# pull-live construct a pull-stream for reading from a writable source, can read old records, new (live) records, or both. to be used by [pull-level](https://github.com/pull-stream/pull-level), [multiblobs](https://github.com/dominictarr/multiblob), and [secure-scuttlebutt](https://github.com/ssbc/secure-scuttlebutt). `pull-live` is generic, and easy to adapt to a new case. ## api: createLive(createSource(opts), createLive(opts)) => createLiveStream(opts) createLive takes two functions, `createSource` (which returns a source stream of the stored data) and `createLive` which returns a stream of the live data. A function that takes `opts` and is returned. if `opts.live` is set to true, the stream will only read the old data (from `createSource`) and then the new data (from `createLive`) with one item `{sync: true}` to mark when the old data has finished. If `opts.sync === false` then the sync item will dropped. if `opts.live` is true (default: `false`) the live data is included. if `opts.old` is false (default: `true`) the output will not include the old data. If `live` and `old` are both false, an error is thrown. the only valid options are `{live: true, old: false}` `{live: false, old: true}` and `{live: true, old: true}` I recomment using [pull-notify](https://github.com/pull-stream/pull-notify) to implement `createLive`. ``` js var MyLiveStream = createLive(createSource, createLive) pull(MyLiveStrea({live:..., old:...}),...) ``` ## License MIT