var ArrayIndex = require('./') var inherits = require('util').inherits var assert = require('assert') /** * Create a "subclass". */ function Arrayish (length) {, length) this.sets = Object.create(null) } // inherit from `ArrayIndex` inherits(Arrayish, ArrayIndex) // create an instance and run some tests var a = new Arrayish(11) assert.equal(a.length, 11); assert.throws(function () { a[0] }, /you must implement the `ArrayIndex.get` Symbol/) assert.throws(function () { a[0] = 0 }, /you must implement the `ArrayIndex.set` Symbol/) /** * This "getter" function checks if the index has previosly been "set", and if so * returns the index * the value previously set. If the index hasn't been set, * return the index as-is. */ Arrayish.prototype[ArrayIndex.get] = function get (index) { if (index in this.sets) { return +this.sets[index] * index } else { return index } } /** * Store the last value set for this index. */ Arrayish.prototype[ArrayIndex.set] = function set (index, value) { this.sets[index] = value } // test getters without being "set" assert.equal(0, a[0]) assert.equal(1, a[1]) assert.equal(2, a[2]) assert.equal(3, a[3]) assert.equal(4, a[4]) // test setters, followed by getters a[10] = 1 assert.equal(10, a[10]) a[10] = 2 assert.equal(20, a[10]) a[10] = 3 assert.equal(30, a[10]) // test "length" assert.equal(11, a.length) a[4] = 20 a[6] = 5.55432 var b = [0, 1, 2, 3, 80, 5, 33.325919999999996, 7, 8, 9, 30] assert.equal(JSON.stringify(b), JSON.stringify(a)) /** * It should work when invoking as a Mixin. */ function Foo () {, 5); } var f = new Foo(); // these throw because there's no __get__ and __set__ function defined assert.throws(function () { f[0]; }); assert.throws(function () { f[0] = 0 }); f[ArrayIndex.get] = function (index) { return index * 2; }; assert.equal(f[0], 0); assert.equal(f[1], 2); assert.equal(f[2], 4); assert.equal(f[3], 6); f[ArrayIndex.set] = function (index, value) { this['foo' + index] = value; }; f[1] = 'bar'; assert.equal(f.foo1, 'bar');