'use strict' var mqtt = require('./') var crypto = require('crypto') var max = 1E5 var i var start = Date.now() / 1000 var time var errors = 0 var packets = 0 var randomPacket var firstBytes = [ 16 * 1, // CONNECT 16 * 2, // CONNACK 16 * 3, // PUBLISH, QoS: 0, No Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 1, // PUBLISH, QoS: 0, Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 0, No Retain, Dup 16 * 3 + 1 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 0, Retain, Dup 16 * 3 + 2, // PUBLISH, QoS: 1, No Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 2 + 1, // PUBLISH, QoS: 1, Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 2 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 1, No Retain, Dup 16 * 3 + 2 + 1 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 1, Retain, Dup 16 * 3 + 4, // PUBLISH, QoS: 2, No Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 4 + 1, // PUBLISH, QoS: 2, Retain, No Dup 16 * 3 + 4 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 2, No Retain, Dup 16 * 3 + 4 + 1 + 8, // PUBLISH, QoS: 2, Retain, Dup 16 * 4, // PUBACK 16 * 5, // PUBREC 16 * 6, // PUBREL 16 * 7, // PUBCOMP 16 * 8, // SUBSCRIBE 16 * 9, // SUBACK 16 * 10, // UNSUBSCRIBE 16 * 11, // UNSUBACK 16 * 12, // PINGREQ 16 * 13, // PINGRESP 16 * 14, // DISCONNECT 16 * 15 // RESERVED ] function doParse () { var parser = mqtt.parser() parser.on('error', onError) parser.on('packet', onPacket) randomPacket = crypto.randomBytes(Math.floor(Math.random() * 512)) // Increase probability to have a valid first byte in order to at least // enter the parser if (Math.random() > 0.2 && randomPacket.length > 0) randomPacket.writeUInt8(firstBytes[Math.floor(Math.random() * firstBytes.length)], 0) parser.parse(randomPacket) } try { console.log('Starting benchmark') for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { doParse() } } catch (e) { console.log('Exception occurred at packet') console.log(randomPacket) console.log(e.message) console.log(e.stack) } function onError () { errors++ } function onPacket () { packets++ } var delta = Math.abs(max - packets - errors) time = Date.now() / 1000 - start console.log('Benchmark complete') console.log('==========================') console.log('Sent packets:', max) console.log('Total time:', Math.round(time * 100) / 100, 'seconds', '\r\n') console.log('Valid packets:', packets) console.log('Erroneous packets:', errors) if ((max - packets - errors) < 0) console.log('Excess packets:', delta, '\r\n') else console.log('Missing packets:', delta, '\r\n') console.log('Total packets:', packets + errors) console.log('Total errors:', errors + delta) console.log('Error rate:', ((errors + delta) / max * 100).toFixed(2) + '%') console.log('==========================')