get_base() . '/' . $tab->get_name() . '.php'; } /** * Outputs the option tabs. * * @param WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs Option Tabs to get tabs from. */ public function run( WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs ) { echo ''; foreach ( $option_tabs->get_tabs() as $tab ) { $identifier = $tab->get_name(); $class = 'wpseotab ' . ( $tab->has_save_button() ? 'save' : 'nosave' ); printf( '
', esc_attr( $identifier ), esc_attr( $class ) ); $tab_filter_name = sprintf( '%s_%s', $option_tabs->get_base(), $tab->get_name() ); /** * Allows to override the content that is display on the specific option tab. * * @internal For internal Yoast SEO use only. * * @api string|null The content that should be displayed for this tab. Leave empty for default behaviour. * * @param WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs The registered option tabs. * @param WPSEO_Option_Tab $tab The tab that is being displayed. */ $option_tab_content = apply_filters( 'wpseo_option_tab-' . $tab_filter_name, null, $option_tabs, $tab ); if ( ! empty( $option_tab_content ) ) { echo wp_kses_post( $option_tab_content ); } if ( empty( $option_tab_content ) ) { // Output the settings view for all tabs. $tab_view = $this->get_tab_view( $option_tabs, $tab ); if ( is_file( $tab_view ) ) { $yform = Yoast_Form::get_instance(); require $tab_view; } } echo '
'; } } }