OC.L10N.register( "gallery", { "Gallery" : "Galería", "There was a problem reading files from this album" : "Hebo un problema al lleer los ficheros d'esti álbum", "Aborting preview. Could not find the file" : "Albortando vista previa. Nun s'atopó'l ficheru", "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "Nun pudo movese \"{file}\", destín yá esiste", "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "Nun pudo movese \"{file}\"", "No compatible server found at {remote}" : "Nun s'alcontró dengún sirvidor compatible en {remote}", "Invalid server url" : "URL non válida del sirvidor", "Could not load the description" : "Nun pudo cargase la descripción", "Could not load the description: " : "Nun pudo cargase la descripción:", "Copyright" : "Copyright", "Could not load the copyright notice: " : "Nun pudo cargase l'avisu de copyright:", "Copyright notice" : "Avisu de copyright ", "Link to copyright document" : "Enllaz al documentu de copyright ", "This application may not work properly on your browser." : "Esta aplicación puede que nun funcione correchamente nel so restolador.", "For an improved experience, please install one of the following alternatives" : "Pa una meyor esperiencia , por favor, instale una de les siguientes alternatives", "Your browser is not supported!" : "¡El to restolador nun ye compatible!", "please install one of the following alternatives" : "por favor instale una de les siguientes alternatives", "Album cannot be shown" : "Nun pue amosase l'álbum", "No media files found" : "Nun s'atoparon ficheros multimedia", "Upload pictures in the Files app to display them here" : "Xubi semeyes a l'aplicación Ficheros p'amosalos equí", "Upload new files via drag and drop or by using the [+] button above" : "Xubir nuevos ficheros al traviés d'arrastrar y soltar o utilizando'l botón [+] anterior", "Configuration error" : "Error de configuración", "Hide Album" : "Anubrir Álbum", "Could not hide album" : "Nun pudo anubrise l'álbum", "Error loading slideshow template" : "Fallu al cargar la plantía de diapositives", "Error! Could not generate a preview of this file.
Please go to the next slide while we remove this image from the slideshow" : "¡Error!Nun se pudo xenerar una vista previa d'esti ficheru.
Por favor, vaya a la siguiente diapositiva mientres esanicia esta imaxe de la presentación de diapositives", "Next" : "Siguiente", "Play" : "Reproducir", "Pause" : "Posar", "Previous" : "Anterior", "Close" : "Zarrar", "Download" : "Baxar", "Toggle background" : "Fondu de barra de ferramientes", "Delete" : "Desaniciar", "Share" : "Compartir", "Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "Nun pudo crease'l ficheru \"{file}\" porque yá esiste", "Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "Nun pudo crease'l ficheru \"{file}\"", "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" ye un nome de ficheru inválidu.", "File name cannot be empty." : "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.", "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "«{name}» nun ye una triba de ficheru permitida", "Upload" : "Xubir", "Error" : "Fallu", "Error while sharing" : "Fallu mientres la compartición", "Error while unsharing" : "Fallu mientres se dexaba de compartir", "Error while changing permissions" : "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos", "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}", "Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo por {owner}", "Share with users or groups …" : "Compartir con usuarios o grupos", "Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Compartir con usuarios, grupos o usuarios remotos", "Share link" : "Compartir enllaz", "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaz públicu va caducar enantes de {days} díes dende la so creación", "Link" : "Enllaz", "Password protect" : "Protexer con contraseña", "Password" : "Contraseña", "Choose a password for the public link" : "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu", "Allow editing" : "Permitir edición", "Email link to person" : "Enllaz de corréu-e a la persona", "Send" : "Unviar", "Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá", "Expiration" : "Caducidá", "Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá", "No users or groups found for {search}" : "Nun s'alcontraron usuarios o grupos pa {search}", "No users found for {search}" : "Nun s'alcontraron usuarios pa {search}", "Adding user..." : "Amestando usuariu...", "group" : "grupu", "remote" : "remotu", "Resharing is not allowed" : "Recompartir nun ta permitíu", "Error while retrieving shares" : "Fallu al recuperar aiciones", "Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir", "notify by email" : "notificar per corréu", "can share" : "pue compartir", "can edit" : "pue editar", "access control" : "control d'accesu", "create" : "crear", "change" : "camudar", "delete" : "desaniciar", "Password protected" : "Contraseña protexida", "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fallu desafitando la data de caducidá", "Error setting expiration date" : "Fallu afitando la fecha de caducidá", "Email sent" : "Corréu unviáu", "Warning" : "Avisu", "This share is password-protected" : "Esta compartición tien contraseña protexida", "The password is wrong. Try again." : "La contraseña ye incorreuta. Inténtalo otra vegada.", "Cancel upload" : "Encaboxar xuba", "Sort by name" : "Ordenador por nome", "Sort by date" : "Ordenar por fecha", "Album information" : "Información del album", "File list" : "Llista de ficheros", "Sorry, this file could not be found." : "Sentímoslo, esti ficheru nun pudo atopase.", "Reasons might be:" : "Les razones pueden ser: ", "the wrong file ID was provided" : "Apurrióse'l ficheru d'ID incorrectu", "the file was removed" : "desanicióse'l ficheru", "the file is corrupt" : "el ficheru ta toriáu", "the encryption key is missing" : "la clave de cifráu nun s'atopa", "Here is the error message returned by the server: " : "Equí ta'l mensaxe d'erru devueltu pol servidor:", "For more information, please contact your friendly Nextcloud administrator." : "Pa más información, contauta col to alministrador de Nextcloud.", "Sorry, but the server could not fulfill your request." : "Sentímoslo, pero'l servidor nun pudo cumplir cola so solicitú.", "Possible reasons for the problem:" : "Les posibles razones pal problema:", "a conflicting app was installed" : "Instalóse una aplicación conflictiva", "a required component is missing or was disconnected" : "un componente riquíu nun s'atopa o desconectóse", "the filesystem is not readable" : "el sistema de ficheros nun ye llexible", "Sorry, this link doesn't seem to work anymore." : "Sentímoslo, esti enllaz paez que yá nun furrula.", "the item was removed" : "desanicióse l'elementu", "the link has expired" : "l'enllaz caducó", "sharing is disabled" : "la compartición ta deshabilitada", "For more information, please ask the person who has sent you this link." : "Pa más información, entrúga-y a la persona qu'unvió esti enllaz.", "Picture view" : "Vista d'imáxenes" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");