=' ) ) { return current_user_can( 'setup_network' ); } return is_super_admin(); } function wp_cache_add_pages() { if ( wpsupercache_site_admin() ) { // In single or MS mode add this menu item too, but only for superadmins in MS mode. add_options_page( 'WP Super Cache', 'WP Super Cache', 'manage_options', 'wpsupercache', 'wp_cache_manager' ); } } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wp_cache_add_pages' ); function wp_cache_network_pages() { add_submenu_page( 'settings.php', 'WP Super Cache', 'WP Super Cache', 'manage_options', 'wpsupercache', 'wp_cache_manager' ); } add_action( 'network_admin_menu', 'wp_cache_network_pages' ); function wp_cache_manager_error_checks() { global $wp_cache_debug, $wp_cache_cron_check, $cache_enabled, $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mod_rewrite; global $dismiss_htaccess_warning, $dismiss_readable_warning, $dismiss_gc_warning, $wp_cache_shutdown_gc, $is_nginx; global $htaccess_path; if ( ! wpsupercache_site_admin() ) { return false; } if ( PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300 && ( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) === '1' || strtolower( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ) === 'on' ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine echo '

' . esc_html__( 'Warning! PHP Safe Mode Enabled!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

'; echo '

' . esc_html__( 'You may experience problems running this plugin because SAFE MODE is enabled.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
'; if ( ! ini_get( 'safe_mode_gid' ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine esc_html_e( 'Your server is set up to check the owner of PHP scripts before allowing them to read and write files.', 'wp-super-cache' ); echo '
'; printf( __( 'You or an administrator may be able to make it work by changing the group owner of the plugin scripts to match that of the web server user. The group owner of the %s/cache/ directory must also be changed. See the safe mode manual page for further details.', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_attr( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ); } else { _e( 'You or an administrator must disable this. See the safe mode manual page for further details. This cannot be disabled in a .htaccess file unfortunately. It must be done in the php.ini config file.', 'wp-super-cache' ); } echo '

'; } if ( '' == get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) { echo '

' . __( 'Permlink Structure Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

'; echo "

" . __( 'A custom url or permalink structure is required for this plugin to work correctly. Please go to the Permalinks Options Page to configure your permalinks.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

"; echo '
'; return false; } if ( $wp_cache_debug || ! $wp_cache_cron_check ) { if ( defined( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON' ) && constant( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON' ) ) { ?>

Troubleshooting section of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/faq/' ); ?>

0.01, 'blocking' => true)); if( is_array( $cron ) ) { if( $cron[ 'response' ][ 'code' ] == '404' ) { ?>

Warning! wp-cron.php not found!

Troubleshooting section of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/faq/' ); ?>

' . __( "Cannot continue... fix previous problems and retry.", 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

'; return false; } if ( false == function_exists( 'wpsc_deep_replace' ) ) { $msg = __( 'Warning! You must set WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME in your wp-config.php for this plugin to work correctly:' ) . '
'; $msg .= "define( 'WP_CACHE', true );
"; $msg .= "define( 'WPCACHEHOME', '" . dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/' );
"; wp_die( $msg ); } if (!wp_cache_check_global_config()) { return false; } if ( 1 == ini_get( 'zlib.output_compression' ) || "on" == strtolower( ini_get( 'zlib.output_compression' ) ) ) { ?>

this page for instructions on modifying your php.ini.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

%s/wp-cache-config.php and cannot be modified. That file must be writeable by the web server to make any changes.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ); ?>

This page explains how to change file permissions.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

chmod 666 /wp-cache-config.php
chmod 644 /wp-cache-config.php

this form to enable it.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

' />

chmod 755 /

This page explains how to change file permissions.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

' />

' . __( 'Mobile rewrite rules detected', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

"; echo "

" . __( 'For best performance you should enable "Mobile device support" or delete the mobile rewrite rules in your .htaccess. Look for the 2 lines with the text "2.0\ MMP|240x320" and delete those.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

" . __( 'This will have no affect on ordinary users but mobile users will see uncached pages.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

"; } elseif ( $wp_cache_mod_rewrite && $cache_enabled && $wp_cache_mobile_enabled && $scrules != '' && ( ( '' != $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes && false === strpos( $scrules, addcslashes( str_replace( ', ', '|', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ), ' ' ) ) ) || ( '' != $wp_cache_mobile_browsers && false === strpos( $scrules, addcslashes( str_replace( ', ', '|', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ), ' ' ) ) ) ) ) { ?>

  1. Update Mod_Rewrite Rules button.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>
  2. # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache and let the plugin regenerate them by reloading this page.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ); ?>
  3. # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache. There are two sections that look very similar. Just below the line %%{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|%s|wp-postpass_).*$ add these lines: (do it twice, once for each section)', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path, wpsc_get_logged_in_cookie() ); ?>

Update Mod_Rewrite Rules button.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

__( 'Required to serve compressed supercache files properly.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'mod_headers' => __( 'Required to set caching information on supercache pages. IE7 users will see old pages without this module.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'mod_expires' => __( 'Set the expiry date on supercached pages. Visitors may not see new pages when they refresh or leave comments without this module.', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); foreach( $required_modules as $req => $desc ) { if( !in_array( $req, $mods ) ) { $missing_mods[ $req ] = $desc; } } if( isset( $missing_mods) && is_array( $missing_mods ) ) { ?>

"; foreach( $missing_mods as $req => $desc ) { echo "
  • $req - $desc
  • "; } echo ""; echo "
    "; } } if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) && $_POST[ 'action' ] == 'dismiss_htaccess_warning' ) { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$dismiss_htaccess_warning', "\$dismiss_htaccess_warning = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); $dismiss_htaccess_warning = 1; } elseif ( !isset( $dismiss_htaccess_warning ) ) { $dismiss_htaccess_warning = 0; } if ( isset( $disable_supercache_htaccess_warning ) == false ) $disable_supercache_htaccess_warning = false; if ( ! $is_nginx && $dismiss_htaccess_warning == 0 && $wp_cache_mod_rewrite && $super_cache_enabled && $disable_supercache_htaccess_warning == false && get_option( 'siteurl' ) != get_option( 'home' ) ) { ?>

    here. Unfortunately, WordPress writes to the .htaccess in the install directory, not where your site is served from.
    When you update the rewrite rules in this plugin you will have to copy the file to where your site is hosted. This will be fixed in the future.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

    ' />

    ' . __( "Warning! You attempted to enable compression but zlib.output_compression is enabled. See #21 in the Troubleshooting section of the readme file.", 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; } else { if ( $new_cache_compression != $cache_compression ) { $cache_compression = $new_cache_compression; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_compression', "\$cache_compression = " . $cache_compression . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if ( function_exists( 'prune_super_cache' ) ) prune_super_cache( $cache_path, true ); delete_option( 'super_cache_meta' ); } } } } } if ( isset( $_GET[ 'page' ] ) && $_GET[ 'page' ] == 'wpsupercache' ) add_action( 'admin_init', 'wp_cache_manager_updates' ); function wp_cache_manager() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $cache_path, $cache_enabled, $cache_compression, $super_cache_enabled; global $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit, $cache_rebuild_files, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_no_cache_for_get; global $wp_cache_not_logged_in, $wp_cache_make_known_anon, $wp_supercache_cache_list, $cache_page_secret; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_cache_refresh_single_only, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes; global $wp_cache_mod_rewrite, $wp_supercache_304, $wp_super_cache_late_init, $wp_cache_front_page_checks, $wp_cache_disable_utf8, $wp_cache_mfunc_enabled; global $wp_super_cache_comments, $wp_cache_home_path, $wpsc_save_headers, $is_nginx; if ( !wpsupercache_site_admin() ) return false; // used by mod_rewrite rules and config file if ( function_exists( "cfmobi_default_browsers" ) ) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = cfmobi_default_browsers( "mobile" ); $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array_merge( $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, cfmobi_default_browsers( "touch" ) ); } elseif ( function_exists( 'lite_detection_ua_contains' ) ) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = explode( '|', lite_detection_ua_contains() ); } else { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array( '2.0 MMP', '240x320', '400X240', 'AvantGo', 'BlackBerry', 'Blazer', 'Cellphone', 'Danger', 'DoCoMo', 'Elaine/3.0', 'EudoraWeb', 'Googlebot-Mobile', 'hiptop', 'IEMobile', 'KYOCERA/WX310K', 'LG/U990', 'MIDP-2.', 'MMEF20', 'MOT-V', 'NetFront', 'Newt', 'Nintendo Wii', 'Nitro', 'Nokia', 'Opera Mini', 'Palm', 'PlayStation Portable', 'portalmmm', 'Proxinet', 'ProxiNet', 'SHARP-TQ-GX10', 'SHG-i900', 'Small', 'SonyEricsson', 'Symbian OS', 'SymbianOS', 'TS21i-10', 'UP.Browser', 'UP.Link', 'webOS', 'Windows CE', 'WinWAP', 'YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2', 'iPhone', 'iPod', 'iPad', 'Android', 'BlackBerry9530', 'LG-TU915 Obigo', 'LGE VX', 'webOS', 'Nokia5800' ); } if ( function_exists( "lite_detection_ua_prefixes" ) ) { $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = lite_detection_ua_prefixes(); } else { $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = array( 'w3c ', 'w3c-', 'acs-', 'alav', 'alca', 'amoi', 'audi', 'avan', 'benq', 'bird', 'blac', 'blaz', 'brew', 'cell', 'cldc', 'cmd-', 'dang', 'doco', 'eric', 'hipt', 'htc_', 'inno', 'ipaq', 'ipod', 'jigs', 'kddi', 'keji', 'leno', 'lg-c', 'lg-d', 'lg-g', 'lge-', 'lg/u', 'maui', 'maxo', 'midp', 'mits', 'mmef', 'mobi', 'mot-', 'moto', 'mwbp', 'nec-', 'newt', 'noki', 'palm', 'pana', 'pant', 'phil', 'play', 'port', 'prox', 'qwap', 'sage', 'sams', 'sany', 'sch-', 'sec-', 'send', 'seri', 'sgh-', 'shar', 'sie-', 'siem', 'smal', 'smar', 'sony', 'sph-', 'symb', 't-mo', 'teli', 'tim-', 'tosh', 'tsm-', 'upg1', 'upsi', 'vk-v', 'voda', 'wap-', 'wapa', 'wapi', 'wapp', 'wapr', 'webc', 'winw', 'winw', 'xda ', 'xda-' ); // from http://svn.wp-plugins.org/wordpress-mobile-pack/trunk/plugins/wpmp_switcher/lite_detection.php } $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA list $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA prefix list if ( function_exists( 'do_cacheaction' ) ) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = do_cacheaction( 'wp_super_cache_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ); $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = do_cacheaction( 'wp_super_cache_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ); } $mobile_groups = apply_filters( 'cached_mobile_groups', array() ); // Group mobile user agents by capabilities. Lump them all together by default // mobile_groups = array( 'apple' => array( 'ipod', 'iphone' ), 'nokia' => array( 'nokia5800', 'symbianos' ) ); $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = implode( ', ', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ); $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = implode( ', ', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ); if ( false == apply_filters( 'wp_super_cache_error_checking', true ) ) return false; if ( function_exists( 'get_supercache_dir' ) ) $supercachedir = get_supercache_dir(); if( get_option( 'gzipcompression' ) == 1 ) update_option( 'gzipcompression', 0 ); if( !isset( $cache_rebuild_files ) ) $cache_rebuild_files = 0; $valid_nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'wp-cache') : false; /* http://www.netlobo.com/div_hiding.html */ ?> '; echo '
    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'WP Super Cache Settings', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; // Set a default. if ( false === $cache_enabled && ! isset( $wp_cache_mod_rewrite ) ) { $wp_cache_mod_rewrite = 0; } elseif ( ! isset( $wp_cache_mod_rewrite ) && $cache_enabled && $super_cache_enabled ) { $wp_cache_mod_rewrite = 1; } $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); $curr_tab = ! empty( $_GET['tab'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_GET['tab'] ) ) : ''; // WPCS: sanitization ok. if ( empty( $curr_tab ) ) { $curr_tab = 'easy'; if ( $wp_cache_mod_rewrite ) { $curr_tab = 'settings'; echo '

    ' . __( 'Notice: Expert mode caching enabled. Showing Advanced Settings Page by default.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } } if ( 'preload' === $curr_tab ) { if ( true == $super_cache_enabled && ! defined( 'DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING' ) ) { global $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_on, $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wpdb; $count = wpsc_post_count(); if ( $count > 1000 ) { $min_refresh_interval = 720; } else { $min_refresh_interval = 30; } $return = wpsc_preload_settings( $min_refresh_interval ); $msg = ''; if ( empty( $return ) == false ) { foreach ( $return as $message ) { $msg .= $message; } } $currently_preloading = false; $preload_counter = get_option( 'preload_cache_counter' ); if ( isset( $preload_counter['first'] ) ) { // converted from int to array update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => $preload_counter['c'], 't' => time() ) ); } if ( is_array( $preload_counter ) && $preload_counter['c'] > 0 ) { $msg .= '

    ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Currently caching from post %d to %d.', 'wp-super-cache' ), ( $preload_counter['c'] - 100 ), $preload_counter['c'] ) . '

    '; $currently_preloading = true; if ( @file_exists( $cache_path . 'preload_permalink.txt' ) ) { $url = file_get_contents( $cache_path . 'preload_permalink.txt' ); $msg .= '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Page last cached: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $url ) . '

    '; } if ( $msg != '' ) { echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Preload Active', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    ' . $msg; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo '
    '; echo '
    '; } } next_preload_message( 'wp_cache_preload_hook', __( 'Refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 60 ); next_preload_message( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook', __( 'Full refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); } } wpsc_admin_tabs( $curr_tab ); if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_check ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 1 && ! wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 360, 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ); wp_cache_debug( 'scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.', 2 ); } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wp_restore_config'] ) && $valid_nonce ) { unlink( $wp_cache_config_file ); echo '' . esc_html__( 'Configuration file changed, some values might be wrong. Load the page again from the "Settings" menu to reset them.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; } if ( substr( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), -1 ) == '/' ) { wp_cache_replace_line( '^ *\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file ); } else { wp_cache_replace_line( '^ *\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 0;", $wp_cache_config_file ); } $home_path = parse_url( site_url() ); $home_path = trailingslashit( array_key_exists( 'path', $home_path ) ? $home_path['path'] : '' ); if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_home_path ) ) { $wp_cache_home_path = '/'; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_home_path', '/' ); } if ( "$home_path" != "$wp_cache_home_path" ) { wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_home_path', $home_path ); } if ( $wp_cache_mobile_enabled == 1 ) { update_cached_mobile_ua_list( $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $mobile_groups ); } ?>
    '; wp_cache_files(); break; case 'preload': if ( ! $cache_enabled ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'Caching must be enabled to use this feature', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); } echo ''; if ( $super_cache_enabled == true && false == defined( 'DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING' ) ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'This will cache every published post and page on your site. It will create supercache static files so unknown visitors (including bots) will hit a cached page. This will probably help your Google ranking as they are using speed as a metric when judging websites now.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'Preloading creates lots of files however. Caching is done from the newest post to the oldest so please consider only caching the newest if you have lots (10,000+) of posts. This is especially important on shared hosting.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'In ’Preload Mode’ regular garbage collection will be disabled so that old cache files are not deleted. This is a recommended setting when the cache is preloaded.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Refresh preloaded cache files every %s minutes. (0 to disable, minimum %d minutes.)', 'wp-super-cache' ), "", $min_refresh_interval ) . '

