info(),
'<a href="' . admin_url( 'plugins.php' ) . '">Plugins</a>' => $this->get_active_plugins(),
if ( ! empty( $this->products ) ) {
$addon_manager = new WPSEO_Addon_Manager();
foreach ( $this->products as $product ) {
$subscription = $addon_manager->get_subscription( $product );
if ( ! $subscription ) {
$data[ $subscription->product->name ] = $this->get_product_info( $subscription );
return wp_json_encode( $data );
* Returns basic info about the server software.
* @return string
private function get_server_info() {
$server_tracking_data = new WPSEO_Tracking_Server_Data();
$server_data = $server_tracking_data->get();
$server_data = $server_data['server'];
$fields_to_use = array(
'IP' => 'ip',
'Hostname' => 'Hostname',
'OS' => 'os',
'PHP' => 'PhpVersion',
'CURL' => 'CurlVersion',
$server_data['CurlVersion'] = $server_data['CurlVersion']['version'] . '(SSL Support' . $server_data['CurlVersion']['sslSupport'] . ')';
$server_info = '<table>';
foreach ( $fields_to_use as $label => $field_to_use ) {
if ( isset( $server_data[ $field_to_use ] ) ) {
$server_info .= sprintf( '<tr><td>%1$s</td><td>%2$s</td></tr>', esc_html( $label ), esc_html( $server_data[ $field_to_use ] ) );
$server_info .= '</table>';
return $server_info;
* Returns info about the Yoast SEO plugin version and license.
* @param object $plugin The plugin.
* @return string The product info.
private function get_product_info( $plugin ) {
if ( empty( $plugin ) ) {
return '';
$product_info = '<table>';
$product_info .= '<tr><td>Version</td><td>' . $plugin->product->version . '</td></tr>';
$product_info .= '<tr><td>Expiration date</td><td>' . $plugin->expiry_date . '</td></tr>';
$product_info .= '</table>';
return $product_info;
* Returns the WordPress version + a suffix if current WP is multi site.
* @return string The WordPress version string.
private function get_wordpress_version() {
global $wp_version;
$wordpress_version = $wp_version;
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$wordpress_version .= ' MULTI-SITE';
return $wordpress_version;
* Returns a formatted HTML string for the current theme.
* @return string The theme info as string.
private function get_theme_info() {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
$theme_info = sprintf(
'<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> v%3$s by %4$s',
esc_attr( $theme->display( 'ThemeURI' ) ),
esc_html( $theme->display( 'Name' ) ),
esc_html( $theme->display( 'Version' ) ),
esc_html( $theme->display( 'Author' ) )
if ( is_child_theme() ) {
$theme_info .= sprintf( '<br />Child theme of: %1$s', esc_html( $theme->display( 'Template' ) ) );
return $theme_info;
* Returns a formatted HTML list of all active plugins.
* @return string The active plugins.
private function get_active_plugins() {
$updates_available = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
$active_plugins = '';
foreach ( wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() as $plugin ) {
$plugin_data = get_plugin_data( $plugin );
$plugin_file = str_replace( trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ), '', $plugin );
if ( isset( $updates_available->response[ $plugin_file ] ) ) {
$active_plugins .= '<i class="icon-close1"></i> ';
$active_plugins .= sprintf(
'<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> v%3$s',
esc_attr( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ),
esc_html( $plugin_data['Name'] ),
esc_html( $plugin_data['Version'] )
return $active_plugins;