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5 years ago
* WPSEO plugin file.
* @package WPSEO\Admin
* @since 1.7.0
* Contains list of conflicting plugins.
class WPSEO_Plugin_Conflict extends Yoast_Plugin_Conflict {
* The plugins must be grouped per section.
* It's possible to check for each section if there are conflicting plugin
* @var array
protected $plugins = array(
// The plugin which are writing OG metadata.
'open_graph' => array(
// 2 Click Social Media Buttons.
'add-link-to-facebook/add-link-to-facebook.php', // Add Link to Facebook.
'add-meta-tags/add-meta-tags.php', // Add Meta Tags.
'easy-facebook-share-thumbnails/esft.php', // Easy Facebook Share Thumbnail.
'facebook/facebook.php', // Facebook (official plugin).
'facebook-awd/AWD_facebook.php', // Facebook AWD All in one.
// Facebook Featured Image & OG Meta Tags.
'facebook-meta-tags/facebook-metatags.php', // Facebook Meta Tags.
// Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags for WordPress.
'facebook-revised-open-graph-meta-tag/index.php', // Facebook Revised Open Graph Meta Tag.
'facebook-thumb-fixer/_facebook-thumb-fixer.php', // Facebook Thumb Fixer.
// Fedmich's Facebook Open Graph Meta.
'network-publisher/networkpub.php', // Network Publisher.
'nextgen-facebook/nextgen-facebook.php', // NextGEN Facebook OG.
'opengraph/opengraph.php', // Open Graph.
// Open Graph Protocol Framework.
'seo-facebook-comments/seofacebook.php', // SEO Facebook Comments.
'sexybookmarks/sexy-bookmarks.php', // Shareaholic.
'shareaholic/sexy-bookmarks.php', // Shareaholic.
'sharepress/sharepress.php', // SharePress.
'simple-facebook-connect/sfc.php', // Simple Facebook Connect.
'social-discussions/social-discussions.php', // Social Discussions.
'social-sharing-toolkit/social_sharing_toolkit.php', // Social Sharing Toolkit.
'socialize/socialize.php', // Socialize.
// Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share.
'wordbooker/wordbooker.php', // Wordbooker.
'wpsso/wpsso.php', // WordPress Social Sharing Optimization.
'wp-caregiver/wp-caregiver.php', // WP Caregiver.
// WP Facebook Like Send & Open Graph Meta.
'wp-facebook-open-graph-protocol/wp-facebook-ogp.php', // WP Facebook Open Graph protocol.
'wp-ogp/wp-ogp.php', // WP-OGP.
'zoltonorg-social-plugin/zosp.php', // Social Plugin.
'xml_sitemaps' => array(
// Google Sitemap (BestWebSoft).
// XML Sitemaps (Denis de Bernardy and Mike Koepke).
// Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (Khang Minh).
// Google XML Sitemaps (Arne Brachhold).
// XML Sitemap & Google News feeds (RavanH).
// Google Monthly XML Sitemap (Andrea Pernici).
// Simple Google Sitemap XML (iTx Technologies).
// Another Simple XML Sitemap.
// Xml Sitemap (Jason Martens).
// Google XML Sitemap Generator by Anton Dachauer (Anton Dachauer).
// WP XML Sitemap (Team Vivacity).
// Sitemap Generator for Webmasters (iwebslogtech).
// XML Sitemap - (Simon Hancox).
// Sewn In XML Sitemap (jcow).
// RPS Sitemap Generator (redpixelstudios).
'cloaking' => array(
// RS Head Cleaner Plus
// RS Head Cleaner Lite
'seo' => array(
'all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php', // All in One SEO Pack.
'seo-ultimate/seo-ultimate.php', // SEO Ultimate.
* Overrides instance to set with this class as class.
* @param string $class_name Optional class name.
* @return Yoast_Plugin_Conflict
public static function get_instance( $class_name = __CLASS__ ) {
return parent::get_instance( $class_name );
* After activating any plugin, this method will be executed by a hook.
* If the activated plugin is conflicting with ours a notice will be shown.
* @param string|bool $plugin Optional plugin basename to check.
public static function hook_check_for_plugin_conflicts( $plugin = false ) {
// The instance of itself.
$instance = self::get_instance();
// Only add plugin as active plugin if $plugin isn't false.
if ( $plugin && is_string( $plugin ) ) {
// Because it's just activated.
$instance->add_active_plugin( $instance->find_plugin_category( $plugin ), $plugin );
$plugin_sections = array();
// Only check for open graph problems when they are enabled.
if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'opengraph' ) ) {
/* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s: 'Facebook' plugin name of possibly conflicting plugin with regard to creating OpenGraph output. */
$plugin_sections['open_graph'] = __( 'Both %1$s and %2$s create Open Graph output, which might make Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.', 'wordpress-seo' )
. '<br/><br/>'
. '<a class="button" href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_social#top#facebook' ) . '">'
/* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO. */
. sprintf( __( 'Configure %1$s\'s Open Graph settings', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'Yoast SEO' )
. '</a>';
// Only check for XML conflicts if sitemaps are enabled.
if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'enable_xml_sitemap' ) ) {
/* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s: 'Google XML Sitemaps' plugin name of possibly conflicting plugin with regard to the creation of sitemaps. */
$plugin_sections['xml_sitemaps'] = __( 'Both %1$s and %2$s can create XML sitemaps. Having two XML sitemaps is not beneficial for search engines and might slow down your site.', 'wordpress-seo' )
. '<br/><br/>'
. '<a class="button" href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard#top#features' ) . '">'
/* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO. */
. sprintf( __( 'Toggle %1$s\'s XML Sitemap', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'Yoast SEO' )
. '</a>';
/* translators: %2$s expands to 'RS Head Cleaner' plugin name of possibly conflicting plugin with regard to differentiating output between search engines and normal users. */
$plugin_sections['cloaking'] = __( 'The plugin %2$s changes your site\'s output and in doing that differentiates between search engines and normal users, a process that\'s called cloaking. We highly recommend that you disable it.', 'wordpress-seo' );
/* translators: %1$s expands to Yoast SEO, %2$s: 'SEO' plugin name of possibly conflicting plugin with regard to the creation of duplicate SEO meta. */
$plugin_sections['seo'] = __( 'Both %1$s and %2$s manage the SEO of your site. Running two SEO plugins at the same time is detrimental.', 'wordpress-seo' );
$instance->check_plugin_conflicts( $plugin_sections );