    '; if ( $count > 100 ) { $step = (int)( $count / 10 ); $select = ""; echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Preload %s posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $select ) . '

    '; } else { echo ''; } echo ' ' . __( 'Preload mode (garbage collection disabled. Recommended.)', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    '; echo ' ' . __( 'Preload tags, categories and other taxonomies.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    '; echo __( 'Send me status emails when files are refreshed.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    '; if ( !isset( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) ) $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'none'; echo '"; if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ) || wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ) ) { $currently_preloading = true; } echo '
    '; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; if ( false == $currently_preloading ) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo '
    '; } else { echo '

    ' . __( 'Preloading of cache disabled. Please make sure simple or expert mode is enabled or talk to your host administrator.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } break; case 'plugins': wpsc_plugins_tab(); break; case 'debug': wp_cache_debug_settings(); break; case 'settings': if ( isset( $wp_cache_front_page_checks ) == false ) { $wp_cache_front_page_checks = true; } echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo ''; ?>

    here but are not officially supported.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx#WP_Super_Cache_Rules' ); ?>

    ' . esc_html__( '304 support is disabled by default because some hosts have had problems with the headers used in the past.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    '; ?>

    ' . __( 'Mobile Browsers', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    ' . esc_html( $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ) . "
    " . __( 'Mobile Prefixes', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . esc_html( $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ) . "
    "; } ?>

    (" . __( "Recommended", "wp-super-cache" ) . ")"; ?>

    DO NOT CACHE PAGE secret key: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) . "?donotcachepage={$cache_page_secret}", $cache_page_secret ); ?>

    1. strlen( ABSPATH ) && ABSPATH == substr( $cache_path, 0, strlen( ABSPATH ) ) ) { $msg = __( 'The plugin detected a bare directory index in your cache directory, which would let visitors see your cache files directly and might expose private posts.', 'wp-super-cache' ); if ( ! $is_nginx && $super_cache_enabled && $wp_cache_mod_rewrite == 1 ) { $msg .= ' ' . __( 'You are using expert mode to serve cache files so the plugin has added Options -Indexes to the .htaccess file in the cache directory to disable indexes. However, if that does not work, you should contact your system administrator or support and ask for them to be disabled, or use simple mode and move the cache outside of the web root.', 'wp-super-cache' ); } else { $msg .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'index.html files have been added in key directories, but unless directory indexes are disabled, it is probably better to store the cache files outside of the web root of %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), ABSPATH ) . ''; } echo "
    2. $msg
    3. "; } ?>
    4. %s and update the mod_rewrite rules in the .htaccess file.', 'wp-super-cache' ), ABSPATH ); ?>

    1. %s is writeable by the webserver so the files advanced-cache.php and cache-config.php can be deleted automatically. (Making sure those files are writeable is probably a good idea!)', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_attr( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ); ?>
    2. readme.txt for instructions on uninstalling this script. Look for the heading, "How to uninstall WP Super Cache".', 'wp-super-cache' ), plugins_url() ); ?>
    3. ' . sprintf( __( 'Need help? Check the Super Cache readme file. It includes installation documentation, a FAQ and Troubleshooting tips. The support forum is also available. Your question may already have been answered.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/', 'https://wordpress.org/support/topic-tag/wp-super-cache/?forum_id=10' ) . ''; ?>
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); ?>

    ' . __( 'Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; wp_cache_edit_rejected_pages(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_rejected(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_accepted(); echo '
    '; wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua(); wp_lock_down(); wp_cache_restore(); break; case 'easy': default: echo '
    '; echo ''; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); ?>

    ' . esc_html__( 'Notice: Simple caching enabled but Supercache mod_rewrite rules from expert mode detected. Cached files will be served using those rules. If your site is working ok, please ignore this message. Otherwise, you can edit the .htaccess file in the root of your install and remove the SuperCache rules.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } } echo '
    '; if ( $cache_enabled ) { echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Cache Tester', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Test your cached website by clicking the test button below.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'Note: if you use Cloudflare or other transparent front-end proxy service this test may fail.

    1. If you have Cloudflare minification enabled this plugin may detect differences in the pages and report an error.
    2. Try using the development mode of Cloudflare to perform the test. You can disable development mode afterwards if the test succeeds.
    ', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; if ( array_key_exists( 'action', $_POST ) && 'test' === $_POST['action'] && $valid_nonce ) { $url = trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); if ( isset( $_POST['httponly'] ) ) { $url = str_replace( 'https://', 'http://', $url ); } $test_messages = array( esc_html__( 'Fetching %s to prime cache: ', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_html__( 'Fetching first copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_html__( 'Fetching second copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); $c = 0; $cache_test_error = false; $page = array(); foreach ( $test_messages as $message ) { echo '

    ' . sprintf( $message, $url ); $page[ $c ] = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $page[ $c ] ) ) { $fp = fopen( $cache_path . $c . '.html', 'w' ); fwrite( $fp, $page[ $c ]['body'] ); fclose( $fp ); echo '' . esc_html__( 'OK', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " (" . $c . '.html)

    '; sleep( 1 ); } else { $cache_test_error = true; echo '' . esc_html__( 'FAILED', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; $errors = ''; $messages = ''; foreach ( $page[ $c ]->get_error_codes() as $code ) { $severity = $page[ $c ]->get_error_data( $code ); foreach ( $page[ $c ]->get_error_messages( $code ) as $err ) { $errors .= $severity . ': ' . $err . "
    \n"; } } if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) { echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Errors: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $errors ) . '

    '; } } $c ++; } if ( false == $cache_test_error ) { echo '
    • ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Page %d: %d (%s)', 'wp-super-cache' ), 1, intval( $page[1]['response']['code'] ), esc_attr( $page[1]['response']['message'] ) ) . '
    • '; echo '
    • ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Page %d: %d (%s)', 'wp-super-cache' ), 2, intval( $page[2]['response']['code'] ), esc_attr( $page[2]['response']['message'] ) ) . '
    '; } if ( false == $cache_test_error && preg_match( '/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page[1]['body'], $matches1 ) && preg_match( '/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page[2]['body'], $matches2 ) && $matches1[2] == $matches2[2] ) { echo '

    ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Page 1: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $matches1[2] ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Page 2: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $matches2[2] ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'The timestamps on both pages match!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } else { echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Things you can do:', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    1. ' . esc_html__( 'Load your homepage in a logged out browser, check the timestamp at the end of the html source. Load the page again and compare the timestamp. Caching is working if the timestamps match.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    2. '; echo '
    3. ' . esc_html__( 'Enable logging on the Debug page here. That should help you track down the problem.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    4. '; echo '
    5. ' . esc_html__( 'You should check Page 1 and Page 2 above for errors. Your local server configuration may not allow your website to access itself.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    6. '; echo '
    '; } } echo '
    '; echo ''; if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && 'on' === strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) { echo ' ' . esc_html__( 'Send non-secure (non https) request for homepage', 'wp-super-cache' ); } if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_comments ) && $wp_super_cache_comments == 0 ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'Warning! Cache comments are currently disabled. Please go to the Debug page and enable Cache Status Messages there. You should clear the cache before testing.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; } else { echo '
    '; } wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo '
    '; } echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Delete Cached Pages', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Cached pages are stored on your server as html and PHP files. If you need to delete them, use the button below.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo "
    \n"; if ( is_multisite() && wpsupercache_site_admin() ) { echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo "

    \n"; } ?>

    • Jetpack provides everything you need to build a successful WordPress website including an image/photo CDN (free) and a video hosting service (paid).', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://jetpack.com/redirect/?source=jitm-wpsc-recommended' ); ?>
    • Yahoo! Yslow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web pages. Also try the performance tools online at GTMetrix.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'http://yslow.org/', 'https://gtmetrix.com/' ); ?>
    • Use Google Libraries allows you to load some commonly used Javascript libraries from Google webservers. Ironically, it may reduce your Yslow score.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/use-google-libraries/' ); ?>
    • Advanced users only: Install an object cache. Choose from Memcached, XCache, eAcccelerator and others.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/memcached/', 'https://neosmart.net/WP/XCache/', 'https://neosmart.net/WP/eAccelerator/' ); ?>
    • WP Crontrol is a useful plugin to use when trying to debug garbage collection and preload problems.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crontrol/' ); ?>

    1. Debug tab for diagnostics.', 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache&tab=debug' ) ); ?>
    2. support forum and FAQ.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-super-cache', 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/#faq' ); ?>
    3. plugin homepage.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/' ); ?>
    4. development version for the latest fixes (changelog).', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://odd.blog/y/2o', 'https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/log/wp-super-cache/' ); ?>

    rate us and give feedback.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-super-cache/reviews?rate=5#new-post' ); ?>

    %2$s', 'wp-super-cache' ), date( 'M j, Y', $start_date ), number_format( get_option( 'wpsupercache_count' ) ) ); ?>

      " . substr( $url['url'], 0, 20 ) . "\n"; } ?>

    \n"; } function wpsc_plugins_tab() { echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Cache plugins are PHP scripts you\'ll find in a dedicated folder inside the WP Super Cache folder (wp-super-cache/plugins/). They load at the same time as WP Super Cache, and before regular WordPress plugins.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Keep in mind that cache plugins are for advanced users only. To create and manage them, you\'ll need extensive knowledge of both PHP and WordPress actions.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Warning! Due to the way WordPress upgrades plugins, the ones you upload to the WP Super Cache folder (wp-super-cache/plugins/) will be deleted when you upgrade WP Super Cache. To avoid this loss, load your cache plugins from a different location. When you set $wp_cache_plugins_dir to the new location in wp-config.php, WP Super Cache will look there instead.
    You can find additional details in the developer documentation.', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://odd.blog/wp-super-cache-developers/' ) . '

    '; ob_start(); if ( defined( 'WP_CACHE' ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'do_cacheaction' ) ) { do_cacheaction( 'cache_admin_page' ); } } $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ( SUBMITDISABLED == ' ' && $out != '' ) { echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Available Plugins', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
      '; echo $out; echo '
    '; } } function wpsc_admin_tabs( $current = '' ) { global $cache_enabled, $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_mod_rewrite; if ( '' === $current ) { $current = ! empty( $_GET['tab'] ) ? stripslashes( $_GET['tab'] ) : ''; // WPCS: CSRF ok, sanitization ok. } $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); $admin_tabs = array( 'easy' => __( 'Easy', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'settings' => __( 'Advanced', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'cdn' => __( 'CDN', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'contents' => __( 'Contents', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'preload' => __( 'Preload', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'plugins' => __( 'Plugins', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'debug' => __( 'Debug', 'wp-super-cache' ), ); echo ''; } function wsc_mod_rewrite() { global $valid_nonce, $cache_path; if ( $GLOBALS['is_nginx'] ) { return false; } if ( defined( 'WPSC_DISABLE_HTACCESS_UPDATE' ) ) { return false; } if ( $GLOBALS['cache_enabled'] !== true || $GLOBALS['wp_cache_mod_rewrite'] !== 1 ) { return false; } ?>

    .htaccess is modified. It should probably be in the same directory as your wp-config.php. This file has special rules that serve the cached files very quickly to visitors without ever executing PHP. The .htaccess file can be updated automatically, but if that fails, the rules will be displayed here and it can be edited by you. You will not need to update the rules unless a warning shows here.', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?>

    " . __( 'Thank you for upgrading.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " " . sprintf( __( 'The mod_rewrite rules changed since you last installed this plugin. Unfortunately, you must remove the old supercache rules before the new ones are updated. Refresh this page when you have edited your .htaccess file. If you wish to manually upgrade, change the following line: %1$s so it looks like this: %2$s The only changes are "HTTP_COOKIE" becomes "HTTP:Cookie" and "wordpressuser" becomes "wordpress". This is a WordPress 2.5 change but it’s backwards compatible with older versions if you’re brave enough to use them.', 'wp-super-cache' ), '
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wordpressuser.*$
    ', '
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*wordpress.*$
    ' ) . "

    "; echo "
    "; return; } if ( $dohtaccess && !isset( $_POST[ 'updatehtaccess' ] ) ){ if ( $scrules == '' ) { wpsc_update_htaccess_form( 0 ); // don't hide the update htaccess form } else { wpsc_update_htaccess_form(); } } elseif ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_POST[ 'updatehtaccess' ] ) ) { if ( add_mod_rewrite_rules() ) { echo "
    " . __( 'Mod Rewrite rules updated!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; echo "

    " . sprintf( __( '%s.htaccess has been updated with the necessary mod_rewrite rules. Please verify they are correct. They should look like this:', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ) . "

    \n"; } else { global $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error; echo "
    " . __( 'Mod Rewrite rules must be updated!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'The plugin could not update %1$s.htaccess file: %2$s.
    The new rules go above the regular WordPress rules as shown in the code below:', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path, "" . $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error . "" ) . "

    \n"; } echo "
    "; echo "

    " . esc_html( $rules ) . "

    "; } else { ?>

    Click the following link to see the lines added to that file. If you have upgraded the plugin, make sure these rules match.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ); ?>

    "; if ( $rules != $scrules ) echo '
    ' . wp_text_diff( $scrules, $rules, array( 'title' => __( 'Rewrite Rules', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'title_left' => __( 'Current Rules', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'title_right' => __( 'New Rules', 'wp-super-cache' ) ) ) . "
    "; echo "

    # BEGIN WPSuperCache\n" . esc_html( $rules ) . "# END WPSuperCache

    \n"; echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Rules must be added to %s too:', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/cache/.htaccess" ) . "

    "; echo "
    # BEGIN supercache\n" . esc_html( $gziprules ) . "# END supercache

    "; echo ''; } ?>

    ' . __( 'Fix Configuration', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; echo ''; } function comment_form_lockdown_message() { ?>

