# pug-lexer The pug lexer. This module is responsible for taking a string and converting it into an array of tokens. [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/pugjs/pug-lexer/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pugjs/pug-lexer) [![Dependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/pugjs/pug/status.svg?path=packages/pug-lexer)](https://david-dm.org/pugjs/pug?path=packages/pug-lexer) [![DevDependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/pugjs/pug/dev-status.svg?path=packages/pug-lexer)](https://david-dm.org/pugjs/pug?path=packages/pug-lexer&type=dev) [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/pug-lexer.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/pug-lexer) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/pugjs/pug-lexer.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/pugjs/pug-lexer) ## Installation npm install pug-lexer ## Usage ```js var lex = require('pug-lexer'); ``` ### `lex(str, options)` Convert Pug string to an array of tokens. `options` can contain the following properties: - `filename` (string): The name of the Pug file; it is used in error handling if provided. - `plugins` (array): An array of plugins, in the order they should be applied. ```js console.log(JSON.stringify(lex('div(data-foo="bar")', {filename: 'my-file.pug'}), null, ' ')) ``` ```json [ { "type": "tag", "line": 1, "val": "div", "selfClosing": false }, { "type": "attrs", "line": 1, "attrs": [ { "name": "data-foo", "val": "\"bar\"", "escaped": true } ] }, { "type": "eos", "line": 1 } ] ``` ### `new lex.Lexer(str, options)` Constructor for a Lexer class. This is not meant to be used directly unless you know what you are doing. `options` may contain the following properties: - `filename` (string): The name of the Pug file; it is used in error handling if provided. - `interpolated` (boolean): if the Lexer is created as a child lexer for inline tag interpolation (e.g. `#[p Hello]`). Defaults to `false`. - `startingLine` (integer): the real line number of the first line in the input. It is also used for inline tag interpolation. Defaults to `1`. - `plugins` (array): An array of plugins, in the order they should be applied. ## License MIT