2018.08 - version 1.2.0 * Updated Azure Storage API version from 2016-05-31 to 2017-04-17. * Added method `setBlobTier` method in `BlobRestProxy` to set blob tiers. * Added support setting or getting blob tiers related properties when creating blobs, listing blobs, getting blob properties and copying blobs. * Set the `getBlobUrl()` method in `BlobRestProxy` visibility to public. 2018.04 - version 1.1.0 * Private method BlobRestProxy::getBlobUrl now preserves primary URI path when exists. * MD files are modified for better readability and formatting. * CACERT can now be set when creating RestProxies using `$options` parameter. * Added a sample in `BlobSamples.php` to list all blobs with certain prefix. This is a recommended implementation of using continuation token to list all the blobs. * Removed unnecessary trailing spaces. * Assertions are re-factored in test cases. * Now the test framework uses `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` instead of `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`. 2018.01 - version 1.0.0 * Created `BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper` and moved method `SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateBlobServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken()` into `BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper`. * Added static builder methods `createBlobService` and `createContainerAnonymousAccess` into `BlobRestProxy`. * Removed `dataSerializer` parameter from `BlobRestProxy` constructor. * Added `setUseTransactionalMD5` method for options of `BlobRestProxy::CreateBlockBlob` and `BlobRestProxy::CreatePageBlobFromContent`. Default false, enabling transactional MD5 validation will take more cpu and memory resources. * Fixed a bug that CopyBlobFromURLOptions not found. * Deprecated PHP 5.5 support.