    \'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $page ) ); if ( $page != '' ) { $cached_direct_pages[] = $page; $out .= "'$page', "; } } if ( false == isset( $cached_direct_pages ) ) $cached_direct_pages = array(); } if ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('new_direct_page', $_POST) && $_POST[ 'new_direct_page' ] && '' != $_POST[ 'new_direct_page' ] ) { $page = str_replace( get_option( 'siteurl' ), '', $_POST[ 'new_direct_page' ] ); $page = str_replace( '..', '', preg_replace('/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $page ) ); if ( substr( $page, 0, 1 ) != '/' ) $page = '/' . $page; if ( $page != '/' || false == is_array( $cached_direct_pages ) || in_array( $page, $cached_direct_pages ) == false ) { $cached_direct_pages[] = $page; $out .= "'$page', "; @unlink( trailingslashit( ABSPATH . $page ) . "index.html" ); wpsc_delete_files( get_supercache_dir() . $page ); } } if ( $out != '' ) { $out = substr( $out, 0, -2 ); } if ( $out == "''" ) { $out = ''; } $out = '$cached_direct_pages = array( ' . $out . ' );'; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cached_direct_pages', "$out", $wp_cache_config_file); if ( !empty( $expiredfiles ) ) { foreach( $expiredfiles as $file ) { if( $file != '' ) { $firstfolder = explode( '/', $file ); $firstfolder = ABSPATH . $firstfolder[1]; $file = ABSPATH . $file; $file = realpath( str_replace( '..', '', preg_replace('/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $file ) ) ); if ( $file ) { @unlink( trailingslashit( $file ) . "index.html" ); @unlink( trailingslashit( $file ) . "index.html.gz" ); RecursiveFolderDelete( trailingslashit( $firstfolder ) ); } } } } if ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('deletepage', $_POST) && $_POST[ 'deletepage' ] ) { $page = str_replace( '..', '', preg_replace('/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $_POST['deletepage'] ) ) . '/'; $pagefile = realpath( ABSPATH . $page . 'index.html' ); if ( substr( $pagefile, 0, strlen( ABSPATH ) ) != ABSPATH || false == wp_cache_confirm_delete( ABSPATH . $page ) ) { die( __( 'Cannot delete directory', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); } $firstfolder = explode( '/', $page ); $firstfolder = ABSPATH . $firstfolder[1]; $page = ABSPATH . $page; if( is_file( $pagefile ) && is_writeable_ACLSafe( $pagefile ) && is_writeable_ACLSafe( $firstfolder ) ) { @unlink( $pagefile ); @unlink( $pagefile . '.gz' ); RecursiveFolderDelete( $firstfolder ); } } return $cached_direct_pages; } function wp_lock_down() { global $cached_direct_pages, $cache_enabled, $super_cache_enabled; $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); $wp_lock_down = wp_update_lock_down(); ?>

    ' . __( 'Disabled', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '' : '' . __( 'Enabled', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; ?>

    if( defined( 'WPLOCKDOWN' ) && constant( 'WPLOCKDOWN' ) ) {     echo ""; }

    '; echo ""; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo ''; ?>

    '; if( is_array( $cached_direct_pages ) ) { $out = ''; foreach( $cached_direct_pages as $page ) { if( $page == '' ) continue; $generated = ''; if( is_file( ABSPATH . $page . '/index.html' ) ) $generated = ''; $out .= "$generated"; } if( $out != '' ) { ?>"; } } if ( 'READONLY' !== $readonly ) { echo esc_html__( 'Add direct page:', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; } echo '

    ' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Directly cached files are files created directly off %s where your blog lives. This feature is only useful if you are expecting a major Digg or Slashdot level of traffic to one post or page.', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_attr( ABSPATH ) ) . '

    '; if ( 'READONLY' !== $readonly ) { echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'For example: to cache %1$sabout/, you would enter %1$sabout/ or /about/. The cached file will be generated the next time an anonymous user visits that page.', 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_attr( trailingslashit( get_option( 'siteurl' ) ) ) ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . esc_html__( 'Make the textbox blank to remove it from the list of direct pages and delete the cached file.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; } wp_nonce_field( 'wp-cache' ); echo ''; ?>

    UTC time is %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), date_i18n( $timezone_format, false, 'gmt' ) ); ?>%1$s', 'wp-super-cache' ), date_i18n( $timezone_format ) ); ?>" . sprintf( __( 'Next scheduled garbage collection will be at %s UTC', 'wp-super-cache' ), date_i18n( $timezone_format, $next_gc, 'gmt' ) ) . "

    "; if ( $wp_cache_preload_on ) echo "

    " . __( 'Warning! PRELOAD MODE activated. Supercache files will not be deleted regardless of age.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo ""; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ''; echo ''; echo "\n"; echo "
    " . __( "seconds", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . __( 'How long should cached pages remain fresh? Set to 0 to disable garbage collection. A good starting point is 3600 seconds.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    ' . __( 'Scheduler', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; echo ""; echo ''; echo ""; $schedules = wp_get_schedules(); echo ""; echo '
    " . __( "seconds", 'wp-super-cache' ) . '
    ' . __( 'Check for stale cached files every interval seconds.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . __( "HH:MM", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . __( 'Check for stale cached files at this time (UTC) or starting at this time every interval below.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    " . __( 'Email me when the garbage collection runs.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    \n"; echo "
    " . __( 'Garbage Collection', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; echo "
    1. " . __( 'Garbage collection is the simple act of throwing out your garbage. For this plugin that would be old or stale cached files that may be out of date. New cached files are described as fresh.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    2. \n"; echo "
    3. " . __( 'Cached files are fresh for a limited length of time. You can set that time in the Cache Timeout text box on this page.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    4. \n"; echo "
    5. " . __( 'Stale cached files are not removed as soon as they become stale. They have to be removed by the garbage collecter. That is why you have to tell the plugin when the garbage collector should run.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    6. \n"; echo "
    7. " . __( 'Use the Timer or Clock schedulers to define when the garbage collector should run.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    8. \n"; echo "
    9. " . __( 'The Timer scheduler tells the plugin to run the garbage collector at regular intervals. When one garbage collection is done, the next run is scheduled.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    10. \n"; echo "
    11. " . __( 'Or, the Clock scheduler allows the garbage collection to run at specific times. If set to run hourly or twice daily, the garbage collector will be first scheduled for the time you enter here. It will then run again at the indicated interval. If set to run daily, it will run once a day at the time specified.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    12. \n"; echo "
    "; echo "

    " . __( 'There are no best garbage collection settings but here are a few scenarios. Garbage collection is separate to other actions that clear our cached files like leaving a comment or publishing a post.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    \n"; echo "
      "; echo "
    1. " . __( 'Sites that want to serve lots of newly generated data should set the Cache Timeout to 60 and use the Timer scheduler set to 90 seconds.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    2. \n"; echo "
    3. " . __( 'Sites with widgets and rss feeds in their sidebar should probably use a timeout of 3600 seconds and set the timer to 600 seconds. Stale files will be caught within 10 minutes of going stale.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    4. \n"; echo "
    5. " . __( 'Sites with lots of static content, no widgets or rss feeds in their sidebar can use a timeout of 86400 seconds or even more and set the timer to something equally long.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    6. \n"; echo "
    7. " . __( 'Sites where an external data source updates at a particular time every day should set the timeout to 86400 seconds and use the Clock scheduler set appropriately.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    8. \n"; echo "
    "; echo "

    " . __( 'Checking for and deleting expired files is expensive, but it’s expensive leaving them there too. On a very busy site, you should set the expiry time to 600 seconds. Experiment with different values and visit this page to see how many expired files remain at different times during the day.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo "

    " . __( 'Set the expiry time to 0 seconds to disable garbage collection.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "\n"; ?>
    $ua ) { $cache_rejected_user_agent[ $k ] = str_replace( '___', ' ', $ua ); } reset( $cache_rejected_user_agent ); } } function wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua() { global $cache_rejected_user_agent, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if ( ! function_exists( 'apache_request_headers' ) ) { return; } $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); wp_cache_update_rejected_ua(); echo '

    ' . __( 'Rejected User Agents', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo "

    " . __( 'Strings in the HTTP ’User Agent’ header that prevent WP-Cache from caching bot, spiders, and crawlers’ requests. Note that super cached files are still sent to these agents if they already exists.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    \n"; echo '
    '; echo ' '; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '
    '; echo "
    \n"; } function wp_cache_update_rejected_pages() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $wp_cache_pages; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_edit_rejected_pages' ] ) && $valid_nonce ) { $pages = array( 'single', 'pages', 'archives', 'tag', 'frontpage', 'home', 'category', 'feed', 'author', 'search' ); foreach( $pages as $page ) { if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_pages' ][ $page ] ) ) { $value = 1; } else { $value = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$wp_cache_pages\[ "' . $page . '" \]', "\$wp_cache_pages[ \"{$page}\" ] = $value;", $wp_cache_config_file); $wp_cache_pages[ $page ] = $value; } } } function wp_cache_edit_rejected_pages() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $wp_cache_pages; $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); wp_cache_update_rejected_pages(); echo ''; echo '

    ' . __( 'Do not cache the following page types. See the Conditional Tags documentation for a complete discussion on each type.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '  
    '; echo '
    '; echo '  
    '; echo '  
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; } function wp_cache_update_rejected_strings() { global $cache_rejected_uri, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if ( isset($_REQUEST['wp_rejected_uri']) && $valid_nonce ) { $text = wp_cache_sanitize_value( str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $_REQUEST['wp_rejected_uri'] ), $cache_rejected_uri ); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_rejected_uri', "\$cache_rejected_uri = $text;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } function wp_cache_edit_rejected() { global $cache_rejected_uri; $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); wp_cache_update_rejected_strings(); echo ''; echo '
    '; echo "

    " . __( 'Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached. For example, if your URLs include year and you dont want to cache last year posts, it’s enough to specify the year, i.e. ’/2004/’. WP-Cache will search if that string is part of the URI and if so, it will not cache that page.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    \n"; echo ' '; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; } function wp_cache_update_accepted_strings() { global $cache_acceptable_files, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'wp_accepted_files' ] ) && $valid_nonce ) { $text = wp_cache_sanitize_value( $_REQUEST[ 'wp_accepted_files' ], $cache_acceptable_files ); wp_cache_replace_line( '^ *\$cache_acceptable_files', "\$cache_acceptable_files = $text;", $wp_cache_config_file ); } } function wp_cache_edit_accepted() { global $cache_acceptable_files; wp_cache_update_accepted_strings(); $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); echo ''; echo '
    '; echo "

    " . __( 'Add here those filenames that can be cached, even if they match one of the rejected substring specified above.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    \n"; echo ' '; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; } function wpsc_update_debug_settings() { global $wp_super_cache_debug, $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_ip, $cache_path, $valid_nonce, $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_super_cache_comments; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug; global $wp_cache_debug_username; if ( ! isset( $wp_super_cache_comments ) ) { $wp_super_cache_comments = 1; // defaults to "enabled". wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_comments', $wp_super_cache_comments ); } if ( false == $valid_nonce ) { return array ( 'wp_super_cache_debug' => $wp_super_cache_debug, 'wp_cache_debug_log' => $wp_cache_debug_log, 'wp_cache_debug_ip' => $wp_cache_debug_ip, 'wp_super_cache_comments' => $wp_super_cache_comments, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_check' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_clear' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_text' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_notification' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, 'wp_super_cache_advanced_debug' => $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug, 'wp_cache_debug_username' => $wp_cache_debug_username, ); } if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wpsc_delete_log' ] ) && $_POST[ 'wpsc_delete_log' ] == 1 && $wp_cache_debug_log != '' ) { @unlink( $cache_path . $wp_cache_debug_log ); extract( wpsc_create_debug_log( $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username ) ); // $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username } if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_debug_log ) || $wp_cache_debug_log == '' ) { extract( wpsc_create_debug_log() ); // $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username } elseif ( ! file_exists( $cache_path . $wp_cache_debug_log ) ) { // make sure debug log exists before toggling debugging extract( wpsc_create_debug_log( $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username ) ); // $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username } $wp_super_cache_debug = ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] == 1 ) ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_debug', $wp_super_cache_debug ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_debug' ] ) ) { wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_debug_username', $wp_cache_debug_username ); wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_debug_log', $wp_cache_debug_log ); $wp_super_cache_comments = isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_comments' ] ) ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_comments', $wp_super_cache_comments ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_debug_ip' ] ) ) { $wp_cache_debug_ip = esc_html( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_debug_ip' ] ); } else { $wp_cache_debug_ip = ''; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_debug_ip', $wp_cache_debug_ip ); $wp_super_cache_front_page_check = isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_front_page_check' ] ) ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_front_page_check', $wp_super_cache_front_page_check ); $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear = isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_front_page_clear' ] ) ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_front_page_clear', $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_front_page_text' ] ) ) { $wp_super_cache_front_page_text = esc_html( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_front_page_text' ] ); } else { $wp_super_cache_front_page_text = ''; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_front_page_text', $wp_super_cache_front_page_text ); $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification = isset( $_POST[ 'wp_super_cache_front_page_notification' ] ) ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_super_cache_front_page_notification', $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification ); if ( $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 1 && !wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 360 , 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ); wp_cache_debug( 'scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.' ); } } return array ( 'wp_super_cache_debug' => $wp_super_cache_debug, 'wp_cache_debug_log' => $wp_cache_debug_log, 'wp_cache_debug_ip' => $wp_cache_debug_ip, 'wp_super_cache_comments' => $wp_super_cache_comments, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_check' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_clear' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_text' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, 'wp_super_cache_front_page_notification' => $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, 'wp_super_cache_advanced_debug' => $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug, 'wp_cache_debug_username' => $wp_cache_debug_username, ); } function wp_cache_debug_settings() { global $wp_super_cache_debug, $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_ip, $cache_path, $valid_nonce, $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_super_cache_comments; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug; global $wp_cache_debug_username; extract( wpsc_update_debug_settings() ); // $wp_super_cache_debug, $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_ip, $wp_super_cache_comments, $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug, $wp_cache_debug_username $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'Fix problems with the plugin by debugging it here. It will log to a file in your cache directory.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_debug_log ) || $wp_cache_debug_log == '' ) { extract( wpsc_create_debug_log() ); // $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username } $log_file_link = "$wp_cache_debug_log"; if ( $wp_super_cache_debug == 1 ) { echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Currently logging to: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $log_file_link ) . "

    "; } else { echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Last Logged to: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $log_file_link ) . "

    "; } echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Username/Password: %s', 'wp-super-cache' ), $wp_cache_debug_username ) . "

    "; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo ""; submit_button( __( 'Delete', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'delete', 'wpsc_delete_log_form', false ); echo "
    "; echo '
    '; if ( ! isset( $wp_super_cache_debug ) || $wp_super_cache_debug == 0 ) { $debug_status_message = __( 'Enable Logging', 'wp-super-cache' ); $not_status = 1; } else { $debug_status_message = __( 'Disable Logging', 'wp-super-cache' ); $not_status = 0; } echo ""; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); submit_button( $debug_status_message, 'primary', 'wpsc_log_status', true ); echo "
    "; echo '
    '; echo "
    "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
    " . __( 'IP Address', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " " . sprintf( __( '(only log requests from this IP address. Your IP is %s)', 'wp-super-cache' ), $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] ) . "
    " . __( 'Cache Status Messages', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " " . __( 'enabled', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; echo __( 'Display comments at the end of every page like this:', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; echo "
    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.450 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on " . date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time() ) . " -->
    <!-- super cache -->
    \n"; if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug ) ) { echo "
    " . __( 'Advanced', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    " . __( 'In very rare cases two problems may arise on some blogs:

