'use strict' var test = require('tap').test var callback = require('./') var fs = require('fs') test('call the callback after end with object mode', function (t) { var opts = { objectMode: true } var stream = callback(opts, function (err, results) { t.deepEqual(results, ['hello'], 'should return the ending value') t.end() }) stream.end('hello') }) test('support multiple writes with object mode', function (t) { var opts = { objectMode: true } var stream = callback(opts, function (err, results) { t.deepEqual(results, ['hello', 'world'], 'should return the ending value') t.end() }) stream.write('hello') stream.end('world') }) test('works without object mode', function (t) { var stream = callback(function (err, results) { t.equal(results.length, 1, 'should contain only one value') t.deepEqual(results[0].toString(), 'world', 'should return the ending value') t.end() }) stream.end('world') }) test('is pipeable', function (t) { var write = callback(function (err, results) { var actual = Buffer.concat(results).toString() var expected = fs.readFileSync('README.md').toString() t.equal(actual, expected, 'should have the same content of the file') t.end() }) var read = fs.createReadStream('README.md') read.pipe(write) }) test('callback.obj shortcut for objectMode', function (t) { var stream = callback.obj(function (err, results) { t.deepEqual(results, ['hello'], 'should return the ending value') t.end() }) stream.end('hello') })