'use strict' var pino = require('./')() pino.info('hello world') pino.error('this is at error level') pino.info('the answer is %d', 42) pino.info({ obj: 42 }, 'hello world') pino.info({ obj: 42, b: 2 }, 'hello world') pino.info({ nested: { obj: 42 } }, 'nested') setImmediate(function () { pino.info('after setImmediate') }) pino.error(new Error('an error')) var child = pino.child({ a: 'property' }) child.info('hello child!') var childsChild = child.child({ another: 'property' }) childsChild.info('hello baby..') pino.debug('this should be mute') pino.level = 'trace' pino.debug('this is a debug statement') pino.child({ another: 'property' }).debug('this is a debug statement via child') pino.trace('this is a trace statement') pino.debug('this is a "debug" statement with "')