    1. The front page may start downloading as a zip file.
    2. The wrong page is occasionally cached as the front page if your blog uses a static front page and the permalink structure is /%category%/%postname%/.
    ', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo "

    " . __( 'I’m 99% certain that they aren’t bugs in WP Super Cache and they only happen in very rare cases but you can run a simple check once every 5 minutes to verify that your site is ok if you’re worried. You will be emailed if there is a problem.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
    " . __( 'Check front page every 5 minutes.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . __( 'Front page text', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " (" . __( 'Text to search for on your front page. If this text is missing, the cache will be cleared. Leave blank to disable.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ")
    " . __( 'Clear cache on error.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    " . __( 'Email the blog admin when checks are made. (useful for testing)', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    \n"; } echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; echo '
    '; } function wp_cache_enable() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $cache_enabled; if ( $cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_enable: already enabled' ); return true; } wp_cache_setting( 'cache_enabled', true ); wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_enable: enable cache' ); $cache_enabled = true; if ( wpsc_set_default_gc() ) { // gc might not be scheduled, check and schedule $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_gc' ); if ( false == $timestamp ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 600, 'wp_cache_gc' ); } } } function wp_cache_disable() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $cache_enabled; if ( ! $cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_disable: already disabled' ); return true; } wp_cache_setting( 'cache_enabled', false ); wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_disable: disable cache' ); $cache_enabled = false; wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_cache_gc' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_cache_gc_watcher' ); } function wp_super_cache_enable() { global $supercachedir, $wp_cache_config_file, $super_cache_enabled; if ( $super_cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_super_cache_enable: already enabled' ); return true; } wp_cache_setting( 'super_cache_enabled', true ); wp_cache_debug( 'wp_super_cache_enable: enable cache' ); $super_cache_enabled = true; if ( is_dir( $supercachedir . '.disabled' ) ) { if ( is_dir( $supercachedir ) ) { prune_super_cache( $supercachedir . '.disabled', true ); @unlink( $supercachedir . '.disabled' ); } else { @rename( $supercachedir . '.disabled', $supercachedir ); } } } function wp_super_cache_disable() { global $cache_path, $supercachedir, $wp_cache_config_file, $super_cache_enabled; if ( ! $super_cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_super_cache_disable: already disabled' ); return true; } wp_cache_setting( 'super_cache_enabled', false ); wp_cache_debug( 'wp_super_cache_disable: disable cache' ); $super_cache_enabled = false; if ( is_dir( $supercachedir ) ) { @rename( $supercachedir, $supercachedir . '.disabled' ); } sleep( 1 ); // allow existing processes to write to the supercachedir and then delete it if ( function_exists( 'prune_super_cache' ) && is_dir( $supercachedir ) ) { prune_super_cache( $cache_path, true ); } if ( $GLOBALS['wp_cache_mod_rewrite'] === 1 ) { remove_mod_rewrite_rules(); } } function wp_cache_is_enabled() { global $wp_cache_config_file; if ( get_option( 'gzipcompression' ) ) { echo '' . __( 'Warning', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ': ' . __( 'GZIP compression is enabled in WordPress, wp-cache will be bypassed until you disable gzip compression.', 'wp-super-cache' ); return false; } $lines = file( $wp_cache_config_file ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\s*\$cache_enabled\s*=\s*true\s*;/', $line ) ) { return true; } } return false; } function wp_cache_remove_index() { global $cache_path; if ( empty( $cache_path ) ) { return; } @unlink( $cache_path . "index.html" ); @unlink( $cache_path . "supercache/index.html" ); @unlink( $cache_path . "blogs/index.html" ); if ( is_dir( $cache_path . "blogs" ) ) { $dir = new DirectoryIterator( $cache_path . "blogs" ); foreach( $dir as $fileinfo ) { if ( $fileinfo->isDot() ) { continue; } if ( $fileinfo->isDir() ) { $directory = $cache_path . "blogs/" . $fileinfo->getFilename(); if ( is_file( $directory . "/index.html" ) ) { unlink( $directory . "/index.html" ); } if ( is_dir( $directory . "/meta" ) ) { if ( is_file( $directory . "/meta/index.html" ) ) { unlink( $directory . "/meta/index.html" ); } } } } } } function wp_cache_index_notice() { global $wp_version, $cache_path; if ( false == wpsupercache_site_admin() ) return false; if ( false == get_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected' ) ) return false; if ( strlen( $cache_path ) < strlen( ABSPATH ) || ABSPATH != substr( $cache_path, 0, strlen( ABSPATH ) ) ) return false; // cache stored outside web root if ( get_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected' ) == 2 ) { update_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected', 3 ); echo "
    "; echo "

    " . __( 'WP Super Cache Warning!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'All users of this site have been logged out to refresh their login cookies.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '
    '; return false; } elseif ( get_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected' ) != 3 ) { echo "
    "; echo "

    " . __( 'WP Super Cache Warning!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo '

    ' . __( 'Your server is configured to show files and directories, which may expose sensitive data such as login cookies to attackers in the cache directories. That has been fixed by adding a file named index.html to each directory. If you use simple caching, consider moving the location of the cache directory on the Advanced Settings page.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; echo "

    "; _e( 'If you just installed WP Super Cache for the first time, you can dismiss this message. Otherwise, you should probably refresh the login cookies of all logged in WordPress users here by clicking the logout link below.', 'wp-super-cache' ); echo "

    "; if ( -1 == version_compare( $wp_version, '4.0' ) ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'Your site is using a very old version of WordPress. When you update to the latest version everyone will be logged out and cookie information updated.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } else { echo '

    ' . __( 'The logout link will log out all WordPress users on this site except you. Your authentication cookie will be updated, but you will not be logged out.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } echo "" . __( 'Dismiss', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ""; if ( 1 == version_compare( $wp_version, '4.0' ) ) { echo " | " . __( 'Logout', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ""; } echo "
    "; ?>

    ' . $msg . '

    '; } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wpsc_config_file_notices' ); function wpsc_dismiss_indexhtml_warning() { check_ajax_referer( "wpsc-index-dismiss" ); update_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected', 3 ); die(); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsc-index-dismiss', 'wpsc_dismiss_indexhtml_warning' ); function wp_cache_logout_all() { global $current_user; if ( isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'wpsclogout' && wp_verify_nonce( $_GET[ '_wpnonce' ], 'wpsc_logout' ) ) { $user_id = $current_user->ID; WP_Session_Tokens::destroy_all_for_all_users(); wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id, false, is_ssl() ); update_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected', 2 ); wp_redirect( admin_url() ); } } if ( isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'wpsclogout' ) add_action( 'admin_init', 'wp_cache_logout_all' ); function wp_cache_add_index_protection() { global $cache_path, $blog_cache_dir; if ( is_dir( $cache_path ) && false == is_file( "$cache_path/index.html" ) ) { $page = wp_remote_get( home_url( "/wp-content/cache/" ) ); if ( false == is_wp_error( $page ) ) { if ( false == get_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected' ) && $page[ 'response' ][ 'code' ] == 200 && stripos( $page[ 'body' ], 'index of' ) ) { add_site_option( 'wp_super_cache_index_detected', 1 ); // only show this once } } if ( ! function_exists( 'insert_with_markers' ) ) { include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php' ); } insert_with_markers( $cache_path . '.htaccess', "INDEX", array( 'Options -Indexes' ) ); } $directories = array( $cache_path, $cache_path . '/supercache/', $cache_path . '/blogs/', $blog_cache_dir, $blog_cache_dir . "/meta" ); foreach( $directories as $dir ) { if ( false == is_dir( $dir ) ) @mkdir( $dir ); if ( is_dir( $dir ) && false == is_file( "$dir/index.html" ) ) { $fp = @fopen( "$dir/index.html", 'w' ); if ( $fp ) fclose( $fp ); } } } function wp_cache_add_site_cache_index() { global $cache_path; wp_cache_add_index_protection(); // root and supercache if ( is_dir( $cache_path . "blogs" ) ) { $dir = new DirectoryIterator( $cache_path . "blogs" ); foreach( $dir as $fileinfo ) { if ( $fileinfo->isDot() ) { continue; } if ( $fileinfo->isDir() ) { $directory = $cache_path . "blogs/" . $fileinfo->getFilename(); if ( false == is_file( $directory . "/index.html" ) ) { $fp = @fopen( $directory . "/index.html", 'w' ); if ( $fp ) fclose( $fp ); } if ( is_dir( $directory . "/meta" ) ) { if ( false == is_file( $directory . "/meta/index.html" ) ) { $fp = @fopen( $directory . "/meta/index.html", 'w' ); if ( $fp ) fclose( $fp ); } } } } } } function wp_cache_verify_cache_dir() { global $cache_path, $blog_cache_dir; $dir = dirname($cache_path); if ( !file_exists($cache_path) ) { if ( !is_writeable_ACLSafe( $dir ) || !($dir = mkdir( $cache_path ) ) ) { echo "" . __( 'Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ": " . sprintf( __( 'Your cache directory (%1$s) did not exist and couldn’t be created by the web server. Check %1$s permissions.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $dir ); return false; } } if ( !is_writeable_ACLSafe($cache_path)) { echo "" . __( 'Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ": " . sprintf( __( 'Your cache directory (%1$s) or %2$s need to be writable for this plugin to work. Double-check it.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_path, $dir ); return false; } if ( '/' != substr($cache_path, -1)) { $cache_path .= '/'; } if( false == is_dir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) { @mkdir( $cache_path . "blogs" ); if( $blog_cache_dir != $cache_path . "blogs/" ) @mkdir( $blog_cache_dir ); } if( false == is_dir( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta' ) ) @mkdir( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta' ); wp_cache_add_index_protection(); return true; } function wp_cache_verify_config_file() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_cache_config_file_sample, $sem_id, $cache_path; global $WPSC_HTTP_HOST; $new = false; $dir = dirname($wp_cache_config_file); if ( file_exists($wp_cache_config_file) ) { $lines = join( ' ', file( $wp_cache_config_file ) ); if( strpos( $lines, 'WPCACHEHOME' ) === false ) { if( is_writeable_ACLSafe( $wp_cache_config_file ) ) { @unlink( $wp_cache_config_file ); } else { echo "" . __( 'Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ": " . sprintf( __( 'Your WP-Cache config file (%s) is out of date and not writable by the Web server. Please delete it and refresh this page.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $wp_cache_config_file ); return false; } } } elseif( !is_writeable_ACLSafe($dir)) { echo "" . __( 'Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ": " . sprintf( __( 'Configuration file missing and %1$s directory (%2$s) is not writable by the web server. Check its permissions.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR, $dir ); return false; } if ( !file_exists($wp_cache_config_file) ) { if ( !file_exists($wp_cache_config_file_sample) ) { echo "" . __( 'Error', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ": " . sprintf( __( 'Sample WP-Cache config file (%s) does not exist. Verify your installation.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $wp_cache_config_file_sample ); return false; } copy($wp_cache_config_file_sample, $wp_cache_config_file); $dir = str_replace( str_replace( '\\', '/', WP_CONTENT_DIR ), '', str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__) ) ); if( is_file( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-cache-config-sample.php' ) ) { wp_cache_replace_line('define\(\ \'WPCACHEHOME', "\tdefine( 'WPCACHEHOME', WP_CONTENT_DIR . \"{$dir}/\" );", $wp_cache_config_file); } elseif( is_file( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-config-sample.php' ) ) { wp_cache_replace_line('define\(\ \'WPCACHEHOME', "\tdefine( 'WPCACHEHOME', WP_CONTENT_DIR . \"{$dir}/wp-super-cache/\" );", $wp_cache_config_file); } $new = true; } if ( $sem_id == 5419 && $cache_path != '' && $WPSC_HTTP_HOST != '' ) { $sem_id = crc32( $WPSC_HTTP_HOST . $cache_path ) & 0x7fffffff; wp_cache_replace_line('sem_id', '$sem_id = ' . $sem_id . ';', $wp_cache_config_file); } if ( $new ) { require($wp_cache_config_file); wpsc_set_default_gc( true ); } return true; } function wp_cache_create_advanced_cache() { global $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename, $wpsc_advanced_cache_dist_filename; if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php') ) { $global_config_file = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; } else { $global_config_file = dirname(ABSPATH) . '/wp-config.php'; } $line = 'define( \'WPCACHEHOME\', \'' . dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/\' );'; if ( ! apply_filters( 'wpsc_enable_wp_config_edit', true ) ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'Warning', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "! " . sprintf( __( 'Not allowed to edit %s per configuration.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $global_config_file ) . "

    "; return false; } if ( ! strpos( file_get_contents( $global_config_file ), "WPCACHEHOME" ) || ( defined( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) && ( constant( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) == '' || ( constant( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) != '' && ! file_exists( constant( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) . '/wp-cache.php' ) ) ) ) ) { if ( ! is_writeable_ACLSafe( $global_config_file ) || ! wp_cache_replace_line( 'define *\( *\'WPCACHEHOME\'', $line, $global_config_file ) ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'Warning', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "! " . sprintf( __( 'Could not update %s! WPCACHEHOME must be set in config file.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $global_config_file ) . "

    "; return false; } } $ret = true; if ( file_exists( $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename ) ) { $file = file_get_contents( $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename ); if ( ! strpos( $file, "WP SUPER CACHE" ) && ! strpos( $file, "WP SUPER CACHE 1.2" ) ) { wp_die( '

    ' . __( 'Warning!', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    " . sprintf( __( 'The file %s already exists. Please manually delete it before using this plugin. If you continue to see this message after deleting it please contact your hosting support.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename ) . "

    " ); } } $file = file_get_contents( $wpsc_advanced_cache_dist_filename ); $fp = @fopen( $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename, 'w' ); if( $fp ) { fputs( $fp, $file ); fclose( $fp ); } else { $ret = false; } return $ret; } function wpsc_check_advanced_cache() { global $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename; $ret = true; if ( file_exists( $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename ) ) { $file = file_get_contents( $wpsc_advanced_cache_filename ); if( strpos( $file, "WP SUPER CACHE" ) || strpos( $file, "WP SUPER CACHE 1.2" ) ) { return true; } else { $ret = wp_cache_create_advanced_cache(); } } else { $ret = wp_cache_create_advanced_cache(); } if( false == $ret ) { echo '

    ' . __( 'Warning', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "! " . sprintf( __( '%s/advanced-cache.php does not exist or cannot be updated.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . "

    "; echo "

