# This viminfo file was generated by Vim 7.4. # You may edit it if you're careful! # Value of 'encoding' when this file was written *encoding=utf-8 # hlsearch on (H) or off (h): ~H # Last Substitute String: $ # Command Line History (newest to oldest): :q! :wq :q :w # Search String History (newest to oldest): # Expression History (newest to oldest): # Input Line History (newest to oldest): # Input Line History (newest to oldest): # Registers: ""0 CHAR 0 if(obj.t == "node0"){ tools.cache.push('qos', obj.q, 'node0'); tools.cache.push('status', obj.s, 'node0'); tools.cache.push('batteryLevel', obj.b, 'node0'); tools.cache.push('temperature', obj.T, 'node0'); tools.cache.push('humidity', obj.h, 'node0'); tools.cache.push('waterSwitch', obj.w, 'node0'); } "1 CHAR 0 \OAuth2\Autoloader::register(); //oauth操作数据库开始 $storage = new \OAuth2\Storage\Pdo(array('dsn' => $dsn, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class $server = new \OAuth2\Server($storage); // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage)); // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode($storage)); \OAuth2\Autoloader::register(); // $dsn is the Data Source Name for your database, for exmaple "mysql:dbname=my_oauth2_db;host=localhost" $storage = new \OAuth2\Storage\Pdo(array('dsn' => $dsn, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); // var_dump($storage); // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class $server = new \OAuth2\Server($storage); // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage)); // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens) $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode($storage)); $request = \OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals(); $response = new \OAuth2\Response(); // 校验请求是否 oauth2.0 请求以及是否 clientId 是否已经注册在数据库 if (!$server->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $response)) { $response->send(); die; } // display an authorization form /*if (empty($_POST)) { exit('

'); } else { echo 'fail '; } "2 LINE 0 " ============================================================================ " Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v149) " /home/ushio/www/oauth/OAuth2 " Sorted by name " Sort sequence: [\/]$,\,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$ " Quick Help: :help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec " ============================================================================ ../ ./ ClientAssertionType/ Controller/ Encryption/ GrantType/ OpenID/ ResponseType/ Storage/ TokenType/ Autoloader.php Request.php RequestInterface.php Response.php ResponseInterface.php Scope.php ScopeInterface.php Server.php "3 LINE 0 var mosca = require('mosca'); var ascoltatore = { //using ascoltatore // //type: 'mongo', // //url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mqtt', // //pubsubCollection: 'ascoltatori', // //mongo: {} // }; // // var settings = { // port: 1883, // backend: ascoltatore // }; // // var server = new mosca.Server(settings); // // server.on('clientConnected', function(client) { // console.log('client connected', client.id); // }); // // // fired when a message is received // server.on('published', function(packet, client) { // console.log('Published', packet.payload); // }); // // server.on('ready', setup); // # File marks: '0 5 36 /etc/dnsmasq.d/sola.conf '1 1 0 ~/www/smartfarm/routes/api.js '2 4 25 ~/www/wx/.env '3 1 0 /etc/dnsmasq.d/sola.conf '4 70 0 ~/www/smartfarm/html/chart-station.html '5 53 49 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php '6 77 0 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php '7 160 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js '8 75 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php '9 16 1 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php # Jumplist (newest first): -' 5 36 /etc/dnsmasq.d/sola.conf -' 1 0 /etc/dnsmasq.d/sola.conf -' 1 0 ~/www/smartfarm/routes/api.js -' 4 25 ~/www/wx/.env -' 1 0 ~/www/wx/.env -' 70 0 ~/www/smartfarm/html/chart-station.html -' 1 0 ~/www/smartfarm/html/chart-station.html -' 53 49 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 111 37 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 106 0 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 117 66 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 77 12 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/api/img/index.php -' 160 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 1 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 75 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 16 12 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 8 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 9 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 7 15 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 9 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 3 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/Aligenie -' 13 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 15 5 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 11 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 74 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/OAuth2 -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 9 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/OAuth2 -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/OAuth2 -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 160 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 1 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 75 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 16 12 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 8 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 9 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 7 15 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 9 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 3 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/Aligenie -' 13 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 15 5 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 11 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/getResource.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieToken.php -' 1 74 /home/ushio/www/oauth/AligenieAuthorize.php -' 1 0 /home/ushio/www/oauth/OAuth2 -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 9 0 ~/iot/mqtt/smartfarm/mqtt-server.js -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab -' 172 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 1 0 ~/www/homepage/index.html -' 16 2 /etc/crontab -' 1 0 /etc/crontab # 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