var pull = require('pull-stream/pull') var looper = require('looper') function destroy (stream) { if(!stream.destroy) console.error( 'warning, stream-to-pull-stream: \n' + 'the wrapped node-stream does not implement `destroy`, \n' + 'this may cause resource leaks.' ) else stream.destroy() } function write(read, stream, cb) { var ended, closed = false, did function done () { if(did) return did = true cb && cb(ended === true ? null : ended) } function onClose () { if(closed) return closed = true cleanup() if(!ended) read(ended = true, done) else done() } function onError (err) { cleanup() if(!ended) read(ended = err, done) } function cleanup() { stream.on('finish', onClose) stream.removeListener('close', onClose) stream.removeListener('error', onError) } stream.on('close', onClose) stream.on('finish', onClose) stream.on('error', onError) process.nextTick(function () { looper(function (next) { read(null, function (end, data) { ended = ended || end //you can't "end" a stdout stream, so this needs to be handled specially. if(end === true) return stream._isStdio ? done() : stream.end() if(ended = ended || end) { destroy(stream) return done(ended) } //I noticed a problem streaming to the terminal: //sometimes the end got cut off, creating invalid output. //it seems that stdout always emits "drain" when it ends. //so this seems to work, but i have been unable to reproduce this test //automatically, so you need to run ./test/stdout.js a few times and the end is valid json. if(stream._isStdio) stream.write(data, function () { next() }) else { var pause = stream.write(data) if(pause === false) stream.once('drain', next) else next() } }) }) }) } function first (emitter, events, handler) { function listener (val) { events.forEach(function (e) { emitter.removeListener(e, listener) }) handler(val) } events.forEach(function (e) { emitter.on(e, listener) }) return emitter } function read2(stream) { var ended = false, waiting = false var _cb function read () { var data = if(data !== null && _cb) { var cb = _cb; _cb = null cb(null, data) } } stream.on('readable', function () { waiting = true _cb && read() }) .on('end', function () { ended = true _cb && _cb(ended) }) .on('error', function (err) { ended = err _cb && _cb(ended) }) return function (end, cb) { _cb = cb if(ended) cb(ended) else if(waiting) read() } } function read1(stream) { var buffer = [], cbs = [], ended, paused = false var draining function drain() { while((buffer.length || ended) && cbs.length) cbs.shift()(buffer.length ? null : ended, buffer.shift()) if(!buffer.length && (paused)) { paused = false stream.resume() } } stream.on('data', function (data) { buffer.push(data) drain() if(buffer.length && stream.pause) { paused = true stream.pause() } }) stream.on('end', function () { ended = true drain() }) stream.on('close', function () { ended = true drain() }) stream.on('error', function (err) { ended = err drain() }) return function (abort, cb) { if(!cb) throw new Error('*must* provide cb') if(abort) { function onAbort () { while(cbs.length) cbs.shift()(abort) cb(abort) } //if the stream happens to have already ended, then we don't need to abort. if(ended) return onAbort() stream.once('close', onAbort) destroy(stream) } else { cbs.push(cb) drain() } } } var read = read1 var sink = function (stream, cb) { return function (read) { return write(read, stream, cb) } } var source = function (stream) { return read1(stream) } exports = module.exports = function (stream, cb) { return ( (stream.writable && stream.write) ? stream.readable ? function(_read) { write(_read, stream, cb); return read1(stream) } : sink(stream, cb) : source(stream) ) } exports.sink = sink exports.source = source = read exports.read1 = read1 exports.read2 = read2 exports.duplex = function (stream, cb) { return { source: source(stream), sink: sink(stream, cb) } } exports.transform = function (stream) { return function (read) { var _source = source(stream) sink(stream)(read); return _source } }