    1. " . __( 'If it already exists, please delete the file first.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    2. "; echo "
    3. " . sprintf( __( 'Make %1$s writable using the chmod command through your ftp or server software. (chmod 777 %1$s) and refresh this page. This is only a temporary measure and you’ll have to make it read only afterwards again. (Change 777 to 755 in the previous command)', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . "
    4. "; echo "
    5. " . sprintf( __( 'Refresh this page to update %s/advanced-cache.php', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . "
    "; echo sprintf( __( 'If that doesn’t work, make sure the file %s/advanced-cache.php doesn’t exist:', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . "
      "; echo "
    "; echo "
    "; return false; } return true; } function wp_cache_check_global_config() { global $wp_cache_check_wp_config; if ( !isset( $wp_cache_check_wp_config ) ) return true; if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php') ) { $global_config_file = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; } else { $global_config_file = dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php'; } $line = 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);'; if ( ! is_writeable_ACLSafe( $global_config_file ) || ! wp_cache_replace_line( 'define *\( *\'WP_CACHE\'', $line, $global_config_file ) ) { if ( defined( 'WP_CACHE' ) && constant( 'WP_CACHE' ) == false ) { echo '
    ' . __( "

    WP_CACHE constant set to false

    The WP_CACHE constant is used by WordPress to load the code that serves cached pages. Unfortunately, it is set to false. Please edit your wp-config.php and add or edit the following line above the final require_once command:

    define('WP_CACHE', true);

    ", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    "; } else { echo '

    ' . __( "Error: WP_CACHE is not enabled in your wp-config.php file and I couldn’t modify it.", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo "

    " . sprintf( __( "Edit %s and add the following line:
    define('WP_CACHE', true);
    Otherwise, WP-Cache will not be executed by WordPress core. ", 'wp-super-cache' ), $global_config_file ) . "

    "; } return false; } else { echo "
    " . __( '

    WP_CACHE constant added to wp-config.php

    If you continue to see this warning message please see point 5 of the Troubleshooting Guide. The WP_CACHE line must be moved up.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } return true; } function wpsc_generate_sizes_array() { $sizes = array(); $cache_types = apply_filters( 'wpsc_cache_types', array( 'supercache', 'wpcache' ) ); $cache_states = apply_filters( 'wpsc_cache_state', array( 'expired', 'cached' ) ); foreach( $cache_types as $type ) { reset( $cache_states ); foreach( $cache_states as $state ) { $sizes[ $type ][ $state ] = 0; } $sizes[ $type ][ 'fsize' ] = 0; $sizes[ $type ][ 'cached_list' ] = array(); $sizes[ $type ][ 'expired_list' ] = array(); } return $sizes; } function wp_cache_format_fsize( $fsize ) { if ( $fsize > 1024 ) { $fsize = number_format( $fsize / 1024, 2 ) . "MB"; } elseif ( $fsize != 0 ) { $fsize = number_format( $fsize, 2 ) . "KB"; } else { $fsize = "0KB"; } return $fsize; } function wp_cache_regenerate_cache_file_stats() { global $cache_compression, $supercachedir, $file_prefix, $wp_cache_preload_on, $cache_max_time; if ( $supercachedir == '' ) $supercachedir = get_supercache_dir(); $sizes = wpsc_generate_sizes_array(); $now = time(); if (is_dir( $supercachedir ) ) { if ( $dh = opendir( $supercachedir ) ) { while ( ( $entry = readdir( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ( $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' ) { $sizes = wpsc_dirsize( trailingslashit( $supercachedir ) . $entry, $sizes ); } } closedir( $dh ); } } foreach( $sizes as $cache_type => $list ) { foreach( array( 'cached_list', 'expired_list' ) as $status ) { $cached_list = array(); foreach( $list[ $status ] as $dir => $details ) { if ( $details[ 'files' ] == 2 && !isset( $details[ 'upper_age' ] ) ) { $details[ 'files' ] = 1; } $cached_list[ $dir ] = $details; } $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $status ] = $cached_list; } } if ( $cache_compression ) { $sizes[ 'supercache' ][ 'cached' ] = intval( $sizes[ 'supercache' ][ 'cached' ] / 2 ); $sizes[ 'supercache' ][ 'expired' ] = intval( $sizes[ 'supercache' ][ 'expired' ] / 2 ); } $cache_stats = array( 'generated' => time(), 'supercache' => $sizes[ 'supercache' ], 'wpcache' => $sizes[ 'wpcache' ] ); update_option( 'supercache_stats', $cache_stats ); return $cache_stats; } function wp_cache_files() { global $cache_path, $file_prefix, $cache_max_time, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $super_cache_enabled, $blog_cache_dir, $cache_compression; global $wp_cache_preload_on; if ( '/' != substr($cache_path, -1)) { $cache_path .= '/'; } if ( $valid_nonce ) { if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_cache'])) { wp_cache_clean_cache($file_prefix); $_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats'; } if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'wp_delete_all_cache' ] ) ) { wp_cache_clean_cache( $file_prefix, true ); $_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_expired'])) { wp_cache_clean_expired($file_prefix); $_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats'; } } echo ""; echo '

    ' . __( 'Cache Contents', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; $cache_stats = get_option( 'supercache_stats' ); if ( !is_array( $cache_stats ) || ( isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) || ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('action', $_GET) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'regenerate_cache_stats' ) ) { $count = 0; $expired = 0; $now = time(); $wp_cache_fsize = 0; if ( ( $handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) ) { if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'deletewpcache' ) { $deleteuri = wpsc_deep_replace( array( '..', '\\', 'index.php' ), preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', base64_decode( $_GET[ 'uri' ] ) ) ); } else { $deleteuri = ''; } if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'deletesupercache' ) { $supercacheuri = wpsc_deep_replace( array( '..', '\\', 'index.php' ), preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', preg_replace("/(\?.*)?$/", '', base64_decode( $_GET[ 'uri' ] ) ) ) ); $supercacheuri = trailingslashit( realpath( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $supercacheuri ) ); if ( wp_cache_confirm_delete( $supercacheuri ) ) { printf( __( "Deleting supercache file: %s
    ", 'wp-super-cache' ), $supercacheuri ); wpsc_delete_files( $supercacheuri ); prune_super_cache( $supercacheuri . 'page', true ); @rmdir( $supercacheuri ); } else { wp_die( __( 'Warning! You are not allowed to delete that file', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); } } while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( strpos( $file, $file_prefix ) !== false && substr( $file, -4 ) == '.php' ) { if ( false == file_exists( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ) ) { @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); continue; // meta does not exist } $mtime = filemtime( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ); $fsize = @filesize( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); if ( $fsize > 0 ) $fsize = $fsize - 15; // die() command takes 15 bytes at the start of the file $age = $now - $mtime; if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) { $meta = json_decode( wp_cache_get_legacy_cache( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ), true ); if ( $deleteuri != '' && $meta[ 'uri' ] == $deleteuri ) { printf( __( "Deleting wp-cache file: %s
    ", 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_html( $deleteuri ) ); @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ); @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); continue; } $meta[ 'age' ] = $age; foreach( $meta as $key => $val ) $meta[ $key ] = esc_html( $val ); if ( $cache_max_time > 0 && $age > $cache_max_time ) { $expired_list[ $age ][] = $meta; } else { $cached_list[ $age ][] = $meta; } } if ( $cache_max_time > 0 && $age > $cache_max_time ) { $expired++; } else { $count++; } $wp_cache_fsize += $fsize; } } closedir($handle); } if( $wp_cache_fsize != 0 ) { $wp_cache_fsize = $wp_cache_fsize/1024; } else { $wp_cache_fsize = 0; } if( $wp_cache_fsize > 1024 ) { $wp_cache_fsize = number_format( $wp_cache_fsize / 1024, 2 ) . "MB"; } elseif( $wp_cache_fsize != 0 ) { $wp_cache_fsize = number_format( $wp_cache_fsize, 2 ) . "KB"; } else { $wp_cache_fsize = '0KB'; } $cache_stats = wp_cache_regenerate_cache_file_stats(); } else { echo "

    " . __( 'Cache stats are not automatically generated. You must click the link below to regenerate the stats on this page.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo " 'wpsupercache', 'tab' => 'contents', 'action' => 'regenerate_cache_stats' ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "'>" . __( 'Regenerate cache stats', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ""; if ( is_array( $cache_stats ) ) { echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Cache stats last generated: %s minutes ago.', 'wp-super-cache' ), number_format( ( time() - $cache_stats[ 'generated' ] ) / 60 ) ) . "

    "; } $cache_stats = get_option( 'supercache_stats' ); }// regerate stats cache if ( is_array( $cache_stats ) ) { $fsize = wp_cache_format_fsize( $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'fsize' ] / 1024 ); echo "

    " . __( 'WP-Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " ({$fsize})

    "; echo ""; if ( array_key_exists('fsize', (array)$cache_stats[ 'supercache' ]) ) $fsize = $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'fsize' ] / 1024; else $fsize = 0; $fsize = wp_cache_format_fsize( $fsize ); echo "

    " . __( 'WP-Super-Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " ({$fsize})

    "; echo ""; if ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('listfiles', $_GET) && isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) { echo "
    "; $cache_description = array( 'supercache' => __( 'Super Cached Files', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'wpcache' => __( 'Full Cache Files', 'wp-super-cache' ) ); foreach( $cache_stats as $type => $details ) { if ( is_array( $details ) == false ) continue; foreach( array( 'cached_list' => 'Fresh', 'expired_list' => 'Stale' ) as $list => $description ) { if ( is_array( $details[ $list ] ) & !empty( $details[ $list ] ) ) { echo "
    " . sprintf( __( '%s %s Files', 'wp-super-cache' ), $description, $cache_description[ $type ] ) . "
    "; echo ""; $c = 1; $flip = 1; ksort( $details[ $list ] ); foreach( $details[ $list ] as $directory => $d ) { if ( isset( $d[ 'upper_age' ] ) ) { $age = "{$d[ 'lower_age' ]} - {$d[ 'upper_age' ]}"; } else { $age = $d[ 'lower_age' ]; } $bg = $flip ? 'style="background: #EAEAEA;"' : ''; echo "\n"; $flip = !$flip; $c++; } echo "
    #" . __( 'URI', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "" . __( 'Files', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "" . __( 'Age', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "" . __( 'Delete', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
    $c {$directory}{$d[ 'files' ]}{$age} 'wpsupercache', 'action' => 'deletesupercache', 'uri' => base64_encode( $directory ) ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "#listfiles'>X
    "; } } } echo "
    "; echo "

    " . __( 'Hide file list', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } elseif ( $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'cached' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'expired' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'cached' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'expired' ] > 500 ) { echo "

    " . __( 'Too many cached files, no listing possible.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } else { echo "

    'wpsupercache', 'listfiles' => '1' ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "#listfiles'>" . __( 'List all cached files', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } if ( $cache_max_time > 0 ) echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Expired files are files older than %s seconds. They are still used by the plugin and are deleted periodically.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_max_time ) . "

    "; if ( $wp_cache_preload_on ) echo "

