var pull = require('pull-stream') var tape = require('tape') var Live = require('./') var Pushable = require('pull-pushable') tape('old only', function (t) { var olds = pull.values([1,2,3]) Live(function () { t.ok(true) return olds }, function () { throw new Error('should not be called') })({old: true}) t.end() }) tape('new only', function (t) { var news = Pushable() Live(function () { throw new Error('should not be called') }, function () { t.ok(true) return news })({old: false}) t.end() }) tape('old and new', function (t) { var olds = pull.values([1,2,3]) var news = Pushable() pull( Live(function () { return olds }, function () { t.ok(true) return news })({live: true, sync: false}), pull.collect(function (err, ary) { t.deepEqual(ary, [1,2,3,4]) t.end() }) ) news.push(4) news.end() })