# This viminfo file was generated by Vim 7.4. # You may edit it if you're careful! # Value of 'encoding' when this file was written *encoding=utf-8 # hlsearch on (H) or off (h): ~H # Last Search Pattern: ~MSle0~/api.yimian # Last Substitute String: $ # Command Line History (newest to oldest): :wq :q :q! :w :Q! :Wq # Search String History (newest to oldest): ?/api.yimian ?/echo # Expression History (newest to oldest): # Input Line History (newest to oldest): # Input Line History (newest to oldest): # Registers: ""0 LINE 0 include '/home/ushio/conf/dbKeys/log.db.key.php'; "1 CHAR 0 $total_arr[$ii]['date']=date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.($ii+1).'day')); $total_arr[$ii]['total']=$tmp; $firstTime = $firstItem['datetime']; $firstDate = substr($firstTime, 0, 10); $datetime_start = date_create($firstDate); $datetime_end = date_create(date('Y-m-d')); $days = date_diff($datetime_start, $datetime_end)->days; for($ii = 0; $ii < (($days < 30) ? $days: 30); $ii ++){ $sql = "select * from account where datetime>='".date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-'.($ii+1).' day'))." 00:00:00' and datetime<'".date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-$ii day"))." 00:00:00' order by id DESC limit 1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $tmp = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $tmp = $row['total']; } $total_arr[$ii]['date']=date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.($ii+1).'day')); $total_arr[$ii]['total']=$tmp; } for($i = 0; $i < count($total_arr); $i++){ if($i < count($total_arr) - 1) $total_arr[$i]['val'] = $total_arr[$i]['total'] - $total_arr[$i+1]['total']; else $total_arr[$i]['val'] = 0; } for($i = 0; $i < count($total_arr); $i ++){ if($i < count($total_arr) - 7) $total_arr[$i]['week_val'] = $total_arr[$i]['total'] - $total_arr[$i+7]['total']; else $total_arr[$i]['week_val'] = 0; } "2 LINE 0 array_push($ = $row['total']; } "3 LINE 0 $firstItem = $result->fetch_assoc(); "4 LINE 0 } "5 CHAR 0 $datetime_start = date_create($firstDate); $datetime_end = date_create(date('Y-m-d')); $days = date_diff($datetime_start, $datetime_end)->days; for($ii = 0; $ii < (($days < 30) ? $days: 30); $ii ++){ $sql = "select * from account where datetime>='".date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-'.($ii+1).' day'))." 00:00:00' and datetime<'".date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-$ii day"))." 00:00:00' order by id DESC limit 1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $tmp = 0; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $tmp = $row['total']; } $total_arr[$ii]['date']=date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.($ii+1).'day')); $total_arr[$ii]['total']=$tmp; } for($i = 0; $i < count($total_arr); $i++){ if($i < count($total_arr) - 1) $total_arr[$i]['val'] = $total_arr[$i]['total'] - $total_arr[$i+1]['total']; else $total_arr[$i]['val'] = 0; } for($i = 0; $i < count($total_arr); $i ++){ if($i < count($total_arr) - 7) $total_arr[$i]['week_val'] = $total_arr[$i]['total'] - $total_arr[$i+7]['total']; else $total_arr[$i]['week_val'] = 0; } "6 LINE 0 $firstItem = $result->fetch_assoc(); "7 LINE 0 "8 LINE 0 "9 CHAR 0 $total_arr[$ii][$i]['date']=date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-'.