    " . __( 'Preload mode is enabled. Supercache files will never be expired.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } // cache_stats wp_cache_delete_buttons(); echo '
    '; } function wp_cache_delete_buttons() { $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; if ( is_multisite() && wpsupercache_site_admin() ) { echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; } } function delete_cache_dashboard() { if ( function_exists( '_deprecated_function' ) ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'WP Super Cache 1.6.4' ); } if ( false == wpsupercache_site_admin() ) return false; if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options') ) return false; echo "
  • " . __( 'Delete Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "
  • "; } //add_action( 'dashmenu', 'delete_cache_dashboard' ); function wpsc_dirsize($directory, $sizes) { global $cache_max_time, $cache_path, $valid_nonce, $wp_cache_preload_on, $file_prefix; $now = time(); if (is_dir($directory)) { if( $dh = opendir( $directory ) ) { while( ( $entry = readdir( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $sizes = wpsc_dirsize( trailingslashit( $directory ) . $entry, $sizes ); } } closedir($dh); } } else { if ( is_file( $directory ) && strpos( $directory, 'meta-' . $file_prefix ) === false ) { if ( strpos( $directory, '/' . $file_prefix ) !== false ) { $cache_type = 'wpcache'; } else { $cache_type = 'supercache'; } $keep_fresh = false; if ( $cache_type == 'supercache' && $wp_cache_preload_on ) $keep_fresh = true; $filem = filemtime( $directory ); if ( $keep_fresh == false && $cache_max_time > 0 && $filem + $cache_max_time <= $now ) { $cache_status = 'expired'; } else { $cache_status = 'cached'; } $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status ]+=1; if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) { $dir = str_replace( $cache_path . 'supercache/' , '', dirname( $directory ) ); $age = $now - $filem; if ( false == isset( $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ] ) ) { $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'lower_age' ] = $age; $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'files' ] = 1; } else { $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'files' ] += 1; if ( $age <= $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'lower_age' ] ) { if ( $age < $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'lower_age' ] && !isset( $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'upper_age' ] ) ) $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'upper_age' ] = $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'lower_age' ]; $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'lower_age' ] = $age; } elseif ( !isset( $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'upper_age' ] ) || $age > $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'upper_age' ] ) { $sizes[ $cache_type ][ $cache_status . '_list' ][ $dir ][ 'upper_age' ] = $age; } } } if ( ! isset( $sizes[ 'fsize' ] ) ) $sizes[ $cache_type ][ 'fsize' ] = @filesize( $directory ); else $sizes[ $cache_type ][ 'fsize' ] += @filesize( $directory ); } } return $sizes; } function wp_cache_clean_cache( $file_prefix, $all = false ) { global $cache_path, $supercachedir, $blog_cache_dir; do_action( 'wp_cache_cleared' ); if ( $all == true && wpsupercache_site_admin() && function_exists( 'prune_super_cache' ) ) { prune_super_cache( $cache_path, true ); return true; } if ( $supercachedir == '' ) $supercachedir = get_supercache_dir(); if (function_exists ('prune_super_cache')) { if( is_dir( $supercachedir ) ) { prune_super_cache( $supercachedir, true ); } elseif( is_dir( $supercachedir . '.disabled' ) ) { prune_super_cache( $supercachedir . '.disabled', true ); } $_POST[ 'super_cache_stats' ] = 1; // regenerate super cache stats; } else { wp_cache_debug( 'Warning! prune_super_cache() not found in wp-cache.php', 1 ); } wp_cache_clean_legacy_files( $blog_cache_dir, $file_prefix ); wp_cache_clean_legacy_files( $cache_path, $file_prefix ); } function wpsc_delete_post_cache( $id ) { $post = get_post( $id ); wpsc_delete_url_cache( get_author_posts_url( $post->post_author ) ); $permalink = get_permalink( $id ); if ( $permalink != '' ) { wpsc_delete_url_cache( $permalink ); return true; } else { return false; } } function wp_cache_clean_legacy_files( $dir, $file_prefix ) { global $wpdb; $dir = trailingslashit( $dir ); if ( @is_dir( $dir . 'meta' ) == false ) return false; if ( $handle = @opendir( $dir ) ) { $curr_blog_id = is_multisite() ? get_current_blog_id() : false; while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( is_file( $dir . $file ) == false || $file == 'index.html' ) { continue; } if ( strpos( $file, $file_prefix ) !== false ) { if ( strpos( $file, '.html' ) ) { // delete old WPCache files immediately @unlink( $dir . $file); @unlink( $dir . 'meta/' . str_replace( '.html', '.meta', $file ) ); } else { $meta = json_decode( wp_cache_get_legacy_cache( $dir . 'meta/' . $file ), true ); if ( $curr_blog_id && $curr_blog_id !== (int)$meta['blog_id'] ) { continue; } @unlink( $dir . $file); @unlink( $dir . 'meta/' . $file); } } } closedir($handle); } } function wp_cache_clean_expired($file_prefix) { global $cache_max_time, $blog_cache_dir, $wp_cache_preload_on; if ( $cache_max_time == 0 ) { return false; } // If phase2 was compiled, use its function to avoid race-conditions if(function_exists('wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired')) { if ( $wp_cache_preload_on != 1 && function_exists ('prune_super_cache')) { $dir = get_supercache_dir(); if( is_dir( $dir ) ) { prune_super_cache( $dir ); } elseif( is_dir( $dir . '.disabled' ) ) { prune_super_cache( $dir . '.disabled' ); } $_POST[ 'super_cache_stats' ] = 1; // regenerate super cache stats; } return wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired($file_prefix); } $now = time(); if ( $handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) { while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( strpos( $file, $file_prefix ) !== false ) { if ( strpos( $file, '.html' ) ) { @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file); @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . str_replace( '.html', '.meta', $file ) ); } elseif ( ( filemtime( $blog_cache_dir . $file ) + $cache_max_time ) <= $now ) { @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ); } } } closedir($handle); } } function wpsc_remove_marker( $filename, $marker ) { if (!file_exists( $filename ) || is_writeable_ACLSafe( $filename ) ) { if (!file_exists( $filename ) ) { return ''; } else { $markerdata = explode( "\n", implode( '', file( $filename ) ) ); } $f = fopen( $filename, 'w' ); if ( $markerdata ) { $state = true; foreach ( $markerdata as $n => $markerline ) { if (strpos($markerline, '# BEGIN ' . $marker) !== false) $state = false; if ( $state ) { if ( $n + 1 < count( $markerdata ) ) fwrite( $f, "{$markerline}\n" ); else fwrite( $f, "{$markerline}" ); } if (strpos($markerline, '# END ' . $marker) !== false) { $state = true; } } } return true; } else { return false; } } if( get_option( 'gzipcompression' ) ) update_option( 'gzipcompression', 0 ); // Catch 404 requests. Themes that use query_posts() destroy $wp_query->is_404 function wp_cache_catch_404() { global $wp_cache_404; if ( function_exists( '_deprecated_function' ) ) _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'WP Super Cache 1.5.6' ); $wp_cache_404 = false; if( is_404() ) $wp_cache_404 = true; } //More info - https://github.com/Automattic/wp-super-cache/pull/373 //add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wp_cache_catch_404' ); function wp_cache_favorite_action( $actions ) { if ( function_exists( '_deprecated_function' ) ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'WP Super Cache 1.6.4' ); } if ( false == wpsupercache_site_admin() ) return $actions; if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options') ) return $actions; $actions[ wp_nonce_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache&wp_delete_cache=1&tab=contents', 'wp-cache' ) ] = array( __( 'Delete Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'manage_options' ); return $actions; } //add_filter( 'favorite_actions', 'wp_cache_favorite_action' ); function wp_cache_plugin_notice( $plugin ) { global $cache_enabled; if( $plugin == 'wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php' && !$cache_enabled && function_exists( 'admin_url' ) ) echo '' . sprintf( __( 'WP Super Cache must be configured. Go to the admin page to enable and configure the plugin.', 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ) ) . ''; } add_action( 'after_plugin_row', 'wp_cache_plugin_notice' ); function wp_cache_plugin_actions( $links, $file ) { if( $file == 'wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php' && function_exists( 'admin_url' ) ) { $settings_link = '' . __( 'Settings', 'wp-super-cache' ) . ''; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); // before other links } return $links; } add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'wp_cache_plugin_actions', 10, 2 ); function wp_cache_admin_notice() { global $cache_enabled, $wp_cache_phase1_loaded; if( substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11 ) == 'plugins.php' && !$cache_enabled && function_exists( 'admin_url' ) ) echo '

    ' . sprintf( __('WP Super Cache is disabled. Please go to the plugin admin page to enable caching.', 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ) ) . '

    '; if ( defined( 'WP_CACHE' ) && WP_CACHE == true && ( defined( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM' ) || ( $cache_enabled && false == isset( $wp_cache_phase1_loaded ) ) ) ) { if ( wp_cache_create_advanced_cache() ) { echo '

    ' . sprintf( __( 'Warning! WP Super Cache caching was broken but has been fixed! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phase1.php.

    The file %1$s/advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php. Reload to hide this message.', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . '

    '; } } } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wp_cache_admin_notice' ); function wp_cache_check_site() { global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear, $wp_super_cache_front_page_text, $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification, $wpdb; if ( !isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_check ) || ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_check ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 0 ) ) { return false; } if ( function_exists( "wp_remote_get" ) == false ) { return false; } $front_page = wp_remote_get( site_url(), array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); if( is_array( $front_page ) ) { // Check for gzipped front page if ( $front_page[ 'headers' ][ 'content-type' ] == 'application/x-gzip' ) { if ( !isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear ) || ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear == 0 ) ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Front page is gzipped! Please clear cache!', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), sprintf( __( "Please visit %s to clear the cache as the front page of your site is now downloading!", 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ) ) ); } else { wp_cache_clear_cache( $wpdb->blogid ); wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Front page is gzipped! Cache Cleared!', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), sprintf( __( "The cache on your blog has been cleared because the front page of your site is now downloading. Please visit %s to verify the cache has been cleared.", 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ) ) ); } } // Check for broken front page if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_text ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_text != '' && false === strpos( $front_page[ 'body' ], $wp_super_cache_front_page_text ) ) { if ( !isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear ) || ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_clear == 0 ) ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Front page is not correct! Please clear cache!', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), sprintf( __( 'Please visit %1$s to clear the cache as the front page of your site is not correct and missing the text, "%2$s"!', 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ), $wp_super_cache_front_page_text ) ); } else { wp_cache_clear_cache( $wpdb->blogid ); wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Front page is not correct! Cache Cleared!', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), sprintf( __( 'The cache on your blog has been cleared because the front page of your site is missing the text "%2$s". Please visit %1$s to verify the cache has been cleared.', 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ), $wp_super_cache_front_page_text ) ); } } } if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification ) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_notification == 1 ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Front page check!', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), sprintf( __( "WP Super Cache has checked the front page of your blog. Please visit %s if you would like to disable this.", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "\n\n", admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ) ) ); } if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 360 , 'wp_cache_check_site_hook' ); wp_cache_debug( 'scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.', 2 ); } } add_action( 'wp_cache_check_site_hook', 'wp_cache_check_site' ); function update_cached_mobile_ua_list( $mobile_browsers, $mobile_prefixes = 0, $mobile_groups = 0 ) { global $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $wp_cache_mobile_groups; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_mobile_browsers', $mobile_browsers ); wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_mobile_prefixes', $mobile_prefixes ); if ( is_array( $mobile_groups ) ) { $wp_cache_mobile_groups = $mobile_groups; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$wp_cache_mobile_groups', "\$wp_cache_mobile_groups = '" . implode( ', ', $mobile_groups ) . "';", $wp_cache_config_file); } return true; } function wpsc_update_htaccess() { extract( wpsc_get_htaccess_info() ); // $document_root, $apache_root, $home_path, $home_root, $home_root_lc, $inst_root, $wprules, $scrules, $condition_rules, $rules, $gziprules wpsc_remove_marker( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WordPress' ); // remove original WP rules so SuperCache rules go on top if( insert_with_markers( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache', explode( "\n", $rules ) ) && insert_with_markers( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WordPress', explode( "\n", $wprules ) ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function wpsc_update_htaccess_form( $short_form = true ) { global $wpmu_version; $admin_url = admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache' ); extract( wpsc_get_htaccess_info() ); // $document_root, $apache_root, $home_path, $home_root, $home_root_lc, $inst_root, $wprules, $scrules, $condition_rules, $rules, $gziprules if( !is_writeable_ACLSafe( $home_path . ".htaccess" ) ) { echo "
    " . __( 'Cannot update .htaccess', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    " . sprintf( __( 'The file %s.htaccess cannot be modified by the web server. Please correct this using the chmod command or your ftp client.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ) . "

    " . __( 'Refresh this page when the file permissions have been modified.' ) . "

    " . sprintf( __( 'Alternatively, you can edit your %s.htaccess file manually and add the following code (before any WordPress rules):', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ) . "

    "; echo "

    # BEGIN WPSuperCache\n" . esc_html( $rules ) . "# END WPSuperCache

    "; } else { if ( $short_form == false ) { echo "

    " . sprintf( __( 'To serve static html files your server must have the correct mod_rewrite rules added to a file called %s.htaccess', 'wp-super-cache' ), $home_path ) . " "; _e( "You can edit the file yourself. Add the following rules.", 'wp-super-cache' ); echo __( " Make sure they appear before any existing WordPress rules. ", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; echo "
    "; echo "
    # BEGIN WPSuperCache\n" . esc_html( $rules ) . "# END WPSuperCache

    "; echo "
    "; echo "
    " . sprintf( __( 'Rules must be added to %s too:', 'wp-super-cache' ), WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/cache/.htaccess" ) . "
    "; echo "
    "; echo "
    # BEGIN supercache\n" . esc_html( $gziprules ) . "# END supercache

