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5 years ago
* Nextcloud - Gallery
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later. See the COPYING file.
* @author Olivier Paroz <>
* @copyright Olivier Paroz 2017
namespace OCA\Gallery\AppInfo;
* Application routes
* The name is the lowercase name of the controller without the controller
* part, the stuff after the hash is the method.
* e.g. page#index -> PageController->index()
return [
'routes' => [
* Main routes
'name' => 'page#index',
'url' => '/',
'verb' => 'GET'
// Landing page for public galleries. If a filename is given the file is downloaded
'name' => 'page#public_index',
'url' => '/s/{token}/{filename}',
'verb' => 'GET',
'defaults' => ['filename' => null]
// Landing page after password entry, for public galleries
'name' => 'page#public_index',
'url' => '/s/{token}',
'verb' => 'POST',
'postfix' => 'post'
// An error page which can handle different error codes
'name' => 'page#error_page',
'url' => '/error',
'verb' => 'GET'
// The same page, but for POST
'name' => 'page#error_page',
'url' => '/error',
'verb' => 'POST',
'postfix' => 'post'
'name' => 'page#slideshow',
'url' => '/slideshow',
'verb' => 'GET'
* Services
// Gallery config, as well as supported media types
'name' => 'config#get',
'url' => '/config',
'verb' => 'GET'
// The list of images of which previews can be generated
'name' => 'files#get_list',
'url' => '/files/list',
'verb' => 'GET'
// File download
'name' => 'files#download',
'url' => '/files/download/{fileId}',
'verb' => 'GET',
'defaults' => ['fileId' => null]
// Batch creation of thumbnails
'name' => 'preview#get_thumbnails',
'url' => '/thumbnails',
'verb' => 'GET'
// Large preview of a file
'name' => 'preview#get_preview',
'url' => '/preview/{fileId}',
'verb' => 'GET'
* Public services
'name' => 'config_public#get',
'url' => '/config.public',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'files_public#get_list',
'url' => '/files.public/list',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'files_public#download',
'url' => '/files.public/download/{fileId}',
'verb' => 'GET',
'defaults' => ['fileId' => null]
'name' => 'preview_public#get_thumbnails',
'url' => '/thumbnails.public',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'preview_public#get_preview',
'url' => '/preview.public/{fileId}',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'config_api#preflighted_cors', // Valid for all API end points
'url' => '/api/{path}',
'verb' => 'OPTIONS',
'requirements' => ['path' => '.+']
'name' => 'config_api#get',
'url' => '/api/config',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'files_api#get_list',
'url' => '/api/files/list',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'files_api#download',
'url' => '/api/files/download/{fileId}',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'preview_api#get_thumbnails',
'url' => '/api/thumbnails',
'verb' => 'GET'
'name' => 'preview_api#get_preview',
'url' => '/api/preview/{fileId}/{width}/{height}',
'verb' => 'GET'
// For embeddable galleries
'name' => 'preview_api#show_gallery',
'url' => '/api/gallery/{folderId}',
'verb' => 'GET'