($ii+1).'day')); $total_arr[$ii][$i++]['total']=$row['total']; "- CHAR 0 # 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History of marks within files (newest to oldest): > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/.gitignore " 1 7 ^ 1 8 . 1 7 + 1 7 > ~/www/settlement/func/functions.php " 4 0 ^ 88 0 . 4 0 + 3 37 + 9 2 + 4 0 > /home/ushio/www/api/functions.php " 2 0 > ~/www/settlement/api/test.php " 5 68 ^ 5 69 . 5 68 + 3 57 + 5 68 > ~/www/settlement/api/index.php " 122 0 ^ 104 0 . 3 37 + 6 0 + 5 56 + 60 14 + 48 21 + 96 1 + 103 1 + 96 0 + 103 0 + 98 0 + 110 20 + 146 49 + 110 0 + 116 9 + 123 13 + 116 8 + 117 9 + 132 18 + 116 9 + 115 24 + 116 8 + 115 9 + 116 36 + 117 36 + 123 12 + 8 15 + 80 15 + 85 0 + 86 0 + 85 26 + 86 1 + 87 0 + 85 0 + 75 21 + 74 62 + 75 0 + 5 0 + 2 0 + 3 37 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/upload.php " 30 58 ^ 30 59 . 30 59 + 43 0 + 42 24 + 43 60 + 30 54 + 23 34 + 15 27 + 27 0 + 42 0 + 43 1 + 42 2 + 30 59 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/js/jquery.imageuploader.js " 16 17 ^ 10 6 . 10 4 + 4 412 + 9 559 + 23 0 + 11 47 + 12 54 + 13 28 + 14 35 + 15 35 + 17 24 + 19 33 + 20 63 + 16 23 + 10 52 + 11 16 + 11 0 + 16 23 + 18 13 + 10 4 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/js/main.js " 52 44 ^ 52 45 . 52 44 + 48 58 + 49 50 + 50 41 + 52 63 + 48 39 + 50 25 + 51 31 + 52 44 > ~/www/settlement/api/getCurrent.php " 26 17 ^ 26 18 . 26 17 + 13 59 + 22 0 + 14 0 + 13 57 + 17 29 + 18 19 + 6 29 + 7 9 + 10 20 + 18 61 + 19 24 + 26 17 > ~/www/settlement/api/getDetail.php " 14 32 ^ 14 33 . 10 45 + 10 45 > ~/www/settlement/api/get " 1 0 > ~/www/settlement/api/getAccountEvents.php " 10 43 ^ 10 44 . 10 43 + 7 7 + 10 53 + 12 0 + 17 1 + 17 0 + 12 32 + 17 0 + 13 0 + 17 0 + 16 0 + 12 0 + 16 0 + 17 0 + 14 15 + 15 0 + 14 31 + 17 0 + 10 36 + 18 0 + 10 43 > ~/www/settlement/api/getWeekData.php " 38 24 ^ 38 25 . 38 25 + 3 0 + 6 21 + 29 4 + 29 4 + 27 7 + 25 8 + 25 4 + 25 2 + 25 2 + 25 12 + 27 0 + 25 10 + 25 4 + 25 9 + 25 0 + 24 0 + 6 22 + 23 122 + 23 94 + 53 12 + 23 54 + 21 26 + 34 0 + 7 14 + 30 0 + 21 23 + 23 94 + 29 17 + 27 0 + 34 0 + 53 12 + 23 161 + 35 0 + 46 23 + 47 18 + 48 17 + 53 0 + 21 20 + 12 0 + 10 39 + 11 0 + 12 36 + 14 35 + 15 15 + 46 1 + 47 1 + 48 1 + 49 1 + 15 11 + 17 39 + 18 33 + 19 32 + 18 38 + 19 7 + 21 40 + 36 0 + 53 8 + 29 32 + 7 3 + 29 34 + 7 10 + 29 42 + 29 4 + 29 37 + 29 73 + 53 0 + 46 0 + 47 0 + 48 0 + 49 0 + 48 23 + 30 0 + 31 0 + 28 4 + 26 8 + 28 10 + 23 193 + 28 22 + 31 36 + 36 42 + 37 4 + 36 9 + 37 18 + 26 0 + 30 17 + 31 17 + 37 67 + 36 34 + 37 68 + 41 47 + 42 3 + 41 37 + 42 32 + 43 39 + 38 0 + 38 0 + 41 34 + 37 33 + 36 34 + 38 25 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/index.html " 14 4 ^ 14 37 . 14 36 + 7 24 + 18 50 + 22 90 + 35 60 + 39 75 + 47 123 + 50 88 + 49 27 + 52 198 + 54 35 + 14 36 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/js/jquery.min.js " 5 40 ^ 1 0 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/js/jquery.hwLayer.js " 10 0 ^ 1 0 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/style/main.css " 1 29 ^ 1 0 . 1 62 + 1 62 > ~/www/settlement/imgbed/uploadp " 1 0 ^ 1 0 > ~/www/settlement/index.html " 193 29 ^ 193 30 . 9 77 + 6 9 + 8 59 + 9 77 > ~/www/settlement/log.db.key.php " 3 26 ^ 6 28 . 6 24 + 4 22 + 6 24