    "; echo "
    "; } if ( !isset( $wpmu_version ) || $wpmu_version == '' ) { echo '
    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
    \n"; } } } /* * Return LOGGED_IN_COOKIE if it doesn't begin with wordpress_logged_in * to avoid having people update their .htaccess file */ function wpsc_get_logged_in_cookie() { $logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in'; if ( defined( 'LOGGED_IN_COOKIE' ) && substr( constant( 'LOGGED_IN_COOKIE' ), 0, 19 ) != 'wordpress_logged_in' ) $logged_in_cookie = constant( 'LOGGED_IN_COOKIE' ); return $logged_in_cookie; } function wpsc_get_htaccess_info() { global $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_disable_utf8; global $htaccess_path; if ( isset( $_SERVER[ "PHP_DOCUMENT_ROOT" ] ) ) { $document_root = $_SERVER[ "PHP_DOCUMENT_ROOT" ]; $apache_root = $_SERVER[ "PHP_DOCUMENT_ROOT" ]; } else { $document_root = $_SERVER[ "DOCUMENT_ROOT" ]; $apache_root = '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}'; } $content_dir_root = $document_root; if ( strpos( $document_root, '/kunden/homepages/' ) === 0 ) { // https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-super-cache-how-to-get-mod_rewrite-working-on-1and1-shared-hosting?replies=1 // On 1and1, PHP's directory structure starts with '/homepages'. The // Apache directory structure has an extra '/kunden' before it. // Also 1and1 does not support the %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} variable in // .htaccess files. // This prevents the $inst_root from being calculated correctly and // means that the $apache_root is wrong. // // e.g. This is an example of how Apache and PHP see the directory // structure on 1and1: // Apache: /kunden/homepages/xx/dxxxxxxxx/htdocs/site1/index.html // PHP: /homepages/xx/dxxxxxxxx/htdocs/site1/index.html // Here we fix up the paths to make mode_rewrite work on 1and1 shared hosting. $content_dir_root = substr( $content_dir_root, 7 ); $apache_root = $document_root; } $home_path = get_home_path(); $home_root = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url')); $home_root = isset( $home_root[ 'path' ] ) ? trailingslashit( $home_root[ 'path' ] ) : '/'; if ( isset( $htaccess_path ) ) { $home_path = $htaccess_path; } elseif ( $home_root == '/' && $home_path != $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] ) { $home_path = $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]; } elseif ( $home_root != '/' && $home_path != str_replace( '//', '/', $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ) && is_dir( $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ) ) { $home_path = str_replace( '//', '/', $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ); } $home_path = trailingslashit( $home_path ); $home_root_lc = str_replace( '//', '/', strtolower( $home_root ) ); $inst_root = str_replace( '//', '/', '/' . trailingslashit( str_replace( $content_dir_root, '', str_replace( '\\', '/', WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) ) ); $wprules = implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WordPress' ) ); $wprules = str_replace( "RewriteEngine On\n", '', $wprules ); $wprules = str_replace( "RewriteBase $home_root\n", '', $wprules ); $scrules = implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache' ) ); if( substr( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), -1 ) == '/' ) { $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*[^/]$"; $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*//.*$"; } $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !POST"; $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$"; $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|" . wpsc_get_logged_in_cookie() . wpsc_get_extra_cookies() . "|wp-postpass_).*$"; $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Wap-Profile} !^[a-z0-9\\\"]+ [NC]"; $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{HTTP:Profile} !^[a-z0-9\\\"]+ [NC]"; if ( $wp_cache_mobile_enabled ) { if ( isset( $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ) && "" != $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ) $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*(" . addcslashes( str_replace( ', ', '|', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers ), ' ' ) . ").* [NC]"; if ( isset( $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ) && "" != $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ) $condition_rules[] = "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^(" . addcslashes( str_replace( ', ', '|', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes ), ' ' ) . ").* [NC]"; } $condition_rules = apply_filters( 'supercacherewriteconditions', $condition_rules ); $rules = "\n"; $rules .= "RewriteEngine On\n"; $rules .= "RewriteBase $home_root\n"; // props Chris Messina $rules .= "#If you serve pages from behind a proxy you may want to change 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on' to something more sensible\n"; if ( isset( $wp_cache_disable_utf8 ) == false || $wp_cache_disable_utf8 == 0 ) { $charset = get_option('blog_charset') == '' ? 'UTF-8' : get_option('blog_charset'); $rules .= "AddDefaultCharset {$charset}\n"; } $rules .= "CONDITION_RULES"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond {$apache_root}{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index-https.html.gz -f\n"; $rules .= "RewriteRule ^(.*) \"{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index-https.html.gz\" [L]\n\n"; $rules .= "CONDITION_RULES"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond {$apache_root}{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index.html.gz -f\n"; $rules .= "RewriteRule ^(.*) \"{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index.html.gz\" [L]\n\n"; $rules .= "CONDITION_RULES"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond {$apache_root}{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index-https.html -f\n"; $rules .= "RewriteRule ^(.*) \"{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index-https.html\" [L]\n\n"; $rules .= "CONDITION_RULES"; $rules .= "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on\n"; $rules .= "RewriteCond {$apache_root}{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index.html -f\n"; $rules .= "RewriteRule ^(.*) \"{$inst_root}cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}{$home_root_lc}$1/index.html\" [L]\n"; $rules .= "\n"; $rules = apply_filters( 'supercacherewriterules', $rules ); $rules = str_replace( "CONDITION_RULES", implode( "\n", $condition_rules ) . "\n", $rules ); $gziprules = "\n \n ForceType text/html\n FileETag None\n \n AddEncoding gzip .gz\n AddType text/html .gz\n\n"; $gziprules .= "\n SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip\n\n"; if ( defined( 'WPSC_VARY_HEADER' ) ) { if ( WPSC_VARY_HEADER != '' ) { $vary_header = WPSC_VARY_HEADER; } } else { $vary_header = 'Accept-Encoding, Cookie'; } if ( defined( 'WPSC_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER' ) ) { if ( WPSC_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER != '' ) { $cache_control_header = WPSC_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER; } } else { $cache_control_header = 'max-age=3, must-revalidate'; } $headers_text = ""; if ( $vary_header != '' ) { $headers_text .= " Header set Vary '$vary_header'\n"; } if ( $cache_control_header != '' ) { $headers_text .= " Header set Cache-Control '$cache_control_header'\n"; } if ( $headers_text != '' ) { $gziprules .= "\n$headers_text\n"; } $gziprules .= "\n ExpiresActive On\n ExpiresByType text/html A3\n\n"; $gziprules .= "Options -Indexes\n"; return array( "document_root" => $document_root, "apache_root" => $apache_root, "home_path" => $home_path, "home_root" => $home_root, "home_root_lc" => $home_root_lc, "inst_root" => $inst_root, "wprules" => $wprules, "scrules" => $scrules, "condition_rules" => $condition_rules, "rules" => $rules, "gziprules" => $gziprules ); } function clear_post_supercache( $post_id ) { $dir = get_current_url_supercache_dir( $post_id ); if ( false == @is_dir( $dir ) ) return false; if ( get_supercache_dir() == $dir ) { wp_cache_debug( "clear_post_supercache: not deleting post_id $post_id as it points at homepage: $dir" ); return false; } wp_cache_debug( "clear_post_supercache: post_id: $post_id. deleting files in $dir" ); if ( get_post_type( $post_id ) != 'page') { // don't delete child pages if they exist prune_super_cache( $dir, true ); } else { wpsc_delete_files( $dir ); } } function wp_cron_preload_cache() { global $wpdb, $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $cache_path, $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies; if ( get_option( 'preload_cache_stop' ) ) { delete_option( 'preload_cache_stop' ); wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: preload cancelled', 1 ); return true; } $mutex = $cache_path . "preload_mutex.tmp"; sleep( 3 + mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ); if ( @file_exists( $mutex ) ) { if ( @filemtime( $mutex ) > ( time() - 600 ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: preload mutex found and less than 600 seconds old. Aborting preload.', 1 ); return true; } else { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: old preload mutex found and deleted. Preload continues.', 1 ); @unlink( $mutex ); } } $fp = @fopen( $mutex, 'w' ); @fclose( $fp ); $counter = get_option( 'preload_cache_counter' ); if ( is_array( $counter ) == false ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: setting up preload for the first time!', 5 ); $counter = array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ); update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', $counter ); } $c = $counter[ 'c' ]; update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => ( $c + 100 ), 't' => time() ) ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'none' && $wp_cache_preload_email_me == 1 ) { $wp_cache_preload_email_me = 0; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_me', 0 ); } if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me && $c == 0 ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Cache Preload Started', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), '' ), ' ' ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_posts == 'all' || $c < $wp_cache_preload_posts ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: doing taxonomy preload.', 5 ); $permalink_counter_msg = $cache_path . "preload_permalink.txt"; if ( isset( $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies ) && $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies ) { $taxonomies = apply_filters( 'wp_cache_preload_taxonomies', array( 'post_tag' => 'tag', 'category' => 'category' ) ); foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $path ) { $taxonomy_filename = $cache_path . "taxonomy_" . $taxonomy . ".txt"; if ( $c == 0 ) @unlink( $taxonomy_filename ); if ( false == @file_exists( $taxonomy_filename ) ) { $out = ''; $records = get_terms( $taxonomy ); foreach( $records as $term ) { $out .= get_term_link( $term ). "\n"; } $fp = fopen( $taxonomy_filename, 'w' ); if ( $fp ) { fwrite( $fp, $out ); fclose( $fp ); } $details = explode( "\n", $out ); } else { $details = explode( "\n", file_get_contents( $taxonomy_filename ) ); } if ( count( $details ) != 1 && $details[ 0 ] != '' ) { $rows = array_splice( $details, 0, 50 ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me && $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'many' ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Refreshing %2$s taxonomy from %3$d to %4$d', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), $taxonomy, $c, ($c+100) ), 'Refreshing: ' . print_r( $rows, 1 ) ); foreach( (array)$rows as $url ) { set_time_limit( 60 ); if ( $url == '' ) continue; $url_info = parse_url( $url ); $dir = get_supercache_dir() . $url_info[ 'path' ]; wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: delete $dir", 5 ); prune_super_cache( $dir ); $fp = @fopen( $permalink_counter_msg, 'w' ); if ( $fp ) { @fwrite( $fp, "$taxonomy: $url" ); @fclose( $fp ); } wp_remote_get( $url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: fetched $url", 5 ); sleep( 1 ); if ( @file_exists( $cache_path . "stop_preload.txt" ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: cancelling preload. stop_preload.txt found.', 5 ); @unlink( $mutex ); @unlink( $cache_path . "stop_preload.txt" ); @unlink( $taxonomy_filename ); update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Cache Preload Stopped', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), '' ), ' ' ); return true; } } $fp = fopen( $taxonomy_filename, 'w' ); if ( $fp ) { fwrite( $fp, implode( "\n", $details ) ); fclose( $fp ); } } } } } if ( $wp_cache_preload_posts == 'all' || $c < $wp_cache_preload_posts ) { $types = wpsc_get_post_types(); $posts = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ( post_type IN ( $types ) ) AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT %d, 100", $c ) ); wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: got 100 posts from position $c.", 5 ); } else { wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: no more posts to get. Limit ($wp_cache_preload_posts) reached.", 5 ); $posts = false; } if ( !isset( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ) ) $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'medium'; if ( $posts ) { if ( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' ) { $page_on_front = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } else { $page_on_front = $page_for_posts = 0; } if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me && $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'many' ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Refreshing posts from %2$d to %3$d', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), $c, ($c+100) ), ' ' ); $msg = ''; $count = $c + 1; $permalink_counter_msg = $cache_path . "preload_permalink.txt"; foreach( $posts as $post_id ) { set_time_limit( 60 ); if ( $page_on_front != 0 && ( $post_id == $page_on_front || $post_id == $page_for_posts ) ) continue; $url = get_permalink( $post_id ); if ( wp_cache_is_rejected( $url ) ) { wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: skipped $url per rejected strings setting" ); continue; } clear_post_supercache( $post_id ); $fp = @fopen( $permalink_counter_msg, 'w' ); if ( $fp ) { @fwrite( $fp, $count . " " . $url ); @fclose( $fp ); } if ( @file_exists( $cache_path . "stop_preload.txt" ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: cancelling preload. stop_preload.txt found.', 5 ); @unlink( $mutex ); @unlink( $cache_path . "stop_preload.txt" ); update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] Cache Preload Stopped', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), '' ), ' ' ); return true; } $msg .= "$url\n"; wp_remote_get( $url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: fetched $url", 5 ); sleep( 1 ); $count++; } if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me && ( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'medium' || $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'many' ) ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%1$s] %2$d posts refreshed', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url(), ($c+100) ), __( "Refreshed the following posts:", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "\n$msg" ); if ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cron_preload_cache: scheduling the next preload in 30 seconds.', 5 ); wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 30, 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ); } wpsc_delete_files( get_supercache_dir() ); } else { $msg = ''; update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); if ( (int)$wp_cache_preload_interval && defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ) { if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me ) $msg = sprintf( __( 'Scheduling next preload refresh in %d minutes.', 'wp-super-cache' ), (int)$wp_cache_preload_interval ); wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: no more posts. scheduling next preload in $wp_cache_preload_interval minutes.", 5 ); wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( (int)$wp_cache_preload_interval * 60 ), 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); } global $file_prefix, $cache_max_time; if ( $wp_cache_preload_interval > 0 ) { $cache_max_time = (int)$wp_cache_preload_interval * 60; // fool the GC into expiring really old files } else { $cache_max_time = 86400; // fool the GC into expiring really old files } if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_me ) wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Cache Preload Completed', 'wp-super-cache' ), home_url() ), __( "Cleaning up old supercache files.", 'wp-super-cache' ) . "\n" . $msg ); if ( $cache_max_time > 0 ) { // GC is NOT disabled wp_cache_debug( "wp_cron_preload_cache: clean expired cache files older than $cache_max_time seconds.", 5 ); wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired( $file_prefix, true ); // force cleanup of old files. } } @unlink( $mutex ); } add_action( 'wp_cache_preload_hook', 'wp_cron_preload_cache' ); add_action( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook', 'wp_cron_preload_cache' ); function next_preload_message( $hook, $text, $limit = 0 ) { global $currently_preloading, $wp_cache_preload_interval; if ( $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled( $hook ) ) { $next_time = $next_preload - time(); if ( $limit != 0 && $next_time > $limit ) return false; $h = $m = $s = 0; if ( $next_time > 0 ) { $m = (int)($next_time / 60); $s = $next_time % 60; $h = (int)($m / 60); $m = $m % 60; } if ( $next_time > 0 && $next_time < ( 60 * $wp_cache_preload_interval ) ) echo '

    ' . sprintf( $text, $h, $m, $s ) . '

    '; if ( ( $next_preload - time() ) <= 60 ) $currently_preloading = true; } } function option_preload_cache_counter( $value ) { if ( false == is_array( $value ) ) { $ret = array( 'c' => $value, 't' => time(), 'first' => 1 ); return $ret; } return $value; } add_filter( 'option_preload_cache_counter', 'option_preload_cache_counter' ); function check_up_on_preloading() { $value = get_option( 'preload_cache_counter' ); if ( $value[ 'c' ] > 0 && ( time() - $value[ 't' ] ) > 3600 && false == wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ) ) { if ( is_admin() ) { if ( get_option( 'wpsc_preload_restart_email' ) < ( time() - 86400 ) ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), sprintf( __( '[%s] Preload may have stalled.', 'wp-super-cache' ), get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), sprintf( __( "Preload has been restarted.\n%s", 'wp-super-cache' ), admin_url( "options-general.php?page=wpsupercache" ) ) ); update_option( 'wpsc_preload_restart_email', time() ); } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wpsc_preload_restart_notice' ); } wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 30, 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ); } } add_action( 'init', 'check_up_on_preloading' ); // sometimes preloading stops working. Kickstart it. function wpsc_preload_restart_notice() { if ( false == wpsupercache_site_admin() ) return false; if ( ! isset( $_GET[ 'page' ] ) || $_GET[ 'page' ] != 'wpsupercache' ) return false; echo '

    ' . __( 'Warning! WP Super Cache preload was interrupted but has been restarted.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '

    '; } function wp_cache_disable_plugin( $delete_config_file = true ) { global $wp_rewrite; if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php') ) { $global_config_file = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; } else { $global_config_file = dirname(ABSPATH) . '/wp-config.php'; } if ( apply_filters( 'wpsc_enable_wp_config_edit', true ) ) { $line = 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);'; if ( strpos( file_get_contents( $global_config_file ), $line ) && ( ! is_writeable_ACLSafe( $global_config_file ) || ! wp_cache_replace_line( 'define*\(*\'WP_CACHE\'', '', $global_config_file ) ) ) { wp_die( "Could not remove WP_CACHE define from $global_config_file. Please edit that file and remove the line containing the text 'WP_CACHE'. Then refresh this page." ); } $line = 'define( \'WPCACHEHOME\','; if ( strpos( file_get_contents( $global_config_file ), $line ) && ( ! is_writeable_ACLSafe( $global_config_file ) || ! wp_cache_replace_line( 'define *\( *\'WPCACHEHOME\'', '', $global_config_file ) ) ) { wp_die( "Could not remove WPCACHEHOME define from $global_config_file. Please edit that file and remove the line containing the text 'WPCACHEHOME'. Then refresh this page." ); } } elseif ( function_exists( 'wp_cache_debug' ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_disable_plugin: not allowed to edit wp-config.php per configuration.' ); } uninstall_supercache( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache' ); $file_not_deleted = false; if ( @file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/advanced-cache.php" ) ) { if ( false == @unlink( WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/advanced-cache.php" ) ) $file_not_deleted[] = 'advanced-cache.php'; } if ( $delete_config_file && @file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/wp-cache-config.php" ) ) { if ( false == unlink( WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/wp-cache-config.php" ) ) $file_not_deleted[] = 'wp-cache-config.php'; } if ( $file_not_deleted ) { $msg = __( "Dear User,\n\nWP Super Cache was removed from your blog or deactivated but some files could\nnot be deleted.\n\n", 'wp-super-cache' ); foreach( (array)$file_not_deleted as $filename ) { $msg .= WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/{$filename}\n"; } $msg .= "\n"; $msg .= sprintf( __( "You should delete these files manually.\nYou may need to change the permissions of the files or parent directory.\nYou can read more about this in the Codex at\n%s\n\nThank you.", 'wp-super-cache' ), 'https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions#About_Chmod' ); if ( apply_filters( 'wpsc_send_uninstall_errors', 1 ) ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), __( 'WP Super Cache: could not delete files', 'wp-super-cache' ), $msg ); } } extract( wpsc_get_htaccess_info() ); // $document_root, $apache_root, $home_path, $home_root, $home_root_lc, $inst_root, $wprules, $scrules, $condition_rules, $rules, $gziprules if ( $scrules != '' && insert_with_markers( $home_path.'.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache', array() ) ) { $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } elseif( $scrules != '' ) { wp_mail( get_option( 'admin_email' ), __( 'Supercache Uninstall Problems', 'wp-super-cache' ), sprintf( __( "Dear User,\n\nWP Super Cache was removed from your blog but the mod_rewrite rules\nin your .htaccess were not.\n\nPlease edit the following file and remove the code\nbetween 'BEGIN WPSuperCache' and 'END WPSuperCache'. Please backup the file first!\n\n%s\n\nRegards,\nWP Super Cache Plugin\nhttps://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/", 'wp-super-cache' ), ABSPATH . '/.htaccess' ) ); } } function uninstall_supercache( $folderPath ) { // from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php if ( trailingslashit( constant( 'ABSPATH' ) ) == trailingslashit( $folderPath ) ) return false; if ( @is_dir ( $folderPath ) ) { $dh = @opendir($folderPath); while( false !== ( $value = @readdir( $dh ) ) ) { if ( $value != "." && $value != ".." ) { $value = $folderPath . "/" . $value; if ( @is_dir ( $value ) ) { uninstall_supercache( $value ); } else { @unlink( $value ); } } } return @rmdir( $folderPath ); } else { return false; } } function supercache_admin_bar_render() { global $wp_admin_bar; if ( function_exists( '_deprecated_function' ) ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, 'WP Super Cache 1.6.4' ); } wpsc_admin_bar_render( $wp_admin_bar ); } /** * Adds "Delete Cache" button in WP Toolbar. */ function wpsc_admin_bar_render( $wp_admin_bar ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'current_user_can' ) || ! is_user_logged_in() ) { return false; } if ( ( is_singular() || is_archive() || is_front_page() || is_search() ) && current_user_can( 'delete_others_posts' ) ) { $site_regex = preg_quote( rtrim( (string) parse_url( get_option( 'home' ), PHP_URL_PATH ), '/' ), '`' ); $req_uri = preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] ); $path = preg_replace( '`^' . $site_regex . '`', '', $req_uri ); $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'parent' => '', 'id' => 'delete-cache', 'title' => __( 'Delete Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'meta' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete cache of the current page', 'wp-super-cache' ) ), 'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'index.php?action=delcachepage&path=' . rawurlencode( $path ) ), 'delete-cache' ) ) ); } if ( is_admin() && wpsupercache_site_admin() && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'parent' => '', 'id' => 'delete-cache', 'title' => __( 'Delete Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'meta' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete Super Cache cached files', 'wp-super-cache' ) ), 'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wpsupercache&tab=contents&wp_delete_cache=1' ), 'wp-cache' ) ) ); } } add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'wpsc_admin_bar_render', 99 ); function wpsc_cancel_preload() { global $cache_path; $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ); if ( $next_preload ) { wp_cache_debug( 'wpsc_cancel_preload: unscheduling wp_cache_preload_hook' ); update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); wp_unschedule_event( $next_preload, 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ); } $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); if ( $next_preload ) { update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); wp_cache_debug( 'wpsc_cancel_preload: unscheduling wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); wp_unschedule_event( $next_preload, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); } wp_cache_debug( 'wpsc_cancel_preload: creating stop_preload.txt' ); $fp = @fopen( $cache_path . "stop_preload.txt", 'w' ); @fclose( $fp ); } function wpsc_enable_preload() { global $cache_path; @unlink( $cache_path . "preload_mutex.tmp" ); update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 10, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); } function wpsc_get_post_types() { $preload_type_args = apply_filters( 'wpsc_preload_post_types_args', array( 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true ) ); $post_types = (array) apply_filters( 'wpsc_preload_post_types', get_post_types( $preload_type_args, 'names', 'or' )); return "'" . join( "', '", array_map( 'esc_sql', $post_types ) ) . "'"; } function wpsc_post_count() { global $wpdb; static $count; if ( isset( $count ) ) { return $count; } $post_type_list = wpsc_get_post_types(); $count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type IN ( $post_type_list ) AND post_status = 'publish'" ); return $count; } function wpsc_preload_settings( $min_refresh_interval = 'NA' ) { global $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_on, $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wpdb; $return = array(); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) == false || $_POST[ 'action' ] != 'preload' ) return $return; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'preload_off' ] ) ) { wpsc_cancel_preload(); $return[] = "

