var test = require('tape') var websocket = require('./') var echo = require("./echo-server") var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server var http = require('http') var concat = require('concat-stream') var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer var ts = require('typescript') test('echo server', function(t) { echo.start(function() { var client = websocket(echo.url) client.on('error', console.error) client.on('data', function(data) { t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'is a buffer') t.equal(data.toString(), 'hello world') client.end() echo.stop(function() { t.end() }) }) client.write('hello world') }) }) test('emitting not connected errors', function(t) { echo.start(function() { var client = websocket(echo.url) client.on('error', function() { echo.stop(function() { t.true(true, 'should emit error') t.end() }) }) client.once('data', function(data) { client.end() client.write('abcde') }) client.write('hello world') }) }) test('passes options to websocket constructor', function(t) { t.plan(3) opts = { verifyClient: function verifyClient(info) { t.equal(info.req.headers['x-custom-header'], 'Custom Value') return true } } echo.start(opts, function() { var options = {headers: {'x-custom-header': 'Custom Value'}} var client = websocket(echo.url, options) client.on('error', console.error) client.on('data', function(data) { t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'is a buffer') t.equal(data.toString(), 'hello world') client.end() echo.stop(function() {}) }) client.write('hello world') }) }) test('destroy', function(t) { t.plan(1) echo.start(function() { var client = websocket(echo.url, echo.options) client.on('close', function() { echo.stop(function() { t.pass('destroyed') }) }) setTimeout(function() { client.destroy() }, 200) }) }) test('drain', function(t) { t.plan(1) echo.start(function() { var client = websocket(echo.url, echo.options) client.on('drain', function() { client.destroy() echo.stop(function() { t.pass('drained') }) }) // write until buffer is full while (client.write('foobar')) {} }) }) test('emit sending errors if the socket is closed by the other party', function(t) { var server = http.createServer() var wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server }) server.listen(8344, function() { var client = websocket('ws://localhost:8344') wss.on('connection', function(ws) { var stream = websocket(ws) client.destroy() setTimeout(function() { stream.write('hello world') }, 50) stream.on('error', function(err) { t.ok(err, 'client errors') server.close(t.end.bind(t)) }) }) }) }) test('destroy client pipe should close server pipe', function(t) { t.plan(1) var clientDestroy = function() { var client = websocket(echo.url, echo.options) client.on('data', function(o) { client.destroy() }) client.write(Buffer.from('hello')) } var opts = {} var server = http.createServer() opts.server = server var wss = new WebSocketServer(opts) wss.on('connection', function(ws) { var stream = websocket(ws) stream.on('close', function() { server.close(function() { t.pass('close is called') }) }) stream.pipe(stream) }) server.listen(echo.port, clientDestroy) }) test('error on socket should forward it to pipe', function(t) { t.plan(1) var clientConnect = function() { websocket(echo.url, echo.options) } var opts = {} var server = http.createServer() opts.server = server var wss = new WebSocketServer(opts) wss.on('connection', function(ws) { var stream = websocket(ws) stream.on('error', function() { server.close(function() { t.pass('error is called') }) }) stream.socket.emit('error', new Error('Fake error')) }) server.listen(echo.port, clientConnect) }) test('stream end', function(t) { t.plan(1) var server = http.createServer() websocket.createServer({ server: server }, handle) function handle (stream) { stream.pipe(concat(function (body) { t.equal(body.toString(), 'pizza cats\n') server.close() })) } server.listen(0, function () { var w = websocket('ws://localhost:' + server.address().port) w.end('pizza cats\n') }) }) test('stream handlers should fire once per connection', function(t) { t.plan(2) var server = http.createServer() var wss = websocket.createServer({ server: server }, function() { server.close(function() { t.equal(m, 1) }) }) var m = 0 wss.on('stream', function(stream, request) { t.ok(request instanceof http.IncomingMessage) m++ }) server.listen(0, function() { var w = websocket('ws://localhost:' + server.address().port) w.end('pizza cats\n') }) }) test('client with writev', function(t) { var server = http.createServer() var str = '' var wss = websocket.createServer({ server: server }, function (stream) { stream.once('data', function(data) { t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'is a buffer') t.equal(data.toString(), 'hello world') stream.once('data', function(data) { t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'is a buffer') t.equal(data.toString(), str) stream.end() server.close() t.end() }) }) }) server.listen(8352, function () { var client = websocket('ws://localhost:8352', { objectMode: false }) client.on('error', console.error) client.once('connect', function () { client.cork() do { str += 'foobar' } while (client.write('foobar')) client.uncork() }) client.write('hello world') }) }) test('server with writev', function(t) { var server = http.createServer() var str = '' var wss = websocket.createServer({ server: server, objectMode: false }, function (stream) { stream.cork() do { str += 'foobar' } while (stream.write('foobar')) stream.uncork() }) server.listen(8352, function () { var client = websocket('ws://localhost:8352') client.on('error', console.error) client.once('data', function(data) { t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'is a buffer') t.equal(data.toString(), str) client.end() server.close() t.end() }) }) }) test('stop echo', function(t) { echo.stop(function() { t.end() }) }) test('typescript compilation', function(t) { function compile(fileNames, options) { const program = ts.createProgram(fileNames, options) const emitResult = program.emit() const allDiagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program).concat(emitResult.diagnostics) return => { if (diagnostic.file) { let { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start) let message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n") return `${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}` } else { return `${ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n")}` } }); } const messages = compile(['./ts-tests.ts'], { noEmit: true, noImplicitAny: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS }) t.equal(messages.length, 0, 'no errors emitted') t.end() })