    " . __( 'Scheduled preloading of cache almost cancelled. It may take up to a minute for it to cancel completely.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; return $return; } elseif ( isset( $_POST[ 'preload_now' ] ) ) { wpsc_enable_preload(); return $return; } if ( $min_refresh_interval == 'NA' ) { $count = wpsc_post_count(); if ( $count > 1000 ) { $min_refresh_interval = 720; } else { $min_refresh_interval = 30; } } if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] == 0 || $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] >= $min_refresh_interval ) ) { // if preload interval changes than unschedule any preload jobs and schedule any new one. $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] = (int)$_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ]; if ( $wp_cache_preload_interval != $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] ) { $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); if ( $next_preload ) { update_option( 'preload_cache_counter', array( 'c' => 0, 't' => time() ) ); add_option( 'preload_cache_stop', 1 ); wp_unschedule_event( $next_preload, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_interval == 0 ) { $return[] = "

    " . __( 'Scheduled preloading of cache cancelled.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "

    "; } if ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] != 0 ) wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] * 60 ), 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); } } $wp_cache_preload_interval = (int)$_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ]; wp_cache_setting( "wp_cache_preload_interval", $wp_cache_preload_interval ); } if ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_posts' ] == 'all' ) { $wp_cache_preload_posts = 'all'; } else { $wp_cache_preload_posts = (int)$_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_posts' ]; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_posts', $wp_cache_preload_posts ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ] ) && in_array( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ], array( 'none', 'less', 'medium', 'many' ) ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ]; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'none'; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'none' ) wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_me', 0 ); else wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_me', 1 ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_taxonomies' ] ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies = 0; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_taxonomies', $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_on' ] ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_on = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_on = 0; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_on', $wp_cache_preload_on ); return $return; } function wpsc_is_preloading() { if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_preload_hook' ) || wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function wpsc_set_default_gc( $force = false ) { global $cache_path, $wp_cache_shutdown_gc, $cache_schedule_type; if ( isset( $wp_cache_shutdown_gc ) && $wp_cache_shutdown_gc == 1 ) { return false; } if ( $force ) { unset( $cache_schedule_type ); $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_gc' ); if ( $timestamp ) { wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, 'wp_cache_gc' ); } } // set up garbage collection with some default settings if ( false == isset( $cache_schedule_type ) && false == wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_gc' ) ) { $cache_schedule_type = 'interval'; $cache_time_interval = 600; $cache_max_time = 1800; $cache_schedule_interval = 'hourly'; $cache_gc_email_me = 0; wp_cache_setting( 'cache_schedule_type', $cache_schedule_type ); wp_cache_setting( 'cache_time_interval', $cache_time_interval ); wp_cache_setting( 'cache_max_time', $cache_max_time ); wp_cache_setting( 'cache_schedule_interval', $cache_schedule_interval ); wp_cache_setting( 'cache_gc_email_me', $cache_gc_email_me ); wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 600, 'wp_cache_gc' ); } return true; } function add_mod_rewrite_rules() { return update_mod_rewrite_rules(); } function remove_mod_rewrite_rules() { return update_mod_rewrite_rules( false ); } function update_mod_rewrite_rules( $add_rules = true ) { global $cache_path, $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error; $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = false; if ( defined( "DO_NOT_UPDATE_HTACCESS" ) ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = ".htaccess update disabled by admin: DO_NOT_UPDATE_HTACCESS defined"; return false; } if ( ! function_exists( 'get_home_path' ) ) { include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); // get_home_path() include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php' ); // extract_from_markers() } $home_path = trailingslashit( get_home_path() ); $home_root = parse_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); $home_root = isset( $home_root[ 'path' ] ) ? trailingslashit( $home_root[ 'path' ] ) : '/'; if ( $home_root == '/' && $home_path != $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] ) { $home_path = $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]; } elseif ( $home_root != '/' && $home_path != str_replace( '//', '/', $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ) && is_dir( $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ) ) { $home_path = str_replace( '//', '/', $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] . $home_root ); } $home_path = trailingslashit( $home_path ); if ( ! file_exists( $home_path . ".htaccess" ) ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = ".htaccess not found: {$home_path}.htaccess"; return false; } $generated_rules = wpsc_get_htaccess_info(); $existing_rules = implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache' ) ); $rules = $add_rules ? $generated_rules[ 'rules' ] : ''; if ( $existing_rules == $rules ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "rules have not changed"; return true; } if ( $generated_rules[ 'wprules' ] == '' ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "WordPress rules empty"; return false; } if ( empty( $rules ) ) { return insert_with_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache', array() ); } $url = trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ); $original_page = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $original_page ) ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "Problem loading page"; return false; } $backup_filename = $cache_path . 'htaccess.' . mt_rand() . ".php"; $backup_file_contents = file_get_contents( $home_path . '.htaccess' ); file_put_contents( $backup_filename, "<" . "?php die(); ?" . ">" . $backup_file_contents ); $existing_gzip_rules = implode( "\n", extract_from_markers( $cache_path . '.htaccess', 'supercache' ) ); if ( $existing_gzip_rules != $generated_rules[ 'gziprules' ] ) { insert_with_markers( $cache_path . '.htaccess', 'supercache', explode( "\n", $generated_rules[ 'gziprules' ] ) ); } $wprules = extract_from_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WordPress' ); wpsc_remove_marker( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WordPress' ); // remove original WP rules so SuperCache rules go on top if ( insert_with_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache', explode( "\n", $rules ) ) && insert_with_markers( $home_path . '.htaccess', 'WordPress', $wprules ) ) { $new_page = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) ); $restore_backup = false; if ( is_wp_error( $new_page ) ) { $restore_backup = true; $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "Error testing page with new .htaccess rules: " . $new_page->get_error_message() . "."; wp_cache_debug( 'update_mod_rewrite_rules: failed to update rules. error fetching second page: ' . $new_page->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( $new_page[ 'body' ] != $original_page[ 'body' ] ) { $restore_backup = true; $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "Page test failed as pages did not match with new .htaccess rules."; wp_cache_debug( 'update_mod_rewrite_rules: failed to update rules. page test failed as pages did not match. Files dumped in ' . $cache_path . ' for inspection.' ); wp_cache_debug( 'update_mod_rewrite_rules: original page: 1-' . md5( $original_page[ 'body' ] ) . '.txt' ); wp_cache_debug( 'update_mod_rewrite_rules: new page: 1-' . md5( $new_page[ 'body' ] ) . '.txt' ); file_put_contents( $cache_path . '1-' . md5( $original_page[ 'body' ] ) . '.txt', $original_page[ 'body' ] ); file_put_contents( $cache_path . '2-' . md5( $new_page[ 'body' ] ) . '.txt', $new_page[ 'body' ] ); } if ( $restore_backup ) { global $wp_cache_debug; file_put_contents( $home_path . '.htaccess', $backup_file_contents ); unlink( $backup_filename ); if ( $wp_cache_debug ) { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error .= "
    See debug log for further details"; } else { $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error .= "
    Enable debug log on Debugging page for further details and try again"; } return false; } } else { file_put_contents( $home_path . '.htaccess', $backup_file_contents ); unlink( $backup_filename ); $update_mod_rewrite_rules_error = "problem inserting rules in .htaccess and original .htaccess restored"; return false; } return true; } // Delete feeds when the site is updated so that feed files are always fresh function wpsc_feed_update( $type, $permalink ) { $wpsc_feed_list = get_option( 'wpsc_feed_list' ); update_option( 'wpsc_feed_list', array() ); if ( is_array( $wpsc_feed_list ) && ! empty( $wpsc_feed_list ) ) { foreach( $wpsc_feed_list as $file ) { wp_cache_debug( "wpsc_feed_update: deleting feed: $file" ); prune_super_cache( $file, true ); prune_super_cache( dirname( $file ) . '/meta-' . basename( $file ), true ); } } } add_action( 'gc_cache', 'wpsc_feed_update', 10, 2 ); function wpsc_get_plugin_list() { $list = do_cacheaction( 'wpsc_filter_list' ); foreach( $list as $t => $details ) { $key = "cache_" . $details[ 'key' ]; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ $key ] ) && $GLOBALS[ $key ] == 1 ) { $list[ $t ][ 'enabled' ] = true; } else { $list[ $t ][ 'enabled' ] = false; } $list[ $t ][ 'desc' ] = strip_tags( $list[ $t ][ 'desc' ] ); $list[ $t ][ 'title' ] = strip_tags( $list[ $t ][ 'title' ] ); } return $list; } function wpsc_update_plugin_list( $update ) { $list = do_cacheaction( 'wpsc_filter_list' ); foreach( $update as $key => $enabled ) { $plugin_toggle = "cache_{$key}"; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ $plugin_toggle ] ) || isset( $list[ $key ] ) ) { wp_cache_setting( $plugin_toggle, (int)$enabled ); } } } function wpsc_add_plugin( $file ) { global $wpsc_plugins; if ( substr( $file, 0, strlen( ABSPATH ) ) == ABSPATH ) { $file = substr( $file, strlen( ABSPATH ) ); // remove ABSPATH } if ( ! isset( $wpsc_plugins ) || ! is_array( $wpsc_plugins ) || ! in_array( $file, $wpsc_plugins ) ) { $wpsc_plugins[] = $file; wp_cache_setting( 'wpsc_plugins', $wpsc_plugins ); } return $file; } add_action( 'wpsc_add_plugin', 'wpsc_add_plugin' ); function wpsc_delete_plugin( $file ) { global $wpsc_plugins; if ( substr( $file, 0, strlen( ABSPATH ) ) == ABSPATH ) { $file = substr( $file, strlen( ABSPATH ) ); // remove ABSPATH } if ( isset( $wpsc_plugins ) && is_array( $wpsc_plugins ) && in_array( $file, $wpsc_plugins ) ) { unset( $wpsc_plugins[ array_search( $file, $wpsc_plugins ) ] ); wp_cache_setting( 'wpsc_plugins', $wpsc_plugins ); } return $file; } add_action( 'wpsc_delete_plugin', 'wpsc_delete_plugin' ); function wpsc_get_plugins() { global $wpsc_plugins; return $wpsc_plugins; } function wpsc_add_cookie( $name ) { global $wpsc_cookies; if ( ! isset( $wpsc_cookies ) || ! is_array( $wpsc_cookies ) || ! in_array( $name, $wpsc_cookies ) ) { $wpsc_cookies[] = $name; wp_cache_setting( 'wpsc_cookies', $wpsc_cookies ); } return $name; } add_action( 'wpsc_add_cookie', 'wpsc_add_cookie' ); function wpsc_delete_cookie( $name ) { global $wpsc_cookies; if ( isset( $wpsc_cookies ) && is_array( $wpsc_cookies ) && in_array( $name, $wpsc_cookies ) ) { unset( $wpsc_cookies[ array_search( $name, $wpsc_cookies ) ] ); wp_cache_setting( 'wpsc_cookies', $wpsc_cookies ); } return $name; } add_action( 'wpsc_delete_cookie', 'wpsc_delete_cookie' ); function wpsc_get_cookies() { global $wpsc_cookies; return $wpsc_cookies; } function wpsc_get_extra_cookies() { global $wpsc_cookies; if ( is_array( $wpsc_cookies ) && ! empty( $wpsc_cookies ) ) { return '|' . implode( '|', $wpsc_cookies ); } else { return ''; } } function wpsc_update_check() { global $wpsc_version; if ( ! isset( $wpsc_version ) || $wpsc_version != 169 ) { wp_cache_setting( 'wpsc_version', 169 ); global $wp_cache_debug_log, $cache_path; $log_file = $cache_path . str_replace('/', '', str_replace('..', '', $wp_cache_debug_log)); if ( ! file_exists( $log_file ) ) { return false; } @unlink( $log_file ); wp_cache_debug( 'wpsc_update_check: Deleted old log file on plugin update.' ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpsc_update_check' );